Alternative Theory..Child on Child crime?

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Child Against Child Crime???

Means? Motive? Opportunity?

I think I'll save my money for an ocean-view condo in Arizona :D
Child Against Child Crime???

Means? Motive? Opportunity?

I think I'll save my money for an ocean-view condo in Arizona :D

...I think that if you read up on any cases where this did happen you may change your attitude. What motive did Jamie Bulgers killers have? Zero. Nothing but their own sick pleasure. It happens. I am sorry if my wording seemed a little off but I ain't no literary scholar unfortunately.
I just read about that. Sickening. Extra sickening that they only held them for 8 years, then set them up with new identities. How irresponsible of a country to release monsters like that and give them new secret identities, with absolutely no way for the people they encounter to know what they've done and make a decision for themselves if they are dangerous. If you do something like that, no matter what age you are, you CANNOT be rehabilitated. This is common sense. It's even more infuriating after you find out the kid was rearrested a few months ago for child *advertiser censored*. And they STILL won't say what his new name was. I've never hear of anything like that happening in the US. You commit a crime, you have that branded on you the rest of your life.

BBM & RED by me

IIFC, I read this case on TruTV Crime Library. I was floored by this case! Disturbing isn't even the right word. There are no right words for something like this. Then, to add insult to injury, they only hold these kids for 8 years and then provide new identities and relocate them??? UNBELIEVABLE!!! They tortured that poor baby boy.

I'm sorry; but, I believe if someone is capable of murder, especially a cruel murder that involved torture, they can NEVER be rehabilitated and should NEVER have the right to breathe free air ever again!! They should NEVER be released to prey on the public once again either!

Take this case, if these 2 boys were capable of committing such a horrific, brutal, torture filled crime at such a young age, what the hell will they be capable of as adults?? One dead child is enough. There should be no second chance!!!:furious::furious::furious:

''Wales, although the crime is recorded by police.
The figures were based on data from 32 of the 43 forces in England and Wales and were collated for BBC Radio Five Live under the Freedom of Information Act.
Of the 2,840 crimes where the suspect was under 10, about half were cases of arson or criminal damage.
There were also 66 sexual offences, including a number of sexual assaults on children under 13.
The figures also revealed children too young to be charged were suspected of harassment, wounding and burglary.
They come just three days after a boy was convicting of killing a man when he was just ten years old. The child, now 12, was part of a gang five who stoned a father-of-two to death as he played cricket with his son.
Ian Johnston of the Association of Chief Police Officers said: "The law establishes that any offence committed by children under 10 is not crime.
"Many of these offences are minor acts of damage and by far the large majority of children under 10 would not feature in this data.
"In appropriate cases children can be dealt with effectively under arrangements of care proceedings."
Bob Reitemeier, chief executive of The Children's Society, said the charity wanted the age of criminal responsibility raised to 14.
He said: "If you look at how children are treated by government and legislation you have to be 18 to be able to vote, 16 to have sex and yet 10 to be held accountable for committing a crime."
IMO, if kids did this, I think LE would find him by now..........I think kids would do a crime and leave right away.............evidence behind
...I think that if you read up on any cases where this did happen you may change your attitude. What motive did Jamie Bulgers killers have? Zero. Nothing but their own sick pleasure. It happens. I am sorry if my wording seemed a little off but I ain't no literary scholar unfortunately.

Exactly...and what motive did Elizabeth Olten's killer have? Seems that some kids don't have to have motive to kill other children.

Elizabeth's killer pre-dug a grave...killed Elizabeth and buried her and then covered the grave so well that searchers were all over it and never realized...


Elizabeth was 9 years old...her killer - another female - age 15
Other child on child murders

Broward Breaks Record For Child-on-Child

2008 may go down as a record year for child-on-child homicides in Broward County. Teah Wimberly isn't the only young teenager being charged with murder in South Florida, and the disturbing trend is rising.

When Wimberly took that familiar walk through the sally port of the Broward county Jail, she joined a long list of Broward adolescents arrested for murder this year.

