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DNA Solves
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Just drove over Mt Crosby road. Looks like they are surveying. Unmarked ute, two men lots of tripods & equipment. On the banks either side of Kholo bridge.
Hi all - long time reader first time poster. It seems that the family home hasn't been handed over as yet as the BC family are still moving house. I drove past this morning and all action at house and this afternoon not 20 mins ago the settled white 4wd out front with that famous trailer attached.
Hi all - long time reader first time poster. It seems that the family home hasn't been handed over as yet as the BC family are still moving house. I drove past this morning and all action at house and this afternoon not 20 mins ago the settled white 4wd out front with that famous trailer attached.


Thanks for the report! Interesting....:waitasec:
Just drove over Mt Crosby road. Looks like they are surveying. Unmarked ute, two men lots of tripods & equipment. On the banks either side of Kholo bridge.
cops or people working for the cops ????
Gosh I've missed so much because I couldn't catch up...

What ever happened about the other lawyers? I know he's only retaining his original counsel, but was any more said about how it all went down?

Also, I'm really curious to know if Olivia has been out and about spruiking her brothers innocence? She seems to have gone to ground since the bail hearing...

"He said Ms Baden-Clay's family were notified around noon that the body had been found, and that her parents, Geoff and Priscilla Dickie, were still coming to terms with the news.

"They've been here ... being ever hopeful that there will be a positive resolution, the same as ourselves," he said. "They're devastated. I can't explain it any other way."

Mrs Baden-Clay's husband, Gerard, was surrounded by family, while friends dropped in throughout the afternoon and evening to share their support at his parents home on Durness St at Kenmore."


(and drank beer and rang the insurance company?)
Hi all - long time reader first time poster. It seems that the family home hasn't been handed over as yet as the BC family are still moving house. I drove past this morning and all action at house and this afternoon not 20 mins ago the settled white 4wd out front with that famous trailer attached.

Thanks for the update and welcome...
I can recall NBC had a wealth management financial planning business in Savoir Faire at Park Road in Milton back in the late 90's. I thought his brother in business as well. It was two BC's. I Remember NBC very well and was a nice enough man but dont shoot me for saying that please.
I can recall NBC had a wealth management financial planning business in Savoir Faire at Park Road in Milton back in the late 90's. I thought his brother in business as well. It was two BC's. I Remember NBC very well and was a nice enough man but dont shoot me for saying that please.

From all accounts he has good interpersonal skills, although I have been told in recent times he has become rather verbally excitable in an old man way.
Gosh I've missed so much because I couldn't catch up...

What ever happened about the other lawyers? I know he's only retaining his original counsel, but was any more said about how it all went down?

Also, I'm really curious to know if Olivia has been out and about spruiking her brothers innocence? She seems to have gone to ground since the bail hearing...

I think once the details of the affidavit came out at the bail hearing it was pretty damaging and Olivia might not be going around with such a positive spin on things.
(love your avatar)
I think once the details of the affidavit came out at the bail hearing it was pretty damaging and Olivia might not be going around with such a positive spin on things.
(love your avatar)
she would be po###g her pants. her lovely high flying brother in the s###. i wonder if they make any contact with the girls at all or would it be all about the BCs
My experience was very similar, and I also found someone who helped us get away from it... and I am glad that you got away, time helps the healing doesn't it?
GBC strikes me as someone who {IMO} may not have been violent all the time, maybe not at all, but could have been very strong on the controlling and emotional abuse. The emotional abuse is the one that wears you down, and there's no bruises or scars to prove at exists.
The fact that he has had affairs etc shows that he had little respect for his wife and daughters. I know, not everyone who has an affair is a bad person, but this guy is a repeat offender. He seems to hold himself in high regard. All about him. Allsion may not have feared for her life that night until it actually happened. She may have been use to the anger and arrogance and threats, but even she may not have thought he would ever take things to that extreme.
I am so saddened that you have been through a similar experience to mine,I do hope you are able to move on .You are right Linette time does heal the wounds.
It's so very true,when you said emotional abuse wears you done,it does chip away at you,carrying the scars on the inside,withering from the inside out.
I also think along the same lines as you,anyone that has affairs whilst in a relationship,don't have any respect for their partners or children,but you know what Linette,they have no self respect for themselves.9 times out of 10,they have very low self esteems,they like to conquer,to empower themselves,because they actually feel so lousy about themselves.
My ex husband reminds me of GBC,people held him high regard,in the music industry,own show on tv,given the order of Australia for his work with children,if only the walls had ears.
He had a autobiography come out and in this one chapter,he stated that any woman that married a man like him ,in the music industry,couldn't be that stupid to think that there would not be on going affairs ,comes with the job,good to be king!That was the beginning of the end.I only confided in a few close friends,yet all his band knew,now the whole world,I feelt so degraded,and what made it even worse my family now knew and our two eldest children ,who read his book.
Things went down hill for him after that,people saw him a different light,lost the respect they once had for him,no more tv show.A walking condradiction.
GBC does appear to hold himself in high regard, all about me ,me, me.
I have a feeling ,he didn't have a very close relationship with his father,and may have always wanted his approval,just my thoughts....Maybe thats why Olivia,joined the forces,sometimes people do that,to have order in their life ,and one set of rules,normality.
Sorry I am waffling,I'm losing my train of thought
A few more things for you sleuthians to mull over. I doubt ABC was in the dark as to the goings on of her husbands alleged affairs and think that just thet was not the straw that broke the camels back that night.

I want to put forward that GBC allowed TM to get the commissions on the majority of the deals they worked on as a team and he himself only let x amount of sales be his and intentionally built up debt in the joint names of Abc and GBC.

This can be easily done between two consenting agents. They may have built up their funds for post ABC and the money currently is with TM or a trust of hers.

For Alison to find out that she'd been struggling to manage house and give those girls an opportunity when hubby off hiding settlement monies - well that would just be a sickening thought. He holding back money would be enough to rile the temper of any woman and enough to prompt a tear everything apart divorce.

Just my thoughts.
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