Amanda Knox tried for the murder of Meredith Kercher in Italy *NEW TRIAL*#9

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In these I would not notice anything but the window - (in the pic I can see it's open but not broken) -

and "the drawers that were NOT opened" and thus were noted as suspicious by the Postal Police do not even appear to be there.

I guess it's mainly the window here .

(***I suppose this gave rise to the window as "entrance point for the lone wolf; sans staging " concept. )
Just bringing this forward, in these pics I would say the room is clearly "tossed", with items being thrown on the floor to the left of and beneath the broken window.


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What has always interested me is that Knox knew that Meredith's door was locked during her first visit to the cottage that morning. I have to agree that if Knox checked one bedroom in search of a possible burglary, presumably an innocent person that was concerned about a burglary would check all the rooms. She did check the large bathroom even though she had no reason to go there.
Could you please provide the testimony confirming the bolded part?
It seems to me you've been misled again by the websites filled with falsehoods, just like with the washing machine story before.
I don't know if all the bedroom doors locked this way but AKs did, she said she did not have the key though.
I assume the others were the same way.
Thanks, I never got this straight: Did Laura and Filomena lock their bedroom doors before they went away? ETA: OK, I guess if we don't even know that they had locks, we don't know if they locked them, sorry
Just bringing this forward, in these pics I would say the room is clearly "tossed", with items being thrown on the floor to the left of and beneath the broken window.

I'd say the things you mention fell out of the wardrobe shelf at some point.

The bags on the floor look like they were there before the break-in. We know Filomena's computer was among them, so the scene is already altered, unfortunately.
Otto: I'm addressing you specifically because I think I remember you saying you lived in Italy for a time.

Is it common that rooms have locks that have to be locked with a key?

I guess I'm wondering why Guede would have been aware that he needed the keys to the bedroom to lock it yet walked out and left the front door open.

I guess I would also wonder why he would choose their house knowing that they were just getting by and didn't have high dollar items laying around. How would he know Merideth hadn't paid the rent and had cash?

It just seems that there are too many things that he was aware of that he shouldn't have known. Like that Merideth would be alone. JMO

I studied in Italy on two separate occasions. The first time we booked long term hotels rooms (Milan), and the second time we stayed in a dorm (Rome), so I can't answer your question about locks on bedroom doors in rental accommodations.

It doesn't make much sense that he locked Meredith's bedroom door and left the front door unlocked. We also have an absence of bloody footprints from Guede at Meredith's bedroom door - which should have been there if he stopped to lock the door.

Guede could not have known that Meredith had cash for rent and that on the evening of November 1, after rent should have been due, the cash would still be in her bedroom. Knox knew that Meredith had the rent money and that it had not yet been collected.

Guede could not have known that Meredith would be alone at the cottage that night. He had no way of knowing the schedules of Filomina and Laura. Since Filomina and Laura lived and worked in Perugia, they would normally be home.
What I'm hearing from Otto and Amber is that Amanda and Raffaele are lying in all their testimony except for the few truths they tell that invalidate their testimony and alibis, is that right? So, their truthful sentences prove that everything else they say is a lie? That's quite bizarre.
Pot smoking doesn't create murderous rages, but it does significantly addle the smoker's memory and time sense, that is a fact.
I was going to add that Filomena's room - as compared to Laura's here on the LFT - really does look tossed, but Katody, I think you said this is actually from the CSI people?


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Could you please provide the testimony confirming the bolded part?
It seems to me you've been misled again by the websites filled with falsehoods, just like with the washing machine story before.

Pg 38, Massei

Note that she reports that she noticed that Meredith's door was locked and that Filomina's bedroom window was broken during her first trip to the cottage on November 2, 2007.
Thank you for this response. It is perplexing indeed that they would have such an attitude.
My working hypothesis is that the CSC believes the pair to be guilty. Its zeal to convict is overcoming other considerations. Whatever the reason, nothing can justify ignoring forensic science and the good laws that have been enacted around it elsewhere. MOO.
My working hypothesis is that the CSC believes the pair to be guilty. Its zeal to convict is overcoming other considerations. Whatever the reason, nothing can justify ignoring forensic science and the good laws that have been enacted around it elsewhere. MOO.

Conti & Vecchioti ... good forensic science?
I was going to add that Filomena's room - as compared to Laura's here on the LFT - really does look tossed, but Katody, I think you said this is actually from the CSI people?

Not really. I know however that what's in the photo is not 100% what the first responders found, given their testimony.

IMO of the visible disturbance caused by Guede is the stuff that fell from the wardrobe when he grabbed it's door or otherwise shook it on entry when jumping into the room.
There are some cards on a floor, and a dvd case that fell from the shelf above the door, probably because of the draft.

