American Airlines altercation with mother of twin babies

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There is another passenger's written account of the incident on the link that was provided. I came across it by clicking more links on the site.
Apr 24 2017, 9:51 am ET

Lawyer Representing David Dao Now Working With Woman in American Airlines Incident

by Daniella Silva

The lawyer representing the United Airlines passenger who was dragged off a flight in a viral video has taken up a new client against the airline industry.

Attorney Thomas Demetrio is now representing the woman in another incident caught on video showing an argument that broke out on an American Airlines flight after a male flight attendant allegedly forcibly took the woman's stroller — nearly striking her and her baby.

In an exclusive interview with the TODAY Show Monday morning, Demetrio called the American Airlines incident a "microcosm of the entire problem."
Strollers have to be checked in. How did she get past the attendant to bring this on board??
Strollers have to be checked in. How did she get past the attendant to bring this on board??

there are a couple different stories out there but they conflict with each other and can really only be considered rumor at this point, so we just dont know yet.

we also dont know the details of the beginning of the conversation/conflict yet, once again there are witness stories out there that conflict with each other.
Strollers have to be checked in. How did she get past the attendant to bring this on board??

I don't know AA rules, but whenever I've flown AC the strollers go right to the door of the plane. There is someone there to offload them along with last minute checked bags.
I kind of feel like everyone involved seems to be in the wrong in some way. The mom cannot bring a stroller on board. IMO, she should have known this ahead of time. If she didn't, someone at the gate should have explained it to her nicely. FA is obviously in the wrong as well. And I think the male passenger meant well but went about it in the wrong way.
How an American Airlines Flight Attendant Was Wrongly Condemned by the Public

Oddly, the large man has been applauded by some, when in fact he acted impulsively and may have violated the law.

Bob Ross, president of the Association of Professional Flight Attendants, said the public should delay judgment regarding the flight attendant.

As the flight boarded, the woman had the stroller tagged for a gate check, multiple sources said. In other words, she had agreed to turn it over to airline personnel when she boarded. She nevertheless sought to take it to her seat in the rear of the aircraft.

Published accounts from passengers vary widely on how well the flight attendant dealt with the woman. At some point, he seems to have gained possession of the stroller. A source familiar with the incident said the woman "hit herself with her stroller as she pulled it away from the flight attendant."
I didn't watch the full video but what I did see had the woman asking for the stroller back. I am so confused on what her plan for the stroller was. Did she think her babies could sit in it during the flight or something? The whole situation is just bizarre to me.
Apr 24 2017, 9:51 am ET

Lawyer Representing David Dao Now Working With Woman in American Airlines Incident

by Daniella Silva

The lawyer representing the United Airlines passenger who was dragged off a flight in a viral video has taken up a new client against the airline industry.

Attorney Thomas Demetrio is now representing the woman in another incident caught on video showing an argument that broke out on an American Airlines flight after a male flight attendant allegedly forcibly took the woman's stroller — nearly striking her and her baby.

In an exclusive interview with the TODAY Show Monday morning, Demetrio called the American Airlines incident a "microcosm of the entire problem."

i dont think anyone watched the video, and this is why you have to be skeptical of early witness reports - the woman herself does not even claim she was hit by the stroller.
It's definitely time for surveillance cameras with audio on planes.
Apr 24 2017, 9:51 am ET

Lawyer Representing David Dao Now Working With Woman in American Airlines Incident

by Daniella Silva

The lawyer representing the United Airlines passenger who was dragged off a flight in a viral video has taken up a new client against the airline industry.

Attorney Thomas Demetrio is now representing the woman in another incident caught on video showing an argument that broke out on an American Airlines flight after a male flight attendant allegedly forcibly took the woman's stroller — nearly striking her and her baby.

In an exclusive interview with the TODAY Show Monday morning, Demetrio called the American Airlines incident a "microcosm of the entire problem."

