Allegations Against JS PRIOR to 1998

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Even though 1998 is the "magic number" there is ample evidence just from known victims prior to 1998.

So why was 1998 selected as the start point? It would seem to me the closer you get to the beginning, the less confusion there would be.
Analogous to a flashlight shining. The further from the light, the more diffuse it is.

That's a good question, one I've thought about quite a bit. In my opinion, 98 could be the starting point because that was the year Sandusky learned he would not become the next head coach at PSU. Perhaps the disappointment caused him to snap and fall deeper into his compulsion. Or maybe he just didn't care anymore and was willing to throw caution to the wind once the prospect of becoming the next head coach was no longer there. Also, there is the possibility his blatant crimes within the football building were a passive-aggressive attempt to damage Paterno. If so, then he certainly succeeded.

But there is also the possibility that he was not to become the next head coach because of a previous incident that was concealed. Here is a note, included in the Freeh report, that Paterno wrote, presumably, around 98:

We know this isn’t easy for you and it isn’t easy for us or Penn State. Part of the reason it isn’t easy is because I allowed and at times tried to help you with your developing the 2’" Mile. If there were no 2"" Mile then I believe you belief (sp?) that you probably could be the next Penn State FB Coach. But you wanted the best of two worlds and I probably should have sat down with you 6 or 7 years ago and said "look Jerry if you want to be the Head Coach at Penn State, give up your association with the 2"‘ Mile and concentrate on nothing but your family and Penn State. Don’t worry about the 2"" Mile – you don’t have the luxury of doing both. One will always demand a decision of preference. You are too deeply involved in both.

Does it sound like Paterno knew about an allegation? Does it sound like Paterno finds Sandusky's obsession with the charity a bit creepy?

I tend to think not. I believe Paterno bought into the mythology he created about the Penn State football program, and he really believed one of his assistant coaches would rather spend time doing charity work than coaching football.

Of course, that only relates to Paterno. There are plenty of other folks in Centre County associated with Second Mile, law enforcement, CYS, etc. that could have had knowledge of his criminal behavior.
Well, there has been no suggestion that anyone in LE, DPW, or PSU knew about any incident prior to 1998. Sandusky was active before that, but unknown.

That seems a very broad statement. No one, ever?
Refers to this article

It would be safe to say someone knew something.

And nothing was reported to PSU, DPW, or LE, nor was there any suggestion of sexual abuse. Only the probation office, which was then handling the case of Matt Sandusky question Matt's placement with Sandusky, but not any impropriety on Jerry Sandusky's part.

I would add that some of what Sandusky was convicted of did predate 1998, and I strongly suspect that the monster was on the loose for a very long time.

And nothing was reported to PSU, DPW, or LE, nor was there any suggestion of sexual abuse. Only the probation office, which was then handling the case of Matt Sandusky question Matt's placement with Sandusky, but not any impropriety on Jerry Sandusky's part.

I would add that some of what Sandusky was convicted of did predate 1998, and I strongly suspect that the monster was on the loose for a very long time.

Jerry Sandusky scandal one year later: A lot has happened in a year, and there's more to come

Changes to the law likely won’t help many of the men who have recently come forward to say they were abused as far back as the 1950s, long before Sandusky was an established pillar of the Happy Valley community.

I am not surprised that Sandusky has been doing this since he was probably a kid himself. I have read that coaches saw Sandusky frequently showering with boys before 1998.

A little off topic, but related, there were police records of Jimmy Savile going back to 1964.

One of Britain's most senior policemen warns of a new wave of 'Jimmy Saviles' because the courts put too much pressure on rape victims
And nothing was reported to PSU, DPW, or LE, nor was there any suggestion of sexual abuse. Only the probation office, which was then handling the case of Matt Sandusky question Matt's placement with Sandusky, but not any impropriety on Jerry Sandusky's part.

I would add that some of what Sandusky was convicted of did predate 1998, and I strongly suspect that the monster was on the loose for a very long time.

Sandusky met victims 4, 5, 6 & 7 between 94 and 97. That's still a fairly small window in the context of Sandusky's entire life. It's almost twenty years after he started the Second Mile. I understand that a pedophile isn't created in his 50's; nevertheless, based on what we know now, Sandusky's behavior appears to have entered a new phase around the early 90's.