Apart from this I think the rest of Filomena's things on the floor were there before the break-in.
Pg 38, Massei

Note that she reports that she noticed that Meredith's door was locked and that Filomina's bedroom window was broken during her first trip to the cottage on November 2, 2007.
What you quoted is neither Amanda's testimony nor even a reporting of her testimony by Massei.

According to Amanda's testimony she noticed the door was locked only when she returned with Raffaele.
I don't know enough about them, what is your opinion and why, Otto?

They concluded that there was no blood or DNA on the knife or the bra clasp, which obviously was incorrect.

From their report

What you quoted is neither Amanda's testimony nor even a reporting of her testimony by Massei.

According to Amanda's testimony she noticed the door was locked only when she returned with Raffaele.

Knox is welcome to change her story as often as she would like. That should not result in endless confusion for those who are judging the case, or for those who have followed the case. Independent witnesses did not change their story, so their testimony can be accepted as truthful.
Knox is welcome to change her story as often as she would like. That should not result in endless confusion for those who are judging the case, or for those who have followed the case. Independent witnesses did not change their story, so their testimony can be accepted as truthful.

What witness are you taking about?
What I'm hearing from Otto and Amber is that Amanda and Raffaele are lying in all their testimony except for the few truths they tell that invalidate their testimony and alibis, is that right? So, their truthful sentences prove that everything else they say is a lie? That's quite bizarre.
Pot smoking doesn't create murderous rages, but it does significantly addle the smoker's memory and time sense, that is a fact.

That's not what I said considering I know that RS did not testify. What I am saying is that they tell inconsistent versions of the morning. I find Filomena's door left open or closed important.

I'm pretty sure people high on pot have committed murder but personally I don't believe pot is all they were on.
That's not what I said considering I know that RS did not testify. What I am saying is that they tell inconsistent versions of the morning. I find Filomena's door left open or closed important.

I'm pretty sure people high on pot have committed murder but personally I don't believe pot is all they were on.

Besides the known facts that smoking pot can lead to paranoia and anger,

recent studies have refuted the idea that pot smoking makes people "laid back and mellow": In the German study about increased risks of psychosis and psychotic behavior, the youth studied went up to age 24:

Study: Link between marijuana, aggression

AMSTERDAM, Netherlands, Feb. 1 (UPI) -- A Dutch study on the effects of marijuana use on teenagers suggests a connection with aggressive behavior.

The BBC reports researchers at the Trimbos Institute in the Netherlands found 17 percent of the 5,551 12 to 16-year-olds questioned had used marijuana within the past year. The study found the higher the frequency and amount of marijuana use, the more aggressive behavior the teenager showed.

A recent study by the British Journal of Psychiatry found similar results.

A 2005 report by the Schools Health Education Unit in Britain found 25 percent of 14- and 15-year-olds smoked pot.

Marijuana Use Linked to Risk of Psychotic Symptoms
Study Shows Association Between Development of Psychosis and Smoking Marijuana

By Denise Mann
WebMD Health News Reviewed by Laura J. Martin, MD

March 1, 2011 -- Adolescents and young adults who smoke marijuana have an increased risk for experiencing psychotic symptoms, according to a new study.

The new findings appear online in the journal BMJ.

Researchers assessed marijuana use during a 10-year study of 1,923 participants aged 14 to 24 in Germany.

Those participants who had no psychotic symptoms and had never tried marijuana when the study began and then started using marijuana had nearly double the risk of experiencing psychotic symptoms in the future.

And those who used marijuana before start of the study and who continued use over the study period had an increased risk of persistent psychotic symptoms, the study shows.

Does smoking marijuana cause aggression?

In general, after using marijuana a person experiences a sedating effect, which makes the drug less likely to cause violence in users than other substances such as alcohol and stimulants (e.g., amphetamines and cocaine).

However, sometimes when marijuana is used it can cause fear, anxiety, panic or paranoia, which can result in an aggressive outburst. For most people, however, once the effects of the drug wear off, their behaviour gradually improves.

Studies show that violence can occur more often among people who use marijuana regularly, rather than those who use it occasionally or not at all. It is unclear why this is the case, but it may be because people with violent tendencies can also have a range of other psychosocial problems and are therefore more likely to use marijuana. marijuana is also part of the illegal drug market, which may increase the chances of violence occurring in some social interactions.

Why do people become abusive or aggressive?

Using marijuana can produce strange behaviour and reactions in people when they are intoxicated. These reactions can be similar to psychosis and paranoia and because of this, marijuana users may experience the following:

confusion – they misunderstand what is going on or what someone has said or done
feeling threatened or frightened
paranoia – they hear voices or think that people are out to get them
The witnesses that testified during the trial. What other witnesses are there?

These witnesses

What witness is this?

BTW Amanda never changed her story. She never lied, either.
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