Here is what a passenger on this plane saw:

TheMan 8 hours ago
"From a witnessing fellow passenger on the same flight: Full text I was on this flight directly across the isle from the woman filming the video. This is what I observed: 1.) woman gets on the plane pushing a car seat type stroller with one child in it, carrying a second child on her hip and dragging behind a very large folded stroller that was too big for the overhead bin or to go under a seat. 2.) the flight attendant shown in the video approached from the back of the plane and informed her in a calm manner that there was nowhere to store the stroller. The woman immediately escalated the situation and within about 30 seconds was screaming at him at the top of her lungs. 3.) the flight attendant evidently decided she was not fit to be on the flight (in my opinion the correct decision) and started to move her and her children towards the front of the plane. 4.) when they got to the from of the plane the woman decided she was not going any further. The flight attendant picked up the stroller and lifted it over his head to try and move past the woman. As he was doing this she pushed him and the stroller fell a bit and struck her in the face. She began crying loudly and dramatically. Shortly after this is where the video begins. 5.) The first class passenger then inserts himself into the drama with his faux chivalry but clearly has no idea what has transpired in the back of the plane since he was in a window seat in the first class section of the plane and could not have viewed the incident from his seat. 6.) after another 10 minutes or so the woman exits the plane only to be returned about 5 minutes later and taken to her seat. We wait another 30-40 minutes while various flight and ground crew come and go speaking to the woman. After about 40 minutes she deplanes again this time telling all of the passengers, who are now becoming vocal in support of the flight crew, that all she wanted was an apology from the flight attendant. Evidently that's what the 40 minute delay was all about. Then we waited another 10 minutes for the ground crew to find and remove her luggage from the belly of the plane. 7.) the flight finally leaves and arrives in Dallas an hour or so late. American representatives are waiting at the gate to speak with the first class passenger who made the threats. What I heard was a very apologetic tone coming from two American employees, as if the airline had done something to upset the first class passenger. 8.) when I entered the bag claim area the first class passenger was right in front of me and as soon as he made it through the revolving door there was a camera crew waiting for him on the other side to interview him. That's about as factual of an account as I can provide and I realize there may be other parts of this story that I do not know about or did not witness. From what I saw: a.) if anyone from American should have been punished it should be the ground crew who somehow letting this woman on board with a full size stroller. The flight attendant was put in a horrible situation by a passenger that most passengers in my immediate area thought seemed unstable. She escalated the situation, not him. b.) in my opinion, the first class passenger should have been removed. Had the flight been in progress he might very well have been arrested upon landing for threatening a crew member. Additionally, he could not have seen any of the back of the plane antics of the woman based on where he was seated. c.) I agree the flight attendant may have reacted too harshly in responding to the threatening customer in first class, but his actions with the woman in question were professional throughout the ordeal. I am disappointed American has chosen to punish him."
How an American Airlines Flight Attendant Was Wrongly Condemned by the Public

Oddly, the large man has been applauded by some, when in fact he acted impulsively and may have violated the law.

Bob Ross, president of the Association of Professional Flight Attendants, said the public should delay judgment regarding the flight attendant.

As the flight boarded, the woman had the stroller tagged for a gate check, multiple sources said. In other words, she had agreed to turn it over to airline personnel when she boarded. She nevertheless sought to take it to her seat in the rear of the aircraft.

Published accounts from passengers vary widely on how well the flight attendant dealt with the woman. At some point, he seems to have gained possession of the stroller. A source familiar with the incident said the woman "hit herself with her stroller as she pulled it away from the flight attendant."

