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DNA Solves
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From my knowledge she was very relaxed about adventure and travel and reaching out. Comfortable about getting on stage and with traveling. Very confident. Encouraging in a quiet and self-realized Psychologist's way. But with a huge phobia of the water.

Did Allison have a phobia of the water?...Was not aware of this...
A couple who covered up their son's murder have been jailed in the UK

Leigh Turner, 54, and Anita Turner, 51, were each given 27 month terms after being found guilty of perverting the course of justice.

In sentencing, Mrs Justice Dobbs said that it was a tragedy that the parents had lost their good character out of misplaced loyalty.

Their actions were uncovered when police bugged their house and recorded conversations where they discussed whether they had done the right thing.

I wonder how many bugs (not catapillars) are residing in Skull Manor?

Oooh thanks for this report may explain the need for 11111 ...........

And why flight isn't possible....
IMO we need to be a bit careful about this alleged information. In earlier threads when this was discussed, we learned that 'Immunity' is a strictly confidential process, that the CMC is so strictly secret that we would never know about it. Refer to Paul Tullly's blog on this. It is unlikely that anyone from the Attorney Generals's Department or QPolice would reveal this information. Too many risks involved I imagine, to the prosecution, to the person and to the Criminal Court proceedings.It also causes us to 'split' between the B C Seniors and deflects our attention away from other more likely targets. My opinion, not fact.

Absolutely, hence why i added 'if true'

A good timely reminder though
Originally Posted by Hawkins
Do not friggin start me. The objectification of women is a vestigial sociological imperative that is well past its use-by-date. Women have been commodities in the physical, emotional and spiritual sense for many thousands of years. Very few people really appreciate the depth to which these subservient roles are ingrained. Violence towards women is still at epidemic levels in our community and this violence is not specific to any demographic. The levels of child sex abuse, especially against girls is a national disgrace. Emotional violence and intimidation starts from a very young age and many, many men humiliate their wives and female relatives without any sense that they are doing so. Any man who thinks that Australia is a society which has turned the corner and which provides equal expectations and opportunities for women should experience life from a woman's perspective for a while. Boys need to be exposed to male role models who treat women as human beings, not as some other species who they should look after and 'respect'. Respect is a human right, not a right that you get by being a woman. Women are not furniture, they are not fashion accessories, they are not property, they are not investments. They are not cute things that you have a duty to look after like a pet. Violence against, and the objectification of, women is a deep social problem that is only vaguely recognised and addressed despite ridiculous claims that women are now somehow mostly 'equal'. If Mrs Baden Clay has died as the result of domestic or partner violence then hopefully the result will be something more than a shallow sense of satisfaction that her 'killer' is broughtto justice. All men need to look at their own hearts and their own values and ask what their potential is to act in the same way as her killer(s). We should all look at her death and ask how we collectively failed her and what we can do to empower our daughters to ensure that they do not suffer a similar fate. I am a man.

I think this was one of the best of Hawkins earlier posts and relates very much to Grannie's suggestion and Fuskier's subsequent comment.
Oops yes, of course, it would be very hard if you were not able to be around for the holidays, I would hate it! Sorry, didn't think of that. I have been very fortunate in that I have been able to be home and really don't know how working mothers with large families do it!!

Haha very true...
How many of the normal average people would know their local police number? I don't and my instinct would prompt me to call 000 but I would not have looked on the police website first nor checked for self incrimination.

I just remember the main number at headquarters (33646464) and they patch you through to the local one, especially if the local one shuts at 4pm everyday and a bigger main Cop Shop takes over for night duties.
What can we do? I think we "came together" here for a reason.
How can we help spread this message?

There are too many "issues" to find a simple solution - one size fits all. While not a victim of domestic abuse myself, i do find some of my husband's conversations are conducted in a disrespectful manner and that his own inadequacies colour his tone. I see how HIS father speaks to his wife and realise that it is self-perpetuating through generations. It takes a strong woman to express her feelings about being spoken down to and accepting behaviour that is less than respectful.

