All Things Dick Cheney

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Sherlockmom said:
I can't believe what this has turned into. I guess the only term that I can come close to describing this is Bush/Cheney Irrational Hatred Disorder.

My sister was right. This thread IS very funny. But not because of Dick Cheney.

Pssstt....just heard this. Bush really shot this guy and Cheney is just taking the fall for it. And it's all connected to Halliburton. That is why there was a delay in Cheney reporting it. They had to switch outfits.

And they weren't really hunting. There were no birds there. They were really drilling for oil. Why do you think they were "hunting" in Texas? Bush lied, someone almost died.

I predict that after a special prosecutor is appointed to investigate this, Cheney will resign. Word is that if Cheney's friend dies, Jesse Jackson will be asked to speak at the funeral about how Cheney only shoots at black Quail. Jimmy Carter will speak about how he almost shot a rabbit once. Bill Clinton will speak to the fact that Cheney really dropped the ball on the coverup and he should have at least been able to lie about it for about 6 months.

Maybe Cheney will address the nation yet, squeeze out a fake tear and tell us that he feels his friend's pain. Oh this IS fun!!!


LOL, you're good ;)
calus_3 said:
Oh well perfect, now John Kerry is in the press. With almost giddy delight, John Kerry is deriding Cheney: Munster.JPG



You may need to slap me for this thought, but...

I'm almost to the point of wanting to see the Dem's in the WH in '08...just so the Rep's can go giddy over EVERY LITTLE THING the Dem's do, and criticize their heart's content. Ya know, shoe ----> other foot.

IMO, this is all just getting so ridiculous. The hatred on both sides, the finger pointing. OMG. Each side is guilty. I feel sorry, truly, for whomever wants to be in the WH. Nothing is off limits anymore. :snooty:
Maral said:
Hi Sherlockmom. After reading your post about this turning into "Bush/Cheney Irrational Hatred Disorder", I went back and re-read the entire thread. I honestly don't see where you are coming from. Maybe it is not in the best of taste to make jokes when someone has been seriously injured, but even G W Bush made a joke about the incident yesterday.

The only other thing I see people commenting on is why it took so long for this news to be released. I don't see how expecting an accurate and timely accounting of an incident involving the VP of the United States equates to hatred.

there you go....exaaaaactly..

i think it's brought some of us here closer, in some weird kind of way...pokin a few jokes...(oh no, i'm gettin all fuzzy warm, & i haven't started drinking yet)

i like to have some humor with everything, in general...if there's a thread i don't find funny, i try to stay away from it...(tom cruise/katie holmes/scientology thread, for example, lol)
Buzzm1 said:
Breaking the law constitutes a Class C violation of Texas Parks and Wildlife Code, meaning Cheney could:

* be fined $25-$500
* face automatic suspension or revocation of licenses for up to 5 years;
* forfeit hunting gear, including firearms, used to commit a violation.

But Cheney is getting off easy. Ms. Saldaña informs ThinkProgress that Cheney was issued a warning citation, which carries no fine or penalty.

Do they have set guidelines of what is standard procedures - warning vs actual citation? Any idea how many other people have received warnings vs a fine or penalty? To me, that's important information in order to put this into perspective.
christine2448 said:
I can't take it anymore...:D :D :D My face hurts from smiling so much today reading these posts! This whole thing is just ridiculous, but hilariously funny! Sherlock, loved your earlier post too, you were right on!

lol, same here....bout lost it when i saw the Jack Elam pic :p
Sherlockmom said:
I can't believe what this has turned into. I guess the only term that I can come close to describing this is Bush/Cheney Irrational Hatred Disorder.

My sister was right. This thread IS very funny. But not because of Dick Cheney.

Pssstt....just heard this. Bush really shot this guy and Cheney is just taking the fall for it. And it's all connected to Halliburton. That is why there was a delay in Cheney reporting it. They had to switch outfits.

And they weren't really hunting. There were no birds there. They were really drilling for oil. Why do you think they were "hunting" in Texas? Bush lied, someone almost died.

I predict that after a special prosecutor is appointed to investigate this, Cheney will resign. Word is that if Cheney's friend dies, Jesse Jackson will be asked to speak at the funeral about how Cheney only shoots at black Quail. Jimmy Carter will speak about how he almost shot a rabbit once. Bill Clinton will speak to the fact that Cheney really dropped the ball on the coverup and he should have at least been able to lie about it for about 6 months.

Maybe Cheney will address the nation yet, squeeze out a fake tear and tell us that he feels his friend's pain. Oh this IS fun!!!

LOL.... You are good! Don't forget, Bill Clinton will add "Let's not forget that there IS a man in that there casket". :slap:
I still think the jokes in this thread were funny - on both sides of the aisle. :laugh:
mic730 said:
I still think the jokes in this thread were funny - on both sides of the aisle. :laugh:

Oh, I agree, I wish I had the wit as so many people do.... :laugh:
Do they have set guidelines of what is standard procedures - warning vs actual citation? Any idea how many other people have received warnings vs a fine or penalty? To me, that's important information in order to put this into perspective.
I'm curious about that myself. Being that this all happened in Texas, we may have a hard time getting others, who were actually fined, to speak up. Let's see what happens.
Pellets Likely to Stay in Man Cheney Shot

WASHINGTON - Despite the heart problem of the man wounded by Vice President Dick Cheney, doctors say removing the shotgun pellet from his chest probably won't be necessary — and digging it out could do more harm than good. It's not unusual to live with shrapnel or other foreign objects in the body, even the heart, and specialists said it's likely the pellet will scar over rapidly without causing further problems for Texas lawyer Harry Whittington.

