Amanda Knox tried for the murder of Meredith Kercher in Italy *NEW TRIAL*#3

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You assume it was an intruder. But why do you believe that everyone else will make that same assumption?

I have come home and found my garage door open a couple of times. But I don't assume that someone broke into my house. Other people live in this house. They may have left the door open for a reason. I also know that the cat sometimes runs into or out of the garage while the door is being closed and that triggers the safety circuit and reverses the garage door opener.

Amanda didn't live in the cottage by herself. She had three roommates that could have left that door open while they stepped out for a minute. Or forgotten to lock it when then left. Finding the door open was a bit odd, but not a reason to call the police immediately.

That doesn't work. Knox knew that Laura and Filomina were away from the cottage that weekend. That left only Knox and Meredith that may have left the door open. Knox knew that Meredith left before she did at 4pm on November 1, so Knox was responsible for locking the door when she left on November 1.

On the morning of November 2, Knox knew that Meredith was the only person that spent the night at the cottage, that the front door (not a garage door) was wide open, Meredith is no where to be found, there's blood in the bathroom, there's a bloody footprint on the bathmat and so what does she do? Knox leaves the front door unlocked, has a shower in the bloody bathroom and is not at all concerned.
But your front door is found UNLOCKED, blood spots on bathroom floor/sink, no light in your room/ your flatmate's room locked up... so you TAKE A SHOWER, with NO towel no less. Really? Repeat... really?

:waitasec: :waitasec:

If I saw these signs when I arrived home, I would immediately call the police and run the hello out of the house !


The "Alibi E-Mail can be found at :

It is quoted in portions under the section entitled Statement Analysis.


WOW ! Your roommate is just murdered in cold blood and you are complaining because you had nothing to eat except "vending machine food" ?

Really ?

Unbelievable, IMO !

Yeh I agree she doesn't appear to have fixed her hair at all. I do not believe the "shower" story at all, too many contradictions.

Here ya go ... checkout this photo taken the next day :

:waitasec: :waitasec:

If I saw these signs when I arrived home, I would immediately call the police and run the hello out of the house !


In the last 2weeks I was house sitting for my in laws who were out of town. I got there one morning and the plant on the front porch was knocked over and the front door looked tampered with. I immediately called the police and asked them to check it out before I went in. I would do the exact same if I came home to my front door wide open or I would at least make a few calls right then to find out who's been there and not. There's no way I would go in and have a shower. Convenient that everything amanda noticed "off" was after her shower.
I just put together another floor plan with just the room names. It's a little cleaner than the other plans I've posted. I've also overlaid the plan on the google map so we can see that the kitchen window (access from the deck) is not at all visible from the road, but Filomina's window is easily visible.

Thanks Otto for the latest floor plan - and for all the maps you've done in other threads - always a big help!
In the last 2weeks I was house sitting for my in laws who were out of town. I got there one morning and the plant on the front porch was knocked over and the front door looked tampered with. I immediately called the police and asked them to check it out before I went in. I would do the exact same if I came home to my front door wide open or I would at least make a few calls right then to find out who's been there and not. There's no way I would go in and have a shower. Convenient that everything amanda noticed "off" was after her shower.

Agree, and not to mention what appeared to be lack of concern about Meredith's door being closed/locked... Wouldn't you fear someone bad may still be inside the house, hiding in that room...
That doesn't work. Knox knew that Laura and Filomina were away from the cottage that weekend. That left only Knox and Meredith that may have left the door open. Knox knew that Meredith left before she did at 4pm on November 1, so Knox was responsible for locking the door when she left on November 1.

