Amanda Berry, Gina deJesus & Michelle Knight - General discussion #5

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If you think about it rationally, nobody was going to just rescue Amanda, but leave the other two in the house and then allow Ariel Castro to come back.
However "better" Amanda was treated, I am sure it was still horrendous.

I haven't read the whole thread but I am sure ALL of them were treated horrendous as you say above. I agree with you that Amanda may have been treated better in the minds of the others but how much better could it have been? They were all kept captive and raped and god knows what else. I think AC played one against the other to keep them from bonding. He couldn't handle them if they were bonding and sticking together, so he had to keep them at odds. It was a head game and he played it well. I feel bad, that Michelle not only felt rejected by her own parents but felt slighted also in captivity as if her ordeal wasn't enough, he used her greatest hurt against her, rejection. I hope someday Michelle will realize that he played them against each other and also there is an element of survival here too. You do what you need to do to survive and they had to do what they had to do. I don't fault any of them, not for one thing, I wish them well and hope they all find some kind of peace that helps them to heal, no matter how they come to get it.
I can see both sides of it. I imagine the other girls were hurt she didnt mention them. From Amandas side she just wanted someone to come and she had to get her daughter out of there. I dont think she was thinking rationally either but in a state of panic he would return.

Regarding this 911 call, here is how I feel about it. They were separated, and held captive for a decade. Your mind changes, and she may have felt alone a lot of the time, not really thinking of them, but of her hell and the fact she had to keep him happy to protect her daughter. When it came time to escape, she did, and her only thoughts were one of escape. What came out of her mouth may not have included them, but it was panic and surreal for her, and she knew everyone would be taken out of there. People in captivity don't always say and act the way we think they should act.
I can see both sides of it. I imagine the other girls were hurt she didnt mention them. From Amandas side she just wanted someone to come and she had to get her daughter out of there. I dont think she was thinking rationally either but in a state of panic he would return.

I thought on one of the 911 calls Amanda says Gina's name to the dispatcher.
Well after watching both interviews- I can say that Michelle Knight is one amazingly brave woman! I wish her nothing but continued healing in her life.

Did anyone feel that the interview could have been much longer? I recall in the early stages they said the interview would be 3 days, not 2. I feel there are still MANY questions to be answered. I, like another poster was shocked to see how little time Amanda had with the other 2 girls. It seemed from the photos that their rooms were right next to each other.

Something else I thought interesting- Dr. Phil asked Michelle if she loved Amanda's daughter. I wonder how she would have spent much time with her, if her time with Amanda was limited.

Also- what is with the story of Ariel's family coming over and searching for 3 girls??? Who reported that he had women in the house to his family? Why would they give up after 2 days of looking? Are they hiding something from Police and really did know about the girls? What about the "Grave" Michelle said she was digging in the backyard?!? I sure hope that information is followed up with!
Also- what is with the story of Ariel's family coming over and searching for 3 girls??? Who reported that he had women in the house to his family? Why would they give up after 2 days of looking? Are they hiding something from Police and really did know about the girls? What about the "Grave" Michelle said she was digging in the backyard?!? I sure hope that information is followed up with!

I'd really, really like to know this as well. Who would know even a hint that three women were there?

Michelle is amazing. As to whether she was exploited or not, I don't know. But for whatever reason, she chose to talk to Dr. Phil. Maybe she passed some of her time in captivity by watching his show? I'm just really glad to have been able to see her, hear her talk, and feel like I "know" her a little bit. She is the one I've worried about the most; Amanda and Gina have family to support them but Michelle does not. I wish Dr. Phil had asked what her current situation is...not specifics, but in a general way I'm curious to know if she lives alone, does she have plans to go to school, has she seen her son, etc.
What are the details on how Amanda managed to escape and with her daughter?
I'd really, really like to know this as well. Who would know even a hint that three women were there?

Michelle is amazing. As to whether she was exploited or not, I don't know. But for whatever reason, she chose to talk to Dr. Phil. Maybe she passed some of her time in captivity by watching his show? I'm just really glad to have been able to see her, hear her talk, and feel like I "know" her a little bit. She is the one I've worried about the most; Amanda and Gina have family to support them but Michelle does not. I wish Dr. Phil had asked what her current situation is...not specifics, but in a general way I'm curious to know if she lives alone, does she have plans to go to school, has she seen her son, etc.

RBBM - this too is what I am the most curious about.
What are the details on how Amanda managed to escape and with her daughter?

