Alleged abuse photos

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The pictures are posted. I am no one's side- I have no opinion on the family and their fights. But I am sickened that if there are photos and documents of abuse, its only brought up in a CUSTODY BATTLE. No one cares about these babies, they care about hurting their ex-spouse. If there is abuse, help the BABY and bring it up to authorities when it happens! WTH is this?? Putting pictures of your child injured on the internet??

It seems like both sides would rather cut the baby in half rather than give it to the other one. Where is King Solomon when you need him

Thank you ITA. had written a long post on the subject then deleted in favour of reading on. 'Proof' of child abuse is provided to LE, not AH or NG after the abused child has disappeared.
At this juncture, I'm just happy MC didn't conceive.
Busylady, could you help us out? Where did Crystal state that she had ordered these records? tia

Bumping my own post. The purpose was NOT to re-hash the abuse argument, but

to ask Busylady where she found the info that Crystal had ordered the records.

This could help clear up the whole question re: the attendance record, in my opinion.
Marie had called DCF on Ron before. If I was Ron I would also document every injury in order to protect myself. Thank goodness he did, because the documented photos pretty much throw out Crystals claim that the injuries are different or more severe as time went on.

It's normal anyway for some injuries to look more severe after a few days. Very deep bruising may take days to be visible on the surface. That's the normal progression I see in those photos. MOO

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