Amanda Berry, Gina deJesus & Michelle Knight - General discussion #5

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Talking about it can be very healing. It's sad others are exploiting that and it's sad she has no relationship with her "mother" and can't depend on her. All IMO

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Yes, talking can be very healing. And sometimes it takes years to get things all talked out and come to terms with what has happened. Personally, I am very proud of Michelle and her ability to speak out and speak up.

I think she is very courageous. I agree that some are exploiting her and only want the "gory" details and that is sad. But I hope in the long run it is beneficial for her. She does have to make a whole new life for herself and that just can't be easy.

My hope for her is ONWARD AND UPWARD!

Dr. Phil totally plugged his own book during the interview, but at least it prompted a bigass smile from Michelle =)

PM: You're obviously very intelligent. You read well. You've read my book. You read "Self-Manners", right?
MK: Yeah (smiles)
PM: Thank you for that, by the way.
MK: I loved it.
PM: Well, thank you. And that's not an easy book to read!
MK: No (laughs)


At the very end of the show, Dr. Phil implied that he gave Michelle a hefty donation. Not sure why there is a separate Dr. Phil fund set up for Michelle though. Why not plug the Cleveland Courage Fund?

The only reasons I can think of are (a) Dr. Phil is gaining monetarily from Michelle (b) he is using Michelle for (more) notoriety, or (c) he is providing Michelle with a way to receive donations separately from the other girls. I'm not sure, but I don't really care all that much. All my donations have gone -- and will continue to go -- to the CCF, and that is the only fund that I endorse on the CKIA website, to date.

Maybe he is trying to help Michelle separate, and aware Gina and Amanda are writing a book. To give Michelle more support.

The three Cleveland women who survived a decade of imprisonment and torture together are going separate ways to tell their harrowing story.

Amanda Berry, 27, and Gina DeJesus, 23, announced a book contract this week, but Michelle Knight, 32, declined to be part of the deal to relive their 10 year in captivity at the hands of Ariel Castro.

Instead, Knight will tell her story first in a three-part appearance on Dr. Phil McGraw's show, which will air beginning Nov. 4.

"We wanted her to be a part of it. We offered it to her," said James Wooley of the Jones Day law firm, who represents Berry and DeJesus, and negotiated the book deal. "She met with the people and then she made the decision to go her own way and we wish her the best."

"From our perspective, it was very amicable," Wooley said. "We were trying to keep some unity with it, but we don't represent her and she's made her own decision."

Knight's attorney did not immediately respond to request for comment.

Wooley explained why the women have decided to go public with the details of their hellish imprisonment.
I refused to watch the show; because I didn't want to see the UnDr Phil; exploit her emotionally or otherwise. I saw clips of the upcoming show and then I decided.
Same with Oprah; I stopped watching her when she asked Sean Hornbeck the Question she promised not to ask: Why didn't you leave....

How dare she; and how dare Dr Phil aid in Casey Anthony in any way and how dare he exploit Michelle; after what's happened to her for ratings's a sad thing. He is a car salesman; let's all remember that. He is not a Dr. He only PLAYS ONE ON TV. JMO
*Please continue general discussion here*


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Michelle never felt anyone cared about her and wished Mrs Berry was her mother when she saw her on TV looking for Amanda.
Thanks so much for posting the videos ckia2013. I'm at work and don't have DVR. Much appreciated.
Michelle is so small Castro probably thought she was 13-14. When he realized she wasnt he probably felt stuck with her. jmo but he had different feelings for Amanda and a crush on her maybe. What I dont understand is why after he had Amanda did he abduct Gina?
Wow very powerful interview.

I'm watching it on DVR obviously so this is probably old news to most of you, but I just heard Michelle's thoughts about the 911 call. You know, I'd thought about it early on that Amanda didn't mention the other two girls in the house and I wondered both if the other girls knew, and if so, how they felt about it. Obviously the whole situation was incredibly stressful and I don't fault anyone - I am just glad that they all escaped! It was interesting and heartbreaking to hear Michelle's perspective on it, though.
Is there anywhere online I can watch the interviews? I'm not sure if they'll be shown in Australia.
I haven't had the time to watch the show yet. What makes you say this?

I'm not the original poster you're asking, but having just watched it I thought I'd answer from my perspective.

IMO the biggest issue, though she didn't state it directly, is that Amanda was treated so completely differently from the other two girls, and especially Michelle. Michelle was the "hated one" in the house. I'm paraphrasing but Michelle in essence said that Amanda was "that girl" who didn't want to believe what was happening to the other girls. Because Amanda's treatment was so much better, she didn't believe that Michelle was treated so horribly. From Michelle's perspective Amanda saw it but didn't believe it, or didn't believe it was as bad as it was. At least that's what I took from it.

Also the part I just mentioned about the 911 call, Michelle looked like she was in pain listening to the call. Her first response when Dr. Phil played it and asked how it made her feel was "Sad." I imagine many people were expecting "relived." This isn't word for word but when asked Michelle said it was sad because Amanda didn't mention the others in the house. She said if they hadn't been rescued and Ariel came home to find Amanda gone, he'd have killed her (and probably Gina, it sounded like).
If you think about it rationally, nobody was going to just rescue Amanda, but leave the other two in the house and then allow Ariel Castro to come back.
However "better" Amanda was treated, I am sure it was still horrendous.

I agree, even if they didn't know up front the others were in the house, I can't imagine them just leaving with Amanda and NOT searching the house thoroughly (if nothing else, looking for Castro!).

I'm pretty sure it was horrendous for all of them, absolutely.

I imagine thinking about it logically is probably very hard for all of them, if they'll ever even be able to. It's hard to think logically about something so horrific and frankly illogical.

I was just relaying my impressions of what I took from Michelle's interview related to the question of her "beef" with Amanda. I think her true "beef" is with Castro, but it did seem that maybe there's some resentment (not sure that's the right word?) that could have mixed into her feelings about Amanda, since Amanda was treated "better." I was surprised how little contact those two actually had, especially compared to how much contact (relatively speaking) she had with Gina.
I can see both sides of it. I imagine the other girls were hurt she didnt mention them. From Amandas side she just wanted someone to come and she had to get her daughter out of there. I dont think she was thinking rationally either but in a state of panic he would return.
I haven't had the time to watch the show yet. What makes you say this?

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Michelle said that she was pissed because Amanda didn't mention her in the 911 phone call. Also it seems as Michelle wants nothing to do with the other two. They offered Michelle to be involved in the book and she turned it down. But yeah it was the 911 call comment that makes me think it. Personally for me and I'm not downing on Michelle or anything like that because I know she's been through a lot but really if it wasn't for Amanda being as brave as she was that day these girls would have never got out. Amanda saved her life by making that 911 call so in my opinion it shouldn't matter if she was mentioned or not. However as someone said above Amanda wasn't treated as badly as Michelle was so maybe that is a lot of it.

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