Amscot, "Special K"

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And as far as we know no one has come forward who helped her push her car into Amscot.

Exactly. I asked this a long time ago ..... still to this day nobody has come forward and said they helped her push the car onto the lot.
Who left a note on the Windsheild??
Supposedly Casey. About the same time we heard about her getting the help of a couple of guys to push the car. Too long ago to would hurt my head considerably.
Link to a resume online featuring Stephanie K...,+amscotfinancial&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=1&gl=us

Link to Colonial High Alumni...

Casey A. and a Stephanie K., rumored general manager of Amscot, who were both in the class of 2004...

This link is to a doc stock with a pic purported to be Casey with Stephanie K...

This is a myspace purported to be Stephanie K''s private, but mood and Caylee comment may be interesting to some...

And the facebook page...

Here is the jail visitation log showing S.K....not sure if visit occurred...

Interestingly, on the 30th of June Casey goes out for gas cans with Casey, and estimates her leaving around 5-ish...Casey calls Special K just before 5 on the 30th of soon as Amy left?

I think it may be possible to make linkage, from the car, through the calls to and from Special K and other gas cans...and the early am call, from Special K, on the 4th of July shortly after 7, really piques my interest. Especially after the busy text and calling the night before from Lee and Mallory...

***THE PICTURE ON STEPANIE'S MY SPACE PAGE, there is someone in the Background. Can anyone lighten the Picture up so that we can see the person??
3.51pm – they are coming. Harris is a billionaire landowner and hotel guy. He own the rosen hospitality school.i reached out to him and he is on vacation but got my message and has put his support behind us in any possible
3.54pm - not good news in the hearing.the k9 alerted to human decomp in both the trunk of the car and backyard of the house near her playset

These Texts have me puzzled!!!!!!!!!!

Wow ... this is amazing stuff, where is the link. Whom is Harris and could he provide financial backing?

Very strange ........
These were texts to Amy from Jessie.

Wow ... this is amazing stuff, where is the link. Whom is Harris and could he provide financial backing?

Very strange ........

For whatever reason JG appointed himself an "investigator" early on, even in his first interview they talk of people/places/times he been working on to give LE.
***THE PICTURE ON STEPANIE'S MY SPACE PAGE, there is someone in the Background. Can anyone lighten the Picture up so that we can see the person??

I think it was stated in a Jail interview bewtween GA, KC and CA that there was nothing wrong with the car. Because CA asked KC why she didnt go back to get the car. She said to KC "Doesnt make sense"". Why didnt you go back for the car.

Exactly, there was nothing wrong w/ the gas gauge. The whole "damsel in distress, my car is out of gas again" routine was probably so some sucker would fill up a can and come rescue her. Great way to get free gas.
Was stumbling around videos and caught this little number that peaked my interest. At the very end of the video (about 7:56) the news anchor discusses that JB has requested a list of each Amscot employee name and schedule. I have not found this list in any of the discovery to date. Have I missed this or has anyone else seen this?
I think I read that Amy got it back, but have no link (might just be speculation)

Also be nice to know, if the can was ever used by KC.....maybe KC's plan was to gas it up & walk back to it from Tonys.....I think Amscot is very close to his apt.

I've also wondered if KC called the tow co......& found out only the legal owners could pick the car up ???

Per discovery page 3619, Amy turned it over to LE on Dec. 15 at 3PM.
Some info about Mr Rosen's properties.
"All told, five of Rosen’s seven properties are on International Drive – two Quality Inns, a Comfort Inn, the Rosen Plaza and the Rosen Centre. Within the next few years, Rosen could put an even bigger mark on the I-Drive corridor. On the drawing board is a plan for two million square feet of new construction that would include restaurants and retail shops that line up directly with the OCCC."

He also originally worked for Disney prior to 1974. Why would a multi-million dollar mogul want to get involved with this case? Are any of these properties on the Casey ping maps? Could these be some of the properties that the "call-girl" meets took place? Could Rosen be a "client"? Could Casery have known something that would have derailed the new OCCC? So many questions...not enough answers.
Mr. Rosen was mentioned by Jesse, not KC. Jesse initially asked for help from Mr. Rosen to find a missing Caylee.
On the "July 3" thread, we were discussing KC's friend Stephanie K (Greek last name, "Special K" on KC's phone), and thought she might be worth a new thread. My notes about her so far are as follows:

Friend of KC, J. Ortiz (deceased purported father #6978), and the rest of KC's "original" group of friends. Colonial High class of 2004, same as KC.

Worked at a Winn-Dixie (don't know which one). Became Assistant General Manager at Amscot sometime between getting her degree in finance at UCF in May 2008 and September 12, 2008, when someone listed her as a reference with that title in an online resume. So we are not sure if she was working there June 27-30 when KC's car was stranded there--and is there more than 1 Amscot location around there? December 14, 2008 she said on someone's Myspace that she was working at Amscot "for now" because she couldn't get a better job due to the economy.

June 20 1 min. phone call from KC to Stephanie at 1:23 pm

June 30 49 sec. phone call from KC to Stephanie at 4:53 pm (could this be, OMG, Stephanie, my car ran out of gas at Amscot and I think it got towed--can you find out where it went?)

June 30 43 sec. phone call from Stephanie to KC at 9:05 pm (maybe giving KC her answer?)

July 4 text from Stephanie to KC at 7:03 AM. KC texts back at 8:14 AM.

July 4 27 sec. phone call from Stephanie to KC at 2:35 pm

July 4 39 sec. phone call from KC to Stephanie at 3:16 pm

JULY 16:

Sometime this day (probably after KC sends out her mass "Caylee is missing--has been for 31 days" text) Stephanie changes her Myspace name to "[Stephanie] Love You Caylee Marie Anthony [heart]."

