Amateur Astrology, what's ahead for the USA

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found on the web... I put in the bolding on the sentence that upsets me the most.

April 08, 2009

Obama admin warns Israel, not Iran
Ed Lasky

American Thinker has carried numerous articles over the past two years predicting that Barack Obama would prove to be an appeaser of tyrants. He has fulfilled our predictions.

His obsequiesness towards the tyrannical regime of Iran; his bowing to the Saudi king (even the Center for American Progress; closely tied to the Administration, admits Obama bowed), his television address to the Arab world on a partially Saudi-owned cable network, his expansion of aid to the Palestinians; his claim that the Muslim world has enriched America; his commitment to join the UN Human Rights Council; his first call as President was to Palestinian leader Mohammed Abbas; his gutting of defense spending -- particularly the ending of the F-22 and missile defense programs -- crucial to dealing with regimes developing nuclear weapons; his placidity towards Russia's and North Korea's aggressiveness; his apology tour of Europe; well..the list could go on and on.

Now to be truly effective, his abasement of America must also reflect itself in the belittling and weakening our allies and friends. This he has started to do with his serial and shameful diplomatic faux pas involving Great Britain. Now he has turned his focus onto Israel -- a small nation surrounded by far more numerous and wealthy enemies -- one of which, Iran, routinely boasts that it will destroy Israel.

In the face of these manifold existential threats, what does Barack Obama do? He sends an unprecedented warning to Congress that there will be an upcoming clash with Israel and he demands that Congress support his policies. Will he send his legion of grassroots supporters to petition their Congressional members to support the President? After all, he has told them recently that he is "keeping score" regarding the level of support they show for him.

Just in case, no one misses the message, his Vice-President, Joe Biden, to reinforce the message to Israel that traditional American support may not be forthcoming. Last night on CNN, Biden warned Israel not to attack Iran. . Israel is a sovereign nation whose people face the prospect of another Holocaust. Yet the message from the leader of a nation who has in the past been its best friend is... what? Drop dead?

Any experienced leader would realize that threats of military force is one tool that can be used with diplomacy to shape other nations' behavior. America has just sent a message to Iran that they need not take risk into account in the future. As America cuts the F-22 Raptor and missile defense programs-just a day after North Korea (allied with Iran) launches a ballistic missile, what message is Obama sending to the rest of the world?

The era of Pax Americana has ended and with it much of the security for the Western world.
So that everyone has a biwheel chart to study, here is one that shows the "synastry" between the USA and Barack Obama.

Look at the little circles on the outside line of the center circle. These show the conjunctions existing between Barack Obama (the outside ring of planets), and the USA (the inside ring of planets). The ascendant shown is Barack Obama's, if the time we have is correct.

You can see that his Saturn is retrograde, close to conjunction with the USA Pluto, also retrograde, and his Jupiter is retrograde applying to the conjunction. Look on the left side, in O's twelfth house.

On the upper right side, Obama's Mars is conjunct the USA Neptune, in O's seventh house. On the lower right side, Obama's Venus is conjunct the USA Venus in O's fifth house.

If you look at the USA ascendant in Sagittarius, you can count around, counter-clockwise, and see which houses in the USA chart O's planets fall.

Also, look at the lines in the center. These show the major hard aspects in the USA chart, so you can quickly see that Obama's Mars resonates with the square between USA Neptune and Mars, that his Saturn opposes the USA Mercury, and that Obama's Uranus and North Node oppose the USA moon in the Sibley chart.

Keep in mind that my software does not show the minor hard aspects, but these are very important. Obama's Mars is semi-square his Neptune, and his Neptune therefore, is semi-square the USA Neptune.

Since I have to be careful not to be "political", I will not delineate my fears about these aspects. You have to look up the basic meanings, watch the news, the transits to these points in the present day, and more importantly, watch what Obama actually does, not what he says.

found on the web... I put in the bolding on the sentence that upsets me the most.

April 08, 2009

Obama admin warns Israel, not Iran
Ed Lasky

American Thinker has carried numerous articles over the past two years predicting that Barack Obama would prove to be an appeaser of tyrants. He has fulfilled our predictions.

His obsequiesness towards the tyrannical regime of Iran; his bowing to the Saudi king (even the Center for American Progress; closely tied to the Administration, admits Obama bowed), his television address to the Arab world on a partially Saudi-owned cable network, his expansion of aid to the Palestinians; his claim that the Muslim world has enriched America; his commitment to join the UN Human Rights Council; his first call as President was to Palestinian leader Mohammed Abbas; his gutting of defense spending -- particularly the ending of the F-22 and missile defense programs -- crucial to dealing with regimes developing nuclear weapons; his placidity towards Russia's and North Korea's aggressiveness; his apology tour of Europe; well..the list could go on and on.

Now to be truly effective, his abasement of America must also reflect itself in the belittling and weakening our allies and friends. This he has started to do with his serial and shameful diplomatic faux pas involving Great Britain. Now he has turned his focus onto Israel -- a small nation surrounded by far more numerous and wealthy enemies -- one of which, Iran, routinely boasts that it will destroy Israel.

