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DNA Solves
Sorta off of your EWE theories..and mingled into another one...

Even Halbach did not know this fact until Auto Trader magazine contacted her in the early morning of October 31, and then their standard business forms were eventually finalized. In order for Edwards to initiate that drama, he would have needed to call the magazine at 8:17 a.m., pretending to be Steven Avery making a request for B. Janda.

This fact is the one fact that has me flipping back and forth.Also the one that has me wanting someone other the SC doing test on the evidence. There is no doubt TH family is connected,at least for me,to the government in These localities . Is TH involved in her own murder? Was she instructed to call someone next time she was at the Avery's? Nothing in the transcripts disputes that could be possible and if she was ,is she really deceased? If TH had never mentioned the Avery name I would not give this a second thought but here she is making lots of visits to their property and talking to people about the Avery's . It seems to be really convenient.
Sorta off of your EWE theories..and mingled into another one...

This fact is the one fact that has me flipping back and forth.Also the one that has me wanting someone other the SC doing test on the evidence. There is no doubt TH family is connected,at least for me,to the government in These localities . Is TH involved in her own murder? Was she instructed to call someone next time she was at the Avery's? Nothing in the transcripts disputes that could be possible and if she was ,is she really deceased? If TH had never mentioned the Avery name I would not give this a second thought but here she is making lots of visits to their property and talking to people about the Avery's . It seems to be really convenient.

I'm afraid that I find theories about TH faking her own death and/or those about her family covering up her suicide, way too far out there to really be credible.
OK there's nothing in any of the testimonies to categorically discount it, but there's absolutely nothing to suggest it as a probability either.
(In fact, I'd go as far as to say that even the suggestion of evidence tampering hasn't been conclusively proven - although I know most people have a strong opinion one way or the other on that)

I wouldn't say that TH made "lots" of visits to the Avery property, but yes she'd made quite a few in the months leading up to her murder.
But they were all in the course of her job and at the requests of the Averys, not something that she'd orchestrated herself.
And talking to people about the Averys? She most likely talked to people about lots of her clients in the context of how her day at work had been.
There's no reason for us to be aware of any of that though.
It also stands to reason that a repeat customer as notorious as SA who exhibited some 'odd' behaviour would be the subject of some inter-office gossip.
Food for Thought...Family of Richard Rohl???


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Has any convincing theory been out forward as to why it took so long for anyone to report TH missing? The conduct of her roommate and her ex bothers me, but can't quite put my finger on why.

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BAC ~ Do you have a quick reason as to its relevance? I accessed the link began reading, stopped shortly, then ctrl+F(ed), searched for "Avery", found no mention within the "", and now wonder how-and-why this Incident Report was generated with SA's name listed in the "Person(s)"

No, I just posted because of the relevance of the incident and the person involved in the incident. Appears another "Rohl" was convicted of murder. SA was friends with a Richard Rohl, coincidence perhaps? The old saying, you are known by the company you keep? Common bond?
No, I just posted because of the relevance of the incident and the person involved in the incident. Appears another "Rohl" was convicted of murder. SA was friends with a Richard Rohl, coincidence perhaps? The old saying, you are known by the company you keep? Common bond?

oH...good :thinking: Now I can sail away in peace. :whoosh: :)
Has any convincing theory been out forward as to why it took so long for anyone to report TH missing? The conduct of her roommate and her ex bothers me, but can't quite put my finger on why.

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What do you mean by their conduct? I think they were more than accommodating to investigators.

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What do you mean by their conduct? I think they were more than accommodating to investigators.

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What I meant was, not reporting her missing (the room mate I guess) and I was bothered about how they hacked her cell and voicemail.

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What I meant was, not reporting her missing (the room mate I guess) and I was bothered about how they hacked her cell and voicemail.

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Ok, I don't think they realised that no one else had heard from her either. We're all looking at this case with the benefit of hindsight.

I genuinely believe they thought, if anything, she had been in a car accident. If I went missing I hope that my family and friends would go to whatever measures they thought necessary to find me.

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What I meant was, not reporting her missing (the room mate I guess) and I was bothered about how they hacked her cell and voicemail.

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It bothered me too.

