American girls' suicide rates rise

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Dark Knight

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Sep 3, 2004
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The suicide rate among preteen and teenage girls rose to its highest level in 15 years, and hanging surpassed guns as the preferred method, federal health officials reported Thursday.

The report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests a surprising reversal in recent trends.

The biggest jump — about 76 percent — was in the suicide rate for girls ages 10-14 from 2003 to 2004. There were 94 suicides in that age group in 2004, compared to 56 in 2003. That's a rate of fewer than one per 100,000 population.

Suicide rates among all American young people, ages 10 to 24, fell 28 percent from 1990-2003. But in 2004 it shot back up, driven largely by increases among females aged 10-19 and males aged 15-19.

"In surveillance speak, this is a dramatic and huge increase," said Dr. Ileana Arias, director of the CDC's National Center for Injury Prevention and Control.

Overall, suicide was the third leading cause of death among young Americans in 2004, accounting for 4,599 deaths. It is surpassed by only car crashes and homicide, Arias said.

The study also documented a change in suicide method. In 1990, guns accounted for more than half of all suicides among young females. By 2004, though, death by hanging and suffocation became the most common suicide method. It accounted for about 71 percent of all suicides in girls aged 10-14, 49 percent among those aged 15-19 and 34 percent between 20-24.

"While we can't say (hanging) is a trend yet, we are confident that's an unusually high number in 2004," said Dr. Keri Lubell, a CDC behavioral scientist who was one of the lead authors of study.

The study did not analyze why hanging has become the most common suicide method, but scientists speculated it could be the most accessible method.

Much more at link:;_ylt=AhQz.MgFHpaS.bQh47WpgNys0NUE
I am so sad about this. My daughter's friend killed herself last year a few days before Christmas. No note, only cryptic phone messages, including one to her mom saying that she had been a good mom. Also, she called her dad from school saying she was going home sick and asking him to bring her her favorite soup, which he did. After he tucked her in and left for work again, she shot herself with his hunting rifle in her bedroom. There were 800 people at the funeral. She was a much loved girl with great parents. They are still bewildered. They think there must have been clues but they just didn't see them and still can't. My daughter still goes to Grief Group once a month. We are still having a rough time.

I know several highschool friends that have killed theirself, many of them were on the drug crystal meth at the time. That stuff does really bad things to your mind. All three shot theirself. The hanging trend is also around because of something called the choking game, someone taught me when I was about 12 and I just never picked up doing it all the time, a boy I knew in highschool did it and accidentally killed himself. Such tradgedies for what? I will never understand how they could do it.
I am so sad about this. My daughter's friend killed herself last year a few days before Christmas. No note, only cryptic phone messages, including one to her mom saying that she had been a good mom. Also, she called her dad from school saying she was going home sick and asking him to bring her her favorite soup, which he did. After he tucked her in and left for work again, she shot herself with his hunting rifle in her bedroom. There were 800 people at the funeral. She was a much loved girl with great parents. They are still bewildered. They think there must have been clues but they just didn't see them and still can't. My daughter still goes to Grief Group once a month. We are still having a rough time.


OH MY GOSH! How awful!!! It's stories like this that turn my stomach... I adore my kids and I think they're well balanced kids... there has to have been signs surely? Did your daughter have an idea after the suicide what was causing her friend so much pain?

I'm so sorry.

I am so sad about this. My daughter's friend killed herself last year a few days before Christmas. No note, only cryptic phone messages, including one to her mom saying that she had been a good mom. Also, she called her dad from school saying she was going home sick and asking him to bring her her favorite soup, which he did. After he tucked her in and left for work again, she shot herself with his hunting rifle in her bedroom. There were 800 people at the funeral. She was a much loved girl with great parents. They are still bewildered. They think there must have been clues but they just didn't see them and still can't. My daughter still goes to Grief Group once a month. We are still having a rough time.



I am so sorry to hear this. When a young person commits suicide, there are just no words to describe the grief and confusion left in their wake.


