DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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I think the most likely scenario is Allison inflicted any scratches seen at the cross country. I think he would have needed to really get his courage up. It was premeditated but not well planned. It is a schoolboy's daydream type of solution ... so I can see him having either a false start or only getting enough guts to do it once she laid into him in return, with the conference and his self-inflicted deadline looming.

Yes and from memory he had smashed his car only a week or two earlier, yes? Then the tearful calls to Flegg etc - the tension must have been building within him big time - pressure! MOO
Can witnesses identify scratches present on GBC at the school sports day? Did he explain the red eyes and scratches? We look for an explanation. We assume they had been physically fighting, but is it possible that those scratches were put there by somebody else? Somebody who put pressure on GBC?

It will be interesting to see if any such witnesses have given statements, so we can find out for sure if this is true re scratches and red eyes being present the Thursday morning (forgive me if we already know they have given statements? Do we know this?).
Timing of the scratches: could TM have inflicted them (pressure and deadline were on)? Could G have avoided A so she wasn't aware of the marks, and then A observed them after the hairdresser appointment causing confrontation? Also might the caterpillar story be BS to cover the fact he purchased antihistamines at the chemist to sedate the kids? I tend to think dumb details get played up only when they are part of a script ie. OW biting her lip in video interview ... I think she had rehearsed G on what to say to the media and was terrified that he was ad-libbing. Sorry if I'm raving. Sleep time. MOO

I agree with you regarding the dumb details. I felt the same was true for GBC stating that his dad was at his house looking after the girls, when he was reporting his wife as missing.

Interesting suggestion too about TM inflicting the scratches. Quite possible I guess. One would imagine that if a small female got as good a gouge to the face as that during a big physical row, she wuldn't come off too well herself.
Allison would certainly not have appreciated seeing them if that was the case. (or maybe she would have??? probably wished she'd done it!!)
The only thing against that argument is that it may not have made GBC want to carry out his plan to kill his wife so as he could start a new life with his mistress.
*Please excuse me if this has already been dismissed as a rumour*

I am sure someone mentioned the cops had been called the house with regards to a 'domestic' on the Wednesday night.

.....If GBC had scratches on the Thursday at the cross country perhaps the *rumour* that the police attended the home the night before (Wednesday) could be true.

Those poor kids. My parents used to fight and it haunts me still 50 years later !
hmmm just noticing the similarities and differences in the two families in this case. We have Geoff and Priscilla who supported and nurtured Allison to become a top Ballet dancer and probably sacrificed a heap for their kids futures not just Allison but her siblings as well.

And then we have the Baden-Clays who are all about their heritage and living in that glory of what had been achieved rather than the present. We have OW who joined the army and is now married to a pastor - do we know if she had any exemplary qualifications? GBC who was not able to finish his accounting degree but managed to talk his way into being a community stalwart and the brother Adam who we know very little.

Yet if you were to ask the BC's if they were successful they would be sitting on their laurels citing their relatives accolades whereas we have the Dickies with Allison who was accomplished and excelled in her chosen field of Ballet and loved the idea of being the best herself - she did not have to use someone elses reputation to be successful yet she was stifled and secondary to her husbands glory.

I wonder if GBC ever felt as a couple they should have focussed on letting Allison be the career girl and he could have stayed home and done the real estate business part time while he looked after the children and his wife went out to be the successful ballerina.
hmmm just noticing the similarities and differences in the two families in this case. We have Geoff and Priscilla who supported and nurtured Allison to become a top Ballet dancer and probably sacrificed a heap for their kids futures not just Allison but her siblings as well.

And then we have the Baden-Clays who are all about their heritage and living in that glory of what had been achieved rather than the present. We have OW who joined the army and is now married to a pastor - do we know if she had any exemplary qualifications? GBC who was not able to finish his accounting degree but managed to talk his way into being a community stalwart and the brother Adam who we know very little.