They mostly left this out of the story. Dr. Phil repeated several times that they were sharing things only from Michelle's perspective, and that even though a lot of the details were in public documents, they were careful to leave it up to Amanda and Gina to share the details from their perspective if and when they decide to do so. All Michelle really said directly about it was that she heard the commotion, then heard "Police" and was still skeptical because "anyone can say police." Once she realized it really was LE she jumped on the officer and had to be pried off later. She wouldn't let go. (this made me cry). She also said by the time she got out Amanda was already out.

They did briefly cut to an interview with the across the street neighbor and talked to the woman whose phone Amanda used to call 911. In her version of events, Angelo (sp?) went over and helped Amanda break the plastic on the bottom of the door, then Amanda came out and made the call. They didn't get into a lot of detail. Interestingly Charles Ramsey wasn't mentioned... don't know if that was intentional or just who they happened to interview or what, but I found it interesting.

ETA: I see ckia answered your actual question. Sorry, my brain was still caught up in the Dr. Phil interview. :)
What are the details on how Amanda managed to escape and with her daughter?

Ariel Castro intentionally left Amanda's bedroom door unlocked because her daughter begged him to; however, he unintentionally left the front door to the house unlocked. The screen door outside of the front door was locked, and this was the best door to be locked because Amanda was able to call out to neighbors (who kicked the bottom panel out so that she was able to crawl through). Hopefully this addresses what you're asking.
They did briefly cut to an interview with the across the street neighbor and talked to the woman whose phone Amanda used to call 911. In her version of events, Angelo (sp?) went over and helped Amanda break the plastic on the bottom of the door, then Amanda came out and made the call. They didn't get into a lot of detail. Interestingly Charles Ramsey wasn't mentioned... don't know if that was intentional or just who they happened to interview or what, but I found it interesting.

The man who helped Amanda is named Angel Cordero, and you guys can watch his interviews here:

Charles Ramsey has been acting atrociously since the rescue... threatening Angel Cordero and other neighbors and even threatening random people. I would be surprised if any respectable news outlets credit him for the rescue these days. His story changed almost every time he was interviewed!
The man who helped Amanda is named Angel Cordero, and you guys can watch his interviews here:

Charles Ramsey has been acting atrociously since the rescue... threatening Angel Cordero and other neighbors and even threatening random people. I would be surprised if any respectable news outlets credit him for the rescue these days. His story changed almost every time he was interviewed!

Thank you! I thought his name was Angel but it sounded like Angelo to me when listening to the Dr. Phil show - I didn't think that was right though. I'm sure I mis-heard it.

Yes, I'd read some of that about Charles Ramsey's behavior since the rescue. I wasn't surprised they didn't credit him, but was surprised they didn't mention him at all.

I'll be very interested to hear Amanda's take on it if/when she decides to release the details from her perspective. Sounds like she will based on that book deal. I'm sure the actual rescue was such total chaos, not to mention a huge adrenaline rush. I wonder if she even remembers the specific details.
Thank you! I thought his name was Angel but it sounded like Angelo to me when listening to the Dr. Phil show - I didn't think that was right though. I'm sure I mis-heard it.

Yes, I'd read some of that about Charles Ramsey's behavior since the rescue. I wasn't surprised they didn't credit him, but was surprised they didn't mention him at all.

I'll be very interested to hear Amanda's take on it if/when she decides to release the details from her perspective. Sounds like she will based on that book deal. I'm sure the actual rescue was such total chaos, not to mention a huge adrenaline rush. I wonder if she even remembers the specific details.

I heard an "O" on the end too! =)

I vaguely recall that Amanda was having trouble remembering the details, but I have no idea where I heard that. My guess is that she will stay out of the Ramsey vs. Cordero debate, but only time will tell....

I agree that the rescue must have been chaotic (for everyone!), and I wish people would cut Amanda slack for not mentioning the other girls in her 911 call. Web-sleuthers have been smart enough to do so, but Amanda is getting *A LOT* of flak on twitter. A big can of worms was opened on Dr. Phil.

I *really* hope Michelle can make peace with Amanda. The resentment seems so trivial (to me), but as Skully brilliantly brought up in an earlier post, Castro may have pitted the girls against each other. I hope the focus redirects to enjoying their freedom and trying to heal.
Michelle said that she was pissed because Amanda didn't mention her in the 911 phone call. Also it seems as Michelle wants nothing to do with the other two. They offered Michelle to be involved in the book and she turned it down. But yeah it was the 911 call comment that makes me think it. Personally for me and I'm not downing on Michelle or anything like that because I know she's been through a lot but really if it wasn't for Amanda being as brave as she was that day these girls would have never got out. Amanda saved her life by making that 911 call so in my opinion it shouldn't matter if she was mentioned or not. However as someone said above Amanda wasn't treated as badly as Michelle was so maybe that is a lot of it.

