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In the documents that have been recently released about the pervert priests, it is interesting that the priests were looked at for Jacob and the Reker girls
It is interesting in the transparancy docs about the monks/ priests that all of the ones I have read so far grew up on a farm.

It is interesting that there are pages of glowing reports and then the next thing is the intake paper to St. Lukes for treatment.

The things the monks write are so intelligent, insightful, etc and then we find out they have been busy being perverts. Very interesting reading.
I have a friend who summarized some of the priest reports. Excellent.

I am going to post here.

Oh great….Fr. Gilbert Tarltor was sent by the abbot to live with Fr. Pirmin (another abuser). He said after living with him for a year he developed a very warm affection for him.

The abbot encouraged Fr. Gilbert to come back to St. Johns from Andros and then go to a infamous Seton Psychiatric Institute in Baltimore where he would get treatment for his homosexuality….he also had narcissistic personality disorder by his own admission. The abbot is going to Europe, so he’ll have to hear what the psychiatrist thinks in several months. (Wow….more trips overseas.)

Gilbert confessed that he wasted the monastery’s money and lied. He goofed off in a university and never completing his master’s degree like he told the abbott. He confessed not taking his vows seriously. He never mentions that he desires to fulfill his vows though. After spending 22 months there, he asks the abbott if he can remain attached to St. Johns, but be a lay missionary in the Bahamas-Nassau. (How many people in St. Cloud, MN want to go live in the Bahamas?)

The abbott should have sent him with his blessing and directive to never come back.
Oh goodie….the abott also goes to the Bahamas to St. Augustine’s.

Fr.Gilbert was told come back and teach in cold, cold St. Cloud, but later there’s a letter showing that he did end back up there in Nassau. Then he writes a letter to the abbott explaining he moved out and is living at his sisters and wants a leave of absence. (Man, the abbott had no control of this guy.)

It’s revealed that Fr. Leander also has to go to Seton Psych Institute. Wow.

Fr. Gilbert applied to work as a case worker for the Welfare Department. I’m going to guess that this has to do with children. Yep. The out-of-touch liberal abbott then gave him a good job reference. He also told the abbott that he got made about what he heard the abbott had said about him. (Wow…in my church, he would have been removed permanently from the monastery for disrespect to the abbott. This abbott obviously didn’t mind.)

Then he leaves and goes to Cincinnati changes his name (given at tonsure) back to Allen. Outrageous. What monk doesn’t use his tonsured name? Then he decides his calling is to be a black monk “in these racial times”.

He falsely charges car repairs to a monastery of nuns (likely those running the school where he became an elementary teacher). The new abbott paid his bill. He borrows money for plane tickets and never repays the Franciscan Fathers. The new abbott pays Gilbert/Allen’s bill that he never paid.

Then he goes to Catholic school in Indianapolis to do his “black priest “ thing.

It’s found that he never provided a list of his relatives or their addresses with the monastery (he lied on his application to enter the monastery?)

He comes back to St. Johns. Then he legally changes his last name. (Weeeeird.) Eventually became Headmaster.

Then he has to go to alcohol rehab.

He’s referred to as “Huggy Bear”.

He’s involved in a class called Sexual Attitude Restructuring at alcohol rehab for Catholic monastics. He really enjoys it and recommends it to others. He spent 6 months in rehab. Wow.

He gets a letter from another monk discussing how he is absent from his classrooms for varying amounts of time (he drinking at school somewhere). He returns to the aftercare program from his alcohol rehab and tells them everything is perfect.

Had complaints about assigning books with pornagraphy and violence for his high school students to read.

Parents complained that he didn’t grade their teens’ reports. Take home tests were given for AP English and then never graded.

Was counseled that students and parents said he had an obsession with sex, violence and race.

He is given a medical leave of absence. He was forced to undergo the longest list of psychiatric examinations I’ve ever seen listed for one person. He admits to homosexuality. He had sex with 2 monks while he was at St Johns.

He was given an “extremely poor prognosis” for genuine recovery by the psychological consulting agency.
Summary of Francisco Shulte

Oh great. Brother Francisco couldn’t be ordained on time in the summer because he said he had a bad rash from the dry air and the ointment given to him made him drowsy and sleepy for a few weeks. (There’s no such ointment. A faculty member confronted him and said he was sedated. He was drowsy and falling asleep in class. Why didn’t his abbot follow up on this? More lack of oversight.)

