Amanda Knox tried for the murder of Meredith Kercher in Italy *NEW TRIAL*#3

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No posts since mine in the morning? I think some might not know there is a new thread....
I was also wondering if some can't find their way here. :waitasec:
My last post on thread #2 directly links to this thread so it shouldn't be a problem.

No posts since mine in the morning? I think some might not know there is a new thread....

Double A, I went through the old thread and read all the posts, including yours. I "thanked" a number of yours and don't want you to think I was ignoring your replies to me.

I think you explain very clearly where you and I disagree.
Well the reason people get caught is because they don't think of everything. The perfect crime is not an easy accomplishment and they didnt have a whole lot of time. It may have been a slip in the moment to reply that nothing had been stolen when asked by 112. Considering how would they. Know nothing hadn't been stolen if they weren't the ones that staged it. If you came home to a ransacked room,broken window, and front door open would your answer be "no nothing was taken"?

How could they answer that question without going into Meredith's room, I wonder.. Wouldn't checking Meredith's room be the first thing to do after looking around - there just standing around with her room locked bothers me, does not seem natural thing people would do..

Also, AK said Meredith always locked her door. I thought Filomina say she did not lock her door - Is that correct?
How could they answer that question without going into Meredith's room, I wonder.. Wouldn't checking Meredith's room be the first thing to do after looking around - there just standing around with her room locked bothers me, does not seem natural thing people would do..

Also, AK said Meredith always locked her door. I thought Filomina say she did not lock her door - Is that correct?

Yes AK told the police that it was normal for Meredith to lock her door. When Filomena heard, she corrected that saying Meredith only locked her door when in London and insisted the door be broke down.

The worst part is the inconsistencies from her email story she sent to friends. In it she claimed her and Raffaele were in a panic about Meredith's door. Raffaele had even attempted to break it down. Only after the police arrives unexpectantly did that panic vanish.
Just a quick aside. I happened to be looking at the Perugia Murder File forum and someone had cited an article from 2007, at the original time of the Knox and Sollecito arrests.

I was very , very surprised to see, coming from Sollecito, instead of the "two young lovers wrongfully accused" meme, his insistence not only that he never again wanted anything whatever to do with knives or drugs , but more surprising: that he never wanted to speak to Knox again, claimed it was her fault they were arrested, and that he now saw that their "paths in life were strongly divergent".

The reason this is stunning to me, is that I had assumed that from day one, the two had clung to eachother, woefully aware of their mutual innocence and horrible fate at the hands of over-zealous police investigators.

Whereas when one reads these things, it all looks very different, as though the "2 innocent lovers wrongfully accused" meme was cooked up later? Disturbing.

Thank you SMK, I would have never found that if you hadn't posted it.

I went to the bookstore earlier and spent maybe 30 minutes perusing a book about this trial...sorry, I cannot remember the author or even the name of the book. It was a little paperback one, from a journalist.

I thought it was very interesting that after Amanda called Filomena and told her (I guess one of the later calls), that the window was broken, blood in bathroom, etc., Filomena immediately called her friends to go check on that Amanda and see what she did. And she said she also felt immediately very worried and panicked, which is exact opposite of Amanda's reaction, and Amanda saw it first-hand while Filomena only heard of it through the phone (about the "burglary"). And it seemed to me from what I read that Filomena immediately suspected that whatever had happened, Amanda had some kind of hand in it.

Why would Filomena have such a reaction? That Amanda would have something to do with a broken window and some blood in the bathroom and the general state of the house? The thing I can logically presume is that she had seen some very crazy behavior from Amanda during her partying. That is the only thing I can think of that would cause Filomena to have that reaction.

So going from it that hard to believe that her partying, which was already seemingly abnormal in its extent , could progress to something out-of-control and dangerous?
Double A, I went through the old thread and read all the posts, including yours. I "thanked" a number of yours and don't want you to think I was ignoring your replies to me.

I think you explain very clearly where you and I disagree.

awww Nova, it's just not the same on here without you :)
How could they answer that question without going into Meredith's room, I wonder.. Wouldn't checking Meredith's room be the first thing to do after looking around - there just standing around with her room locked bothers me, does not seem natural thing people would do..

Also, AK said Meredith always locked her door. I thought Filomina say she did not lock her door - Is that correct?


Omg, good point! See, it's like I said, we don't think of the OBVIOUS sometimes when we are so into dissecting all the small details....but the "big" things are right there smacking us in the face.

I believe Amanda later back-tracked and said that Raffaelo tried very hard to break open the door, but he couldn't. Which I do not believe for one second that they did that.
Nova said:
"Police Chief Magazine"? Yeah, there's an unbiased source.

The Innocence Project finds that of convicted felons exonerated by DNA, etc., a full 1 in 4 have been previously coerced into confessing. That's a figure that should alarm us all.

But if you are just taking the police at their word, then I'm not surprised you are so insistent on the guilt of AK and RS.
They give a range of 0.001% to 0.04%. Even if I take the upper limit then I still get 99.96% of questioning where people just tell the truth. Your claim of DNA exoneration cases is something completely different. Apples and oranges. Not all police are liars.
Nova said:
"in the meantime" can mean "before the carabinieri arrived" as well as "before I made the call".

This cherry-picking of partial phrases out of context gets really tiresome. From now on, I'm going to resist the impulse to correct each and every distortion of the record.
What distortion? He spoke Italian. Not English. It is clear what he meant in Italian. What cherry picking? His own admission, CCTV images, phone records, and 6 witnesses all make it rather clear what happened there.
Thank you SMK, I would have never found that if you hadn't posted it.