That article is total garbage. So the public is wrong to condemn a flight attendant for taunting a customer by saying "hit me, bring it on." Flight attendants should totally be allowed to behave like that. :facepalm: The article just proves that we are living in a society, where even the most bizarre, outrages conduct will be defended by someone.
Here is what a passenger on this plane saw:

TheMan 8 hours ago
"From a witnessing fellow passenger on the same flight: Full text I was on this flight directly across the isle from the woman filming the video. This is what I observed: 1.) woman gets on the plane pushing a car seat type stroller with one child in it, carrying a second child on her hip and dragging behind a very large folded stroller that was too big for the overhead bin or to go under a seat. 2.) the flight attendant shown in the video approached from the back of the plane and informed her in a calm manner that there was nowhere to store the stroller. The woman immediately escalated the situation and within about 30 seconds was screaming at him at the top of her lungs. 3.) the flight attendant evidently decided she was not fit to be on the flight (in my opinion the correct decision) and started to move her and her children towards the front of the plane. 4.) when they got to the from of the plane the woman decided she was not going any further. The flight attendant picked up the stroller and lifted it over his head to try and move past the woman. As he was doing this she pushed him and the stroller fell a bit and struck her in the face. She began crying loudly and dramatically. Shortly after this is where the video begins. 5.) The first class passenger then inserts himself into the drama with his faux chivalry but clearly has no idea what has transpired in the back of the plane since he was in a window seat in the first class section of the plane and could not have viewed the incident from his seat. 6.) after another 10 minutes or so the woman exits the plane only to be returned about 5 minutes later and taken to her seat. We wait another 30-40 minutes while various flight and ground crew come and go speaking to the woman. After about 40 minutes she deplanes again this time telling all of the passengers, who are now becoming vocal in support of the flight crew, that all she wanted was an apology from the flight attendant. Evidently that's what the 40 minute delay was all about. Then we waited another 10 minutes for the ground crew to find and remove her luggage from the belly of the plane. 7.) the flight finally leaves and arrives in Dallas an hour or so late. American representatives are waiting at the gate to speak with the first class passenger who made the threats. What I heard was a very apologetic tone coming from two American employees, as if the airline had done something to upset the first class passenger. 8.) when I entered the bag claim area the first class passenger was right in front of me and as soon as he made it through the revolving door there was a camera crew waiting for him on the other side to interview him. That's about as factual of an account as I can provide and I realize there may be other parts of this story that I do not know about or did not witness. From what I saw: a.) if anyone from American should have been punished it should be the ground crew who somehow letting this woman on board with a full size stroller. The flight attendant was put in a horrible situation by a passenger that most passengers in my immediate area thought seemed unstable. She escalated the situation, not him. b.) in my opinion, the first class passenger should have been removed. Had the flight been in progress he might very well have been arrested upon landing for threatening a crew member. Additionally, he could not have seen any of the back of the plane antics of the woman based on where he was seated. c.) I agree the flight attendant may have reacted too harshly in responding to the threatening customer in first class, but his actions with the woman in question were professional throughout the ordeal. I am disappointed American has chosen to punish him."

Customer Service 101: The customer is ALWAYS right. The entire incident could have been prevented by the flight crew simply finding a place to stow the woman's stroller. The customer would have been happy, an entire planeload of passengers would have arrived on time, and been happy, and a flight attendant would not have been suspended. It would have been win-win situation for everybody.
That article is total garbage. So the public is wrong to condemn a flight attendant for taunting a customer by saying "hit me, bring it on." Flight attendants should totally be allowed to behave like that. :facepalm: The article just proves that we are living in a society, where even the most bizarre, outrages conduct will be defended by someone.

The flight attendant should be held to a higher standard than the petulant woman and the hot-headed passenger.

The mother reminded me of my kids when they got into a dispute. Inevitably one would end up crying and the more I reprimanded the instigator the louder the other cried.
Customer Service 101: The customer is ALWAYS right. The entire incident could have been prevented by the flight crew simply finding a place to stow the woman's stroller. The customer would have been happy, an entire planeload of passengers would have arrived on time, and been happy, and a flight attendant would not have been suspended. It would have been win-win situation for everybody.

They had a place to stow the stroller and it was the cargo area of the plane.
The airlines have rules about taking a stroller onto a plane. Just because someone is having a melt down doesn't mean they should have their way.
The flight attendant should be held to a higher standard than the petulant woman and the hot-headed passenger.

