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DNA Solves
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Just throwing it out here, can I get a show of hands who believes that GBC is going to have a crack at throwing someone under the bus? And, who you all think that person may be?
It wouldn't surprise me in the least. He would pick a person who he thought would be believable. ... someone he can easily set up... hmmm, who could that be?? Maybe the wheels are already in motion for that.
AAAA if he even tries this , he has to convince the jury that he is innocent of murder and manslaughter and interfering with a corpse . He will still go to jail .....making false statements , perverting the course of justice etc . If someone else "confesses" to the murder then the trial still goes ahead . He still needs to be found not guilty . I think he will try anything to get off even if it means throwing TM under the bus . Or anybody for that matter . The sentence for lying and perverting the course of justice would be much less . He will probably give it a crack ...nothing to lose

He doesn't have to prove that someone else did it. The onus of guilt is on the Prosecution. The defense only has to create doubt in the minds of the jurors. This may include suggesting that others killed Allison. The trial can be stopped technically at anytime if the DPP decided not to proceed. This is not an acquittal. Sometimes a person is charged with murder and it is decided not to continue. Doesn't let them off the hook, the police may spend years collecting evidence that they hope will result in a conviction. Annoyingly, sometimes the DPP refuse to proceed and the police are left frustrated and their hands tied.
He doesn't have to prove that someone else did it. The onus of guilt is on the Prosecution. The defense only has to create doubt in the minds of the jurors. This may include suggesting that others killed Allison. The trial can be stopped technically at anytime if the DPP decided not to proceed. This is not an acquittal. Sometimes a person is charged with murder and it is decided not to continue. Doesn't let them off the hook, the police may spend years collecting evidence that they hope will result in a conviction. Annoyingly, sometimes the DPP refuse to proceed and the police are left frustrated and their hands tied.

I would feel ABC would have been able to fend off TM IMO and TM has no scratches on her that we know of however she may have been an accomplice I wouldn't rule that out of the equation
Just throwing it out here, can I get a show of hands who believes that GBC is going to have a crack at throwing someone under the bus? And, who you all think that person may be?

Wondered from the Court proceedings if that action is not already in motion. No eye contact, turned his away when that someone appeared to want "eye talk" at least.
I suspect GBC would give that someone the same courtesy as he gave Allison.
Wondered from the Court proceedings if that action is not already in motion. No eye contact, turned his away when that someone appeared to want "eye talk" at least.
I suspect GBC would give that someone the same courtesy as he gave Allison.

Yes the scary thing is they only have to cast doubt so unless there is direct evidence that he did indeed kill Allison as long as he keeps quiet and doesn't confess and if he had help afterwards and that person keeps quiet also - well then if you were on the jury and charged with believing that he absolutely did do it - how would you find him ? Guilty or Not Guilty ?
Yes the scary thing is they only have to cast doubt so unless there is direct evidence that he did indeed kill Allison as long as he keeps quiet and doesn't confess and if he had help afterwards and that person keeps quiet also - well then if you were on the jury and charged with believing that he absolutely did do it - how would you find him ? Guilty or Not Guilty ?

.... still hoping the Kenmore Roundabout and other traffic CCTV cameras hold the key.
.... to prove that if 'people' were out and about (when stated that they were in bed) they were hiding something with lies.

Maybe even more to be seen captured by the cameras.
Yes the scary thing is they only have to cast doubt so unless there is direct evidence that he did indeed kill Allison as long as he keeps quiet and doesn't confess and if he had help afterwards and that person keeps quiet also - well then if you were on the jury and charged with believing that he absolutely did do it - how would you find him ? Guilty or Not Guilty ?
IMO We need to factor in that the Judge gives the Jury directions regarding the evidence.
A couple days ago to i read the excerpts of Allison's diary that had been published - specifically, that her husband had told her she smelled. Seriously?! Jmo, of course, but everything people do or come in contact with gives us some kind of odor...totally 100% natural and hardly ever a reason to shame or be ashamed! Who did he think he was....?!