Hospital officials in Corpus Christi announced Tuesday that Whittington had suffered a "minor heart attack" and was returned to the intensive care unit. It wasn't a traditional heart attack — no artery was blocked. In fact, the 78-year-old Whittington's doctors called his arteries healthy, and he felt no pain or other symptoms. What apparently happened: Doctors noticed an irregular heartbeat Tuesday morning and took Whittington in for an exam called a cardiac catheterization, threading a wire up from the groin to see an image of exactly what was going on inside his heart.
That poor guy going thru all this misery.

Even though his heart has no disease and his circ system is good, it is trauma to a 78 year old man. I bet Cheney is praying hourly he gets well! And I think the timing of Bush telling a joke about the incident is really poor, showing no taste!

What a deal.

scandi said:
That poor guy going thru all this misery.

Even though his heart has no disease and his circ system is good, it is trauma to a 78 year old man. I bet Cheney is praying hourly he gets well! And I think the timing of Bush telling a joke about the incident is really poor, showing no taste!

What a deal.

A man 78, no matter how healthy he was prior, is not going to recover as quickly from such trauma. His tissues are softer, the skin is thinner and he is more likely to be penetrated by the pellets than a younger man and the pellets are more likely to move around inside the body cavity.

It never has been a joking matter as far as I am concerned. Nor a press matter.

I am VERY disappointed in the President and his staff, the press and talk show hosts and the forums where so many hateful and vulgar comments have been made.
KrazyKollector said:
A man 78, no matter how healthy he was prior, is not going to recover as quickly from such trauma. His tissues are softer, the skin is thinner and he is more likely to be penetrated by the pellets than a younger man and the pellets are more likely to move around inside the body cavity.

It never has been a joking matter as far as I am concerned. Nor a press matter.

I am VERY disappointed in the President and his staff, the press and talk show hosts and the forums where so many hateful and vulgar comments have been made.
The joking started because we were all told from the start this was not a serious situation. Happens all the time, guys is joking in the hospital, doing well etc.
Laughter diffuses the anger. It has actually made me feel better to read these jokes. It doesn't feel like any of it is personal towards the poor man. The situation has made people edgy and the jokes are helping take the edge off. I swear I almost feel like a circle without all those edges. Like abig round bullseye. Lol.
scandi said:
That poor guy going thru all this misery.

Even though his heart has no disease and his circ system is good, it is trauma to a 78 year old man. I bet Cheney is praying hourly he gets well! And I think the timing of Bush telling a joke about the incident is really poor, showing no taste!

What a deal.

They are playing this all wrong. If this guy dies, won't it be in hind sight in very bad taste for the Pres?
Now with the posters on the board I think it is letting off some steam.
I do think Cheney didn't speak about this because he is in fear of the man dying.
I can't help but wonder who is paying his hospital and Dr. bills. He is eligible for Medicare and obviously wealthy to boot. My bet is that Medicare is picking up the tab, even though a less well connected guy would have been tossed out with a couple of generic tylenol and bandages on Sunday.
I wonder if Cheney was using steel, or lead, shot, and how much difference that makes long term, with so many of the pellets being left in his body???

Choke % shot in 30 in. circle at 40 yard range*
cylinder (no choke) 25-35
improved cylinder 35-45
modified choke 45-55
full choke 65-75

Approximate* spread of shot (in inches) at various ranges (in yards)
--------5 yards 10 yards 15 yards 20 yards 30 yards
Cylinder 8 20 26 30 40

Average weight of pellets (c)
No. Diameter (in.) Grains (a) Milligrams Approximate Number. per oz (b)
size 8 .09 1.07 69 410
Usually laughter is the best medicine, and in a non-serious situation it was fine.

Where I get upset is when the doctors say Oh, this kind of trauma happens all the time and is not unusual. And then when the President starts making jokes about it and since they need time to assess his true condition it is held back from the media.

And of course now that Mr W is going to be in the hospital for at least another week and infection from the shot inside his body could be a primary concern, it is much more serious than anyone thought. I was surprised to learn they aren't taking out this metal. I wonder how many wounds he really had? I heard someone say there were hundreds of little shot in that casing. He probably has many pieces of shot reunning thru his system!

KrazyKollector said:
Will Billy boy pull out a cigar at the right moment? Will Teddy Kennedy speak about morals and ethics and "doing the right thing"?

I hear that Hillary tried to go hunting once but the dogs kept trying to run her to ground.

You are SO right Sherlockmom! This IS fun! ;)
Perhaps you could also encourage Laura Bush to speak to the art of stop sign etiquette so as to not kill the drive who has the right-of-way. Or Congressman Janklow might give a recitation on how not to kill a motorcyclist while Reps are drunk driving. Or that 'other' Bush brother could give a class on the finer points of banking. Or the current President on how to cut down on the Social Security by starting wars so as not to have quite so many collecting SS in 40 years.

There is plenty blame to go's not all in one place. Yes, this is fun. Thanks for the laughs. :rolleyes:
Buzzm1 said:
I wonder if Cheney was using steel, or lead, shot, and how much difference that makes long term, with so many of the pellets being left in his body???
The incident report diagram showed it was heavy in his mouth area. I am thinking that would have extensive tissue damage. The chest area was really hit, but I doubt if we ever get to see his chest. Don't you wonder why, if he is doing so well as said, we never saw a photo of him? Likely not to anytime soon either.
As far as steel or lead, I wonder if the depth is more important on when it comes out.
Have you ever had a sticker come out later? It gets sore and irritated. Sometimes infected. I can only image your body trying to push out so many pellets.
>Or the current President on how to cut down on the Social Security by starting wars so as not to have quite so many collecting SS in 40 years.<

Isn't that what abortion is for?


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