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DNA Solves
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Enthralled, I think OW said "He's been advised to stay away." I don't think she said the police said that. Probably was his lawyer.

Enthralled is correct. At 0.35sec OW clearly says "He has been advised by police to stay away from the command post at Brookfield.." they then cut to Inspector Ainsworth who says "That's news to me.." Interesting to know if that's a lie spun to OW by GBC or if she's lying for him to media.

Side note: How interesting is it to re-watch all these in light of what we now know.
OW may not be lying. She may just be repeating what GBC or another family member have told her the police said, even if they didn't say it.

Edit: oops, sorry Observer you already said that!
Thanks for pointing out my mistake BreakingNews. Sorry about that everyone.
Wondering why his lawyer would advise a grieving husband to stay away from the command post?? Or did they also have doubts about his innocence?

Enthralled, I haven't had a chance to rewatch the video, so I could be wrong. If someone's wife 'goes missing' why could he get lawyer immediately anyway, especially if he was innocent? IMO it might have been the lawyer who told him to stay away. He might have gotten a little bit hurt...
OW may not be lying. She may just be repeating what GBC or another family member have told her the police said, even if they didn't say it.

Edit: oops, sorry Observer you already said that!

That's cool, Alioop. Its good to know that alot of us are on the same page with similar thoughts.
Thinking of Allison's girls. I imagine this Sunday( father's day) will be a confusing time for them :tears:
maybe he had very recently driven to the area and scoped it out on foot, and felt the solidness of the ground underfoot, and in the process been bitten by caterpillars? then days later, when covered in scratches hoped he could still blame caterpillars?

Bearbear he should've said ticks. There are lots down at the creek. MOO
FIrst, even if the phone's location services showed it had been to Kholo Creek bridge, it is up to the prosecution to show beyond reasonable doubt that it was actually GBC who had it. The location services would only show that the phone had been there, not GBC.

Second, parking in that little parking area near the bridge - which has since been cleared - would still have been relatively easy. And I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong here, but I think the Captiva was a CX model, which IS a 4WD (actually an active All-Wheel Drive). But you could park there even in a 2WD car with no problem.

The spots with potential as having been possible dumping spots have been discussed on here at great length. My favourite is still in that little parking area, reversing up to the little fence or just beyond it where the fence stops, and push the body out of the back of the vehicle down the steep bank of the terminal portion of Little Ugly Creek. From there, she could easily have washed out into Kholo Creek, swirled around on the eddy currents, and "hung up" on the bank where she was found as the flood surge receded. Any further up Little Ugly Creek or Kholo Creek and there are far too many obstacles for my money - fallen trees, big boulders, and bends.

And of course, GBC almost certainly knew that whole area very well from his scouting activities.

OK - I'll get back in my box again now :) Nothing much to post due to lack of any new information.

Next time I go out there I am going to take photos of that fence MOO.
I think it is difficult for people to get a feel for the place and how overgrown the banks of the creek are without having been there. IMO
Your point about the car park appears to be a possibility. I also want to get a photo of the bank from the carpark and how steep it is.
Many cars have driven onto that flattened area and although it has been cleared we don't know what it was like really to drive on beforehand. MOO
I just figured the lawns look long in those pics because Makara said the photos were taken 14th June, which is almost 2 months post Allison's death.

I thought GBC and the girls pretty much moved out of the house to Nigelaine's from day one, apart from maybe a short stint back at the house, as some posters mentioned. I assumed the neglect was more that no one was living there in those 2 months.
Respectfully snipped.

I hadn't seen those two photos before and the photos don't appear to reflect the influence of a loving family man like his blog suggests IMO.
Hi Laidan....Regardless of if you are in remand or sentenced prisoners are not allowed to operate a business, ect from prison.
Most times they give POA to someone eg family. OW might need POA to lodge a tax return and all the other things that need finishing off.

Keen, thanks so much for all of your insights into the rules, rights and regulations - they, like all of the professional experience and words of wisdom give us a better idea of what occurs.

I appreciate your experience and knowledge.

Cheers :)
I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned this before, but today when I went past the BC house on Brookfield Rd and noticed all the overgrown trees in the front yard, I thought to myself GBC probably picked a rental property like that located far from the road and away from neighbours for a few reasons. People who commit DV sometimes physically isolate their spouse from others. That way neighbours are less likely to hear or see them fighting. There is no way something like that could go on unnoticed if they lived in suburbia.
I dread the thought that we have a release on a technicality like the Gordon Wood case & Allison does not get her justice & then has a right to sue. I sincerely hope the police have a 'drum tight' case. There seem to be so many similarities in these two cases.

Just a few more sleeps COUNTING DOWN
I dread the thought that we have a release on a technicality like the Gordon Wood case & Allison does not get her justice & then has a right to sue. I sincerely hope the police have a 'drum tight' case. There seem to be so many similarities in these two cases.

Just a few more sleeps COUNTING DOWN

if that happens, hopefully the men in Allison's family will BE there for him.......the Law is an *advertiser censored* (as quoted by Charles Dickens) so I wouldn't be a bit surprised if he did get off and get custody of his kids
Have some faith in our legal system and the hard work of the QPS and prosecution who have GBC where he is now. Speculating about him getting off on a technicality at this stage and what Allison's family may do to him if that happens is not helpful or respectful to Allison's family.
I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned this before, but today when I went past the BC house on Brookfield Rd and noticed all the overgrown trees in the front yard, I thought to myself GBC probably picked a rental property like that located far from the road and away from neighbours for a few reasons. People who commit DV sometimes physically isolate their spouse from others. That way neighbours are less likely to hear or see them fighting. There is no way something like that could go on unnoticed if they lived in suburbia.

Maybe, but they rented that house over 6 years ago from memory of MSM reports. We don't know what was happening that long ago. Their youngest daughter wasn't even born then I think. The affair with TM didn't go back that far, though he may have been having other affairs then.

I think it more likely that property was chosen as it was close to the school, in expensive Brookfield and one of the cheapest 4 bedroom rental houses available at the time, same as it is now.
Just catching up with a few pages from the last few threads.

I'm assuming that GBC is guilty, with motive and process academic at this point. The guy is going down.

I remain curious about the bomb hoax at the court that day, and the possibility of knowledge or involvement of other family members in the death.

I also think that the Dickies have the girls mental health covered (as far as that is possible) and I find OW's silence deafening given her past history.

Does anyone have any further knowledge on the bomb scare at court that day?
Just catching up with a few pages from the last few threads.

I'm assuming that GBC is guilty, with motive and process academic at this point. The guy is going down.

I remain curious about the bomb hoax at the court that day, and the possibility of knowledge or involvement of other family members in the death.

I also think that the Dickies have the girls mental health covered (as far as that is possible) and I find OW's silence deafening given her past history.

Does anyone have any further knowledge on the bomb scare at court that day?

If it was a supporter of GBC, they weren't very smart as all it achieved other than general chaos to the many affected, was more legal fees for GBC and more time for the prosecution to prepare the case, particularly re the new info on the 12.30 am facetime call. If it was a supporter, I can't see that it was known about by the family, there was just nothing to gain for GBC. OW was clearly not happy about having to sit outside amongst all the media. That would be the last thing she wanted to happen I expect.
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