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Baden-Clay's defence receives key statements
Brisbane Times‎ - 11 minutes ago
MSM alleged that the Defence team had received: the autopsy report, a forensic computer analysis, a financial analysis, a hydrology report, and a statement from the principal investigator.

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The matter is listed again for mention on November 5th.

Hydrology report ? Could this mean that Allison had been drowned, and they were testing where the water (in her lungs) came from ?

All MOO.
Wouldn't it be about the tides?

After looking through google this is what I am sensing too poss.

Hydrological Society of South Australia Inc. website. We promote an interest in the science of hydrology and provide a forum for the ongoing research, planning and concern for our State’s vital water resources, their management, conservation and use.
Yes - I would think that a hydrologist would be consulted re water levels, flow down the creeks, etc. In other words - all the things we have discussed on here several times ;)

Hydrologists were very prominent in the aftermath of the Brisbane floods in 2011, re flood levels, flow rates, water release from the dams, etc etc.
My google of 'Hydrology' turned up study of water quality.

All MOO.
this could go way back to when it was said she had bathwater in her lungs. if so that would well and truly cook the BC goose or geese if more than one involved .
Hydrology report ? Could this mean that Allison had been drowned, and they were testing where the water (in her lungs) came from ?

All MOO.

It would be more about the location she was found which would help to know if her body floated there or was dumped etc.

Some might remember a while back now that a poster or two saw a survey group there doing tests.
I cannot understand this Alioop. Why tie up court and resources just 'to see how the defence is going with getting through the evidence they have received from the prosecution'. Have they not heard of texting, email, or the telephone?

I agree with you Breaking, the process is drawn out and surely it could be done more efficiently and quicker. Its like pulling teeth very slowly. As I have said before it must be terrible for a person who is actually innocent and held in remand whilst all this time passes. It is also designed to be a public transparent process so all these checks by the magistrate as to where things are up to have to be held in a court room open to the public. At least that means we and everyone else interested knows what is happening.
07-20-2012, 10:43 AM
Registered User Join Date: Apr 2012
Posts: 68

i Just crossed Kholo Crossing in bound, there are 2 Utes parked on the clearing near the Cross, it has Jensen Bowers on the side of the utes.

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Allison Baden-Clay - GENERAL DISCUSSION THREAD #34[/ame]
Hi all
Reporting in as I was at the court today. I've been busy with children and baby this afternoon and tonight so that is why I'm late checking in.

MSM has covered the mention nicely however after reading all your posts I just wanted to clarify one point. The purpose of the adjournment this time to 5/11/12 was to allow DPP time to go through the 466 statements and work out which ones they would be relying on more-so than giving defense time to sort out cross-examination. At least that's what the prosecution requested at today's mention.

Mahony sought a tentative date for the hearing emphasising that his client was 'still' held in custody.

Also, the parties agreed that if there were any issues of cross-examination that could be agreed to by consent then the matter could vacate on 15 November next. I didn't really understand this terminology so perhaps Alioop could help me out?

I was hoping to meet any of you interested in attending today at the cafe but my friend just wanted the two of us to go.

We did meet a woman who was at the last mention also and had a chat outside the court with her for a good 15 mins. She had a number of insights on a personal level however I cannot elaborate here on her comments can I? Is that against the rules?

As reported in MSM already but just to clarify from my own personal note-taking today, a date has been set for the Committal Hearing for the purpose of cross-examining witnesses in court 39 on 20/11/12 at 9am. The parties agree that they are expecting to announce readiness to proceed to hearing by the next mention on 5/11/12.

Hope I've worded this clear enough. Feel free to ask away.

a hydrologist was used in the scott peterson case to determine how the tides could affect body placement
[ame=""]Scott Peterson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]
a hydrologist was used in the scott peterson case to determine how the tides could affect body placement ...

There is a video on Youtube for any interested members:
HYDROLOGIST - Job Description

Also another link about Hydrology
This discusses the science of a hydrologist. ... how they analyze water and mud samples to determine levels of pollutants in a water system. hydrologist collecting mud samples etc.
AAAA I thought there was something in the immunity story too but cld only think of TM as I thought it extremely unlikely that his parents (who I personally IMO are accessories and/or involved) wld accept any immunity teaser/offer. Wld u mind sharing yr thoughts on possible candidates? I'd love to hear!

I would bet considerable money on an immunity deal having been done with OW given that the police travelled to Townsville to see her the DAY BEFORE the arrest. I have said this several times before. I think it's significant. Why? I suspect OW intercepted the call from GBC intended for NBC on the 19th. Regardless, I think she quickly knew/suspected something because her demeanor in interviews quickly changed and police knew she'd be the weak link in an otherwise tight family.
Hi all
Reporting in as I was at the court today. I've been busy with children and baby this afternoon and tonight so that is why I'm late checking in.

MSM has covered the mention nicely however after reading all your posts I just wanted to clarify one point. The purpose of the adjournment this time to 5/11/12 was to allow DPP time to go through the 466 statements and work out which ones they would be relying on more-so than giving defense time to sort out cross-examination. At least that's what the prosecution requested at today's mention.

Mahony sought a tentative date for the hearing emphasising that his client was 'still' held in custody.

Also, the parties agreed that if there were any issues of cross-examination that could be agreed to by consent then the matter could vacate on 15 November next. I didn't really understand this terminology so perhaps Alioop could help me out?

I was hoping to meet any of you interested in attending today at the cafe but my friend just wanted the two of us to go.

We did meet a woman who was at the last mention also and had a chat outside the court with her for a good 15 mins. She had a number of insights on a personal level however I cannot elaborate here on her comments can I? Is that against the rules?

As reported in MSM already but just to clarify from my own personal note-taking today, a date has been set for the Committal Hearing for the purpose of cross-examining witnesses in court 39 on 20/11/12 at 9am. The parties agree that they are expecting to announce readiness to proceed to hearing by the next mention on 5/11/12.

Hope I've worded this clear enough. Feel free to ask away.


Thanks for the feedback from court chekoutchik.

Your mention of "a number of insights on a personal level", would be classed as rumour so not permitted.
Hi all
Reporting in as I was at the court today. I've been busy with children and baby this afternoon and tonight so that is why I'm late checking in.

MSM has covered the mention nicely however after reading all your posts I just wanted to clarify one point. The purpose of the adjournment this time to 5/11/12 was to allow DPP time to go through the 466 statements and work out which ones they would be relying on more-so than giving defense time to sort out cross-examination. At least that's what the prosecution requested at today's mention...

...As reported in MSM already but just to clarify from my own personal note-taking today, a date has been set for the Committal Hearing for the purpose of cross-examining witnesses in court 39 on 20/11/12 at 9am. The parties agree that they are expecting to announce readiness to proceed to hearing by the next mention on 5/11/12...Cheers!

Thank you Chekoutchik for attending today and contributing to the Thread for us. Much appreciated.
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