In the face of these manifold existential threats, what does Barack Obama do? He sends an unprecedented warning to Congress that there will be an upcoming clash with Israel and he demands that Congress support his policies. Will he send his legion of grassroots supporters to petition their Congressional members to support the President? After all, he has told them recently that he is "keeping score" regarding the level of support they show for him.

Just in case, no one misses the message, his Vice-President, Joe Biden, to reinforce the message to Israel that traditional American support may not be forthcoming. Last night on CNN, Biden warned Israel not to attack Iran. . Israel is a sovereign nation whose people face the prospect of another Holocaust. Yet the message from the leader of a nation who has in the past been its best friend is... what? Drop dead?

Any experienced leader would realize that threats of military force is one tool that can be used with diplomacy to shape other nations' behavior. America has just sent a message to Iran that they need not take risk into account in the future. As America cuts the F-22 Raptor and missile defense programs-just a day after North Korea (allied with Iran) launches a ballistic missile, what message is Obama sending to the rest of the world?

The era of Pax Americana has ended and with it much of the security for the Western world.

Thanks for this, HM. After all, if we (the USA) don't stand with Israel, we will stand against GOD. Reference: the BIBLE! Oh, but President Obama already made his position on this quite clear when he boldly stated that the USA is NOT a Christian nation, simply a nation of citizens. He just failed to mention that he obviously sees us as a nation of citizens "without any morals at all." I feel very saddened for our nation.
Thank you for the chart. I, for one, think you should not censor your political beliefs or religious beliefs :)in order to deliver your findings in your chart analysis. EVERYONE who comes here to read this thread initially came because YOU were kind enough to offer us your wisdom and knowledge. For that, I am grateful. If I do not agree with your opinions or anyone else's opinions, I can nicely state what I believe as well without being harsh or asking anyone to change what they see, think or believe. Please continue to offer all that you can to clarify your reasons for why you come to the conclusions that you do from applying keywords to your posts. I appreciate you!
And, here is this from the DailyKos...

I am watching the economic/bailout/fraud problems we have with the Credit Derivative, Interest Derivatives, etc., with growing concern. The Venus/Pluto hard aspects going on right now are linked to the USA chart Venus, and to Obama's Venus, both in Cancer.

Apparently the banks are in such bad shape that the powers in charge do not want to release the information to us, the general public, for fear of a run on the banks, or crashing the market even further. From what I read there is so much bad stuff out there that the problems can't be solved (like well over 600 Trillion on bad stuff!)

The powers in charge must think we are stupid, and will be fooled if they do not release the numbers. Whatever happened to the promise of transparency?

All we are getting is Neptunian obfuscation and fog. I am watching transits to the Pluto/Venus hard aspect in the USA chart, and also the transits to the USA Neptune/Node this month, to see when some of the stresses might be most difficult to handle.

We need to keep an eye on April 13th. (Wonder what the 15th will bring, what with the Tea Parties and all.) That day, transiting Mars and Mercury will be in hard aspect to each other, and transiting the USA Mars/Neptune/Node hard aspects, while the transiting Sun will be in hard aspect to the USA Mercury/Uranus hard aspect.

Later in April, Mars will move to be in hard aspect to Pluto, and this will fall right on the USA/Obama Venus. Transiting Mercury will be in hard aspect to the USA Moon on this day as well, and the Sun will have moved to make hard aspects to the USA Mars/Neptune/and Node. Watch for the events around the 27th of April.

Keep in mind that events are not always exact on the date I look at, because I do not take the Moon's transit into account. Might allow a day or two on either side for news watching.

Bank Stress Test Results May Be Delayed
by Richard Lyon

Tue Apr 07, 2009 at 05:00:55 PM PDT

There has been intense debate about whether the major banks are or are not insolvent and what to do about them. Many supporters of the administration have urged everyone to wait for the results of the stress tests, assuring us that more shall be revealed.

Richard Lyon's diary :: ::
Rueters is now reporting that it is possible that more shall be concealed.

Stress Tests

The U.S. Treasury Department is planning to delay the release of any completed bank stress test results until after the first-quarter earnings season to avoid complicating stock market reaction, a source familiar with Treasury's discussions said on Tuesday.

The Treasury is still talking about how results of the regulatory stress tests on the 19 largest U.S. banks will be released, and may disclose them as summary results that are not institution-specific, the source said.

There are some things about this report that seem to me to be plausible conclusions. This a trial balloon from Treasury to test the waters to see what they can get by with. The results of the stress tests are not turning to be very possitive for some of the bigger fish in the pond.

If they thought they were going to have favorable results would they be hemming and hawing like an embarrassed kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar? No they would more likely eager to say look, look the banks are coming along nicely and our plan is working.

The lack of transparency about the details of the state of the financial system and the details of what has happened to the vast sums of tax money that has been poured into it is the greatest barrier to a sane and rational discussion of policy alternatives. It is looking like the situation isn't going to improve in the near future.
found this on Politico... there is a video on the site, so you can watch and decide for yourself whether we are getting the truth or Neptunian fog.