I fully agree with everything you wrote except for the first two sentences. I think Michelle was more sad than pissed about the 911 call (though I do think she seems quite resentful regarding how Amanda was treated in the house!). I want to point out that although Michelle doesn't seem to want a close relationship with Amanda, she is still very close to Gina <3 Michelle went to Puerto Rico with Gina and her fam, and as many of you know, Michelle and Gina attended a Browns game together. I hope that the collaboration between Amanda and Gina does not drive a wedge between Michelle and Gina, but after what those two went through together, I can't see that happening. I think-- or I hope-- that those two will be sisters for life, and I wish that all three would join forces and tackle the world together.
I thought on one of the 911 calls Amanda says Gina's name to the dispatcher.

Edit: It does sound like Amanda says "I've been on the news for the last ten years... with Georgina", and Officer Espada mentions that Georgina DeJesus may be in the house over the radio. Upon PD arrival, Amanda told the officers that there were two more girls inside.
Regarding this 911 call, here is how I feel about it. They were separated, and held captive for a decade. Your mind changes, and she may have felt alone a lot of the time, not really thinking of them, but of her hell and the fact she had to keep him happy to protect her daughter. When it came time to escape, she did, and her only thoughts were one of escape. What came out of her mouth may not have included them, but it was panic and surreal for her, and she knew everyone would be taken out of there. People in captivity don't always say and act the way we think they should act.

I'd really, really like to know this as well. Who would know even a hint that three women were there?

Michelle is amazing. As to whether she was exploited or not, I don't know. But for whatever reason, she chose to talk to Dr. Phil. Maybe she passed some of her time in captivity by watching his show? I'm just really glad to have been able to see her, hear her talk, and feel like I "know" her a little bit. She is the one I've worried about the most; Amanda and Gina have family to support them but Michelle does not. I wish Dr. Phil had asked what her current situation is...not specifics, but in a general way I'm curious to know if she lives alone, does she have plans to go to school, has she seen her son, etc.

Michelle has legally changed her name and was staying with a friend outside of Cleveland. Not sure whether the letter posted below refers to the initial place she was staying or a new one. I haven't heard any mention of school, but I do know that she wants to be a motivational speaker. As far as I know, she has not seen her son.

Amanda recently moved out of her sister's house and into her own home in Lakewood, OH (a suburb of Cleveland).

Gina still lives with her parents, in Cleveland, and is being home-schooled.

No, Amanda does not say Gina's name. What you may be thinking of is what Officer Espada said over the radio (that Georgina DeJesus may be in the house). Upon PD arrival, Amanda told the officers that there were two more girls inside.

I also thought Amanda had mentioned Gina on the 911 call. The second time she was trying to impress upon the dispatcher who she was, when he says "I got that", it is hard to hear but sounds to me like she says "with Georgina". Could easily be something else she is saying, can't really tell for certain.
Well after watching both interviews- I can say that Michelle Knight is one amazingly brave woman! I wish her nothing but continued healing in her life.

Did anyone feel that the interview could have been much longer? I recall in the early stages they said the interview would be 3 days, not 2. I feel there are still MANY questions to be answered. I, like another poster was shocked to see how little time Amanda had with the other 2 girls. It seemed from the photos that their rooms were right next to each other.

Something else I thought interesting- Dr. Phil asked Michelle if she loved Amanda's daughter. I wonder how she would have spent much time with her, if her time with Amanda was limited.

Also- what is with the story of Ariel's family coming over and searching for 3 girls??? Who reported that he had women in the house to his family? Why would they give up after 2 days of looking? Are they hiding something from Police and really did know about the girls? What about the "Grave" Michelle said she was digging in the backyard?!? I sure hope that information is followed up with!

Per what Michelle said, Castro's daughters came to the house twice to search for the women. First time Castro wouldn't let them go into the basement, where the 3 kidnap victims were. Second time Castro moved the victims from the basement. From what has been reported, before Gina was kidnapped, she was walking home with Castro's daughter. I still don't understand why police never even interviewed Castro about Gina. They interviewed Castro's daughter stepfather, but never Castro. I don't get it.

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