It started in January, when 12-year-old Harveltz Beaubon was charged with beating his 17-month-old cousin to death with a baseball bat. Harveltz told police she was preventing him from watching television.
(more at link)
Other child on child murders

Broward Breaks Record For Child-on-Child

2008 may go down as a record year for child-on-child homicides in Broward County. Teah Wimberly isn't the only young teenager being charged with murder in South Florida, and the disturbing trend is rising.

When Wimberly took that familiar walk through the sally port of the Broward county Jail, she joined a long list of Broward adolescents arrested for murder this year.

It started in January, when 12-year-old Harveltz Beaubon was charged with beating his 17-month-old cousin to death with a baseball bat. Harveltz told police she was preventing him from watching television.
(more at link)

What is our world coming to??? :confused::cry::cry::cry::cry:
With all the searchers everywhere,he would have been found,IMO,teens wouldn't have places to keep him,unless they were part of something bigger organized by adults,like human trafficking,etc.This had to be someone who knew the school,how it was working that day,how to get him out without anyone seeing them,had to be an adult and more than likely someone he knew.This is frying my brain thinking how anyone could slip a child out,hundreds of people in the halls and rooms,not to mention in and out of the parking lot,saw nothing.This makes no sense.
I don't know that a teen couldn't hide a child. But a child could not hide a child-not in this school setting.

How could it even be possible?

There is no place around or in that school that a child could hide him and he is not discovered.

But a teen driver, yes. I think that is possible.
With all the searchers everywhere,he would have been found,IMO,teens wouldn't have places to keep him,unless they were part of something bigger organized by adults,like human trafficking,etc.This had to be someone who knew the school,how it was working that day,how to get him out without anyone seeing them,had to be an adult and more than likely someone he knew.This is frying my brain thinking how anyone could slip a child out,hundreds of people in the halls and rooms,not to mention in and out of the parking lot,saw nothing.This makes no sense.

This is why this case fascinates and saddens me. It is so creepy and surreal. People do vanish into thin air..literally..this happened the first year I was in highschool...noone has a damn clue what happened to the poor girl.

Monday last, 28 July, marked the afternoon ten years ago when student teacher Deirdre, then 18, went missing. She paid a visit to the post office on Main Street and walked back towards the family home in Roseberry she shared with mum Bernie, dad Michael and younger sister Ciara.

Then, after the last confirmed sighting of her at a few minutes after 3pm, Deirdre vanished. The small brunette was wearing a navy blue jumper and jeans, and carrying the distinctive 'CAT' bag that was to become a familiar sight.

Deirdre, by all accounts, was a quiet, organised, confident, well-liked young woman who was always well groomed. She was studying primary school teaching in the UK and was due to start some part-time summer work.

A young woman matching her description was seen twice, on the mornings of Thursday 30 and Friday 31 July, in a cafe near Tara Street Station in Dublin. Two different people in the quiet cafe saw the girl, and even remarked on her as she wasn't a regular. The girl was described as being around 18 or 19, at 5ft 3 of a similar height to Deirdre, with a pale complexion and brownish/ reddish hair. Crucially, she was also carrying a black flap bag with the CAT logo on the front. After the Friday sighting, the girl was never seen again at the cafe.''
Yep,a teen could have taken him,but unless there were teen siblings that day,it just seems they'd be more noticeable.If someone had planned on just taking a child,I would think it would be someone posing as a parent.But,anything is possible here,since noone apparently saw him even leave that morning.If a teen dropped off a sibling,that would mean Kyron would have been outside,he just doesn't seem like a child who would have went out alone.
Yep,a teen could have taken him,but unless there were teen siblings that day,it just seems they'd be more noticeable.If someone had planned on just taking a child,I would think it would be someone posing as a parent.But,anything is possible here,since noone apparently saw him even leave that morning.If a teen dropped off a sibling,that would mean Kyron would have been outside,he just doesn't seem like a child who would have went out alone.

