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Jumping in to ask if we could please all stick to the facts as we know them otherwise it just creates confusion.

There's nothing that we know of which states that OW "directed GBC to do a quickie sale prior to the advertised Auction". While OW may be his power of attorney we don't know that to be fact.

With the face time call...there is nothing to say it was OW who took the call. A couple of members have said they "think" it was her but that doesn't make it fact.
Oops I stand corrected. Sorry everyone. I will Stop my ranting and read again for a while. Xx
Interesting to know TM's movements that night before the conference!!!! Agreed!

What if TM wanted to spy on Allison? I like MMist suggestion that there were apps on Allisons phone that made it easy to track her. Maybe GBC would have had to unjailbreak Allisons phone after her murder to remove the app and so decided to get rid of the phone as he didn't have time to stuff around with it. Unfortunately I don't think Apple would be alerted to jailbreaks -but I am no techno whiz on this.

I think to be safe GBC needed to know where Allison was and TM as well- so he probably had both their phones bugged. It has to go beyond the 'Where's your phone at ' app.

If they could prove that his phone show records of having tracked Allisons movements then GBC's text messages that morning to Allison looks even more suspect. And in a way would explain why GBC felt he needed to stress he didn't know Allisons whereabouts in these texts, he really had her every move recorded. (Kind of like I should know where she went but I can't reveal I do that by spying devices so I will throw the scent off that idea?

Too much of a leap?
True, she would certainly be spy worthy. I still don't know, does anyone know if she went to that Real Estate Conference? GBC would have called her at some stage?
I and I'm sure many of us would like to know where she was on the night of the 19th April, 2012, tucked up in bed? Same old questions we all want answers to I'm afraid.

I've been thinking for a while now that a possible reason for crashing the car on the way to police interview was because he didn't know or wasn't sure if police had already talked to t.m or what was said. Their stories may not have matched .? He volunteered to the police the information that he was having an affair . Surely they wanted to know who with . Didn't they seize his phone on the Friday morning ? Moo
I've been thinking for a while now that a possible reason for crashing the car on the way to police interview was because he didn't know or wasn't sure if police had already talked to t.m or what was said. Their stories may not have matched .? He volunteered to the police the information that he was having an affair . Surely they wanted to know who with . Didn't they seize his phone on the Friday morning ? Moo

Did he freely give the information to Police about his affair or did they just tell him they knew and in doing so, forced a discussion/admission? I understood from previous paper articles that the QPS interviewed his work colleagues and that that was how they found out about TM.

Actually, I put 2 and 2 together to reach that understanding because it was mentioned that the affair was common knowledge and that they were even out with friends as a couple having dinner, etc. MOO
Makara: Post 1101
... shows who the Director at Discreet Investigations & Security Pty Ltd T/A OzSpy Indooroopilly is. The same company that is apparently linked to Astute Real Estate Personnel P/L of which GBC is a director.

Mountain Misst:It shows that there are two companies in common - GBC is a director of both apparently. post 1106
post 1109

Originally Posted by Curiousasacat post 1102
and this one too....
Interesting to see the name changes and unregistering.

1. Registered
Name ACN ABN Type Status
DISCREET INVESTIGATIONS & SECURITY PTY LTD 128168874 70128168874 Proprietary Company Registered (select)
DISCRET INVESTIGATIONS PTY LIMITED 106100547 36106100547 Proprietary Company Registered (select)
2. Deregistered
Name ACN ABN Type Status
DISCREET INVESTMENTS PTY. LIMITED 010775550 Proprietary Company Deregistered (select)
DISCRETE INVESTMENT RESEARCH PTY LIMITED 103748205 95103748205 Proprietary Company Deregistered (select)

Makara: post 1110
CC, these are not all the same company. All of the ACN and ABN numbers are different. The first one in the list with 70128168874 ABN number is the one connected to Astute Real Estate Personnel P/L. It was registered in 2007 and is currently active. The trading name is Ozspy Indooroopilly (from 11 December 2008) and the business name is In Command Data Systems (from 21 June 2012).

Marlywings is this enough evidence for the link.

