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I wish they would search every day or call in Texas Equisearch at this point, so that SI can be ruled out once and for all, or Kyron could be found...this seems like a job for them now that LE is concentrating on a specific area. I hate to think they (LE) can only do a bit every 5-7 days...:(

Even though TES has been affiliated with cases where missing persons have been located alive, the group is most often associated with finding remains. While I understand the reluctance of parents to bring TES into the case, Kyron has been missing long enough to consider the possibility that he is no longer with us. If the worst has happened, this family needs closure, and it would behoove them to let Tim Miller's team aid them in this regard. jmo
this must be awfully hard for Kaine and Desiree to hear. :(
Multnomah County plans another search next weekend of Sauvie Island for Kyron Horman

Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office hopes to carry out another search of areas of Sauvie Island next weekend.

“It depends on the weather and who we can get,” said Lt. Mary Lindstrand, spokeswoman for the sheriff’s office. “Most of the resources on the weekend are volunteers.”

The effort focused on certain areas, including the central part of the island, west of Northwest Reeder Road. No divers were used and buildings were not searched, Lindstrand said. Mainly, crews covered grasslands and areas thick with vegetation, such as blackberry bushes.

Lindstrand said the dog teams found coyote and deer bones but no sign of the boy, whose eighth birthday was Sept. 9.

“They didn’t find Kyron,” she said.

To date, they have discouraged anyone from volunteering to search, using only official SAR teams as far as I have seen.
But, you could always check on the Mountain Wave or Pacific Northwest SAR teams websites.

Thank you both for letting me know. IOW I could be of some help to this family (as do all of you WS'rs out there). I guess the best we can do is do what we do best, sleuth the clues, look for truth, brainstorm, inspire, and use our talents in the most constructive ways we can.

Comparing and contrasting this case w/the Anthony case - Florida's disclosure laws offers frequent and numerous information to be released to the public. This one feels much more difficult because of how tight lipped the whole investigation has been.
I am torn between wanting them to call in TES and clinging to hope that he is still alive - however, the knowledge of finding his remains would at least allow the family some kind of closure. Of course, someone coming forward with Kyron alive and well would be even better!<br><br>One possibility was related the season.

Last June, water levels were high. Many areas of Sauvie Island were muddy, marshy, flooded and
inaccessible. The goundwater levels in early October are much lower, allowing fuller access to previously-unsearched sections.
Well, he's not exactly going to be alive out there at Sauvie.
Clearly they are looking for remains (bones). I have no issue with the story/tagline.

Is the search over or will it continue tomorrow as well?
Hi Matou....

Yes, I have to assume that if they are looking in fields and brush on SI 4 months later, they would not be looking for a live Kyron.
I hate to upset anyone who does not want to think he is gone, but I have felt he has been gone since day one.
I do hope, hope, hope....that something is found.
Just my very sad opinion....

I have felt the same and it is very sad.
A searcher at Sauvie Island let it slip while speaking to his dog.

"On this balmy Sunday, searchers were instructed not to talk to the media or discuss their tactics. However, we did overhear one searcher with a dog &#8211; one of five dogs sniffing over Sauvie Island Sunday &#8211; say "Bones, we're looking for bones."

This seems to indicate that the searchers are looking for a dead Kyron. :(

This is no way directed at you Matou, but IMHO they didn't have to run that story with that title or that overheard so-called "quote". The story would have sold as many papers and brought as much attention to the search for Kyron. Now if the had an actual interview with an identified searcher, then I might not have an issue with it.

The way it is written frosts my buns (not in a good way).

IMHO any search on SI at this point in time is going to be a recovery effort. Just how I'm thinking at this point in time.

I try to keep abreast of the news for Kyron but I do miss things from time to time, did Kaine or Desiree turn down or state they don't want to request TES to search?

I understand the emotion behind expressing wanting a sense of closure for the Parents of missing children. I want an end to this pain for Kyron's parents so bad! So often I've read articles or heard interviews where most parents state---there is no closure---there will never be closure. It's a double edged sword. As long as their child is missing they are in profoud pain, and will go back and forth with themselves that their child could be "alive out there". Just recently Jacob Wetterling's Mother stated that at times she feels her son could still be alive in her heart because he's never been found, even though in her mind she knows that's an illogical thought. But once the child is located and identified and brought home, the grief can last a lifetime. JMHO.
Multnomah County plans another search next weekend of Sauvie Island for Kyron Horman

Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office hopes to carry out another search of areas of Sauvie Island next weekend.