Paterno wrote that he should have sat Sandusky down and told him to spend less time with the Second Mile between 6 and 7 years ago, that would have been around 91 and 92. I interpret that to mean his involvement with the Second Mile began to interfere with his job performance during that time. I could be wrong, though.

Another observation: victim 1 is, I believe, the only victim Sandusky met after2002. Without an association to Penn State football, Sandusky's ability to find and groom potential victims was greatly diminished.

Youth sports organizations react to Jerry Sandusky child-sex-abuse scandal

BALTIMORE—In an effort to address child abuse in sports following the Jerry Sandusky case, the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children will team with Cal Ripken, Sr. Foundation next week for a two-day summit.
With the goal of developing practices that can be applied industry-wide, more than 50 groups, including Special Olympics, USA Swimming, US Soccer, and Big Brothers Big Sisters of America, will participate in the summit on Tuesday and Wednesday in Alexandria, Va. ...............

Joe Ehrmann, a former NFL lineman and survivor of child sexual abuse, said of the summit: "I think this could be a pivotal moment in the history of youth sports. We're all aware there has been a tremendous amount of damage done to children throughout the country in sports and other venues." ......more..........
It's almost twenty years after he started the Second Mile. I understand that a pedophile isn't created in his 50's; nevertheless, based on what we know now, Sandusky's behavior appears to have entered a new phase around the early 90's.

As I've thought about this, I wonder if as a younger man, he may have recognized that he was a pedophile, but tried to deny it, throwing himself into football and legitimate acts through the Second Mile. I have read that many pedophiles gravitate toward careers involving children, because besides the sexual attraction, I believe Sandusky legitimately felt more comfortable around kids. For years, he may have denied that there was anything wrong with him.

Along the way, in addition to building his reputation, he began pushing the boundaries. It probably didn't start with pushing for sex - he may have enjoyed the body contact of just wrestling with his "kids". As that became accepted, I can see him testing the waters with massage, or as we heard from his victims, "cracking their backs". Each step along the way emboldened him to go a little farther.

His behaviors certainly didn't start in 1998, but I would suggest that there were lots of smaller steps on the way to bear hugs in the shower; may not have been anything that caught LE or DPW's attention, but enough that some of his budding victims would feel uncomfortable with his attention.
As I've thought about this, I wonder if as a younger man, he may have recognized that he was a pedophile, but tried to deny it, throwing himself into football and legitimate acts through the Second Mile. I have read that many pedophiles gravitate toward careers involving children, because besides the sexual attraction, I believe Sandusky legitimately felt more comfortable around kids. For years, he may have denied that there was anything wrong with him.

Along the way, in addition to building his reputation, he began pushing the boundaries. It probably didn't start with pushing for sex - he may have enjoyed the body contact of just wrestling with his "kids". As that became accepted, I can see him testing the waters with massage, or as we heard from his victims, "cracking their backs". Each step along the way emboldened him to go a little farther.

His behaviors certainly didn't start in 1998, but I would suggest that there were lots of smaller steps on the way to bear hugs in the shower; may not have been anything that caught LE or DPW's attention, but enough that some of his budding victims would feel uncomfortable with his attention.

An excellent assessment. Based on what we know, I would have to agree.

Also, the only two known eye witness accounts of Sandusky's crimes occurred in the 2000's, which supports the notion that his behavior was progressively getting more flagrant and reckless over time.
An excellent assessment. Based on what we know, I would have to agree.

Also, the only two known eye witness accounts of Sandusky's crimes occurred in the 2000's, which supports the notion that his behavior was progressively getting more flagrant and reckless over time.

I hope information from the numerous civil suits is made public as there are some from pre 1998.
Since we have some information about 1998 and after. I wonder if there were cover ups before 1998.

Since police found criminal complaints for Jimmy Savile dating back to 1964. I wonder if police will find criminal complaints for Jerry Sandusky going back decades?
Does anyone have information on JS as to how is he: being treated in prison; how he is treating others; what his mood and demeanor is? I hope all is he// on earth for this BASTA-D!!!!

I can't get behind prison justice. It's tempting at times. But rape is still rape, and abuse is still abuse, regardless of the victim. I hope Sandusky is being protected and NOT violated. (So, I don't wish him he// on earth.)

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