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Interesting the friend who visited with the him when you get time. I wonder if he's one of the people GBC had a gentlemans handshake deal with?! He's an accountant. Somehow I knew that before I googled him but had to convince myself. Pure speculation of course but people like GBC often have friends who are in the financial industry...convenient:)

hmm coudl Rob be any relation to Ray, because Ray is a real estate agent in Brisbane. Do you think CM could have got the name wrong? Or do you think it is a relation?
Pssst, while it's so quiet, Hi CJ! :great: Good to have you back,been wondering where you went... wish we had some exciting news for you. :waiting: :anguish: :pullhair:

(soz Kimster..)
Pssst, while it's so quiet, Hi CJ! :great: Good to have you back,been wondering where you went... wish we had some exciting news for you. :waiting: :anguish: :pullhair:

(soz Kimster..)

I've been here - my posts keep getting deleted :floorlaugh:
Interesting the friend who visited with the him when you get time. I wonder if he's one of the people GBC had a gentlemans handshake deal with?! He's an accountant. Somehow I knew that before I googled him but had to convince myself. Pure speculation of course but people like GBC often have friends who are in the financial industry...convenient:)

airline background too..
Interesting the friend who visited with the him when you get time. I wonder if he's one of the people GBC had a gentlemans handshake deal with?! He's an accountant. Somehow I knew that before I googled him but had to convince myself. Pure speculation of course but people like GBC often have friends who are in the financial industry...convenient:)

Based at toowongtower where GBC was last based
hmm coudl Rob be any relation to Ray, because Ray is a real estate agent in Brisbane. Do you think CM could have got the name wrong? Or do you think it is a relation?

Quite possibly brothers perhaps. The one you speak of is in the western suburbs so likely they knew each other (maybe). Probably wouldn't go down real well to rock up to AG and say "g'day...lost a bit of weight mate - btw can I have my money now thanks"!
Does anyone know if GBC had a beard anytime prior to growing it after the "old razor" fiasco? I note in the CM article he has grown it back. Interesting.
Does anyone know if GBC had a beard anytime prior to growing it after the "old razor" fiasco? I note in the CM article he has grown it back. Interesting.

May be thinking of joining the Taliban if he gets out!!
Hi everyone. Love all the posts. My iPad logs me out so it is frustrating not to say thanks. Sometimes Lurkers maybe us iPad users.

Giving a shout out to Kimster here. A couple of months ago when the discussion was going around in circles.... For example those who joined in April vs. July roundabouts, rivers, etc... We go over the same old things but the discussions is not old for new members.

So Kimster suggested and referenced to another WS forum about how to formulate a timeline including MSM facts, filling in the gaps with questions. Ive tried to Google it but it has something to do with 'did the car have gas' ie petrol.

BTW my MIL is visiting and after looking at my housework she is doing a victory dance because of my lack of dusting. Hahaha. Are winners grinners?
in the words of Bernard Fanning "i hope and I pray that the rainbow comes," and that the court case comes faster than we are lead to believe. I think all on here are wanting justice pronto!
Ok just caught up on what Kimster was saying - off topic stuff. to Nads & Mani who asked before what I thought about Little Ugly Creek and Allison being placed in water when she apparently hated it.

1. The idea Allison was placed in or around Little Ugly Creek because she was "beautiful" is just a romantic notion I feel. I don't believe GBC would have given that line of thinking a second thought and feel it wouldn't have even occurred to him to make any such connection. He was more interested in other things. I personally think its name says it all. It is a little, ugly creek IMO. I've been there.

2. As for the water, Allison hating it and putting her there as a final punishment. Nah. I'm still going with she was put there as it was close to the Brisbane river and decomposition was thought to be speedier I'd say and cause of death harder to detect. Burying in national park is futile I feel for GBC. He needed a body to be found - eventually. If he buried her it's riskier I feel all around.
I'm not so sure that anyone, even the accused would be thinking clearly enough to purposely leave her there, i think it would have all been done on autopilot, not that thats an excuse. I think it was probably a case of "Oh ****, what do I do now?" However I also think that there are definately more players in this story. and they are going to get busted! IMO
Does anyone know if GBC had a beard anytime prior to growing it after the "old razor" fiasco? I note in the CM article he has grown it back. Interesting.

Of you google him and select images there are none of him with any facial hair prior to Allison's demise
Does anyone know if GBC had a beard anytime prior to growing it after the "old razor" fiasco? I note in the CM article he has grown it back. Interesting.

Of all the photos I've seen, he looks like the Datsun 180B car salesman of the year with no beard.
Of all the photos I've seen, he looks like the Datsun 180B car salesman of the year with no beard.
Haha so true. Whenever I saw him around he was always clean shaven, odd that now in jail he prefers the rugged look!
He can't stand to look at his own face in the mirror any more to shave. Well, that's what I'd like to believe anyway.

I still am unsure she was left in water.

Am I the only one who doesn't want the trial to come? I'm quite happy he's rotting in jail (allegedly) and stewing, wasting money on lawyers and wasting away. Funny how he was happy and not gaunt just before he was sent to jail.
He can't stand to look at his own face in the mirror any more to shave. Well, that's what I'd like to believe anyway.

I still am unsure she was left in water.

Am I the only one who doesn't want the trial to come? I'm quite happy he's rotting in jail (allegedly) and stewing, wasting money on lawyers and wasting away. Funny how he was happy and not gaunt just before he was sent to jail.

I agree, i like the fact that he is having to stew without anything finite in his own life, apart from lights out, lights on every day.
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