In my post above what I meant by saying I thought 'my kids were so well balanced' is that it scares me to no end that I too could lose a child if they aren't showing any signs of wanting their life to end, I didn't mean her parents weren't good parents..... just didn't want you to think I meant otherwise....

I hate to admit it but this doesn't surprise me. Just seems to me that today's kids, teens and preteens, are subjected to too much violence, too much bullying and too much peer pressure. How sad that suicide is looked at as an answer to teen problems. :(
Thanks Jubie and South.

My daughter and I talk about it often - the fact that no one seemed to know anything was wrong. As a teacher I am troubled by this and as a parent I am overwhelmed. I have told my kids (and students) to please please please come to me (or someone trusted) with any feelings like this. The kids just can't figure out why "M" did this. Only one friend surfaced and said that she had said (one time) "Sometimes I just don't want to live." But at her funeral, all her accolades were displayed - her pictures with friends, volleyball uniforms, growth charts, writings where she said she wanted to be a great teacher, ice skater and mom someday. It was just heartbreaking. All that promise and a very loving family, too. Her mom and dad have been wonderfully open, have visited the school and talked to grieving kids. I admire them so much. They have one other child, a boy, in college (who was good friends w/ my oldest son) and he had to hear about the suicide via text message while at school before his parents could even tell him. It was so unfortunate. A friend text'd him saying how sorry he was about his sister and his parents were waiting til the next day because their son had one more final exam before he was due home for Xmas break. Anyway, there had to be clues but they were so subtle that even now, no one can figure it out. There were no drugs or pregnancy or anything like that involved. They tested her for drugs and pregnancy during the autopsy. She had broken up w/ her boyfriend the week before. Like she knew what she was going to do. My daughter tears up every time we talk about it. I do think we have talked as a family about depression and suicide in a meaningful way as a result of M's death.


I hate to admit it but this doesn't surprise me. Just seems to me that today's kids, teens and preteens, are subjected to too much violence, too much bullying and too much peer pressure. How sad that suicide is looked at as an answer to teen problems. :(

I believe you are right, philamena. We adults put additional pressure by expecting them to behave in more mature manners. They aren't allowed to be children any more. We do not want children, we want adults in children's bodies.
But I wonder where these girls get the idea that suicide is the answer to their problems, how does that thought get into and stay into their heads. Is it revenge against the parents, friends, or do they think other hopeless thoughts. Is it because we live in a society that is self centered and fail to notice "troubled girls", 10 years old and you think that killing yourself is the only answer. Is poverty and violence in the home or area in which they live. Or is it that maybe some parents have difficulty accessing services, on a mental health basis.

There was a case not far from where I live, a women went to work, left her daughter alone, and when she phoned and could not reach her, she raced home and found she hung herself.

This was after the daughter assured her Mom that she would not harm herself, as she had previously tried. She swore up and down back and forth that she would not harm herself, as this was the first time that the daugher would be left alone.She assured her Mom that "she can trust" her and the first chance she got she killed herself. That is almost like a betrayal, revenge. How could the mother know. This just destroyed her also.

I would like to see a residential treatment centre dealing only with suicidal girl where they get intensive treatment. I am under the impression that the main factor put certainly not an isolated factor is depression or just depressive thoughts about their life in general.

But does no one notice, or does the girls just get good at hiding it and their thoughts.

Another case, a boy told her sister he wanted to kill himself, he asked her to keep it from their parents. For reasons unknown, she did not tell her parents and the brother did kill himself. His Father is a Doctor. He was 17 or 18. I guess the brother counted on the close bond and trust between brother and sister. But, I know she did not think that he was suicidal as she did not think at all that the brother was serious. But he was. Destroyed the family.
All I can say is that my daughter's friend showed no outward tendencies and I realize that's not saying much, who knows what goes on in someone's home or head? But Good Grief, what can you do? Her parents were devoted, communicative and open. I cannot believe it. Still. It doesn't appear drugs, sex or anything untoward was going on. Depression - yes, I believe that was it - it must have been. How they didn't know, I can't figure out but I know them and I know thay would have hustled to get her help. It is no answer, that's for sure.Her mom is saying she is now in the anger phase and honestly, is pissed at hell at her daughter. All I can do is talk to my daughter about this and hope it sinks in because you just never know.