The faculty were very hesitant to allow him permission to be ordained. He withdrew from St John’s School of Divinity.

Ask the abbot as a gift to buy him plane tickets from Puerto Rico to MN and then back to Puerto Rico. It appears that the abbot bought him a chalice instead when he was finally ordained in Puerto Rico. lol

Writes letter to his abbot in MN that he and Fr (name blacked out) have had a “falling out” in Puerto Rico because Fr. Francisco is one of the remaining Americans and unwanted. (huh?) Fr.(name blacked out) was one of his teachers at St. Johns in 10th and 11th grade. He took now Father Francisco to camp, to vocations, was with him at Notre Dame for something…yeah…you get the picture…Fr (name blacked out) was likely a Sandusky…Did they had a lover’s spat? Now Fr. Francisco is desperate to get out of Puerto Rico. He asks his abbot in St. Cloud to bring him back from Puerto Rico to MN

Fr Francisco loses another monk’s file and it was desperately wanted for some unknown reason. The file later appears. I wonder if everyone at St. John’s just assumed suspicious fr. Fransisco took it.

The abbot inquires about Fr. Francisco’s “condition.” He answers that it’s his unstable blood sugar that makes him have profuse sweating, dizziness and fainting. (Fascinating as those are the same symptoms of WITHDRAWAL.

Mysteriously $18,000 shows up in this indigent Puerto Rican monastery’s bank account and a crowd of employees have NO idea from where it came . Finally a priest remembers that this money came from an inheritance that he got…….lol…don’t think so.

Paying parents threaten a boycott of the private school where Fr Francisco is principal. Fr. Fran writes to his abbot that he doesn’t know why they even want to keep the damn (yes he chose that word) school open. The Puerto Rican Bishop then gets involved and takes over the school which St. John’s apparently operated. Fr. Fran resigns as principal.

The Minnesota abbot travels to Tokyo to assess the monastic life at St. Anselm’s.

He gets in a big fight with another monk because he is sure his ideas are most correct for the school. He sends a 3 page letter to the abbot who recalls him back to St. Cloud. (Fr. Fran has personality problems and drug or alcohol issues.)

Once back in cold Minnesota Fr. Fran sends a letter to the abbot about making a recruiting trip to the Dominican Republic and Venezuela….for a summer camp. The abbot let him go. He sent back a postcard. rofl

More narcissistic letters fighting with other monks and tattling on them to the abbot.

Fr. Fran isn’t happy at Collegeville either and starts looking for openings in Raleigh, NC.

He demands that the abbot buy him a newer car to drive to Raleigh, NC.

He writes NUMEROUS letters to the abbot which is good, but they are all whining . He was supposed to go to Raleigh to work with Hispanics. One news paper clipping even announces that he is coming to work with Hispanics. When he gets in Raleigh, he announces he doesn’t have enough time to work with Hispanics. rofl He wants to return to St. Cloud in a year. The Bishop has several ‘talks’ with him. Fr. Fran now says he’s mad at the Personell Board of the Diocese who misrepresented the facts to him

Then he decides he want to be a Navy Chaplain to be freed from parish obligations. lol

He begins to use his birth name instead of his tonsured name. The abbot continues to call him by his tonsured name.

Abbot Jerome wants to go to Japan to see if there is good land to build a monastery. lol

Somehow Fr. Fran doesn’t end up going to be a Navy chaplain. He ends up in Hispanic ministry wearing a Clint Eastwood The Good, the Bad and the Ugly shaw.

Then he end up back at St. Johns Univ. He decides to “get involved” with the prep school. He wants to stay on campus because he’s so bad with paper work.

Abbot jerome returns from a conference in the Bahamas. He just got back from traveling to Spain to explore exchange program alternative….I guess they don’t have phones in Spain.

Then Fr. Fran says he can only work 1/2 time at the prep school cuz being the chaplain there is just too much.

Then he decides to get his graduate degree. He goes to Univ of Mexico. He needs to learn the Aztec language Nahuati. rofl He hurts his knee and has to stay in North Carolina for weeks with him mommy.

Then he moves to Rome and two years later is still doing that important research in Mexico while residing in Rome. He writes the abbot a letter from ROME on how their is a youth ministry near his home in ROME that is desperate for a priest cuz there aren’t enough priests in Rome and Benedictine nuns need his presence. Abbot tells him that st. Johns is also short of monks and denies his request.

