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Could Terri carry an 8-year-old child? If so, probably not far right?
Also if pings work if you aren't using your cell phone, then they have pings for all locations Terri was at? For instance, for sure at school, and if so, can they get a ping location to the minute? Like confirming Terri left the school area at 8:45 rather than 9:00, etc? And then she pinged somewhere else, and break it down by minutes?

ANDDDDDDDDD you can ping past tense? It doesn't have to be at that moment? Thanks.


Remember, she was a former bodybuilder. Little Kyron wouldn't have weighed very much, and while she was out of shape at the time, I'll bet she could manage him easily.
Also if pings work if you aren't using your cell phone, then they have pings for all locations Terri was at? For instance, for sure at school, and if so, can they get a ping location to the minute? Like confirming Terri left the school area at 8:45 rather than 9:00, etc? And then she pinged somewhere else, and break it down by minutes?

ANDDDDDDDDD you can ping past tense? It doesn't have to be at that moment? Thanks.

If a cell phone is turned on it pings, which means it's in contact with at least one tower. If you have reception and can make or receive a call then it is in contact with a tower. So if Terri was driving around that day and her cell phone was on then there are records of what tower her cell phone was in contact with, that would be the ping data. If the phone pings off more than one tower then the location of the cell phone can be determined by looking at the data from that day. Pinging off at least three towers is the best scenario to determine the location of the phone but two towers can be pretty accurate depending on what kind of antennas the towers have. Newer phones also have GPS features that can give away your location. It all comes down to what size of an area the ping data points to.

A phone can't ping in the past tense because you have to be in a certain location to be in contact with a nearby tower or tower, and it has to be on the day in question. What LE can do is look at the record of pings from a person's phone during a certain time, like the morning Kyron went missing, and possibly analyze later it in different ways (maybe by using groups of different sets of tower pings) and try to further pin down where the person was during the time in question.
Originally Posted by scandi

"I think she had an accomplice, had made a plan with him/her to hid Kyron, and something went bawaccky, he hadn't met her at Freddies and she panicked. "

I think this is a distinct possibility about meeting up at Fred Meyer with an accomplice...maybe the reason that she went to two different Fred Meyers is that she didn't think that she was at the correct one? Maybe they were supposed to meet up out on the edge of the parking lot and the accomplice took longer than expected and they missed each other. Didn't someone very close to her work at Fred Meyers when they met? Maybe the accomplice was offered say...monetary exchange for
helping her? Let's say... a certain last name was changed as a gesture of good faith?

I'm probably way out of my realm with these thoughts, but as they say..anythings possible.
I don't know much about search and rescue. Would it be unusual to be able to pull together an effort involving 100+ people with a couple hours' notice? Or would that typically be something that was in the works for days if not weeks?

Yes and no.

Yes, in that in an emergency, it's pretty common to be able to put 100 or more pairs of boots on the ground within 12 hours.

It is better, though, for everyone involved to have some notice of a planned search so that paid searchers can have their hours coordinated with the search and volunteers can make whatever personal arrangements are necessary. If it involves dogs, then advance notice lets the handlers plan for having their dogs fully rested.

In Kyron's case, I'd assume that it was a planned search and so it was probably planned several days in advance.
That was on Cornelius Pass Rd, I looked over to that area today while I was going over the hill to Sauvie's and saw no obvious search activity at all other than on Sauvie's..

And having the SAR Base at the Sauvie Island School tells me they don't need to worry about radio transmissions getting up over the hill to the location of Skyline School.. if that makes sense..
All just my assumptions..

freefallzzzz, are Sauvie Island School and Skyline School in separate school districts? TIA

And thanks for the photos and reports!
I can't help thinking with her very short time frame that she didn't go far off any main road. She didn't want to ditch her car (remember it was very muddy) and I feel like she wrapped him in something, taped it and shoved him in a bush near water - like on the edge or actually shoved him in a blackberry bush deep - my gosh those are impossible to search unless you cut them down, which they should do. The more I think about it she could have even lobbed him into the middle of the bush (blackberry bush) - he'd stick in the center and not be seen from the air and impossible to reach on ground. Of course I hope I'm wrong, but I think she found a dark small spot and remember he was tiny, so shoved him in there and ran.

