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I'm wondering if the 13th July was a misprint & should read 13th June. There was a search at the house involving forensic team on the night of his 13th June arrest. Having said that, locals reported seeing police at the house at various other times in the following months.

Police also did a search of the parents car on the night of the bail hearing.

June 22, 2012

Police search Gerard Baden-Clay's parents' car

Thanks Marly. I recall the police swooping on the Brookfield house only hours after GBC was arrested. We were all trying to work out why so many police and forensic vehicles were there. They apparently blocked the media at the front entrance to the house.

There was then another time after this that some of the locals saw police cars at the house. We never found out what that was about either. :banghead:

From memory, on the night of the bail hearing Nigelaine had just returned from Townsville when the police swooped on them. Apparently they'd decided to leave town for a few days. That same day there had been an anonymous bomb threat to the court where the bail hearing was due to take place.
I am from the bush. There is one brand of "caterpillar" that does actually cause hives. (If one is susceptible) The "caterpillars" are called hairy grubs, and they are found in brigalow trees. The nests are like a brown pendulous hanging bag, and easily recognized. They stand out horribly. Can't miss them. When you know they are there, you avoid those brigalow trees.
The allergy to hairy grubs is like an allergy to penicillin.
PS Any self respecting bush person does nor equate hairy grubs with caterpillars.



They sound similar to our 'spitfires' found on Sydney Coast.
The first time I watched this video, I was waiting for him to speak of Allison, his Wife, the lady who was missing, the mother of his children, the love of his life. I waited for pleading words like "Please, Anybody, HELP. Please help me, help me find dear Allison". Some words like "I am distraught, I am a wreck, I love my wife, I am trying desperately to find my wife. Please help! Allison, if you can hear me, please come back. Please forgive me if I have upset you."
But though I watched it more than once, nothing like that was said or even hinted at.
It was all about him.
Until that news clip I had held hope that Allison Dickie Baden Clay was missing and alive.
After that news clip, it was clear to me that Allison Dickie BC had met with foul play.

Interesting the way it was reported in SydneyMorningHerald....word for word....


May 5, 2012

Gerard Baden-Clay hasn't said much since his wife vanished on Thursday, April 19.

Sprung by a TV crew about a week after she disappeared, before her body was found, he was a bundle of hand-wringing nerves, tears not quite visible.

''I'm trying to look after my children at the moment, I've got three young girls, and we really trust that the police are doing everything they can to find my wife and we just hope that she will come home soon,'' he said with his sister, Olivia, at his side. ''I've spoken to the police about everything and I have had no contact from her at all … I've tried to help the police as much as I can, we all have, with everything we've got.''
Seat belt graze marks look like parallel ribbons and look like "seat belt marks".
Same width as seat belts and with definite long ribbon type marks.

We have one desperate and panicking person wondering how he explain these marks.
I imagine that could be the reason + a delay from visiting the police
I am from the bush. There is one brand of "caterpillar" that does actually cause hives. (If one is susceptible) The "caterpillars" are called hairy grubs, and they are found in brigalow trees. The nests are like a brown pendulous hanging bag, and easily recognized. They stand out horribly. Can't miss them. When you know they are there, you avoid those brigalow trees.
The allergy to hairy grubs is like an allergy to penicillin.
PS Any self respecting bush person does nor equate hairy grubs with caterpillars.

Can anybody elaborate please, if there are any Brigalow Belts at or around Brookfield way?
(Brigalow being the Hairy Grub's favoured tree species haunt)
Just wondering ....
To my knowledge there is no other "caterpillar" in Australia that either causes hives, welts or allergic type reactions: or does such damage to one's torso as evidenced by those injuries on GBC.
This would be a scientific first.
Can anybody elaborate please, if there are any Brigalow Belts at or around Brookfield way?
(Brigalow being the Hairy Grub's favoured tree species haunt)
Just wondering ....
To my knowledge there is no other "caterpillar" in Australia that either causes hives, welts or allergic type reactions: or does such damage to one's torso as evidenced by those injuries on GBC.
This would be a scientific first.

On the Darling Downs I have had itchy welts from hairy grubs on a large ornamental peach tree. Very nasty.
An insect ecologist found no evidence of caterpillars in the area where accused wife killer Gerard Baden-Clay claimed to have been "bitten" by one, a court has heard.
Professor Myron Zalucki from the University of Queensland was called upon by police to verify claims by Mr Baden-Clay that he suffered a reaction to a "caterpillar bite" which left red abrasions on his chest and neck.