I have just copied this from an ASIC search:

Business Name Holder - Organisation Summary

ACN/ARBN: 128 168 874
ABN: 70 128 168 874
Regulator: Australian Securities and Investments Commission

So the company trades under 2 names. Ozspy Indooroopilly and In Command Data Systems.
Did he freely give the information to Police about his affair or did they just tell him they knew and in doing so, forced a discussion/admission? I understood from previous paper articles that the QPS interviewed his work colleagues and that that was how they found out about TM.

Actually, I put 2 and 2 together to reach that understanding because it was mentioned that the affair was common knowledge and that they were even out with friends as a couple having dinner, etc. MOO

Yep . I get you . It's just that I was trying to work out if he had a listening device/app on her phone . And that if his phone was confiscated he may not have been able to use it. The app . I think they were on to t.m from day one weren't they ? I don't know if they had interviewed her before he crashed the car but I'd be surprised if they didn't . Moo
I have just copied this from an ASIC search:

Business Name Holder - Organisation Summary

ACN/ARBN: 128 168 874
ABN: 70 128 168 874
Regulator: Australian Securities and Investments Commission

So the company trades under 2 names. Ozspy Indooroopilly and In Command Data Systems.

Here's the search result -

ACN 158767054

The last change to company details for DISCREET INVESTIGATIONS & SECURITY PTY LTD was on 30/10/2008 and so we can accept that GBC has been a director of this company (thanks for that sleuthing Makara) since at least then.

It would follow then that GBC has known of and had access to 'snooping' devices which could or could not have been used for tracking of 'extra marital affair' females, mistress or wife or for that matter any other person such as an opposition realtor. It only takes a few minutes to set up and the lesson here is never, never, never leave your phone unattended.

I can remember reading about the phone app (referred to here) more than a year ago where parents are using them to keep an 'eye on' (yes they can also see through the phone) and listen in on their children's activities.
Here's the search result -

ACN 158767054

The last change to company details for DISCREET INVESTIGATIONS & SECURITY PTY LTD was on 30/10/2008 and so we can accept that GBC has been a director of this company (thanks for that sleuthing Makara) since at least then.

It would follow then that GBC has known of and had access to 'snooping' devices which could or could not have been used for tracking of 'extra marital affair' females, mistress or wife or for that matter any other person such as an opposition realtor. It only takes a few minutes to set up and the lesson here is never, never, never leave your phone unattended.

I can remember reading about the phone app (referred to here) more than a year ago where parents are using them to keep an 'eye on' (yes they can also see through the phone) and listen in on their children's activities.

Would the QPS have taken GBC's phone that morning? As they declared it a crime scene so quickly would they have stopped anything leaving?
Did he freely give the information to Police about his affair or did they just tell him they knew and in doing so, forced a discussion/admission? I understood from previous paper articles that the QPS interviewed his work colleagues and that that was how they found out about TM.

Actually, I put 2 and 2 together to reach that understanding because it was mentioned that the affair was common knowledge and that they were even out with friends as a couple having dinner, etc. MOO

yes he apparantly confessed to having an affair when police arrived, seems odd but maybe it was to explain his story of allison walking off in a huff after a huge row, she scratched him etc, and maybe to hint at a suggestion of allison being depressed, and him worried she might do something?
also seems odd he looked up psychiatrist ph numbers possibly while police were still there, was this after telling police she was possibly suicidal and seeing a psych and so googling it for police to see if he could find them to verify?
i think his ideal scenario was to have everyone believe allison was severely depressed and killed herself, and dont think he wanted her found. the insurance would have paid out eventually.
i also think he suffocated and strangled her with a plastic bag over her head while she was in the bath and wrapped her body in the shower curtain which allison would have possibly ripped of in her struggle. all my opinion only.
yes he apparantly confessed to having an affair when police arrived, seems odd but maybe it was to explain his story of allison walking off in a huff after a huge row, she scratched him etc, and maybe to hint at a suggestion of allison being depressed, and him worried she might do something?
also seems odd he looked up psychiatrist ph numbers possibly while police were still there, was this after telling police she was possibly suicidal and seeing a psych and so googling it for police to see if he could find them to verify?
i think his ideal scenario was to have everyone believe allison was severely depressed and killed herself, and dont think he wanted her found. the insurance would have paid out eventually.
i also think he suffocated and strangled her with a plastic bag over her head while she was in the bath and wrapped her body in the shower curtain which allison would have possibly ripped of in her struggle. all my opinion only.