All I can say is that my daughter's friend showed no outward tendencies and I realize that's not saying much, who knows what goes on in someone's home or head? But Good Grief, what can you do? Her parents were devoted, communicative and open. I cannot believe it. Still. It doesn't appear drugs, sex or anything untoward was going on. Depression - yes, I believe that was it - it must have been. How they didn't know, I can't figure out but I know them and I know thay would have hustled to get her help. It is no answer, that's for sure.Her mom is saying she is now in the anger phase and honestly, is pissed at hell at her daughter. All I can do is talk to my daughter about this and hope it sinks in because you just never know.



Thanks for sharing and I'm so sorry for you and your daughters pain.:(

I believe you are right, philamena. We adults put additional pressure by expecting them to behave in more mature manners. They aren't allowed to be children any more. We do not want children, we want adults in children's bodies.

You are so right. Many want well behaved, educated, self sufficient, tiny adults, not little children.
All the way back to my earliest memories (11-12 years old) what stands out the most is my uncontrollable thoughts of wanting to end my own life. I couldn't stand being inside of myself. Living, breathing, just being were not of any interest to me.

I have read several posts here that I feel the need to respond to in a way...

No one has to put thoughts of suicide into our heads, no one has to even harm us to make it so we want to harm ourselves. Sometimes, people are just born this way, not wanting to live. For years and years I used to think "I didn't ask to be here- I don't even belong here!"

Such tradgedies for what? I will never understand how they could do it.

What you need to keep in mind about people like me is that our souls are so tortured that to us, our life, not our death is the tragedy.. and each day we continue to live we don't understand how we can make it another day.

I wish more than anything in the world that I had a solution and that I could make it so that not one more child would have to live like I did for so many years. I wish I could fix them, heal them, take their pain from them, sooth their souls, save them, but I'm just as helpless as the rest of society and that angers me because I feel like I should be able to!

Here is my dream-

If I won the lottery I'd buy land- lots of it and I'd build homes, buildings, hire therapists and save children at risk. I'd also rescue dogs and assign each kid a dog to love, and train. I'd go and pluck them up out of their miserable lives and I'd take them home with me and I'd fight with all that I have in me to save them... all of them- every last one of them.

My husband always teases me that he'd have a sign built like the ones ya see on the side of the road that say "Jesus saves" but he'd have it say "Laura saves".

Sorry for rambling on but this subject just touches me so deeply!
All the way back to my earliest memories (11-12 years old) what stands out the most is my uncontrollable thoughts of wanting to end my own life. I couldn't stand being inside of myself. Living, breathing, just being were not of any interest to me.

I have read several posts here that I feel the need to respond to in a way...

No one has to put thoughts of suicide into our heads, no one has to even harm us to make it so we want to harm ourselves. Sometimes, people are just born this way, not wanting to live. For years and years I used to think "I didn't ask to be here- I don't even belong here!"

What you need to keep in mind about people like me is that our souls are so tortured that to us, our life, not our death is the tragedy.. and each day we continue to live we don't understand how we can make it another day.

I wish more than anything in the world that I had a solution and that I could make it so that not one more child would have to live like I did for so many years. I wish I could fix them, heal them, take their pain from them, sooth their souls, save them, but I'm just as helpless as the rest of society and that angers me because I feel like I should be able to!

Here is my dream-

If I won the lottery I'd buy land- lots of it and I'd build homes, buildings, hire therapists and save children at risk. I'd also rescue dogs and assign each kid a dog to love, and train. I'd go and pluck them up out of their miserable lives and I'd take them home with me and I'd fight with all that I have in me to save them... all of them- every last one of them.

