Amanda Knox tried for the murder of Meredith Kercher in Italy *NEW TRIAL*#4

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Who are the other males whose DNA is on the clasp?

Going from memory, none was identified. AFAIK, the only profiles they had were available were RS, RG, AK and MK. I don't believe any other profiles were taken. (In my mind this goes on the long list of police and prosecutor errors in this case.)
Yep. Indeed, whichever side is victorious, the other side will always claim a gross miscarriage of justice.

LOL! Exactly! And then there is the question of, if the conviction is upheld, would Amanda or for that matter RS, even serve their time? I have a hunch RS will try to escape the country and disappear forever, and as for Amanda I do not know what her plans on. Either escape or fight the extradition.

Which in that case, it would give both "sides" plenty to talk about forever!
Going from memory, none was identified. AFAIK, the only profiles they had were available were RS, RG, AK and MK. I don't believe any other profiles were taken. (I'm my mind this goes on the long list of police and prosecutor errors in this case.)

Memory from where?

The only thing showing who exactly was profiled would be the trial records or investigator's reports. Have they been made public?

What about Patrick?

There are usually errors. Not enough to let someone(s) get away with murder in this case IMO.
I don't believe that. Regardless of when the clasp was collected, forum comments, inspired by the belief that a woman from Seattle could not commit murder, would still claim that the evidence should be excluded.

Yes, I agree. But their claims in that case would not have any merit whatsoever. In this case, with the bra clasp, the delay is something worth some merit. IMO.
@aa. If bones or other material can be collected MANY years later (moved, falling apart, missing pieces, dirt, decay, etc.) and the findings be ok... why can't a clasp that moved a couple of feet and was sealed at a crime scene be ok? The knife wasn't delayed... same mess happens with it- wrong analysis, bad analysis, rigged analysis, contamination, planting, on-and-on, bla-bla-bla. Merit is relative.

No video tape of witnesses- What? she was already a suspect.
Confession- she was confused and being hit by ghost.
Accusation- police forced it out of her.
RS prison diary- he just writing out loud and the police stole it/copied was illegal.
Bathmat boogie- everybody does that on a bloody bathmat.
Hellmann completely overturned- Hellmann and C&V still right.

Should we continue?
LOL! Exactly! And then there is the question of, if the conviction is upheld, would Amanda or for that matter RS, even serve their time? I have a hunch RS will try to escape the country and disappear forever, and as for Amanda I do not know what her plans on. Either escape or fight the extradition.

Which in that case, it would give both "sides" plenty to talk about forever!

This is where the uneven burden comes into play. If RS and AK are acquitted, and the acquittal is confirmed, the prosecution is over. As it should be.

AK and RS have an additional court to which they can appeal, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). They can also appeal to Italian courts.
No one knows. That's the problem. DNA was found on the clasp that the proscecution has no explanation for. The proscecution (and some others) want to focus the DNA that fits their theory and ignore the rest. Do you think that is a reasonable approach?

I would suggest that plenty of evidence implicates Knox, Sollecito and Guede. DNA analysis confirms that the DNA from one of the culprits is where it should not be: on Meredith's underwear. Is it reasonable to exclude this DNA evidence simply because the victim's boyfriend DNA may also be in the same location?
I would suggest that plenty of evidence implicates Knox, Sollecito and Guede. DNA analysis confirms that the DNA from one of the culprits is where it should not be: on Meredith's underwear. Is it reasonable to exclude this DNA evidence simply because the victim's boyfriend DNA may also be in the same location?

Did you see my response to that otto ? It's on the last page.
That could well be. But what about the other profile?

Does anyone know if DNA would likely be irradicated in the laundry?

It is not known if there is one other contributor or more. What is known is that Sollecito's DNA is on Meredith's bra clasp and there is no good reason for it to be there. There is no reasonable explanation for contamination because there is no original source for the contamination. We are to believe that Sollecito's DNA, from nowhere, flew into Meredith's bedroom and landed on her bra clasp.
is the SC report a google translation?

No it's not a google translation. I'm guessing you haven't read it? Although people want to keep quoting Hellmann and C&V when the cassation court disregarded their findings. That's why we are back at the appeal level after all.
Hmmmm Hellmann vs NUMEROUS Italian Judges including their supremes..

I don't know why some hold Hellmann to such high esteem while all the other judges don't know what they are talking about, can't read evidence correctly, and are illogical in their thoughts.
It is not known if there is one other contributor or more. What is known is that Sollecito's DNA is on Meredith's bra clasp and there is no good reason for it to be there. There is no reasonable explanation for contamination because there is no original source for the contamination. We are to believe that Sollecito's DNA, from nowhere, flew into Meredith's bedroom and landed on her bra clasp.

Lol, I don't mean to sound offensive, but you sound like a daily mail journalist sometimes!
Guys, I know we all disagree a lot, but I really value this forum and all of your insights.
Lol, I don't mean to sound offensive, but you sound like a daily mail journalist sometimes!

That's probably true of all people that teach at Universities.
Guys, I know we all disagree a lot, but I really value this forum and all of your insights.

I feel the same way! And I may disagree with some in this case and Agree on another case.I still respect and value everyones opinions and love that we can have this back and forth without getting rude and disrespectful.
I like to think I don't. But that may be self deception.

We all like to think that we make sense, but the ivory tower is notorious for housing people that are incapable of reducing higher level theory to layman language. On the upside, ivory tower residents should be open minded ... should be.
From the cassation reasoning regarding C&V

"The error in reasoning is obvious, [according to the Prosecutor General], in that the burden of proof falls on the one who asserts, not on the one who denies: if the refutation of scientific evidence entails a circumstance of fact which is the contamination of a piece of evidence, then that circumstance must be specifically proved. Nothing was said in the judgment about how the DNA found on the blade of the knife and Sollecito’s DNA on the clasp of the bra worn by Meredith could have been the result of contamination, considering how far apart in time the two tests were carried out [from other tests]. In addition, the negative controls by the biological geneticist from the Scientific Police were represented as not having been done, but turned out in fact to have been done. Nor could the experts indicate any specific source of contamination, limiting themselves instead to asserting that anything is possible."
I think the dispute RE the bra clasp had to do with 47 days of it being at the cottage while an investigation ensued. I see the disputing material can be found here:

So why did C & V not simply site this type of problem rather than saying that anything was possible?
Conti and Vecchiotti made it a point to discuss all of the extra DNA on the clasp. They also pointed out numerous collection errors made by the forensic police.

The CSC misconstrued Conti's (IIRC) response to a question. It seems as if the CSC didn't bother to read one word of their report and plucked Conti's response "Anything is possible" out of context. Why am I not surprised?
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