His graduate director leaves and THAT is why he just can’t get his thesis finished.

He’s desperate to stay in Italy and suggests that the abbot of St. Johns should establish a monastery there. Not kidding.

Now he writes to the abbot and says he has an early form of leukemia and has 12.5 years to live. Okaydokie. He must move back to Rome cuz he has to turn in his final draft and return his books. There’s no mail service in Italy I guess.
Two years later he gets his PhD.
He needs to go to Mexico for 5 weeks in the winter to be tutored in the Aztec language.

He starts up a big fight with an older monk using “I’m a victim” . Tries to make the old monk feel guilty by saying he had been moved around so much and lost his various friends/families from all the places he lived lol He was the one who always begged to move cuz he hated hard work, Hispanics, got in fights with people, and likely had to run away after molesting a child. Instead of accepting his assignment at St. Johns, he wants to dictate what he will and won’t do.

Another fight over getting a car for himself.

More fights with other monks. He gets angry and resigns at St. Johns.

Abbot writes letter about how Fr. Fran has to attend a 1-2 year therapy program. Knows he has been accused of sexual assault.

Abbot assigned him to Crookston Diocese. Fr. fran said he would stay in the rectory and not have contact with families.

Then he says he has been contacted by another monk about re-founding a monastic community in the Bahamas.’

The abbot signs a legal document for becoming a resident in the Bahamas saying he knows Fr. Fran and attests to his good character and the monastery will financially support him in the Bahamas. GRRRRR.

Fr Fran writes the abbot a letter explaining when he will leave for the Bahamas. He writes,” A one-way ticket, eh? What ever you say…..”

He writes to the abbot and asks that his debit card be reissued to him in the Bahamas.

He then writes many letters to the abbot whining about the other monks with who he works.

Then he has another big fight and wants to return to St. Johns.

He is finally asked to leave the monastery in the Bahamas. In the letter punting him, it’s revealed he spent his time painting a school (with little kids) instead of working on a marriage program and a Bible study program that he had been assigned.

Given the position to be the spiritual counselor @ St. Johns

2001-abbot tells someone operating St Johns that Fr. fran shouldn’t have that position and was essentially a very sneaky individual

In 2002, he apparently found someone to take him in Italy for 3 years to reflect on his future. He was accepted to be a founding member of the Institute for Guadalupan Studies. The new abbot John didn’t know about this appointment until after it happened. He sent a letter warning them about how he shouldn’t be with kids under 18.

In 2005, he was in Mexico City and he stayed at least until June. He was having his book translated.

In 2007, he was back in Italy.

In 2014, he was still at St. John’s, not following the rules, and still trying to avoid being an actual monk.
Moorse -Dunstan

His recommendation letter to get into the novitiate describes him as an immature, judgemental person that everyone hated. In addition he had “effeminacy”. But he was trying to change. He was denied acceptance into St. John’s the first two times he applied. He finally got into another novitiate program after he petitioned his bishop. The bishop ordered him to be accepted at another monastery. He transferred to St. John's a year later.

He became immediately verbally abusive to the female kitchen staff when he was the responsibility monastery food chairman.

He didn’t send in his surplus income to support the monastery and wouldn’t even respond to his abbot’s request.

Although he was sent out to be a parish priest in May, he wanted to leave this and go to grad school in June (almost immediately).

He then applied for a grant which would take him out of his new parish assignment in MN and to NY for a 6 week seminar on Thucydides, Plutarch, and Bebe. (anything to escape doing that hard parish work, right) The abbot let him leave his parish and go to this seminar for 6 weeks.

Then he taught at St. John’s for 7 years.

He offered mass on a dirty stage (beer cups) in the middle of the Renaissance Fair. He lied and told the observers that he had the abbot’s permission. He used really crusty bread and was unconcerned about the crumbs falling everywhere (the Body of Christ shouldn't hit the floor and be trampled at the Renny Fair) Then the bishop found out. lol He defended his dirty loud mass at the Renny Fair instead of saying he was wrong. (He has a BA in Medieval History.---this says volumes lol--he was having a wonderful time at the Renny Fair dressed as a priest )

He wanted to leave his parish again and go get a master’s when allegations of sexual assaulting students occurred. The bishop let him go to New Mexico to work on his master’s.

He was required to see a psychiatrist while he was there.

