Amscott, the car & the garbage dumpster revisited

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Do you think some evidence, etc. was put in the Amscot dumpster?

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IIRC i read somewhere that a couple of guys helped her push it in the parking lot when it ran out of gas. why go to the bother to push it so it was backed in??? Wouldn't that be a lot of turning a "dead weight" car?

I've often wondered if Casey was in a blackout when Caylee was "disposed" (sorry, that just sounds awful) of. Alot of times the gates to dumpsters are shut, but not locked.

This is an interesting angle. Maybe the car did not run out of gas. They would need to find two people that potentially helped her push it. She's probably lying about everything.

So, maybe the gas cans were so she could siphon the gas out? Backing a car in that is out of gas makes zero sense. Waiting to let the car run makes little sense too. The keys were on the seat, not in the ignition. She would have had to return to it, unless it was near empty.

But, if I was going to dispose of a body. I'd get as many gas cans as I could, and fill up those gas cans with gas. Enough gas so that I could take a very long drive in the middle of the night without having to stop at a gas station and get caught by video cameras. Then I would get a lot of food and I would take a long drive to somewhere random and remote. Dump the body so nobody would ever find it, or if they did it would be a long long time. Saving enough gas to drive back. Maybe some gas left over to burn some clothes or other evidence.

Then I guess try to get the car stolen by leaving my purse and keys in from of a check cashing place where they're might be some people that need money, enough to steal the car or at least break in and give me some reasonable doubt.
Thanks Guys......after reading this thread I can't sleep

It's driving me Crazy...What was Casey doing between 7am & 11am on the 27th & who was she with?

If the Car was at Amscot at 7am why did it take her 4 hours (at least) to call Tony for a ride?

Where did the Frozen Food come from?

If she did dispose of Caylee right before she abandoned the car then she would have had to have taken a shower somewhere.......(I would think so anyway)

Where did she take that shower & how did she get back to the car?
This is an interesting angle. Maybe the car did not run out of gas. They would need to find two people that potentially helped her push it. She's probably lying about everything.

So, maybe the gas cans were so she could siphon the gas out? Backing a car in that is out of gas makes zero sense. Waiting to let the car run makes little sense too. The keys were on the seat, not in the ignition. She would have had to return to it, unless it was near empty.

But, if I was going to dispose of a body. I'd get as many gas cans as I could, and fill up those gas cans with gas. Enough gas so that I could take a very long drive in the middle of the night without having to stop at a gas station and get caught by video cameras. Then I would get a lot of food and I would take a long drive to somewhere random and remote. Dump the body so nobody would ever find it, or if they did it would be a long long time. Saving enough gas to drive back. Maybe some gas left over to burn some clothes or other evidence.

Then I guess try to get the car stolen by leaving my purse and keys in from of a check cashing place where they're might be some people that need money, enough to steal the car or at least break in and give me some reasonable doubt.

Oh, I like this theory.

Maybe Caylee is no where near Orlando. In the beginning, I used to think the ocean. Not encouraging at all, but very believable.

I don't think KC dumped the body in the Amscot dumpster. I doubt she'd leave her car there if she had.
I am looking for the details of what Tony said about the bags of groceries. What store were they from and what was inside?

he said the groceries werent bought froma store but she had taken chicken and ice pops from her mums place
This is an interesting angle. Maybe the car did not run out of gas. They would need to find two people that potentially helped her push it. She's probably lying about everything.

So, maybe the gas cans were so she could siphon the gas out? Backing a car in that is out of gas makes zero sense. Waiting to let the car run makes little sense too. The keys were on the seat, not in the ignition. She would have had to return to it, unless it was near empty.

But, if I was going to dispose of a body. I'd get as many gas cans as I could, and fill up those gas cans with gas. Enough gas so that I could take a very long drive in the middle of the night without having to stop at a gas station and get caught by video cameras. Then I would get a lot of food and I would take a long drive to somewhere random and remote. Dump the body so nobody would ever find it, or if they did it would be a long long time. Saving enough gas to drive back. Maybe some gas left over to burn some clothes or other evidence.

Then I guess try to get the car stolen by leaving my purse and keys in from of a check cashing place where they're might be some people that need money, enough to steal the car or at least break in and give me some reasonable doubt.

This is one of the best theories I've read yet! I still think she had to shower somewhere so she wouldn't reek when Tony picked her up though. Unless she just washed up in a gas station or Target bathroom. Maybe they should check videos near local public restrooms in that area.
many people think she left the car, with the purse on the front seat, hoping it would be stolen so she could pin it on someone else. but how could a car without gas get stolen?
im leaning more toward the theory that she wanted people to think they had both been ubducted... werent most of her friends saying it was like she had disappeared off their radar around that time?
and the fact she left it abandoned with no attemp to clean out any possible evidence...she seemed to live life, telling lie after lie, and she never considered the consequences. just thought her problems would disappear.
like she thought nobody would notice her pregnancy....
she knew that her world was falling apart an that soon enough her lies would all come out- what better way to get out of all of the trouble she was in than becoming a victim-
was this around the time she deleted many of her photos online?
more trhinking out loud.....
Maybe once it not only began smelling so bad but once another (AH's) car became available for her to drive she removed the body and at that point didn't really care WHERE she left it but probably WAS hoping if stolen Caylee's disappearance could conveniently also be blamed on them. And I do think it's plausible that there were several 'plans' one or more of which may have been abandoned along with the car (burning the vehicle, creating the impression they had BOTH met with foul play or another one of her crazy schemes, oy...)
This is one of the best theories I've read yet! I still think she had to shower somewhere so she wouldn't reek when Tony picked her up though. Unless she just washed up in a gas station or Target bathroom. Maybe they should check videos near local public restrooms in that area.