On the morning of November 2, Knox knew that Meredith was the only person that spent the night at the cottage, that the front door (not a garage door) was wide open, Meredith is no where to be found, there's blood in the bathroom, there's a bloody footprint on the bathmat and so what does she do? Knox leaves the front door unlocked, has a shower in the bloody bathroom and is not at all concerned.
I know this story may not go over well, but...
When I was in my early 20s I lived at home with my parents. I went out for the evening with my fiance and came home to find the light on in my room, an ashtray knocked over on the floor, and my Princess phone knocked off my desk. I thought WTH??!! Couldn't for the life of me figure out who had turned my room upside down. At the time, my parents were asleep across the hall. I saw that my jewelry was still out on my dresser (a diamond ring to boot)...and it wasn't till I opened my desk drawer and found that an envelope full of cash that I had hidden deep in the drawer was missing. I immediately went to wake my parents and told them that I thought I was robbed. At which point, my father said, "Oh, I wondered why your room was such a mess." Hello!!!!!!! He even left the light on in my bedroom...not giving it another thought. The man was a criminal defense attorney FPS...was close to quite a few officers on the police force in my town...and he didn't think that something was up?? We figured out that when when he pulled into the garage (having been out food shopping), the robber must have left through the front door. Yes, back then we kept the door unlocked. My mother had been asleep the whole time...just steps away from the thief.
So stranger things are known to happen.
Here is a link to another photo taken that day. It looks as if Amanda is wiping something from her face.
Maybe she's crying?

I watched it. The climb is the most interesting part of the whole documentary. It shows it is not so difficult for an experienced climber. First he 'walks' up the wall a bit, does a gymnastic stretch, and climbs further up. All done in broad daylight and with window bars (that weren't there at the time of the murder) to pull himself up. Not fair :)

Exactly! Without the bars he has nothing to grab onto and pull himself up or to hold onto while sitting on the window ledge.

The professional climber is wearing a t-shirt advertising the local climbing club. He climbs the wall using the newly installed bars, something which was not possible at the time of the murder. Without the bars on the windows, he would have been standing on the ground scratching his head while the camera rolled. The purpose of the video is to mislead people that are not familiar with the facts; to convince them that it would have been easy for anyone to scale the 13' wall and climb in the window.

Also the logical question should be asked of....why didn't he just break a first-floor window and go up using the stairs in the house? That would have been 1000 times easier than trying to turn into SpiderMan.

The Micheli,Massei,Hellmann,galati appeal and cassation reports are the best sources for evidence.

micheli report (translated):

In fact, this court believes that to enter that window you would not really need to be Spiderman, as the Tribunale per il Riesame claims in its hypothesis: it requires a man physically agile, as certainly Guede was, and certainly as are the burglars who visit the apartments of people at night.


In vero, questo Giudice ritiene che per entrare da quella finestra non ci volesse davvero Spiderman, come sostenuto dal Tribunale per il Riesame volendo liquidare l’ipotesi: ci voleva un uomo fisicamente agile, come certamente il G. era e come senz’altro sono i ladri che visitano gli appartamenti delle persone nottetempo.

why put bars on a window the average person cannot climb up to and use to break into the cottage?
micheli report (translated):

In fact, this court believes that to enter that window you would not really need to be Spiderman, as the Tribunale per il Riesame claims in its hypothesis: it requires a man physically agile, as certainly Guede was, and certainly as are the burglars who visit the apartments of people at night.


In vero, questo Giudice ritiene che per entrare da quella finestra non ci volesse davvero Spiderman, come sostenuto dal Tribunale per il Riesame volendo liquidare l’ipotesi: ci voleva un uomo fisicamente agile, come certamente il G. era e come senz’altro sono i ladri che visitano gli appartamenti delle persone nottetempo.

why put bars on a window the average person cannot climb up to and use to break into the cottage?
So what was their argument? If they believed the burglary was a simulation, why did they argue for the ease of entry into this window?
I know this story may not go over well, but...
When I was in my early 20s I lived at home with my parents. I went out for the evening with my fiance and came home to find the light on in my room, an ashtray knocked over on the floor, and my Princess phone knocked off my desk. I thought WTH??!! Couldn't for the life of me figure out who had turned my room upside down. At the time, my parents were asleep across the hall. I saw that my jewelry was still out on my dresser (a diamond ring to boot)...and it wasn't till I opened my desk drawer and found that an envelope full of cash that I had hidden deep in the drawer was missing. I immediately went to wake my parents and told them that I thought I was robbed. At which point, my father said, "Oh, I wondered why your room was such a mess." Hello!!!!!!! He even left the light on in my bedroom...not giving it another thought. The man was a criminal defense attorney FPS...was close to quite a few officers on the police force in my town...and he didn't think that something was up?? We figured out that when when he pulled into the garage (having been out food shopping), the robber must have left through the front door. Yes, back then we kept the door unlocked. My mother had been asleep the whole time...just steps away from the thief.
So stranger things are known to happen.

