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According to WS member BrookieLocal, Allison was not wearing her 'walking clothes' when she was at the hairdresser. Reading back on BrookieLocal's posts is very interesting in view of what we now know. :twocents:

Registered User Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 14

Hi everyone, first time poster but had read all previous threads.
My friend works at the Hair Salon in Kenmore Plaza (for non-locals it is not the shopping centre at the roundabout but about 1km down the road), she told me Allison had her hair done on Thursday evening. All the staff were questioned the following morning. They were asked what Allison's demeanor was, what she said, what was she wearing, what time did she leave. My friend said she was happy and relaxed. She was discussing the conference which she was attending the following day. It was with Pathways, she was training to become a Pathways facilitator (works with small groups of children or one-on-one). My friend also mentioned Allison said the girls were at a sleep-over at the in-laws and she had a "night off". I know this conflicts with other info. She was not wearing her walking clothes. I didn't ask her what time Allison left, I presumed it was before 8pm and that's why the police changed the times, perhaps 8pm was the last time someone else besides GB-C saw her.
The staff were also questioned the Tuesday after Allison's body was found, they were asked more specifically about any marks, bruises or scratches she had on her neck, chest, arms and hands.


Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #3

Sooooo.... if the girls WEREN'T home then maybe OW brought them back to their home early and that's why she was there? They had to pretend the girls were there ... I mean, how could he possibly kill Allison if the girls were home all night? IYKWIM?

Who knows what to believe?

And in that case the girls would know they weren't home? ARGHH! So hard to figure out.
I am puzzled as to why Allison had no broken bones if she was thrown off the bridge some 12 m ? I know she landed in mud which would cushion the landing somewhat but one would think broken bones would still occur ? I have been of the opinion she must have been partially lowered down and then dropped to her final resting place. And to me that would explain the rub marks on GBC s shoulder also .

He wouldnt care enough to lower her down . That would be showing some sort of care or feeling for her . No, just chuck her over, if that is in fact what happened
Sooooo.... if the girls WEREN'T home then maybe OW brought them back to their home early and that's why she was there? They had to pretend the girls were there ... I mean, how could he possibly kill Allison if the girls were home all night? IYKWIM?

Who knows what to believe?

And in that case the girls would know they weren't home? ARGHH! So hard to figure out.

I always thought the girls WEREN'T home but that has been contradicted a million times on here so dont know either way. Just can't see him killing her there if they were home and then nothing said to anyone by the girls:banghead::banghead:
According to the attached tide chart, high tide at Kholo Creek was at 11:32pm at a height of 2.3 m.

View attachment 31180
That makes sense, as most of your stuff does , 10 m difference between tides , and someone dropped 7 feet into mud would be far less to break bones etc :please:
I always thought the girls WEREN'T home but that has been contradicted a million times on here so dont know either way. Just can't see him killing her there if they were home and then nothing said to anyone by the girls:banghead::banghead:
That's what I mean. It makes far more sense that they weren't home... but the truth would have to come out. It's not like they are babies and don't know where they were that night. Makes sense if they were elsewhere, that's why they didn't hear the screams etc. And I think GBC & Allison would be more likely to have a fight like that if they weren't home?

Just because he sent texts to her saying he was getting them ready doesn't mean anything... he knew Allison was never going to crontradict him.
That's what I mean. It makes far more sense that they weren't home... but the truth would have to come out. It's not like they are babies and don't know where they were that night. Makes sense if they were elsewhere, that's why they didn't hear the screams etc. And I think GBC & Allison would be more likely to have a fight like that if they weren't home?

Just because he sent texts to her saying he was getting them ready doesn't mean anything... he knew Allison was never going to crontradict him.

I agree entirely , if he killed her at home or she even screamed they would have told people for sure , but why does everyone on here say they were home , have I missed something ?????
He wouldnt care enough to lower her down . That would be showing some sort of care or feeling for her . No, just chuck her over, if that is in fact what happened

He wouldn't want he to float out to sea and never be found - he'd have to wait 7 years to claim on insurance - by lowering her down and dropping her under the bridge she eventually be found - thus he would be able to claim on het insurance - which of course we all know he did - even before confirmation was announced!
Sooooo.... if the girls WEREN'T home then maybe OW brought them back to their home early and that's why she was there? They had to pretend the girls were there ... I mean, how could he possibly kill Allison if the girls were home all night? IYKWIM?

Who knows what to believe?

And in that case the girls would know they weren't home? ARGHH! So hard to figure out.
Oh I know what you mean now! Fake the whole thing about "none of the girls are up yet."
However unpalatable as is; it is also quite possible that the girls were home and heard it all. Slept in fear of their lives. And were later debriefed.
It would not be the first time this dreadful scenario has played out.

There was a poster on the other site who cited such a case back on the day GBC was arrested. The children heard all, as their father beat their mother to death. They then had to live with guilt, shame and pain all their lives. Ended up messed up in the mind, as were their children. Their murdering father got off scott free. Forgot to mention, they were not questioned by police. They were minors.
I agree entirely , if he killed her at home or she even screamed they would have told people for sure , but why does everyone on here say they were home , have I missed something ????? :
But in an affidavit Baden-Clay tendered to the court, he said he sent two early-morning text messages to his wife soon after he woke on the day she disappeared, asking where she was.

The first read: "Good morning! Hope you slept well? Where are you? None of the girls are up yet! Love G." The second read; "All, getting concerned. Where are you? The app doesn't say either. (two children) are up now. I'm dressed and about to make lunches. Please just text me or call! Love G".