Needing to use the shower is a good idea. She used a shower at JG, but I'll have to check the calendar? But wouldn't he smell her? He's a cop too. That seems risky taking a shower in a public place while smelling that bad. Someone might remember that.

The bathroom need is also another good though, but it's possible if she was being extra careful she would have just got by the side of the road somewhere and not risk getting caught by a rest-stop camera.

Moving a body that may have been decomp previously, I would have used some sort of protective clothing. So, while I know that smell sticks and stuff maybe she got a hold of something to wear at least to minimize any transfer and evidence, which she burned.

I think the video cameras at Target's, etc. would be perfect. But being a month old, not likely to find anything. And that would take a long time to search through that many stores over a month. Also, a nice hoodie would prevent an ID that way, as if you can ID from those crappy videos anyway.

Being a month ago would also make it hard for anyone to remember seeing her car. But that might be the best thing to advertise that car on news and ask if anyone saw it outside Orlando. Guys usually remember seeing a pretty face driving on the highway if it was around daylight at all.
many people think she left the car, with the purse on the front seat, hoping it would be stolen so she could pin it on someone else. but how could a car without gas get stolen?
im leaning more toward the theory that she wanted people to think they had both been ubducted... werent most of her friends saying it was like she had disappeared off their radar around that time?
and the fact she left it abandoned with no attemp to clean out any possible evidence...she seemed to live life, telling lie after lie, and she never considered the consequences. just thought her problems would disappear.
like she thought nobody would notice her pregnancy....
she knew that her world was falling apart an that soon enough her lies would all come out- what better way to get out of all of the trouble she was in than becoming a victim-
was this around the time she deleted many of her photos online?
more trhinking out loud.....

Good point. If she was planning on going to California. This makes total sense. Why leave her purse and keys? And which keys? Did she leave the Anthony house keys on it? Or, did she keep that key? Maybe she made copies? Did she return to the Anthony house after the car and her key's were in the car?

It would be interesting to know what Tony L. knows about her usage of keys after using his Jeep then Amy's car. She must have just been using that one key that LA took care of for Amy.
I am totally confused as to why Casey would have gone there to Amscot that day at all if she had already dumped the car off the previous day?
Why have someone drive her to Hopespring, pick up frozen food, drive her to Amscot, drop her off, then call Tony to pick her up?
The whole thing makes no sense!

I think she really ran out of gas the morning of the June 27th. It must have been early - but she stayed at Tony's the 26th, got up and left, so she must have had the car. She runs out of gas and calls someone else to come and help her.... who? They come, take her home, she slips in and is quiet for a couple of hours so GA won't know she is there? Or who ever picked her up took her to breakfast and they hung out for awhile, then s/he took her to Hopespring to pick up a few things and takes her back to her car. She calls Tony to come and get her......

She had to be somewhere between 7:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. that morning. I don't think she was hiding Caylee at this point, because people would have seen her, to that must have been done already. Maybe it was the guy in the green truck again?

Good point. If she was planning on going to California. This makes total sense. Why leave her purse and keys? And which keys? Did she leave the Anthony house keys on it? Or, did she keep that key? Maybe she made copies? Did she return to the Anthony house after the car and her key's were in the car?

It would be interesting to know what Tony L. knows about her usage of keys after using his Jeep then Amy's car. She must have just been using that one key that LA took care of for Amy.

Maybe she copied AH's key so she could go back later and steal AH's car to drive to Calif or at least somewhere where she could get a plane or bus ticket?

So she leaves her car with purse and keys in it, hoping someone will steal it or think she has been hijacked. That person gets busted for harming her and Caylee, while she quietly slips off to Calif or somewhere in between to start a new life and no one the wiser? Wow! This girl is something else.......

Hi I am new... from first hearing of the location of her parked car, I begged Tim Miller w Texas Equusearch to search the landfill where this dumpster's trash is hauled to (again when they said they could no longer search wet areas). But it was not til a few weeks later I think I heard someone (LP, a reporter, or someone from LE) assuring that this in fact had been done and was not that difficult as they use grid maps possibly even GPS to track where that particular load is dumped etc. Anyone else recall for sure whether that was for sure searched?

Yes!!!! I remember the report about gps and grids and the landfill being checked. I about went crazy when the caller on NG today asked and she (NG) couldn't remember this already being answered on her show previously.

I am looking for where I heard it....but I am 99% sure it was on her show....and from a guest....possibly the bail bond guy (padilla?). I will post the link here when I find it.