Point taken, thank you. What I'm hearing is that different people make different assumptions about a wide open front door and other signs of a crime. Let's look at Knox and what one might expect is normal of her.

Knox grew up in a single parent home in Seattle - a city of 635,000 people. Being the oldest child of a single parent home, with a younger sister, I suspect that she and her sister were left home alone on more than one occasion ... at a fairly young age. I suspect her mother, a teacher, drilled into her head that when she and her sister were alone, they should keep the door locked. I also suspect that they learned at a young age that if they arrived home to find the front door unexpectedly wide open and blood in the bathroom, they should be alarmed.

This is most likely along the lines of Knox's awareness and education about home safety. It's possible that growing up in a city of 635,000, Knox was not given any common sense instruction regarding home safety, but I doubt it.
She was clearly quite comfortable prancing around naked in the cottage where there was clear, visible evidence of blood and feces that weren't there the night before. Is it any stretch to think that she also left the door the way she found it?

I do not see any connection between the two, and I'm pretty sure if I made such a connection that implied innocence, you'd call me out.

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I know this story may not go over well, but...
When I was in my early 20s I lived at home with my parents. I went out for the evening with my fiance and came home to find the light on in my room, an ashtray knocked over on the floor, and my Princess phone knocked off my desk. I thought WTH??!! Couldn't for the life of me figure out who had turned my room upside down. At the time, my parents were asleep across the hall. I saw that my jewelry was still out on my dresser (a diamond ring to boot)...and it wasn't till I opened my desk drawer and found that an envelope full of cash that I had hidden deep in the drawer was missing. I immediately went to wake my parents and told them that I thought I was robbed. At which point, my father said, "Oh, I wondered why your room was such a mess." Hello!!!!!!! He even left the light on in my bedroom...not giving it another thought. The man was a criminal defense attorney FPS...was close to quite a few officers on the police force in my town...and he didn't think that something was up?? We figured out that when when he pulled into the garage (having been out food shopping), the robber must have left through the front door. Yes, back then we kept the door unlocked. My mother had been asleep the whole time...just steps away from the thief.
So stranger things are known to happen.

Thanks for the great story. It's a great example of how people don't always behave the way we think they should even under the best of circumstances.
By "best of circumstances" I assume that your parents were in their own home, in their native country, speaking their native language, that you had lived with them for many years and that they were well aware of your habits. By the way I wonder if the police were at all suspicious of your and your father's stories....:biggrin:

In contrast, Amanda had been in a foreign country and lived with her roomates for only 2-3 months. None of her roomates were American and not all of them were native English speakers (someone correct me if I'm wrong). Under those circumstances, I wouldn't expect Amanda to be highly accustomed to her roomates habits or their comings and goings. Nor would I necessarily expect her to react in some normal or sensible way to finding her front door open, especially if she knew there was a problem with the mechanism.

Today, if I came home and found my front door open and my wife was not at home I would be highly suspicious. At 20, had I returned to the house I shared with other college students and found the front door open and no one home I suspect my reaction would have been quite a bit different.
Bouncing off of Otto's reply.....and what about the argument that she did some of these odd things because of her "quirkiness?" She could have indeed left the door open and gone and taken a shower and pranced around the house naked due to her "quirkiness" and kind of in some of haze she was supposedly in during her "childhood."

But oh I see, so she can be quirky when it suits someone's argument, but not quirky when it doesn't suit it.

Can't the same argument be made that you call her quirky to leave the door open and prance around naked, but then she's inspector gadget and notices all the details?

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You are 20... and live with 3 other girls at college.

You KNOW 2 are away, the boys living downstairs are away, and ONE flatmate is staying at the cottage.

You come home to an open front door... you think someone maybe taking out trash. WHO??? Only Meredith could be the one. Right there she is found out IMO. The rest should be logical... but it is not.

Once inside you find blood drops in bathroom, and HER DOOR LOCKED. You don't call her phones while standing there. WHY??? Some kind of good friend that is.

When you eventually leave after shower and bathmat boogie... oh and finding the poo you go back to your boyfriend's apt. Then worry starts. WHY THEN???

You go back with bf and more 'panic'... and then police call. Never do try her phones while just outside her door. WHY???

There is no way to make that appropriate IMO.
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