Amateur Astrology, what's ahead for the USA

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The Telegraph in London reports today this from the IAEA: "Iran has increased the number of its centrifuges by only 136 from 3,800 in November." Oh good, now we can relax.
The Telegraph in London reports today this from the IAEA: "Iran has increased the number of its cetrifuges by only 136 from 3,800 in November." Oh good, now we can relax.

So do we take the Potassium Iodide tablet before or right after we bend over?
If I remember right (amazing when I do!) today was an interesting date for Obama.

Ran to look at my print out of what I posted, and the aspect energizing him today is an opposition to his natal Sun by Mars.

I would love to have been a fly on the wall during the meeting he had with Mayors today. He is failing at the moment, unfortunately. The market has tanked, indicating that investors are not impressed with his plans.

The Senator appointed by disgraced Gov. Blogo appears to have bought his way into office. Rahm Emanuel is in trouble re: taxes, word came out today that President Obama owes well over 1 million to Chicago, behind in paying...

The auto makers in Detroit have failed to come up with a plan, and overseas markets are in tumoil, with Russia shutting down completely a few days back, and China making noises about not buying our debt if we inflate the dollar.

Who was it that warned Caesar about the "Ides of March? I think Shakespeare wrote it, but can't remember which character...

Wonder if this would be good advice for Barack Obama!
Went over to the Rush Limbaugh site, and found an interesting long article. If Rush drives you nuts, don't read it... I am just keeping track of the growing doubts related to the bail-outs and stimulus plans.

"But people are keeping score. This is what Obama doesn't know. Barack Obama and his administration cannot kill the American some people. The stimulus package cannot kill the American spirit. We are keeping score. We have compassion for those who were truly blindsided by this, but we don't want to bail out loser after loser after loser who decided to play fast and loose while we played it straight. And make no mistake, that's how people look at this. A lot of people, the vast majority of people in this country think they've played it straight.

Now they're being told they have to make good for those who didn't. It's no different than what the left has done in schools with outcome-based education. "We can't put people in advanced placement classes, and humiliate those who were not suitable for admission." The majority of the American people at the end of the day are competitive. This is why we're a nation, for example, obsessed with our sports teams. I'm a Steelers fan. You think I don't care who wins when they play? Hell, sometimes I'll even take a call from a referee wrong that goes in my favor. I don't want to charge out there and say, "Hey, ref, you blew it. Give the other team the ball. They deserve it." I'll take it.

Well, the referees are giving everything to the losers, under the premise that they're only losers 'cause the winners are winners. Tax -paying people who make it all work will not put up long rewarding failure, being forced to reward failure. Beware this huge backlash. It'll turn. It'll turn slowly, and like the tide coming in, it is unstoppable. It has already started, in fact. The pulse of the backlash has begun. The pulse of revolution is out there, and at some point the anger that you know is there will surface and you will see it and you will hear it. People will overcome their fear of opposition to this because at the end of the day they will not sit there and let everything they've worked for be destroyed, particularly on the basis that they deserve to be destroyed because it's been unfair in the first place that they succeeded.

Much more at this link, including some good links at the bottom...
If I remember right (amazing when I do!) today was an interesting date for Obama.

Ran to look at my print out of what I posted, and the aspect energizing him today is an opposition to his natal Sun by Mars.

I would love to have been a fly on the wall during the meeting he had with Mayors today. He is failing at the moment, unfortunately. The market has tanked, indicating that investors are not impressed with his plans.

The Senator appointed by disgraced Gov. Blogo appears to have bought his way into office. Rahm Emanuel is in trouble re: taxes, word came out today that President Obama owes well over 1 million to Chicago, behind in paying...

The auto makers in Detroit have failed to come up with a plan, and overseas markets are in tumoil, with Russia shutting down completely a few days back, and China making noises about not buying our debt if we inflate the dollar.

Who was it that warned Caesar about the "Ides of March?
I think Shakespeare wrote it, but can't remember which character...

Wonder if this would be good advice for Barack Obama!

According to the Bible, the King of the North (Russia) and the King of the East (China) will march together to Israel. I pray the Ides of March don't set that in motion!

HM, did you get a chance to read the book by Hagee, yet?
According to the Bible, the King of the North (Russia) and the King of the East (China) will march together to Israel. I pray the Ides of March don't set that in motion!

HM, did you get a chance to read the book by Hagee, yet?

Am halfway through it. I skipped to the last part to see what advice he had for preparation, and was a bit disappointed, because I was hoping for more practical advice. I am going to re-read as soon as we get somewhere in the Haleigh tragedy.
Am halfway through it. I skipped to the last part to see what advice he had for preparation, and was a bit disappointed, because I was hoping for more practical advice. I am going to re-read as soon as we get somewhere in the Haleigh tragedy.