“It depends on the weather and who we can get,” said Lt. Mary Lindstrand, spokeswoman for the sheriff’s office. “Most of the resources on the weekend are volunteers.”

The effort focused on certain areas, including the central part of the island, west of Northwest Reeder Road. No divers were used and buildings were not searched, Lindstrand said. Mainly, crews covered grasslands and areas thick with vegetation, such as blackberry bushes.

Lindstrand said the dog teams found coyote and deer bones but no sign of the boy, whose eighth birthday was Sept. 9.

“They didn’t find Kyron,” she said.

Apparently they are pretty sure he is there somewhere, why don't they just come out and say it?? That they think he is deceased....... or are pretty sure he is, god bless Kyrons Mommy and Daddy and give them strength, please please bring Kyron home soon, This has to be torture for them
I don't think we know how Kaine or Desiree feels about Texas Equisearch. I would imagine they are aware of them by now, but maybe not.

I do think it is the way to go at this point; LE cannot devote every day to searching until they can either find him or cross this location off once and for all. I think most people would feel comfortable he was not there if Tim Miller's group did their thing and did not find him.
So hard to believe they printed this statement.....that broke my heart. Even if the parents know this deep down it does nothing but pierce their hearts to hear it worded this way. Such a shame.:twocents:

I also told myself that maybe they were actually hunting evidence that could have been tossed out driving by...I guess that is how I deal with it by hoping it is something like that.
It is heartbreaking. And once they are found, it is going to break their hearts. Even thought they probably know deep down that Kyron has been murdered, it will be quite a blow when all hope of finding him alive is finally put to rest. How do Kaine and Desiree function from day to day? How?
Please excuse me if this location that LE is concentrating on has already been posted. There is a map on the link underlined. Why would they be concentrating on that area????

The searchers came from multiple agencies and nonprofit groups from Clark County to Marion and Yamhill counties.

The effort focused on certain areas, including the central part of the island, west of Northwest Reeder Road. No divers were used and buildings were not searched, Lindstrand said. Mainly, crews covered grasslands and areas thick with vegetation, such as blackberry bushes.
Maybe I am alone in this, but it seems unlikely that Kyron is going to be found with traditional search methods. TH might not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but I do believe that if she is responsible it was pretty well-planned.

Given that her relationship with KH might have been strained for months or even longer, and there wasn't that much communication between the two, she might have had good chunks of every day where she needn't be accounted for. That allows for plenty of pre-meditation time.

If he is found on that island I doubt it's going to be above soil (terrible thought), but it seems like these searches are specifically designed for that situation. Aren't there other methods? I am completely ignorant when it comes to these things, so it would be great to get a more in-depth look at search and rescue.
A searcher at Sauvie Island let it slip while speaking to his dog.

"On this balmy Sunday, searchers were instructed not to talk to the media or discuss their tactics. However, we did overhear one searcher with a dog – one of five dogs sniffing over Sauvie Island Sunday – say "Bones, we're looking for bones."

This seems to indicate that the searchers are looking for a dead Kyron. :(

Or for inanimate evidence, such as clothing, shoes or glasses that may have been associated with Kyron.

Keep in mind that even the best trained dogs only understand around 400 words; that means that handlers try to simplify their use of language in training cues.

That remark was not intended to carry any further than the dog's ears.

Too bad the reporter didn't learn more about SAR dogs before reporting in such a lurid fashion.
I don't like it either, and it worries me that there were only five K-9 searchers, which makes it pretty easy for LE to deduce who said it. We need ALL those K-9 people (and more, IMHO), and I don't want anyone kicked off the search parties for letting information out. Bad journalism.

If LE intends to bar any SAR dog whose handler has trained some variation of "find the bones" as a cue, then they are going to be barring somewhere between 25% to 75% of SAR dogs.

It is a very, very common cue.

Somehow, I just don't think LE is going to do that. If they want to take action, they should be sure to move the public access line far enough away from the search area that handler commands with dogs are inaudible.

All this is one reason why SAR groups strongly prefer family members not be present during searches.
It's kind of sad to think there will be another 5-6 days passing before the searchers resume, even if we understand the reasons...sad to think that more days and nights will pass with Kyron being whereever he has been for 4 months and his parents not knowing...

I know it is not feasible for them to search every day but if they truly had a good lead, I think they would be out there again today...

This is why I tend to think they are not operating on a new lead, just trying to be thorough.

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