DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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"and did you, at any point, in the 3 days prior and post the deceased going missing, see the accused being attacked by these, um er, caterpillars?". Hehe.

Maybe role playing trial questions and answers will open up new lines of thinking, or earn time out. The later me thinks.
Is that the flutter of Marlywings or a cool summer breeze in mid winter?
Time to hde back under my rock now.:truce:
4 Corners ( ABC 1 ) is running a story on domestic violence tonight.........8:30pm

I watched this doco last night, really disturbing.

Particularly worrying was the sentence for the husband of the young Japanese woman. He only got 5 years (and eligible for parole in 3), for a lesser charge of assault resulting in death.

He told police he hit her and left her for dead, but her body was so badly decomposed after 12 days that cause of death was unknown.

I worry that this may happen with Allison's case regarding cause of death.
Congrats to Marlywings for her flash new role as our very own Aussie moderator :rocker: :woohoo:
OT - Batman shooting in Colorado
Mr Holmes faces two counts of first degree murder for each of the 12 people killed - one each for their deliberate killing and one more for killing through "depraved indifference" to the lives of his victims.

I can't see the point of two murder charges for each victim.

That's what I thought, 2 counts per person?
Funny pulp, but seriously as an eg of types of questions, I would maybe not ask that question because you then give the witness the opportunity to tell a story which he already has worked out. If he makes it sound credible then it may have assisted the defence and not the prosecution.

"and did you, at any point, in the 3 days prior and post the deceased going missing, see the accused being attacked by these, um er, caterpillars?". Hehe.
Funny pulp, but seriously as an eg of types of questions, I would maybe not ask that question because you then give the witness the opportunity to tell a story which he already has worked out. If he makes it sound credible then it may have assisted the defence and not the prosecution.

Yes indeed. The stories I've heard over the years...oh my, Oscar winning. A recent very high profile case of long missing child in Qld springs to mind. The POIs were outstanding with their responses - however not credible.
I watched this doco last night, really disturbing.

Particularly worrying was the sentence for the husband of the young Japanese woman. He only got 5 years (and eligible for parole in 3), for a lesser charge of assault resulting in death.

He told police he hit her and left her for dead, but her body was so badly decomposed after 12 days that cause of death was unknown.

I worry that this may happen with Allison's case regarding cause of death.

thats what i said some time ago. why not say we had a fight and i choked her. leave body where it was and plead grievous bodily harm causing death. lot lighter sentence I would think.
AND havent been on much so BIG congratulations to our darling Marly
Yes and the poor family had to listen to those terrible made up stories to try to ascertain if there was any shred of truth in them.

Yes indeed. The stories I've heard over the years...oh my, Oscar winning. A recent very high profile case of long missing child in Qld springs to mind. The POIs were outstanding with their responses - however not credible.
thats what i said some time ago. why not say we had a fight and i choked her. leave body where it was and plead grievous bodily harm causing death. lot lighter sentence I would think.
AND havent been on much so BIG congratulations to our darling Marly

The narcissistic high rollers (well they think they are) can be gamblers. Going for the highest payout. Blaming others - not my fault.
Yes and the poor family had to listen to those terrible made up stories to try to ascertain if there was any shred of truth in them.

Quite vulgar for all concerned. I remember many years ago doing my psychology prac placements out at Wolston Park in the high secure John Oxley. Was quite an eye opener. I was literally stunned at what also goes on once these types are incarcerated. More crimes of a violent nature that made me almost sick to my stomach. It is extrmely difficult for families having to listen to the ugly outcomes let alone the lies etc. One would think Allison's family will be represented in court by family so I hope somehow they are spared from further deceit - but in reality there is always deceit in these cases. As we have already seen it appears. Very close friend is a senior Court Reporter here in Brisbane. She has been on many infamous trials over the years. Like in my line of work you become somewhat used to it but what we see is how much it affects the family at trial. Your work must be equally as interesting Al:) even if not in criminal law, law itself is a fascinating field. Very pleased you are able to answer the legal questions. Most important when we have a long wait.
I'm also one of the members who hasn't been on much getting in the way of my addiction.

BIG congratulations to MarlyWings....I have so many does one become a moderator on a forum? are you invited (would not be surprised...your competence is well appreciated here) or do you apply? what time, skill, commitment does one have to make? I know this is a volunteer's role, and I'm always impressed with how much time our mod's spend here (cleaning up our mess!)

and Alioop! thank you for going through the steps to get certified. We all learn so much from our certified members. One of the reasons I keep coming back even when there is no news is that I just learn something new everyday. Not that others who are not certified don't also teach me heaps...they DO. It is just nice to know who to turn to on specialsed areas.
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Do not discuss it in this thread. This is just a management announcement so I know you all saw it.

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Just watched a movie on channel 7... Crime of Passion- sleepwalker. I'm surprised GBC hasn't used this theory yet?

Apparently it can happen, very scary though.
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