Also after the mass text on July 16:
12:22 pm posts comment to KC on Myspace: "case...please call me..."
3:19 pm attempts to call KC--no answer (KC is with the police I think)
3:23 pm attempts again to call KC--no answer
3:28 pm texts KC: "Case...Call me when u get this."

All KC's other friends are in "OMG!" "WTF!" mode...but Stephanie just wants KC to call her and does not want to say whatever she has to say in writing?? No expression of surprise/concern/shock/disbelief?

August 3 Stephanie was scheduled for visit with KC 9:00-9:45 pm. Someone said this visit was cancelled, but I didn't check the document on that one and now can't find it.

Current Myspace name is just "Stephyyy" with hearts, etc. but tag says "Caylee Marie is My Angel."

Discuss. :)

Just curious if any additional discovery/information has ever cropped up regarding this Stephanie? She's one on my short list that still has a question mark next to her name. TIA
Just curious if any additional discovery/information has ever cropped up regarding this Stephanie? She's one on my short list that still has a question mark next to her name. TIA
[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Coincidence or Not? Please List![/ame]

Try doing an advanced search and you may find more info.
Hi everyone!! This is my first post, been lurking since this case began...every time I think of something to post someone beats me to it but I haven't seen this yet so thought I'd jump in......

I believe it was Jesse Grund's interview w/LE where he brought up seeing this Stephanie at one if the Vigils for Caylee and she was wearing an Amscot shirt...Jesse was asking if the police knew her connection or had checked her out. Wish I could remember exactly which interview it was and what LE had responded with...think it was something like "we will definately look into it".....don't know if this helps at all or if it's been discussed and I missed it.

Just thought I'd throw it out there for what it's worth!! By the way, you all are awesome, I learn so much every time I read here!
Hi everyone!! This is my first post, been lurking since this case began...every time I think of something to post someone beats me to it but I haven't seen this yet so thought I'd jump in......

I believe it was Jesse Grund's interview w/LE where he brought up seeing this Stephanie at one if the Vigils for Caylee and she was wearing an Amscot shirt...Jesse was asking if the police knew her connection or had checked her out. Wish I could remember exactly which interview it was and what LE had responded with...think it was something like "we will definately look into it".....don't know if this helps at all or if it's been discussed and I missed it.

Just thought I'd throw it out there for what it's worth!! By the way, you all are awesome, I learn so much every time I read here!

:greetings: and :welcome:

Good post...
Hi everyone!! This is my first post, been lurking since this case began...every time I think of something to post someone beats me to it but I haven't seen this yet so thought I'd jump in......

I believe it was Jesse Grund's interview w/LE where he brought up seeing this Stephanie at one if the Vigils for Caylee and she was wearing an Amscot shirt...Jesse was asking if the police knew her connection or had checked her out. Wish I could remember exactly which interview it was and what LE had responded with...think it was something like "we will definately look into it".....don't know if this helps at all or if it's been discussed and I missed it.

Just thought I'd throw it out there for what it's worth!! By the way, you all are awesome, I learn so much every time I read here!
Welcome Shaye!!
Thanks for the info...if you find a link, can you please post it?
Stick around!!
Hi everyone!! This is my first post, been lurking since this case began...every time I think of something to post someone beats me to it but I haven't seen this yet so thought I'd jump in......

I believe it was Jesse Grund's interview w/LE where he brought up seeing this Stephanie at one if the Vigils for Caylee and she was wearing an Amscot shirt...Jesse was asking if the police knew her connection or had checked her out. Wish I could remember exactly which interview it was and what LE had responded with...think it was something like "we will definately look into it".....don't know if this helps at all or if it's been discussed and I missed it.

Just thought I'd throw it out there for what it's worth!! By the way, you all are awesome, I learn so much every time I read here!

:seeya:Hi Shaye...

I've been here for years and I STILL can't keep up with these pros! LOL They are awesome! :)

ETA~ If you ever saw the movie "Bruce Almighty", when all the post its came in, well that's how I sometimes feel here.

Hi everyone!! This is my first post, been lurking since this case began...every time I think of something to post someone beats me to it but I haven't seen this yet so thought I'd jump in......

I believe it was Jesse Grund's interview w/LE where he brought up seeing this Stephanie at one if the Vigils for Caylee and she was wearing an Amscot shirt...Jesse was asking if the police knew her connection or had checked her out. Wish I could remember exactly which interview it was and what LE had responded with...think it was something like "we will definately look into it".....don't know if this helps at all or if it's been discussed and I missed it.

Just thought I'd throw it out there for what it's worth!! By the way, you all are awesome, I learn so much every time I read here!

I searched the 7/23 and 9/9 interviews for "amscot" and "steph" and did not see this statement. I don't know if he did others. Perhaps it was Richard Grund?

ETA: Should have checked first; it WAS Richard Grund:

Page 33

You remembered it very well, he mentions Stephanie at the vigil wearing her shirt and LE says they'll check it out.
Hi everyone!! This is my first post, been lurking since this case began...every time I think of something to post someone beats me to it but I haven't seen this yet so thought I'd jump in......

I believe it was Jesse Grund's interview w/LE where he brought up seeing this Stephanie at one if the Vigils for Caylee and she was wearing an Amscot shirt...Jesse was asking if the police knew her connection or had checked her out. Wish I could remember exactly which interview it was and what LE had responded with...think it was something like "we will definately look into it".....don't know if this helps at all or if it's been discussed and I missed it.

Just thought I'd throw it out there for what it's worth!! By the way, you all are awesome, I learn so much every time I read here!

Hi Shaye!:seeya:

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