............ if GBC is to be believed ... this is what his text messages said.
That makes sense, as most of your stuff does , 10 m difference between tides , and someone dropped 7 feet into mud would be far less to break bones etc :please:

Sorry where do you get 7 feet from ? They had to lower the QPS to retrieve Alison's body 14 m . Was it only 7 feet from where she lay to top of bridge height? :
But in an affidavit Baden-Clay tendered to the court, he said he sent two early-morning text messages to his wife soon after he woke on the day she disappeared, asking where she was.

The first read: "Good morning! Hope you slept well? Where are you? None of the girls are up yet! Love G." The second read; "All, getting concerned. Where are you? The app doesn't say either. (two children) are up now. I'm dressed and about to make lunches. Please just text me or call! Love G".

............ if GBC is to be believed ... this is what his text messages said.

.............If GBC is to be believed........!!!
Oh I know what you mean now! Fake the whole thing about "none of the girls are up yet."
However unpalatable as is; it is also quite possible that the girls were home and heard it all. Slept in fear of their lives. And were later debriefed.
It would not be the first time this dreadful scenario has played out.

There was a poster on the other site who cited such a case back on the day GBC was arrested. The children heard all, as their father beat their mother to death. They then had to live with guilt, shame and pain all their lives. Ended up messed up in the mind, as were their children. Their murdering father got off scott free. Forgot to mention, they were not questioned by police. They were minors.
That is horrible. OMG, let's hope nothing like that happened in this case. As it is now they're going to have a lot of baggage growing up...
He wouldn't want he to float out to sea and never be found - he'd have to wait 7 years to claim on insurance - by lowering her down and dropping her under the bridge she eventually be found - thus he would be able to claim on het insurance - which of course we all know he did - even before confirmation was announced!

There's a lot of twists and turns in the Brisbane river before the sea and even then, Moreton Bay is a pretty busy waterway. The body would have floated and been found way before then IMO :
But in an affidavit Baden-Clay tendered to the court, he said he sent two early-morning text messages to his wife soon after he woke on the day she disappeared, asking where she was.

The first read: "Good morning! Hope you slept well? Where are you? None of the girls are up yet! Love G." The second read; "All, getting concerned. Where are you? The app doesn't say either. (two children) are up now. I'm dressed and about to make lunches. Please just text me or call! Love G".

............ if GBC is to be believed ... this is what his text messages said.

do we believe anything he says:banghead:
Another post of interest from BrookieLocal. I think it has been established from the police affidavit's that there was not a lawyer present on the morning of the 20 April. The fact of whether the girls were at home on the Thursday night has always been a bit of a mystery. IMO the girls had a sleepover at Nigelaine's on the Thursday night, spending time with their Walton cousins. We now know that a sleepover was organised at the Brookfield house on the Friday night with the Walton cousins but sadly that never happened.

It makes sense to me that the girls did spend the night at the BC house. TM stated that she was speaking to GBC on the phone on the Thursday evening as he was on his way to his parent's place, he having bought sausages on the way, probably for a family barbecue. Allison had an early start the following morning and it would have been convenient for the girls to stay with the BC's and for Olivia to drop them home before school in the morning. I personally don't think that the sleepover was organised to remove the girls from the house so that GBC could murder Allison. I think the fact that they weren't there allowed him to vent his full rage on Allison. There was no one else there to see him or to stop what he was doing.

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The middle B-C child was very much a mummy's girl, very clingy to Allison, today must have been very hard for all 3 girls.

I was told today that cause of death is definitely strangulation and unless toxicology reports provide some physical evidence it may be a while before an arrest is made as most evidence is circumstantial.

We've been discussing what information could have triggered police to act so quickly - I was told that GB-C's lawyer was at the house when police arrived! GB-C told police that the kids were at home that night and one of the children said they weren't.


[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Australia - Allison Baden-Clay, 43, Brisbane QLD, 19 April 2012 - #6[/ame]
Allison Baden-Clay Phone records.
Billing period 23rd March - 23rd April.
Please note that the Origin of the call would really depend on which tower the phone is pinging from as previously discussed by Doc Watson.

Added note- When I first searched the phone number 0439820631 it came up as Century 21 so I had assumed this was Gerards mobile number.
When I just went to check again the number is not coming up anywhere. I will write it down as Gerard's number and hope that I'm right!He seems to have a lot of phones!

Sorry to be the fly in the ointment CC, however when you get to check GBC's own mobile number call log, you will note that he rang that number 0439820631 on at least 2 occasions and I doubt he rang himself - see #273 at 9.52am 20/4 and #325 7.29pm.

It's obviously an important enough number judging by the number of times that it was rung, but it seems not GBC. If the phone number belongs to the family as you suggest, I'm guessing that it could be a mother checking on her little ones, then a father on 20/4, then a grandmother - EBC rang it also #64,#65 on 22/4.

Oh and by the way, the number 07 38590200 is listed as the fax number of the C21 Taringa office according to REIQ.
No broken bones if she was either unconscious or deceased. Doc W has explained this phenomena.

Had a head on accident - us in car vs motorcyclist (with no helmet) who was extremely intoxicated. He was discharged from hospital the next morning with nothing more than a few bruises..
Sorry where do you get 7 feet from ? They had to lower the QPS to retrieve Alison's body 14 m . Was it only 7 feet from where she lay to top of bridge height?
sorry I was thinking 2 .something metres from the bridge . well how did he get Al's body down 14 metres , thats a long way
do we believe anything he says:banghead:

Hard to even imagine believing a thing he says... but he's saying the girls were there that night and the BC's obviously aren't saying any different.

Surely someone has asked the girls where they were? Even if they weren't questioned they would have spoken to someone about what happened that night.
Maybe that's something we will find out later??
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