He is a narcissist and BPD too. His scathing letters are hilarious .....considering he’s a monk and should be filled with joy and peace

One sex offender psychologist fired him as a patient because he was resistant to treatment and couldn’t admit he had done anything wrong.

He sees no fault in his actions. He has rages over anything. He sees everything as being a personal attack against him. He had a rage and frightened another priest about song book pages that were removed from a binder because they were not used.

He never admitted to sexually molesting kids or apologized. He had a rage in one letter about how the monastic life all over the world was changing for the worse....(annnnnnnd he was a sexual molester in a monastery changing monastic life......outrageous projection and complete lack of introspection/narcissism)
Robert Anthony McDonald-Fr. Finian

Admits 3 of his 4 brothers are alcoholics and have left the Catholic faith. He has a speech defect. He was drafted and spent two years in the Army, but when he needs references to his character from that time, none can be found.

“His call to the priesthood will have to be decided by his ability to overcome his stuttering.” (I’ll guess it was so bad he couldn’t serve mass)

His grades were below average.

His four brothers also stuttered.

His letters are hand written and very difficult or impossible to read.

He goes to get his master’s in counseling. He becomes the special advisor to Freshmen in the university.. Then Director of Job Placement in the university.

He goes on a trip to Barcelona, Madrid, some place in Germany, London and Paris.

June 1980 He has to go to alcohol detox. He has been drinking alcohol since high school. At alcohol detox, he wants to focus on his sexuality more than his alcoholism. His chief complaint is LONELINESS. He is referred to AA twice a week and SEXUALITY counseling.

He is discharged and takes an administrative sabbatical for a year to GUESS WHERE? Nassau in the Bahamas. SURPRISE…just like the other sexual molesters did frequently as well as abbot Jerome.

Then he is allowed to go to Georgetown Univ to work on more coursework. He is staying with the Jesuits and traveling a lot to NY.

Then he goes to Tokyo for more coursework. He is going to research stress reduction by using zen and meditation. (Prayer doesn’t help stress reduction? Hmmm that one abbot who also went to the Bahamas traveled too)

He also is interested in going to Japan for flower arranging and landscaping.

From Japan he plans to go to Israel for 5 months. Then he goes to tour Egypt and Athens. (WHY DOES THE ABBOT JEROME HAND OUT MONEY TO ALLOW HIM TO DO THESE THINGS? Monks are supposed to be praying, serving mass, and helping the sick, poor and those in prison.) He applies for a scholarship to help pay for some of his trip to Japan. The airfare alone is $2,300!

His “job review” by the abbot says he needs to go on a sabbatical for “enrichment and change of pace”

He was given $900 to help with his “change of pace sabbatical” from an “incentive fund” because of his leadership skills at St. Johns.

Abbot Jerome heads over to Japan too and then back to visit a friend in San Francisco.

April 26, 1986, he sends a one sentence letter to the abbot that “the Spirit has again instructed me to request the Japan assignment”. (The Spirit? the Japan assignment? )

He applied for a “missionary visa’ to Japan
He goes to Seoul and Hong Kong. No mention of Jesus, God….doing the work of the Church…nope.

At least Fr. Fran PRETENDED to be doing the work of the Christ and His Church.

A letter mentions has the newest brother to St. Johns John Nakata quit.

Fenian wrote the abbot a note stating “For the special tea gatherings in your office. Peace and affection”

Abbot Jerome mailed Fr. Fenian a tea set from Minnesota to Japan. It must have had been associated with good memories from Abbot Jerome's office. Phew.

Fenian writes numerous letters to his abbot about his fun time in Japan….no mention of anything about God or the Church.

Another letter from Finian suggesting that Abbot Jerome had been to Bangkok.

There is mention of monks not being able to get along with Fr Chrystosom. I wonder if Fr. Chrystosom was the only abstaining monk at the abbey.