RH smirked on the stand when asked about her voicemail, that bothered me too.
why was there a "gentleman's agreement" in court not to bring up some secret issue regarding Teresa? She was murdered!
IMO. her murder has to do with her lifestyle.. someone murdered her and it wasn't Steven Avery, he wanted pics of vehicles, and IMO the murderer wanted her to do soft *advertiser censored* pics, or whatever that's called today... she was lured to do the shot.. but he killed her instead.
I wouldn't even be surprised if someone within the LE made the call...posing as a client that wanted his photos done
why was there a "gentleman's agreement" in court not to bring up some secret issue regarding Teresa? She was murdered!
IMO. her murder has to do with her lifestyle.. someone murdered her and it wasn't Steven Avery, he wanted pics of vehicles, and IMO the murderer wanted her to do soft *advertiser censored* pics, or whatever that's called today... she was lured to do the shot.. but he killed her instead.
I wouldn't even be surprised if someone within the LE made the call...posing as a client that wanted his photos done

HA KK? Wouldn't that be something. :scared:
Ok folks...
I've always leaned towards ST/BD doing the deed OR RH. ( in the beginning anyway )
After reading all I can I strongly lean toward RH.
RH had
RH has been caught in various lies, changed his story a " couple" of times, received multiple SUSPICIOUS ( IMO ) calls from LE, " GUESSED " Teresa's VM password, deleted voicemails, lead the search, ( all the while giving Godly Pam the ONLY camera ) ummm..oh, his hands looked a bit suspicious, and the way he was allowed to just hang out on the property during the course of the investigation does NOT sit well with me. Is that normal police procedure in WI?
Oh, he OMITTED that he was Teresa's EX and SIGNED in as Ryan KILLGAS.
My apologies if I've missed anything😊
There is the possibility ( being the open minded girl that I am ) that the amazing Zellner has a plan..and the system is so darn slow anyway😔
Perhaps, is it possible she is naming RH to get people TALKING?
I still think ST could be suspect, as well as SB ( roommate )
Hell with the way the investigation wasn't conducted the man on the moon could have done it.

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Ok folks...
I've always leaned towards ST/BD doing the deed OR RH. ( in the beginning anyway )
After reading all I can I strongly lean toward RH.
RH had
RH has been caught in various lies, changed his story a " couple" of times, received multiple SUSPICIOUS ( IMO ) calls from LE, " GUESSED " Teresa's VM password, deleted voicemails, lead the search, ( all the while giving Godly Pam the ONLY camera ) ummm..oh, his hands looked a bit suspicious, and the way he was allowed to just hang out on the property during the course of the investigation does NOT sit well with me. Is that normal police procedure in WI?
Oh, he OMITTED that he was Teresa's EX and SIGNED in as Ryan KILLGAS.
My apologies if I've missed anything��
There is the possibility ( being the open minded girl that I am ) that the amazing Zellner has a plan..and the system is so darn slow anyway��
Perhaps, is it possible she is naming RH to get people TALKING?
I still think ST could be suspect, as well as SB ( roommate )
Hell with the way the investigation wasn't conducted the man on the moon could have done it.

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Hi dexter, i agree that RH looks pretty darn suspicious in all that has been revealed about him and those fingernail looking scratches on his hand about sealed the deal for me too. But because so much was not investigated at the time i think it at least needs a do over of the whole case.
I find it interesting that Steven Avery said himself who he thought was responsible for setting him up, and he had his reasons for stating that and i don't think he was thinking of RH but BoD & ST because of taking over ASY and whatever other reason he mentioned.
He could be right and would be interesting if they both were friendly with RH at all? They could all of been complicit to some extent IMO.
In the dasey trial, the defense says that he helps steven clean the garage and helps with the bonfire, that starts at about 6-ish all the way to evening where barb calls for him to come home.

Defense accepts that brendan was there to gather things for the fire, clean the garage, and tend to the bonfire.

Prosecution contends that dassey was there much earlier as well, which is when they believe rape/murder would have occurred, with brendan bringing mail to steve's house and hearing her scream.

I'm new to this case, and your post made me see the police motives with BD, the accused, a different way. I have NOT seen or read even 15% of what there seems to be out there for information, just fyi. The way you posed this, it made it clearer to me why the police pushed BD because he was hanging out with SA practically all evening, and the police decided it meant BD had to be in on it.

If these two did not do it, then all they were trying to do was clean up, hang out and have the bonfire that the uncle promised. I don't know what my opinion is, but I find it hard to believe that anyone would plan a murder by creating a traceable link between him and the victim such as an appointment.
yep, and I think that is because for the most part, it's the one's closest to the victim. Not always... but I think a lot of us that follow missing person cases, we look at the husband/wife/bf/whoever first, right?

I can't wrap my head around her last call at 2:41 still. The indication is that incoming calls were then forwarded to her VM.... why would she do that??? Could someone who could uhmmm "guess" her password do that remotely from a computer? (I think so back in 2005) Would someone know that if her phone was forwarded to VM, it wouldn't ping anymore? Would it ping still? (wish we had those records!!!!!) That CFNA code really bothers me, I wish we had more phone records for her and could see if this was something she would do... and maybe understand why she would do that? I could see her doing it when she was doing photo's at a wedding or something, not to be bothered by a ringing phone, I don't know why she would do it randomly in the middle of the afternoon though. And she sure did check her voicemail lots... even when it seems she had no calls in between her last call and her checking her VM.