This then I believe is the key to reducing domestic abuse in the future - the generations to come, our children, need to be taught the meaning of respect and acceptable behaviour. This I feel lands significantly at the feet of the mothers. I hope that my son's future behaviour is respectful, helpful and polite, and that my daughter is able to be friends with men who are nothing less than respectful of woman. A hard ask, but just like manners, grammar, habits etc, it is a never-ending task that becomes automatic.

I was listening to an interview on today's ABC Radio Cairns (for the life of me can find it on the website!!) about what it means to be a man. In past generations knowledge was handed down, but in this generation we are lacking "mentors" and this has lead to a breakdown in acceptable behaviours and control of risk-taking behaviours in teen boys. They look to each other to validate there behaviour. Don't know where this is going........ anyone???...

thanks for the welcome - thought I had it bad as a lurker but now I am participating...oh dear...... anyone for baked beans on toast for dinner?!:blushing:
Violence Against Women. International Conference, Brisbane, 7-9 August, 2012

Key speakers

I have a suggestion in mind to delegate someone from the forum (better someone from Brisbane to save on accommodation) to this conference (or similar) to address the most prominent researchers, activists, government officials and talk to them about the WS phenomenon, Allison's tragic fate, how social networking brings together people with similar experiences (abuse, violence), etc. I think, the whole collection of contributions from various members carries great potential for further research studies, apart from the actual murder case. The conference is not free, of course, but if, say, 50 people donate a few bucks each, it will cover the registration fee.

Well, it is just a suggestion, something to consider.

The first pictures of flower tributes I saw on the fence at Allison's house was a picture of flowers and white ribbons as well. I have the picture but need help on how to attach or imbed a picture on a post:please:

The significance of the white ribbon is

White Ribbon is an organisation that is working to prevent the most common and pervasive form of male violence – that towards women. All forms of violence are unacceptable. White Ribbon believes the prevention of violence against women will change society for the better.
This the website where men pledge not to commit Dv

I am not alleging any BC is guilty of this. Maybe who ever put the white ribbons on the fence knows. As maybe some of the residents of Brookfield knew about his affairs.

RIP Allison.
It's called Gaslighting Nads! Sorry you had to go through that! xx

Wow BJS - I haven't heard that term before but boy do I know some gfs who have succumbed to this sort of manipulative BS before leaving their partners.
Very interesting. Thanks for the article. :)
Morning mouse detective and everyone else

I'm off to the Eumundi Markets for the day - have a lovely Saturday and catch y'all later :)

I'm going to be in Mooloolaba in 2 weeks time.
Are the Eumundi markets on Wednesday's worth going to, if I can brave the killer caterpillars and leave our apartment?
I need to find something to do if my net access is limited.
I heard today from a source that it was EBC who spoke to QPS about immunity.
Maybe that is why she hasn't been to visit GBC. IMO

I accept that you heard this but it doesn't make sense. It would mean that she would know that GBC is guilty and has done a deal for her own bacon, but how then do you reconcile that with them proclaiming his innocence?

Alternatively if it is true that may explain why OW is doing all the court dealings and fund raising, and why NBC is trying to get to see GBC in person to say why his mum had to save both their @rses as Greg suggested.'we are doing everything to get you out of here, but no good all three of us going down son..!'

What a f upped family!!
:tyou: Maxwell, and welcome! you're going to like it here.

I agree. The bottom line is RESPECT, something my partner and I value greatly, and strive to hand down to our children. Without it, I'm afraid mades bad things happen to good people.
The first pictures of flower tributes I saw on the fence at Allison's house was a picture of flowers and white ribbons as well.

The significance of the white ribbon is

White Ribbon is an organisation that is working to prevent the most common and pervasive form of male violence – that towards women. All forms of violence are unacceptable. White Ribbon believes the prevention of violence against women will change society for the better.
This the website where men pledge not to commit Dv

I am not alleging any BC is guilty of this. Maybe who ever put the white ribbons on the fence knows. As maybe some of the residents of Brookfield knew about his affairs.

RIP Allison.

Link to picture of white ribbons that I've found
Link to white ribbons picture
The post by Hawkins is amazing. Thankyou for reposting. Xxxx
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