He was recalled from his “missionary activities” in japan when the shiite hit the fan about his 15 sexual abuse victims (in college at St. Johns). He admits to sexual contacts with members of his religious community and 3-4 of these are ongoing. (Let’s guess who one of ongoing contacts was)

While working at St. Johns, he was counseled on 3 different occasions about soliciting sexual contact with students

Psych report: His alcohol rehab forced him to realize he is a stutter, an alcoholic and a homosexual. He had sexual contact with male prostitutes in Japan. He had a long habit of stealing from the collection plate. He stole $3,000-$4,000 from the Priory in Tokyo. He enjoys horse race gambling.He has little guilt over the harm he caused to students. He denies the need for the abbot or his Order to monitor him. Upon being recalled from Tokyo, he made advances towards a scantily clad male student on campus and even ran his hand over his muscles. He said they should work out together. He doesn’t fully come clean in his “confession’ to the psychologist. He justifies his abusive and impulsive behaviors. He lacks insight and internal strength to change his behavior. He represents an extremely serious risk to his Order and St. Johns. There is no realistic chance that his behavioral patterns will change. 9/11/1992

Even after being told that this man won’t change, the new abbot Timothy sends him to Saint Luke Institute…..cuz he was told Finian can’t and won’t change….wth? Doesn’t anyone ever get kicked out of a Benedictine monastery?

At St. Lukes, he admits to contact with 30 students. (That’s double from his first psych report) He admits to stealing $10,000 from the Priory in Japan (he told the last psychologist that he took $3-4000)

Abbot Timothy travels to Mexico and Japan too.
Human has a question.

Who is the abbot who was reported in the report by the last man in Dunstan Moorse's case that had the potential novitiate's stand nude?
There is so much left out of these because of privileged conversations.

LE was looking at the priests for Jacob but there is only the request for info where priests were on Oct 22 and nothing else
I see that Tim Huber's murder conviction was overturned. There will be a new trial soon.
I know he's been cleared twice and all, but man, feeney being on that road that night and also specifically on Kiwi Ave just bugs me a bit yet.
I know he's been cleared twice and all, but man, feeney being on that road that night and also specifically on Kiwi Ave just bugs me a bit yet.

I was just thinking about that the other day. It's hard for me to believe that Feeney being there is just a coincidence. Aside from DR, he's the only one we truly know was in the area. Then there was the claim by Ben Bina that the Bahner Brothers and Lou Kohls were in the area. Was that ever discounted?
Hi! I'm new. I found this website while googling Joy Baker after reading an article about her work and Jacob. I'm not sure I'll be here much but there are 2 reasons I decided to join. Mainly I'd read some of the posts in "Discussion #3" - in particular "Celticthymes" statement about not understanding these perps to begin with (How people can do what they do). That said - I'll get to the meat of my response:

1) To Understand: Please read "The Franklin Cover Up by John DeCamp" It's written by a lawyer (John) about the Omaha Savings & Loan scandal. But it goes way beyond - to Boys Town to California, Europe and the White House. From child abuse, Satanism to murder ... while an easy read - the content is difficult in it's revelation. Most likely a paradigm shift in how you'll view the world.

#2 Most importantly, there are a couple segments of particular interest: this story includes mention of Scott County cases from Jordan, Johnny Gosch - the Des Moines paper boy and Jacob. It's available on Kindle for $8 I believe that is the 2nd Edition. (Mine is). The paperback is $30+ First edition is $18. Read the (5th) review by Poe Ballantine ... there are links referenced in it as well as why you might choose the 2nd addition.

I guess I've sort of felt the book explains why so many cases are still open ... just my $0.02 ....
Hi! I'm new. I found this website while googling Joy Baker after reading an article about her work and Jacob. I'm not sure I'll be here much but there are 2 reasons I decided to join. Mainly I'd read some of the posts in "Discussion #3" - in particular "Celticthymes" statement about not understanding these perps to begin with (How people can do what they do). That said - I'll get to the meat of my response:

1) To Understand: Please read "The Franklin Cover Up by John DeCamp" It's written by a lawyer (John) about the Omaha Savings & Loan scandal. But it goes way beyond - to Boys Town to California, Europe and the White House. From child abuse, Satanism to murder ... while an easy read - the content is difficult in it's revelation. Most likely a paradigm shift in how you'll view the world.

#2 Most importantly, there are a couple segments of particular interest: this story includes mention of Scott County cases from Jordan, Johnny Gosch - the Des Moines paper boy and Jacob. It's available on Kindle for $8 I believe that is the 2nd Edition. (Mine is). The paperback is $30+ First edition is $18. Read the (5th) review by Poe Ballantine ... there are links referenced in it as well as why you might choose the 2nd addition.

I guess I've sort of felt the book explains why so many cases are still open ... just my $0.02 ....

I think most of this was proven to be false or at the very least, greatly exaggerated.
never rule anything out nmogren. Nothing have been proven for Jacob's case or Johnny's case one way or the other.

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