I wonder if her clothing she wore that day was taken and examined? I would presume so but perhaps not since TH has never been a "POI" officially. Although they did check out the truck. Anyways, if your scenario is correct you would think they'd find some thorns in her clothing (and possibly scratches were visible on her skin the first day or two after Kyron went missing). I wonder what type of organic material/evidence they found in that truck. As we all know LE doesn't give out much info on what they find. THere could always be that "unimportant until its important clue" that puts things together. (Say if they found a body in the raspberry bushes and then compare small snippets of broken raspberry bush leaves that were found in the truck for example) Also Im curious if they found any kind of berry staining on her shoes, in the truck etc. You cant get a mile near those things without getting stained with smashed berry juice in my own experience with them... Anyhow, We may never know, but I sure hope this new search pans out something. I have always felt that they will get their answer this fall when the foliage dies off.

"Recently-developed information led investigators to conclude there were areas of Sauvie Island that needed to be examined--and in some cases, reexamined--in greater detail.

Lindstrand did not say exactly what evidence the crews were looking for. But she said they were not following up on any one new tip." "We're being thorough, is what we're doing," she said.

I find that rather alarming.
Terri does not have that much unverifiable time that morning -- if you assume she's guilty and factor in driving to and from wherever, doing whatever when she got there, disposing of Kyron, and possibly cleaning up, she doesn't have much time in which to do this. Baby K was probably with her, and so I doubt she'd park, leave the baby in the car, and traipse miles through brambles and woods. If Terri is guilty, she didn't swashbuckle through a forest to get to the place where she disposed of Kyron's body; the location has to be fairly easily accessible, IMHO. If she did this, he's not going to be very far away or even very well hidden, IMHO. For some reason, I've always thought that if she did it, he's in the water, but if she didn't, it's possible he's buried somewhere (re: the killer had more time to think about a plan).
IIRC, Kaine worked from home on June 4. Someone please correct me if I am wrong .....
IIRC, Kaine worked from home on June 4. Someone please correct me if I am wrong .....

He went to work in the morning, then came home early (1:45?), after Terri had returned from her day's activities.
freefallzzzz, are Sauvie Island School and Skyline School in separate school districts? TIA

And thanks for the photos and reports!

Yes, Sauvie Island School is in the Scappoose school district and Skyline is in the Portland school district.
I am totally on the fence here again. Day one, before all the stuff came out, my reaction was someone saw an opportunity to take a child on a busy day at school. We did a thread on how it could be done. Then we get the info about Sauvie Island and TH and all the media stuff, and then comes DD. So many things that confuse me. I keep in mind, just because YOUR phone is pinging somewhere, it doesn't mean YOU have that phone. I look at DD and she could pass for TH. So what if: TH passed her phone off to somebody else to fool LE into thinking she is somewhere she's not. But then why lie about where you were the phone pings are going to get you caught? So maybe that was an accident on her part. IDK but DY is so sure that he is alive and was passed off to somebody and LE keep looking in places that don't add up to a live child. So this confuses me. The logical place to search is where HER phone was pinging, so did they ever check out or verify that she was not there? If so, who had the phone?

I want to think Kyron is alive and not dead on that Island. But if TH sold him or gave him to somebody, that didn't happen in a void. There would be planning and money and some sort of trail that would lead up to that day.
Everyone Stop with the rumors about the mustang. That is a rumor never been substantiated.

This thread is getting Off topic.. please discuss the search. Post lands at random.
Are there more searches planned when the leaves fall?
Did hunting season start?
Recap of yesterday's search:

"They’ve probably gotten a reliable tip or tips is the way I look at it, because they wouldn’t concentrate on this specific area," said a man who lives nearby

Searchers went on horseback, foot and four-wheelers to comb the terrain. Many of the searchers were volunteers and came from across Oregon and Washington to help.

People who live in the area said they were not surprised to see crews back out searching.

"I feel as if he's here somewhere. He's here somewhere. I don't know where, but he's here somewhere," said a woman named Barbara who lives on Sauvie Island.
Something has brought them back to SI for search IMO. I haven't a clue what but to go back to SI after they ended their extensive searches there makes me really wonder why.

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