It didn't have to be planned though..anything can trigger off an episode in a disturbed persons head..heck even seeing roadkill could do it...if Kyron recognised someone he may have seen before, older brother/sister/whatever of a friend or classmate..he would not have had any hangups about going outside with them to look at something or going with them to see one of the exhibits :waitasec:
Yep,a teen could have taken him,but unless there were teen siblings that day,it just seems they'd be more noticeable.If someone had planned on just taking a child,I would think it would be someone posing as a parent.But,anything is possible here,since noone apparently saw him even leave that morning.If a teen dropped off a sibling,that would mean Kyron would have been outside,he just doesn't seem like a child who would have went out alone.

I think if it was a teen that the missing child recognized, then I would think that he would go with the teen.

There is nothing more exciting than a teen to a young child, I feel.

The teen could have even got the missing child to play a game of not telling anyone and sneaking out.

But, I am sure that LE has asked all of the children how they got to school that day.

I can't see a teen just dropping in for the morning, unless they had a purpose there such as bringing a sib.
Hey there,

Long time Lurker first time poster, so I apologize if this has been gone over before in detail but it's been stuck in my head for a couple of weeks..feel free to move/delete if you like!

My opinion/theory is that is may have been a teenager who either brought their little brother/sister to School that day or accompanied them with their parents. I will come back later and write a more detailed post but the reason I am even posting in the first place is I just moved here from Ireland and I even remember the tragic case of Jamie Bulger...(I was 6 at the time and remember my Mother trying to explain this to me). It was a huge case over in the UK at the time.

What are others opinions on this?Does it seem feasable..also it may involve a parent of a troubled kid perhaps finding out afterwards, after they suggested 'making their own way home' instead of getting a ride back from the fair with them...and helping their child 'cover it up' so to speak..

Heres a link..(I know it's wikipedia but the info seems accurate to me!)

I remember the Jamie Bulger case very well because it was so horrifying.

One possible factor in favour of this theory could have been the school's known policy on not calling parents about absences. They didn't have an absentee problem but an older (12-14 year old) child at that school may have known that there was a low probability of the school calling if they were absent.

Geeze, that's a confusing sentence.

Also, all the students present that day no doubt knew that school wasn't going to officially start until 10 am. If you accept LE saying that TMH saw Kyron at 8:45 am, that leaves an hour and fifteen minutes for a kid to be gone from school unnoticed.

It would also explain why there haven't been any reports of strangers seen in the school that day. A student of the school would not be a stranger.

I keep remembering that SAR teams had to do 165 foot rappels down inclines during the search. And that a lot of the terrain is covered in blackberry brambles, which are thin, whippy things that tend to spring back quickly after something presses them down.

A fifty pound weight really isn't that much. If his body was tossed off the top of a steep incline into blackberry brambles... well, there's a chance it is still out there.

I'm giving myself the creeps.
I don't know that a teen couldn't hide a child. But a child could not hide a child-not in this school setting.

How could it even be possible?

There is no place around or in that school that a child could hide him and he is not discovered.

But a teen driver, yes. I think that is possible.

I agree. I thought about the recent news case of the 16 year old who allegedly leaped out and slashed the throat of an 8 year old, killing him, ...and even in that instance, he allegedly made no attempt to hide the body.

If a child or teenager is the perp, I think they would need the assistance of an adult to cover up their grave misdoings.
I remember the Jamie Bulger case very well because it was so horrifying.

One possible factor in favour of this theory could have been the school's known policy on not calling parents about absences. They didn't have an absentee problem but an older (12-14 year old) child at that school may have known that there was a low probability of the school calling if they were absent.

Geeze, that's a confusing sentence.

Also, all the students present that day no doubt knew that school wasn't going to officially start until 10 am. If you accept LE saying that TMH saw Kyron at 8:45 am, that leaves an hour and fifteen minutes for a kid to be gone from school unnoticed.

It would also explain why there haven't been any reports of strangers seen in the school that day. A student of the school would not be a stranger.

I keep remembering that SAR teams had to do 165 foot rappels down inclines during the search. And that a lot of the terrain is covered in blackberry brambles, which are thin, whippy things that tend to spring back quickly after something presses them down.

A fifty pound weight really isn't that much. If his body was tossed off the top of a steep incline into blackberry brambles... well, there's a chance it is still out there.

I'm giving myself the creeps.

You're expressing my thoughts much better than I am :) On a side note..are you Irish..Grainne? :angel:

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