DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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I will be glued to this website tomorrow- don't think I'll be doing much work! This day has been a long time coming. Thoughts are with the Dickies- they most likely will hear some things that will be hard to take in. All the best to those of you attending- thanks in advance for being our eyes and ears.
I intend to have my decks cleared up to QLD time .. .. hope to catch up with my old pal Greg, and KeentoKnow and I particularly want to see how Gerard has travelled these long months without his mobile phone glued to his ear. I cannot recall a picture of him without it , it had to be surgically extracted , I am sure , when he went into remand.

43 witnesses, including friends, business partners and staff .

I am really interested in his first public story as told to the 2 constables who responded to the worried call from Gerard. This, I presume , will be relayed in its entirety, including more of those constables 'unspecified observations'..

Something went wrong with Gerards timing that day. I am convinced he was forced by circumstances to make that call long before he was ready to do so. I think it only occurred to him that he was the one who had to report her missing about 5 minutes before he made the actual call.
Happy Birthday Poss...

I have also been in some weird time zone, glad of the discussion so I can change it.

Good luck today everyone.I like what poss said about keeping your mental health in check.

I'll be back in a few hours and will endeavour to keep you guys updated with twitter feeds.

For now I have to run around and get 3 days of housework done ; )
Finally the day has arrived.
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Are there any WS #tags to follow?

It would be great to have a WS hashtag.
If you put in just Baden Clay in the search field any tweet mentioning the name will show in the feed.
I also follow a few of the courier mail journo's. Kate Kyriacou is an excellent one to watch in this case.

Ok, I'm meant to be cleaning.
I've woken up with a sick nervous tummy
At work and snapping at everyone lol
Oh I hope he feels worse.
I have been waiting for today for a loonnnggg time

Me too. I tell myself "good things come to those that wait" and we have all been waiting.
I am not confident about TM. Not sure which way she will go, will she be for or against GBC? She doesn't appear to be too bright.
Me too. I tell myself "good things come to those that wait" and we have all been waiting.
I am not confident about TM. Not sure which way she will go, will she be for or against GBC? She doesn't appear to be too bright.


Well no she wouldn't be would she :)
Not posted anything for a while, but been keeping up with the reading. Interesting you mentioned the clone phone Doc for forensics because I had a discussion with someone the other day with someone who is an expert in engine management systems with cars and while they said that it depends on the car etc but if someone was to do the same journey in the same car the data could be compared to show a similar journey had taken place... I had a lightbulb moment thinking about that roundabout testing early on. .... Sorry for mentioning the roundabout (will pop back from where I came from to avoid to pelting with onions!)

Sadly it is bedtime for me, so thanks to everyone in advance for the updates today... Will have to check the events in the morning... How will I sleep?????
happy birthday possumheart, love your name, always think of you as a possum rescuer xx
I doubt TM was allowed to have contact with GBC so I would love to know if there is sideways glances between the two. OMG the air will be THICK !!
Morning all :) I'm still on holiday up in the mountains of Tassie, so can't be there physically, but will be following via 3G connection as and when I can.

At the risk of sounding like a wowser, perhaps we should all remember that he is still presumed innocent, no matter what many may think, and no matter how the evidence stacks up at the committal, so jubilation and exultation should perhaps be somewhat muted??

This ain't over yet - the fat lady hasn't even started singing.

And we DO have to keep a corner of the mind in which to wonder if - just IF - we may have got it all wrong and the events of that night were quite different from our impressions.

Yeah, yeah, I know - shut up Doc! Stop spoiling things... ;) But for the sake of the girls, it would be nice if their dad was actually innocent of everything except being a jerk. I don't think that is the case, but what I think - and many others - doesn't matter. We have to let the process take its course.

Now, having said that, and ducking for incoming flak, what hashtags apart from #joshbavas do I follow? Anyone from here who is going have a hashtag and who will be tweeting?

Have a safe day all, and don't drink too much coffee - hearts will be racing enough already. :what:
Not long now!!! I can't believe it's finally here! I'll get on here as much as possible for updates. Thanks to everyone for your amazing input since Allison went missing, we've got some wonderful people on WS all in support of Allison.
I have been trying to do that doc, in the leadup.
I am going to look at the evidence freshly.
Drinking coffee right now.

Just put Baden Clay in your search field on Twitter Doc.
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