"I could not find any [caterpillar] nests on those Acacia trees," he told the court.
But Professor Zalucki noted that caterpillar hairs, when they have contact with the skin, can cause adverse reactions in some people, not dissimilar to the reaction Mr Baden-Clay claimed to have suffered.
7.15am 000 call (duration approx 3-5 mins)
7.30am Kieron Ash tasked to job
8.00am Kieron Ash arrived at address
8.18 am Jackson & Curtis start interview.

From the time GBC called 000 to the second police crew arriving was only 1 hour
IMO the 000 call wasn't an urgent call, GBC said he didn't want to be an alarmist but .....
Considering GBC didn't seem overly worried, the police certainly acted reasonably quickly. Allison was only late back from a walk.
I'd like to know if a neighbour did call during the night not wanting to be an alarmist but by morning the police were putting two + two together.

Only 18 minutes between Kieron Ash arriving to the second crew arriving IMO THEN showing real urgency.

I called 000 when a disadvantaged & lost woman was trapped on a roundabout. She had wet her pants, was too frightened to cross and couldn't tell me where she lived. It took the police 35 minutes to arrive with me making 2 urgent calls while waiting on a busy roundabout with the distressed woman. The closest police station was only 15 minutes away.

Hear you TGY
I rang 000 re what turned out to be a violent home invasion.
No blood curdling screams just a women yelling for help early hours of the morning.
Woken from deep sleep my first instinct was to ring 000.

000 kept me on the phone until the police arrived. It was only minutes before I could hear sirens coming our way.

I did ask in earlier post about the 000 transcript.

It just reads like it is 2 different conversations to me.
Operator and GBC both say bye and then it clearly has End Conversation.

Then there is a bit at the end -- unidentified male with lots of indistincts and then it says again End Conversation.
Ladybird, it's all coming back...hairy grubs were a constant source of angst for me as a child lol. Hate the things and they'd travel in massive long lines everywhere! We called them 'itchy grubs'. Yuck.


I am from the bush. There is one brand of "caterpillar" that does actually cause hives. (If one is susceptible) The "caterpillars" are called hairy grubs, and they are found in brigalow trees. The nests are like a brown pendulous hanging bag, and easily recognized. They stand out horribly. Can't miss them. When you know they are there, you avoid those brigalow trees.
The allergy to hairy grubs is like an allergy to penicillin.
PS Any self respecting bush person does nor equate hairy grubs with caterpillars.
I'm wondering if the 13th July was a misprint & should read 13th June. There was a search at the house involving forensic team on the night of his 13th June arrest. Having said that, locals reported seeing police at the house at various other times in the following months.

Police also did a search of the parents car on the night of the bail hearing.

June 22, 2012

Police search Gerard Baden-Clay's parents' car

I posted that I saw police cars etc there on July 19. I believe the BCs were there too. Maybe the warrant was obtained on the 13th but not executed until the 19th? HMO
Ladybird, it's all coming back...hairy grubs were a constant source of angst for me as a child lol. Hate the things and they'd travel in massive long lines everywhere! We called them 'itchy grubs'. Yuck.


Yep! That's the ones. Thanks for the graphic picture. (Recognize those nests anywhere) These critters really do cause grief, that is true. Itchy grubs.
Keep clear of them, was what I was taught. But like I mentioned, they are habitat specific.
And you would have to be pretty ignorant or blind to be any where near them. Brookfield?
Hi everyone, I drove over the bridge today and quite a few cars were parked near Allison's monument and several people there, plus at least two cameras filming - I guess things are really heating up now. Only a few days to go. Justice for Allison *advertiser censored*
I'm back and soooo ready for the trial and justice for Allison! Looking forward to Tuesday and thanks to my fellow sleuths and particularly those in Brisbane for their work, thoughts, photos , attending Court etc! Love Daisy in Perth

I'm glad you're back Daisy, I hope everyone else comes back! Not long to go!

I know I'll be in trouble with my partner, glued to my ipad and MSM! Should've booked a few days off....
Folks some of you have been warned over & over.

You cannot post photos or info unless you have a relevant link included.

And you cannot post photos of people who have no connection to the case whatsoever
I can't quite believe trial starts next week. I hope so, so much that the police have concrete evidence and that justice is done. And my curious mind eagerly awaits answers to our many, many questions. Waiting......
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