PlainJane, this strikes me as typical of a person who wants to humiliate or belittle their partner in order to be dominant or create control over them. My sister in law abused her husband this way for years - personal insults, talking about him in a derogatory way to friends and family - it was basically abuse. All to make herself feel superior. It was very very demoralising and had quite an effect even on someone who thinks they are mentally strong and/or capable, intelligent people. It wears you down. Eventually my brother in law changed completely in his opinion of himself and how he faced each day, it was very very sad. We realize now that she is the one with self-esteem issues, but even so it is difficult to see a person you love become so broken by a partner's abuse.
Yes apparently they all get together mid April in random places in South East Queensland. Poor buggers haven't been quite right since the floods. Climate change.
GFC. Seems like the general excuse for everything gone wrong these days (Global Financial Crisis) And he did appear to have a penchant for using RE type lingo that only professional people apparently had the capacity to understand.
Thinking of Allison going about her life just a year ago, having no idea these were her last days. Allison, I so wish none of us had heard of you and you were still here, mothering your precious girls, hopefully separated and enjoying life! We miss you, all of us who never even met you and mourn you. Bless you! Justice WILL prevail!
IMO We need to factor in that the Judge gives the Jury directions regarding the evidence.

I have been on jury service a few times. Years ago for a murder and most recently for a much less serious crime. It amazed me how much direction we were given by the Judge - 45 minutes of it - like we were idiots and he had to spell out EVERYTHING to us. That was in a trial so minor, it was actually a waste of time. So I imagine that it will be quite a sermon that GBC's jury will get from the Judge when the time comes.
I have been on jury service a few times. Years ago for a murder and most recently for a much less serious crime. It amazed me how much direction we were given by the Judge - 45 minutes of it - like we were idiots and he had to spell out EVERYTHING to us. That was in a trial so minor, it was actually a waste of time. So I imagine that it will be quite a sermon that GBC's jury will get from the Judge when the time comes.


Good post. I'm posting a link from the government which gives a good explaination of trials similiar to this and the role a judge plays in proceedings. It seems the Judge gives direction to the jury as to not listen ad nausem to the weakest link in the cae. The jury has to base their decision on accepted evidence.

I wish that anyone who does jury duty has more information in the judicial process. Bias may come about because of the judges vocab. and our culture is to not accept toffs. Unless you are friends off said toff.

I have never yet done jury duty and when I get the chance I will do more judicial research beforehand.

We can't bring Allison and many other women who were taken but we can promote education.
I think both policies had a dead line in paid or cancelled. I wonder if he paid his own policy...I don't think so....

Puts a whole new slant to the word "deadline" doesn't it?

Perhaps this was the reason for the poor timing? Maybe one of the discussions they had was not paying one of the insurances which means they would run out in May, therefore cashing in had to happen prior to that?
Such a sad thought looking back on 12 months ago - I hope Allison's family know a lot of people in Australia and around the world still remember Allison's name, still believe in justice, and will cherish life that little bit more because of her. I feel quite uneasy thinking this would have been Allison's last week alive 12 months ago. :(

I hope the person (or people) responsible for Allison's death, and those who know what happened to her and are too gutless to speak the truth, don't sleep a wink this week.
I was at Bunnings Stafford today and the sausage sizzle was raising money for the Baden Powell Lodge. As much as I love a Bunnings Sausage sizzle I couldn't buy one on the off chance it was some convoluted attempt to raise funds for GBC. A stretch I know and I'm sure these people are just going about their business but I just couldn't.
Remember they the LNP were thinking of selecting him GBC as a candidate in upcoming elections - wow having affairs and bing exposed like that would have looked good to Campbell Neumann ! He wouldn't have lasted long in parliament he would have been disgraced soon enough !

This political angle has always interested me. From what I've been able to piece together -

* GBC ran unsuccessfully against his good mate Bruce Flegg in a pre-selection battle for Moggill in 2004.
* GBC was publicly touted by a Liberal Cabinet Minister as the "best candidate" in the pre-selection and as a future Minister.
* That pre-selection was the subject of an unsuccessful legal challenge by Russell Galt, a former Liberal Federal Electorate Committee Chairman.

And of course.....

* GBC & BF worked together at Kenmore Chamber of Commerce and Brookfield State School
* GBC asked BF twice for substantial financial assistance ($400k & $300k) (you would have to think it strange to ask someone this)
* BF lent him a phone (can't find the link for this one)
* BF offered GBC the use of a self contained room at BF's house after ABC's dissapearance
* GBC phoned BF to ask if there was a camera at the Kenmore roundabout after hearing a media story
* BF says he heard screams in the night and testified in court

All the links are below.

It just seems a very close, very cosy relationship to me. One where BF has distanced himself, yet didn't we see his employee SH hanging around the BC's quite a bit? Food for thought.

All totally my humble opinion!
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