Yet if you were to ask the BC's if they were successful they would be sitting on their laurels citing their relatives accolades whereas we have the Dickies with Allison who was accomplished and excelled in her chosen field of Ballet and loved the idea of being the best herself - she did not have to use someone elses reputation to be successful yet she was stifled and secondary to her husbands glory.

I wonder if GBC ever felt as a couple they should have focussed on letting Allison be the career girl and he could have stayed home and done the real estate business part time while he looked after the children and his wife went out to be the successful ballerina.

Good point there. If he was such a <modsnip>, he could have accepted a role reversal, and had Allison as the bread winner, and himself the home body and child carer.
Might need a crash course in exactly what this entails. Very detailed. And requires consideration, selflessness, forward thinking ability.
But no, not good enough for his freaking ELITIST mentality, plus his perceived requirement to chase skirt.
Am wondering if elitism isn't half the problem here.
The other half of the problem: The notion that adultery, (despite thousands of years of examples of problems in this arena, plus God's 10 Commandments, given for good reason) is OK, just fine actually, if you think you are elitist, and beyond the Law of the land, in Australia.
hmmm just noticing the similarities and differences in the two families in this case. We have Geoff and Priscilla who supported and nurtured Allison to become a top Ballet dancer and probably sacrificed a heap for their kids futures not just Allison but her siblings as well.

And then we have the Baden-Clays who are all about their heritage and living in that glory of what had been achieved rather than the present. We have OW who joined the army and is now married to a pastor - do we know if she had any exemplary qualifications? GBC who was not able to finish his accounting degree but managed to talk his way into being a community stalwart and the brother Adam who we know very little.

Yet if you were to ask the BC's if they were successful they would be sitting on their laurels citing their relatives accolades whereas we have the Dickies with Allison who was accomplished and excelled in her chosen field of Ballet and loved the idea of being the best herself - she did not have to use someone elses reputation to be successful yet she was stifled and secondary to her husbands glory.

I wonder if GBC ever felt as a couple they should have focussed on letting Allison be the career girl and he could have stayed home and done the real estate business part time while he looked after the children and his wife went out to be the successful ballerina.

But why be so narcissistic as to think they both couldn't succeed whilst still looking after their children? I know quite a few people in the dance industry that are not only extremely successful, but so too are their husbands and their children are thriving.
Good point there. If he was such a <modsnip>, he could have accepted a role reversal, and had Allison as the bread winner, and himself the home body and child carer.
Might need a crash course in exactly what this entails. Very detailed. And requires consideration, selflessness, forward thinking ability.
But no, not good enough for his freaking ELITIST mentality, plus his perceived requirement to chase skirt.
Am wondering if elitism isn't half the problem here.

If he was showing these traits back when the children were very young would you as their mother leave him to be the home stay. I think not, probably changing a nappy would be out of his alone with 2 older girls to care for.....He might even go off and leave them to chase skirt.

It was said some where that the affair with TM started after the 3 rd baby was born.....<modsnip>....and what a ***** she is......knowing he had a new addition to the family....I wonder when the other affairs started....after no 3 baby or was he having affairs all along.

At least one must have been in TM time frame if not at least she was told by police.
I also wonder when the abuse started on Allison.....He was a Show Pony in front of the community.....but behind closed doors this type are, sadistic, crewl, and relentless with mental abuse.......not to mention push and shove....

I don't think from what I have read that Allison gave up her dancing because of GBC, they met at another work place her dancing was already behind her she had moved on.....what a shame because it was the beginning of the end for Allison....and what she must have suffered in the last 5 years at least....

GBC could well have been jealous of the attention Allison gave the girls....

( this happened with my x when we had a child....and I already had a nine year old daughter )

Along comes TM and showers him with attention...and he takes the bait.....
at that stage the Century 21 was doing well from what I gather.....TM might have though she would catch a big fish.
You would have to be drugged to fall in love with ****.:banghead:

Back then his ego would have been huge.....and 'Scull Manor' residents were very much a part of it......Allison might well have been dropped from the scene way back then....she could have had some depression from the third child.....and GBC just went out to satisfy more ways than one.