The mother reminded me of my kids when they got into a dispute. Inevitably one would end up crying and the more I reprimanded the instigator the louder the other cried.

there is nothing you can imagine, no set of circumstances, that would make her crying seem reasonable or at least understandable? you seem to have figured out that she is the person more at fault here with very little information to go on.
Here is what a passenger on this plane saw:

TheMan 8 hours ago
"From a witnessing fellow passenger on the same flight: Full text I was on this flight directly across the isle from the woman filming the video. This is what I observed: 1.) woman gets on the plane pushing a car seat type stroller with one child in it, carrying a second child on her hip and dragging behind a very large folded stroller that was too big for the overhead bin or to go under a seat. 2.) the flight attendant shown in the video approached from the back of the plane and informed her in a calm manner that there was nowhere to store the stroller. The woman immediately escalated the situation and within about 30 seconds was screaming at him at the top of her lungs. 3.) the flight attendant evidently decided she was not fit to be on the flight (in my opinion the correct decision) and started to move her and her children towards the front of the plane. 4.) when they got to the from of the plane the woman decided she was not going any further. The flight attendant picked up the stroller and lifted it over his head to try and move past the woman. As he was doing this she pushed him and the stroller fell a bit and struck her in the face. She began crying loudly and dramatically. Shortly after this is where the video begins. 5.) The first class passenger then inserts himself into the drama with his faux chivalry but clearly has no idea what has transpired in the back of the plane since he was in a window seat in the first class section of the plane and could not have viewed the incident from his seat. 6.) after another 10 minutes or so the woman exits the plane only to be returned about 5 minutes later and taken to her seat. We wait another 30-40 minutes while various flight and ground crew come and go speaking to the woman. After about 40 minutes she deplanes again this time telling all of the passengers, who are now becoming vocal in support of the flight crew, that all she wanted was an apology from the flight attendant. Evidently that's what the 40 minute delay was all about. Then we waited another 10 minutes for the ground crew to find and remove her luggage from the belly of the plane. 7.) the flight finally leaves and arrives in Dallas an hour or so late. American representatives are waiting at the gate to speak with the first class passenger who made the threats. What I heard was a very apologetic tone coming from two American employees, as if the airline had done something to upset the first class passenger. 8.) when I entered the bag claim area the first class passenger was right in front of me and as soon as he made it through the revolving door there was a camera crew waiting for him on the other side to interview him. That's about as factual of an account as I can provide and I realize there may be other parts of this story that I do not know about or did not witness. From what I saw: a.) if anyone from American should have been punished it should be the ground crew who somehow letting this woman on board with a full size stroller. The flight attendant was put in a horrible situation by a passenger that most passengers in my immediate area thought seemed unstable. She escalated the situation, not him. b.) in my opinion, the first class passenger should have been removed. Had the flight been in progress he might very well have been arrested upon landing for threatening a crew member. Additionally, he could not have seen any of the back of the plane antics of the woman based on where he was seated. c.) I agree the flight attendant may have reacted too harshly in responding to the threatening customer in first class, but his actions with the woman in question were professional throughout the ordeal. I am disappointed American has chosen to punish him."

How did she get a very large stroller to the back of the plane? How did the flight attendant come from the back of the plane if both were in the back of the plane?

Crying loudly and dramatically? Who says this?

Faux chivalry? Again why say this?

This just seems a bit off and because of the colorful commentary I tend to question it a bit. idk.
as i mentioned earlier, you can find several versions of events from supposed witnesses out there, they all contain conflicting information.

also, as i pointed out earlier - this woman does not claim that she was hit by the stroller. so anyone claiming they saw that is mistaken according to the woman herself.
as i mentioned earlier, you can find several versions of events from supposed witnesses out there, they all contain conflicting information.

also, as i pointed out earlier - this woman does not claim that she was hit by the stroller. so anyone claiming they saw that is mistaken according to the woman herself.

Do you have a link to her interview?

ETA - I just watched an interview with her lawyer and he says clearly neither she nor the baby were hit, but she was afraid because he was nearly hit. I 100% understand this. Come close to harming my baby and I'd be upset too!

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