My husband always teases me that he'd have a sign built like the ones ya see on the side of the road that say "Jesus saves" but he'd have it say "Laura saves".

Sorry for rambling on but this subject just touches me so deeply!

Thank you for that post. I felt the same way through my growing up years. I simply wanted out of here. It wasn't until I was about 35 that I came to terms with the fact I was here and had to make the best of it. I always felt I was here by mistake.

Jim Morrison said it best, "No one here gets out alive".

Thanks for sharing and I'm so sorry for you and your daughters pain.:(


Thanks Jubie.:blowkiss:

OneLost and AfterMidnight, bless you. We're glad you're here, where you do belong!

Suicidal ideas and idealization, thoughts, and actions, do not "come out of no where", there is a basis for this. Could it be the onset of puberty, that affects hormones, brain chemistry.
Suicidal ideas and idealization, thoughts, and actions, do not "come out of no where", there is a basis for this. Could it be the onset of puberty, that affects hormones, brain chemistry.

Obviously some people develop mental illness during puberty, it is what happened to me, it is what is happening to my son and sadly, will probably happen to my grandchildren.

Some babies are born to mothers who did everything right during pregnancy, premature, with heart murmers, apnea, mental retardation.. some children who's parents never smoked develop asthma, some children develop Autism, some children become diabetic. And then there are some us who develop mental illness.

I was in my 30's before I knew a person could live and WANT to live, enjoy it even. I have only wanted to live for 5 years, imagine that! Sometimes it seems really, I am 5 years old, no?! All of these amazingly beautiful things I never saw because I couldn't see!

Genetics plays a HUGE part but as far as I'm concerned, so does lack of awareness, STIGMA and denial. Mental illness, like addiction, is a progressive disease and there are only two choices, you get well or you will die from it.

Parents, watch your children, KNOW your children, know your childrens friends, their interests, don't tell them their choices in music are awful or their stye of clothing is ugly. Teach them that they are good and they are worth something and they are beautiful. Lead a life that sets an example for them.

I hear some parents say "Be their parent, not their friend" but in this day and time you need to be both to save your children from themselves. If your child is thinking of harming themself they need to know they can come to you and you will not judge them, only love them.

I have a theory about the rise in mental illness but it's kinda silly so I'll skip it...
Obviously some people develop mental illness during puberty, it is what happened to me, it is what is happening to my son and sadly, will probably happen to my grandchildren.

Some babies are born to mothers who did everything right during pregnancy, premature, with heart murmers, apnea, mental retardation.. some children who's parents never smoked develop asthma, some children develop Autism, some children become diabetic. And then there are some us who develop mental illness.

I was in my 30's before I knew a person could live and WANT to live, enjoy it even. I have only wanted to live for 5 years, imagine that! Sometimes it seems really, I am 5 years old, no?! All of these amazingly beautiful things I never saw because I couldn't see!

Genetics plays a HUGE part but as far as I'm concerned, so does lack of awareness, STIGMA and denial. Mental illness, like addiction, is a progressive disease and there are only two choices, you get well or you will die from it.

Parents, watch your children, KNOW your children, know your childrens friends, their interests, don't tell them their choices in music are awful or their stye of clothing is ugly. Teach them that they are good and they are worth something and they are beautiful. Lead a life that sets an example for them.

I hear some parents say "Be their parent, not their friend" but in this day and time you need to be both to save your children from themselves. If your child is thinking of harming themself they need to know they can come to you and you will not judge them, only love them.

I have a theory about the rise in mental illness but it's kinda silly so I'll skip it...

I would love to hear it.
I think we're pushing them too hard these days (me included). They've got to be involved in everything and they're burning the candle at both ends. Add to that some substance abuse and parents with very little time to spend with them and its a recipe for disaster. I wish I had some answers, but unfortunately I'm not smart enough to know what to do.

I don't think its just kids either. Americans work too many hours, don't eat right, don't take a vaction every year and are in debt to their eyeballs. We're running on empty folks!

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