The White House is denying that the president bowed to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia at a G-20 meeting in London, a scene that drew criticism on the right and praise from some Arab outlets.

"It wasn't a bow. He grasped his hand with two hands, and he's taller than King Abdullah," said an Obama aide, who spoke on the condition of anonymity.

The Washington Times called the alleged bow a "shocking display of fealty to a foreign potentate" and said it violated centuries of American tradition of not deferring to royalty. The Weekly Standard, meanwhile, noted that American protocol apparently rules out bowing, or at least it reportedly did on the occasion of a Clinton "near-bow" to the emperor of Japan.

Interestingly, a columnist in the Saudi-backed Arabic paper Asharq Alawsat also took the gesture as a bow and appreciated the move.

"Obama wished to demonstrate his respect and appreciation of the personality of King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz, who has made one of the most important calls in the modern era, namely the call for inter-faith and inter-cultural dialogue to defuse the hatred, conflict and wars," wrote the columnist, Muhammah Diyab.

The video shows Obama dipping toward the king as G-20 leaders greet one another at the ExCel Centre in London.

The "bow" comes about 55 seconds in to the video.
Report: Pakistan rejects U.S. plan, wants drones

By Bridget Johnson
Posted: 04/08/09 11:56 AM [ET]

U.S. envoys met with Pakistani leaders on Tuesday to ensure that the $7.5 billion that President Obama plans to send their way over the next five years will be used to achieve common goals in the fight against extremism.

But according to a Pakistani newspaper, regional envoy Richard Holbrooke and Joint Chiefs Chairman Adm. Mike Mullen came up empty-handed and received a "rude shock" when a proposal for joint operations against al Qaeda and Taliban forces in the volatile tribal regions was rejected.

Dawn newspaper reported that Pakistan also asked the U.S. to turn over the unmanned drone missions over the territory to them, saying that the drone strikes were fueling extremism.

And The Independent published an interview with Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari on Wednesday in which he said Pakistan would go after high-value targets on their own if the U.S. would hand over its drone technology and intelligence.

link to the whole article;
OMG you guys, this is too much even for me. It's like watching Fox News. I'm outta here.
Another event I think is related to the aspects forming yesterday...

The hijacking of the cargo ship carrying food supplies to Kenya, Uganda (?)? and other countries in Africa, and the recapture of that ship...

Think about the keywords, and see how well they fit.

Housemouse, I can't wait to read what you have to say in this forum, even if I am not able to follow and understand everything. I wish I had your insight and knowledge. Could you please explain what you mean about the keywords and how they fit?
Keywords are the primary words associated with the individual planets, signs, and houses in Astrology, which is more like a language than anything else. A language that describes events and our experience.

Legends have been posted several times in the various threads. Try to go back and find these, for they are good tools for understanding the charts that are posted. You spot the symbols, use the keywords associated, and then understand the event, person, or country whose chart has been posted. (good keywords for mundane astrology here) (these are more general keywords) (a pdf that explains a bit about it all)
See if you can spot the Neptune in this article. Just for fun.

Neptunes in this article.
That's Obama. It's Bernie Madoff and Bill Clinton --- who in a slightly different life would have been a door-to-door scam artist in small-town Arkansas. It's Robert Preston in The Music Man. It's Mark Twain's con artists in Tom Sawyer, the Duke and the Dauphin. It's all the pitch artists on TV, and all the used car salesmen, desperate to get rid of that lousy old lemon on the lot.
Good job, Butterfly1978!

I relate these phrases to the action of Neptune as well.

keep the mark hypnotized with talk

Magic acts are just distraction plus sleight of hand.

his power fantasies

respond to symbols and ignore substance

con act

This is exactly what I have feared, since back in the primaries. Obama was not forthcoming about many things during the campaign. Those he associated with was enough to send up red flags for me. Now, bowing to the Saudi King. Very scary times we are living in.



The White House has a history of kissing Arabian Royalty, and bowing and holding hands. It is considered proper protocol when greeting them, not that I like it or agree with it.

housemouse, I was not and am not trying to argue with you or create disharmony.
I truly regret if posting this offends you.

As Virtual Truth stated earlier in this thread, you shouldn't have to censor your political and religious beliefs here, and neither should anyone else. I was not taking you to task for your concerns about Islam. I was pointing out that wild misconceptions result from offhanded or naughty (your word) comments.

Respectfully, I am going to stay out of this thread. I think that will be best. :)
I honestly do not feel that housemouse is saying anything against Islam, Muslims or anything of that sort, I think she is being misunderstood.

I hope I am not stepping over the line here by saying this, but this is my views about it. I could give to craps if Obama is Christian, Muslim, Buddist or whatever, but at least he could be is honest. He has stood there on live tv and stated Americans are Arrogant, he said this on another countries soil. I also remeber the use of the sentence we clinge to our religion and our guns, awhile back.
Now I dont know if you guys remeber but the Dixie Chicks got banned for saying something offensive about Bush on foreighn soil, yet its okay for Obama to talk about the county he is president of on foreign soil, like we are all just horrible people.

Basically what I am saying is its not the politics, or the religion its what he is saying and what he is doing.
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