I understand. I am interested in getting your thoughts on the countries and events he lays out in the first half of the book. No rush.....I agree the Haleigh and all other missing persons come first. I am just sick over the Haleigh case. Thanks for taking the time to keep us up to date on this site when you can.
I am very scared for our country right now, and I've never felt this way before. Alan Keye's makes perfect sense talking about spending money we don't have. If my husband and I took every credit card that was offered to us and maxed it out, we would be doing what the Federal government is doing right now. This is not brain surgery, what in the world is going on?
Evans-Pritchard: In Europe, Depression Now

Friday, February 20, 2009 10:32 AM

By: Julie Crawshaw

Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, international business editor for the Daily Telegraph in London, says debating the risk of a full-blown depression is pointless.

“There’s no risk,” Evans-Pritchard told in a wide-ranging interview. “We’re in it. It’s begun.”

Evans-Pritchard has covered world politics and economics for 25 years. His reporting in the Telegraph about the global liquidity crisis and now banking crisis was way ahead of the curve.

In an exclusive interview, Evans-Pritchard compared the present economic environment to the beginning of the Great Depression, just before the European banking crisis of 1931 that took down the German and central European banking systems.

He pointed out that, during the past six months, the world’s major economies contracted at rates more severe than those of the 1930s.


Volcker: Crisis May Be Worse Than Depression

Friday, February 20, 2009 3:22 PM

The global economy may be deteriorating even faster than it did during the Great Depression, Paul Volcker, a top adviser to President Barack Obama, said on Friday.

Volcker noted that industrial production around the world was declining even more rapidly than in the United States, which is itself under severe strain.

"I don't remember any time, maybe even in the Great Depression, when things went down quite so fast, quite so uniformly around the world," Volcker told a luncheon of economists and investors at Columbia University.

remainder of the article here:
Tonight on Greta, B. Ayers will be interviewed, thought you might be interested. I think this is the first interview since B.O.'s election.
I decided to take a look at the astro-weather surrounding Obama's speech tonight.

There is a new moon at 6 Pisces. This is opposing Obama's Pluto. According to COSI, this indicates a biased attitude or changed circumstances lead to critical phases of development, or to separation from others.

In the chart for the speech, Pluto/Node is very near the Sun, suggesting the urge to impose one's will on others with ruthlessness, and vice versa.

I expect some pessimism in the speech, because the Saturn/Neptune midpoint is very close to the Moon.

Jupiter/Pluto is also involved, so President Obama has the desire to bring about social aspirations and improvements, the ability to influence the masses or the public through an appeal to the feelings, a good psychologist

Transiting Jupiter and Mercury are opposing Obama's Sun, so he has the opportunity to make a good speech. wealth of ideas, talkativeness, an orator with expressive gestures, an actor, success in one's vocation

Uranus/Pluto are also transiting Obama's Sun, along with Mars/Node. This lends comradeship, the will to unite with others, the inclination to form associations with others to serve one's own needs, the urge for independence and freedom, strong emotional tensions, the constant occupations with new things and plans

I hope it is at least an interesting and inspiring speech. We, the people, need some hope and inspiration at this point.
Housemouse, Your chart was pretty accurate, even if the speech was a little late.

I hope you will continuee this I have been speaking to my family and friends for awhile about the things that are going to happen in America, of course no one believes me, but once I started reading here I was shocked to find that the charts match the things that I have been saying.
Butterfly, I do not follow the stock market, mostly because we are not investors. We just save, and hope the .gov doesn't inflate away our small savings for our retirement.

But, I usually have the news on in the background as I work, and some of the newsies seem to think it is a decent barometer of how the various "stimulus" plans, bills, and speeches made by Obama and his team are being received by those who do invest.

This morning, the market seems to be down again, suggesting that the traders and investors were not convinced that any of these plans will work, and that last night's speech, although eloquent, didn't change any minds.

One of these days, I have to start following the chart for the stock market, also the one for the Federal Reserve. So many charts, so little time!
Housemouse I am going to take a chance and throw a question out there for you. I have heard about the things going on in Mexico, with the drug cartel and almost a civil war going on down there. I also heard yesterday that Mexico asked the American governemnt to change our gun laws and it was said that United states has an obligation to appease Mexico's request. They state that illegal guns are being smuggled into Mexico from the United states. My fear is that Obama will make it impossable for us to own guns, and that the fighting in Mexico will move here. LAst I heard there was major fighting going on less than 2 hours from the Texas, Mexico boarder. Is there anything in the charts showing that Mexico is a threat to us?
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