I went to the bookstore earlier and spent maybe 30 minutes perusing a book about this trial...sorry, I cannot remember the author or even the name of the book. It was a little paperback one, from a journalist.

I thought it was very interesting that after Amanda called Filomena and told her (I guess one of the later calls), that the window was broken, blood in bathroom, etc., Filomena immediately called her friends to go check on that Amanda and see what she did. And she said she also felt immediately very worried and panicked, which is exact opposite of Amanda's reaction, and Amanda saw it first-hand while Filomena only heard of it through the phone (about the "burglary"). And it seemed to me from what I read that Filomena immediately suspected that whatever had happened, Amanda had some kind of hand in it.

Why would Filomena have such a reaction? That Amanda would have something to do with a broken window and some blood in the bathroom and the general state of the house? The thing I can logically presume is that she had seen some very crazy behavior from Amanda during her partying. That is the only thing I can think of that would cause Filomena to have that reaction.

So going from it that hard to believe that her partying, which was already seemingly abnormal in its extent , could progress to something out-of-control and dangerous?
From what you say is stated in the book, assuming it can be trusted as factual, that would lead one to believe that there may have been something about Knox which was already less than trustworthy, and that maybe some crazy behavior had been witnessed, as you say.

I have tried always to view her with a liberal and unbiased eye, but it does give one pause when these things from RS and F come out.
Filomena acted IMO with common sense - break the door down, to the point of even saying she would pay for it.
I'm bother by how could anyone upon entering the cottage and seeing what looks like some kind of break-in took place, blood around, know that MK was not out of town, yet her door was locked - not want to get that door open.
Did AK/RS go up to the door and try to listen in, or call to see if MK was inside? Wouldn't all that blood and a body that's been there for hours create a scent that was unusual concentrating and coming from MK room ???

So I have the quandary just mentioned, and then I add to that story changes/lies that follow...
Filomena acted IMO with common sense - break the door down, to the point of even saying she would pay for it.
I'm bother by how could anyone upon entering the cottage and seeing what looks like some kind of break-in took place, blood around, know that MK was not out of town, yet her door was locked - not want to get that door open.
Did AK/RS go up to the door and try to listen in, or call to see if MK was inside? Wouldn't all that blood and a body that's been there for hours create a scent that was unusual concentrating and coming from MK room ???

So I have the quandary just mentioned, and then I add to that story changes/lies that follow...

OldSteve, not to did they know the "burglar" was not HIDING IN MEREDITH'S ROOM? After all, the door was locked! Wouldn't you want to check the whole house out so you can make sure there's no one hiding somewhere in the house?? Omigosh, when we break it down like so, their story just melts away like an ice cube under the sun....

From Facebook, there is to be a Congressional Briefing on the case in Washington, DC:
(Mods: I shared this on my own Facebook Status, so it is my own Facebook posting I have copied)

Update on Congressional Briefing: A panel of experts will address congressional members and staff on the third trial of Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito during “Update and Briefing on the Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito Case,” a congressional briefing hosted by Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-WA) and Rep. Adam Smith (D-WA9) at the U.S. Capitol Visitor Center, Room SVC 202, on Wednesday, October 30, 2013 from 9:00 to 11:30 a.m.

If you're in the D.C. area, please try to attend.

* The next court date of the trial is scheduled for November 6, 2013 in Florence, Italy.

So to my thinking at least a Congressional briefing would indicate that they feel Knox is being harassed by the Italian courts; that the case is not legitimate (so where does that leave the International Extradition Treaty with Italy, which presupposes respect for Italian courts and rulings?)Or perhaps this has no real significance, but is more a PR thing?
From Facebook, there is to be a Congressional Briefing on the case in Washington, DC:
(Mods: I shared this on my own Facebook Status, so it is my own Facebook posting I have copied)

So to my thinking at least a Congressional briefing would indicate that they feel Knox is being harassed by the Italian courts; that the case is not legitimate (so where does that leave the International Extradition Treaty with Italy, which presupposes respect for Italian courts and rulings?)Or perhaps this has no real significance, but is more a PR thing?

I think there's a PR spin on this, it's much less serious than is being made out to be. I don't think it has anything to do with congress thinking Italian courts are harassing her. The evidence in the case speaks for itself.
OldSteve, not to did they know the "burglar" was not HIDING IN MEREDITH'S ROOM? After all, the door was locked! Wouldn't you want to check the whole house out so you can make sure there's no one hiding somewhere in the house?? Omigosh, when we break it down like so, their story just melts away like an ice cube under the sun....

Not to mention Amanda's story is she came home through that open front door, left it open and took a shower! Who would do that?
I think there's a PR spin on this, it's much less serious than is being made out to be. I don't think it has anything to do with congress thinking Italian courts are harassing her. The evidence in the case speaks for itself.

a retired FBI Supervisory Special Agent and criminal investigator will discuss the failures of the Italian police investigation and the evidence
Yes, someone had said that they are perhaps preparing for an argument against extradition, in the event of a Guilty verdict. Maybe they do want the case on record in Washington, as a reference if things go wrong later on.

What happened on October 2 in the visitor center?

“Update and Briefing on the Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito Case,” a congressional briefing hosted by Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-WA) and Rep. Adam Smith (D-WA9) at the U.S. Capitol Visitor Center, Room SVC 203, on Wednesday, October 2, 2013 from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. The trial is scheduled to begin on September 30, 2013 in Florence, Italy."
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