Sounds like just the thing maybe he was hoping that predators ( yuk sorry) would clean the scene and only bones be left ( where is the throw up smilie?)
Wonder if he tried to destroy hard drives ( Lloyd Rayney destroyed his laptops hard drive two months after Corryn went missing)
Wonder if he tried to destroy hard drives ( Lloyd Rayney destroyed his laptops hard drive two months after Corryn went missing)

JMO but I think he was neither thinking logically enough, nor sadly was intelligent enough to wipe his harddrives - a Lloyd Rayney he is most obviously not.

Judging by how we perceive things happening - his thought process was not calm and collected - and his actions IMO show panic and desparation - not cunning and cool premeditation.

To put it colloquialy, I think he would have been sh*#ting himself and in a tailspin....
At this stage of the case, upon reflection of what we do know, 'control of information' emerges as a central theme to a disturbing degree. It seems enacted through personal, family, work and business relationships. The involvement of collusive others seems possible. Maybe we need to remember that normal people do not murder. My opinion only, not fact.
I have always wondered what he did with her engagement and wedding rings, was she wearing them that night... Did he throw them in the river or bushes....or has someone pawned them..for some much needed cash, or was she wearing them when she was found.

I was told by someone close to the case - and this is not reported so treat it as you see fit - that on one of the days during the search period a couple of police officers called in to GBC's home and encountered OW going through ABC's jewellery. She provided an explanation but I still think it sounds suss. MOO.
I was told by someone close to the case - and this is not reported so treat it as you see fit - that on one of the days during the search period a couple of police officers called in to GBC's home and encountered OW going through ABC's jewellery. She provided an explanation but I still think it sounds suss. MOO.

IF that story is true that - it is unforgiveable - but from the tone of the family - not surprising. I could not dream of going through my SIL's jewellery unless invited with her actually present - even if she was deadit is so personal and private.

I do wonder how much privacy and autonomy they gave Allison. Seems like she was treated as a leper in that family.
IF that story is true that - it is unforgiveable - but from the tone of the family - not surprising. I could not dream of going through my SIL's jewellery unless invited with her actually present - even if she was deadit is so personal and private.

I do wonder how much privacy and autonomy they gave Allison. Seems like she was treated as a leper in that family.

Her body hadn't been found yet. But it just sounds like a beachy rumor to me.
As more little tid bits are aired, I find myself analysing what is it about this case that angers me so much. I tend to ponder all angles of those affected by Allison's death - children, siblings, parents, friends etc and sometimes consider their loss too great to possibly fathom. I feel we (society) have lost a person who had a great deal left to contribute.

If/when GBC gets convicted - I don't feel any prison sentence fits such a crime. We, the taxpayers, will be burdened with the cost of keeping him alive... while he catches a flick on the tv in his cell or partakes in a game of poker before tea (we will also pay for the long, drawn out legal process that gets him there). Sure, there'll be loss of freedom, but in my view, this is NOT repaying your 'debt' to society - just adding insult to injury. Eye for an eye. IMHO. But that's a whole other debate..... Whichever way you look at, emotionally or financially - one person (possibly more???) in one foul swoop has taken a lot from this world that will impact generations to come.

Nothing here that probably hasn't already been said before by many others - just had to speak my mind!

Dr Watson, agree with you thoughts regarding the children, have wondered how one could decide the best situation for them myself... Sad..
And with this there anything to indicate that this company definitely has connections to GBC or that he is involved with the company??

Marly, now I'm confused! :waitasec: I've just gone back over all of my old posts and I can't find where I've said that Discreet Investigations & Security Pty. Ltd. trading as OzSpy, is connected to GBC. ASIC doesn't mention any connection either. It's weird because I do remember seeing it on the ASIC site. :waitasec:
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