As far as where her car was parked.....I agree that it is an odd place to push the car....particularly if it is backed in (although I don't recall this from any documents). IF it wasn't backed in, it is plausible that she parked the car there....she is steering...the guys are's a good location to put the car if she doesn't want in noticed by employees at amscot and towed.
here is the NG show that reported that the dumpster/landfill had, in fact, been searched:

DIMOND: Yes, well, you know, that -- your mother always has the strings on you, no matter what. And maybe they should get Cindy Anthony more involved in questioning her daughter. That might get it off the dime.

Let`s go to another phone call, real quick here, Diane in Missouri. Hi, Diane. Nice name.

DIANE, MISSOURI RESIDENT: When they checked the trunk of the car -- the cadaver dogs -- did they check the dumpster and the landfill?

DIMOND: Oh, that`s a good question.

Nikki Pierce, do you know the answer to that, the dumpster that was right next to the car when they towed it away?

PIERCE: Actually, they did check the landfill. As it was explained to me the truck that took the garbage from that dumpster had a GPS on it and they knew exactly where to check in the landfill. It had a certain grid where it dumped so.

DIMOND: So they didn`t find anything.

PIERCE: They did check and didn`t find anything.

Now, as far as I know....could find, Pierce is a reporter for Wdbo radio in Florida.
here are a couple more pics of the amscot location and dumpster....this is my first attempt at posting them in a message....lets see if I get it right lol


Her calling Jesse at 1:25 on the morning of the 28th and he couldn't pick her up and Tony picking her up with frozen food that did not appear to be from the grocery store is strange. I don't believe that any one pushed her car in either. I think that those two guys would have come forward if they did exist. I am not sure if she put anything in the dumpster. But I think that she probably got rid of Caylee just before she abandoned the car.
These new documents bring some things out that were not known before and raise new questions as well
1 we know that the amscot mgr says the car was there at 7 am on the 27th when she arrived for work

2 Tony says she left early no time given.

3 When Tony went to pick her up she had groceries from the A's house in plastic bags. Chicken nuggets and freezer pops. and a couple of changes of clothes. per Tony

Tony picked her up late morning according to him between 11 and 1??

4 So what did KC do that morning? How did she go in the A's home and get the frozen food and the clothes that early without running into Ga? How did she get from the car to the A's house without the car and back to the car she could have walked but that is unlikely and if she had been out in the heat long enough to walk the freeze pops would have melted?? Makes you think that someone picked her up and took her from place to place. Maybe someone should check the cabs in that area see if she called one or any other public transportation that would go through there. It just does not add up the time the car was there, the pops not melting, and the length of time from the first siting of the car and when Tony picked her up. jmo
(((snip)))As far as where her car was parked.....I agree that it is an odd place to push the car....particularly if it is backed in (although I don't recall this from any documents). IF it wasn't backed in, it is plausible that she parked the car there....she is steering...the guys are's a good location to put the car if she doesn't want in noticed by employees at amscot and towed.

Here's what bothers me about the guys pushing the car: That car stank to high heaven around the trunk. How on earth did they push it into a parking place with their noses that close? Maybe that is why it was backed in.

4 So what did KC do that morning? How did she go in the A's home and get the frozen food and the clothes that early without running into Ga? How did she get from the car to the A's house without the car and back to the car she could have walked but that is unlikely and if she had been out in the heat long enough to walk the freeze pops would have melted?? Makes you think that someone picked her up and took her from place to place. Maybe someone should check the cabs in that area see if she called one or any other public transportation that would go through there. It just does not add up the time the car was there, the pops not melting, and the length of time from the first siting of the car and when Tony picked her up. jmo

The bags of groceries have bothered me for a long time. Now even more since reading TL interview. Something is not adding up here. I think it could be a huge clue as to what happened. JMHO
Here's what bothers me about the guys pushing the car: That car stank to high heaven around the trunk. How on earth did they push it into a parking place with their noses that close? Maybe that is why it was backed in.

In all the interviews and calls that have come through so far, there are none for the guys that pushed the car. I think these guys are the invisible men. I don't believe they exist. These two guys would be very important to find if they were real. They could provide plenty of information about the time, the smell of the car and Casey's demeanor. I just don't believe they are real.

I think someone else was there. A friend that Casey called. She called JG to try and have him come pick her up. She called Tony and he finally did, with what sounds like some reluctance. Why couldn't she have called another on that day? I hope the phone records show this.

Here's something else to add to that.

The tow yard guy didn't have a key, so Casey didn't leave the key in the car. She pulled into the parking lot and just abandoned the vehicle claiming it ran out of gas.

From what I recall, when George got to the tow yard, he didn't put a key in the ignition and start it to see that it was out of gas, he just went directly to his vehicle and got gas cans and began putting gas into the car.

Who knew it would be out of gas? How did he know to bring those gas cans to the tow yard? Lucky guess? Maybe... But from that, now there seems no proof that the car was out of gas?

It looks to me like the entire family plants seeds for one another and they each run with whatever sounds good.

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