In the good old days where did all the money go.....????? as far as Century 21 was concerned....
That tax return was going to make or break Bruce Overland.
That tax return was going to make or break Bruce Overland.

TAX RETURN.....???? He probably forgot to put one in......More money he owes.!!!!!
Where would he find the money to pay tax........He's now a liability to us tax payers, he gets 3 meals a day, free medical, free dental...his wardrobe is supplied.......he doesn't have to leave home to have visitors they have to go to his big house with lots of security, and if he doesn't want to see some one he gets the guards to tell them 'He's a Little Bit Hurt' but he's OK.....!!!!!
Tell them to come back another day, OH,,,, and make sure to search them for 'Catapillers' before you let them in.

All this for murdering your lovely wife......
He's set for life?????:banghead::jail::floorlaugh::twocents:

I had forgotten about this report, with respect to the facial scratches.

June 13, 2012
At 3pm, Mr Baden-Clay was arrested at the Toowong Towers car park. Police allege the scratches on Mr Baden-Clay's face have scarred and have been "partially obscured by beard growth".
June 14, 2012
A government medical officer advises police a shaving cut is "usually a epidermal nick and is not likely to scar given that they don't break the dermis. A non-intimate forensic order is requested to shave the relevant part of Mr Baden-Clay's face, examine and take photograph of the injuries".

Hopefully the results of that test showed that there was in fact scarring. Have we heard?

Not that ANYONE is buying the shaving cuts story it seems.
Right from the first police officers noting them with alarm, and calling CIB stright away, to his own solicitor, to ALL the medical personel and experts.

GBC saw his solicitor on the afternoon of the same day he reported Allison as missing, and he went to the 3 doctors to have the scratches reviewed and reported on the next day, the first being at 8.30am!
It would appear to me that his solicitor might have recommended he do this, not the police, as GBC told the doctors.

They obviously didn't get the report they were hoping for from any of them, or they would have used it, surely, instead of just saying...

"the scratches were circumstantial and there was no definitive cause and age of the marks." (Peter Davis, 2nd bail hearing.)

??? I don't understand

He was in to futures trading (top step) with a maxed out credit card and a business that would have been seriously affected by the flooding. He gave TM the deadline which corresponds to the first day of the new financial year. No doubt in my mind/opinion that he would have been working those $ figures like a rubic's cube with his financial advisor.

His mistress Toni McHugh allegedly told police that Mr Baden-Clay had told her he would "sort out his financial situation and they would be together by 1 July 2012".
Wondering too, how the funds are going, seeing as there is another big hearing coming up. Time for another desperate email to round up some cash to help prove poor big brothers innocence. maybe?

"To: Our family and friends
From: Ian and Olivia Walton

I've just re-read parts of that revolting email, and I must confess that where I said in a previous post that not one of the BC clan had ever cried out for the police to find the real perpetrator of this crime, Olivia did actually, as the closing statement of that email. (not that it was ever meant for the greater publics' eyes?)
So, by mid June, one member of that family appealed for the REAL murderer to be found.


Alioop, what happens to all the people who are owed money by GBC now? Is there any push for him to file for bankruptcy at this stage, or is everything frozen until there is a decision made either way?
This case is sounding more and more like Bob Harrod's. All about the money. And now we have an Australian link there too.....well, just wanted to drop in and say you're doing a great job guys.
I meant to put this in with the above post about the facial scratches.

We were discussing the other day about the scratches being present at the cross-country event the day before.

I'm guessing he had scatches from shaving and/or an allergy on his face at the carnival, but that the scratches of main concern to police were not there until the night Allison went missing.