Someone called the police and said they saw TH taking pics of a cow in a field. The police seemed not to take it seriously, though they said they'd look into it. It was by Valder farm, I think. Well, guess where her phone last pinged for two hours? 2:41pm at the tower near that farm. Its in a Transcript of Remiker's call to Wiegert November 5, 2005 9:03 a.m.

If her job had just tried to call her at 227pm, it is reasonable that she would forward her phone, so it didn't ring, so she wouldn't spook the cow. Did she remember to turn it back on? Who knows.

I personally suspect she was telling Dawn that she was on her way out of Avery's, not on her way to Avery's. So if that's true, it would make sense that she forwarded her phone and took pics of the cow around 241pm. It would also be near Zipperer's, and she supposedly got there at 3pm.

I just don't know right now how she would have figured out where Zipperer's was between the 212pm voicemail and 245pm.

Now thinking about it.... and because I was reading some testimony that I hadn't read yet today. Manitowoc county officers, and a few Calumet... and Fassbender, they were there that afternoon kept insisting that they could indeed see that RAV4 from down by the crusher when they were down there. It was repeated many times during testimony... because well ya know.... no one went near it, they were sure cuz they could see it. I'm thinking about it and... if CA/SA/EA were down by the crusher, doing what they do... crushing cars... it's almost harder to believe they wouldn't notice it if it was as within eyesight like LE said, if it was parked there on the 31st. IMO they knew that property like the backs of their hands.... they lived there, they worked there, it was their life.

From posts I have seen about Pam Sturm and not questioning why she went to that corner (the one's that don't believe that God showed her the way), I think it might have been Nocturnal that said they would have gone to that corner first too... so interesting that it was a "focal point" or drew someone's attention that easily.... that was also the place someone "hid" the RAV4.

I still don't have a solid theory of who could have done it... there are so many options (if it's not SA).

I just got a crazy thought. What if SA found the car hidden on his lot? He didn't put it there, but he found it. He was like, "What the heck?" Maybe he did go in it and maybe he took the key and locked it to keep his family out of it, so they wouldn't get any DNA in it, but he did not know that he put blood in it. He was innocent, but he couldn't tell anyone that he went in the car because, as you see how interrogations go, it might get worse for him.. He could have burned up her stuff, since he'd touched it, and kept the key so he could crush the car. He could have washed the key fob, but still left some DNA on it. It would be my guess that he'd rather crush the car and get rid of it than tell the police because of what happened last time.

Please Note. This is a crazy thought off the top of my head, not meant for me to assert as a defendable theory.
Someone called the police and said they saw TH taking pics of a cow in a field. The police seemed not to take it seriously, though they said they'd look into it. It was by Valder farm, I think. Well, guess where her phone last pinged for two hours? 2:41pm at the tower near that farm. Its in a Transcript of Remiker's call to Wiegert November 5, 2005 9:03 a.m.

If her job had just tried to call her at 227pm, it is reasonable that she would forward her phone, so it didn't ring, so she wouldn't spook the cow. Did she remember to turn it back on? Who knows.

I personally suspect she was telling Dawn that she was on her way out of Avery's, not on her way to Avery's. So if that's true, it would make sense that she forwarded her phone and took pics of the cow around 241pm. It would also be near Zipperer's, and she supposedly got there at 3pm.

I just don't know right now how she would have figured out where Zipperer's was between the 212pm voicemail and 245pm.

I just got a crazy thought. What if SA found the car hidden on his lot? He didn't put it there, but he found it. He was like, "What the heck?" Maybe he did go in it and maybe he took the key and locked it to keep his family out of it, so they wouldn't get any DNA in it, but he did not know that he put blood in it. He was innocent, but he couldn't tell anyone that he went in the car because, as you see how interrogations go, it might get worse for him.. He could have burned up her stuff, since he'd touched it, and kept the key so he could crush the car. He could have washed the key fob, but still left some DNA on it. It would be my guess that he'd rather crush the car and get rid of it than tell the police because of what happened last time.

Please Note. This is a crazy thought off the top of my head, not meant for me to assert as a defendable theory.
Perhaps. It IS possible.
IMO I just think SA would have fessed up/cracked/confessed to finding it. ( RAV )
I could be wrong..idk.. I just think from all we know about him he would have said as much.
Welcome welcome btw[emoji6]

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