In examining and reviewing the images taken by police, the government medical officer stated,

"In over 50 years of life and 30 years in medical practice I have never seen nor heard of injuries of this type being caused by the modern type of disposable razor or razor blade.

"Each of the main injuries has features making it implausible that it was caused by shaving. The main injuries were not caused at the same time as the more trivial injuries. Those more trivial injuries are fairly characteristic of razor cuts."
*Please excuse me if this has already been dismissed as a rumour*

I am sure someone mentioned the cops had been called the house with regards to a 'domestic' on the Wednesday night.

.....If GBC had scratches on the Thursday at the cross country perhaps the *rumour* that the police attended the home the night before (Wednesday) could be true.

Those poor kids. My parents used to fight and it haunts me still 50 years later !
I remember, a long time ago, it was suggested the cops had been called the previous night as well, as a reult of a domestic.

I'm only summising here, but it would seem that that was unlikely, due to the line of questioning that took place on the morning she was reported missing.
For instance, when they asked GBC if he knew of any reason why Allison would leave and not return, he said no.
Then he went on to say that he had, in fact, had an affair, and that both he and ABC were currently in counselling for that.

I think this line of questioning seems odd if the police in fact knew of a domestic the night before? but not otherwise.
Can you imagine what might have been going through GBC's mind when he was planning to kill Allison and scoop enough insurance money to rid himself of debts?

This cold, cold, emotionally void man, whom had tormented every aspect of Allisons being- (her emotional well-being, her mental well-being, her financial well-being, her right to feel proud in the community, her right to feel loved by her husband), saw fit to steal her life from her and her 3 little girls, in order to set up the next phase of his existence.

He was totally prepared to accept and revel in the position of grieving widower.

He would have planned to lay low, for the briefest period of time, allowing the public to identify with him as the grieving widower, who is now struggling to raise three young children and manage a business that is thriving and growing (miraculously) amidst the decline experienced all around him, but then, within a few short months, he would have fallen into the soothing arms of dear, always there, Toni, who would have been quietly rallying around, offering Gerard support, and then, to everyone's suprise, and joy, the two would find love amongst the tragedy, and everyone would be happy for them at last.

I can just imagine him thinking this.
I can also imagine him being so confident that this would all work, that he would be in complete disbelief to be in the situation he now finds himself.

I just hope this case helps people to better recognise the dangers of these type of people - the ones without feelings.... the narcissists, the sociopaths and whatever other ones there are that encompass this type of being.
These people are so dangerous.
They dont care!

If anyone is with or knows of anyone who is spending their life with someone that is insincere, hiding the truth, living the lie, different behind closed doors, violent, controlling, manipulative, cruel, we owe it to them and to Allison to help them get away, or get away ourselves.
Dont wait until its too late.
If it seems wrong, it is wrong.
If it seems screwed, it is screwed.
Act now.
We owe it to ourselves and to the memory of Allison.

I believe this is the legacy of the beautiful Allison Baden-Clay. It is for me.
It seems to be an interesting court date 13 March, 2013:

Apart from GBC in Brisbane for committal, Ian Hannaford will be at court in Warwick (missing Gail Lynch) and Adrian Bayley will be in court in Melbourne (murder of Gillian Meagher).

Synchronicities always seem to come up around the Ides of March. Beware, Caesar...
It seems to be an interesting court date 13 March, 2013:

Apart from GBC in Brisbane for committal, Ian Hannaford will be at court in Warwick (missing Gail Lynch) and Adrian Bayley will be in court in Melbourne (murder of Gillian Meagher).

Synchronicities always seem to come up around the Ides of March. Beware, Caesar...

That date will be 13/03/13 - omens, perhaps?

Also, just out of interest, I don't know if anyone has noticed, but the prosecuting counsel in the re-trial of Jayant Patel is none other than Peter Davis - the defending counsel for GBC.

Busy boys, some of these barristers. And I still wonder who is bankrolling the GBC defence team... they would not be coming cheaply!
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