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I hope she does, even though I think she deserves to die a horrifying death, I hope she pleas so Sandra's family doesn't have to sit through a trial. Also, if she does plea, I PRAY TO GOD that she never, ever, ever, ever gets to appeal or gets probation....she should ROT in prison....and I hope that some of the other females in prison that are mothers will make it very hard on her.

I'm sorry for displaying so much anger....seriously, I am one of the most loving people you'll ever meet, but when it comes to hurting children I just get so furious!!!!

i hope she does too, and don't apologize for the anger! we all feel it! i am just not good at expressing it without a barage of extreme profanity that would probably get me banned from here for life... :furious:

if they charge her with the death penalty and then she pleas, is LWOP the best that she could get or could she get a lesser sentence based on whatever her plea deal is? like you said, she should never, ever get a chance at parole once she pleas or is found guilty.
i hope she does too, and don't apologize for the anger! we all feel it! i am just not good at expressing it without a barage of extreme profanity that would probably get me banned from here for life... :furious:

if they charge her with the death penalty and then she pleas, is LWOP the best that she could get or could she get a lesser sentence based on whatever her plea deal is? like you said, she should never, ever get a chance at parole once she pleas or is found guilty.

you made me chuckle at the "barage of extreme profanity" restraint...I do it too! I'll type out what I really feel, all the cuss words and everything...then I go back and delete it all and submit a cleaner version. It makes me feel a little better. I never thought a case would hit me as hard as the Jessica Lunsford case...I had to step away from that one once details started to emerge...I may have to do the same in this one.

In regards to the lesser sentence...I would think, but I am not sure...maybe someone will correct me if I"m wrong (please) but I would think her options would be DEATH or LWOP...nothing else.
ick....looking at MH is repulsive. I saw a lot of attempting to cry, but no tears. She was also doing that slow blinking she was drugged.
I don't believe her crying and quivering lip means anything, but I'm happy at least she's not smirking and trying to "one up" the DA and judge like many narcissistic killers do. The good thing about her having a public defender is that many lawyers take that job out of an honest respect for justice. You don't get paid more or get "referrals" if you client weasels his way out of a conviction.

If the PD sees the evidence and there is tangible, physical evidence connecting MH to the crime, I'd bet she takes a plea. This DA sounds very professional and like he knows what he's doing - I'd think he'd allow a plea instead of the death penalty to save Sandra's family from having awful details broadcast all over the press. California prisons are not nice places to begin with- and no one likes a babykiller.
I just don't buy it, the tears and remorseful look on her face, I bet that was not the look she had when she was killing Sandra...if I were the family of Sandra I do not know how I could possibly contain myself.

My prayers, all of them, are for Sandra and her family !
Today's display doesn't fit her words when she is talking to the reporter via phone. She seems so casual when stating it was her suitcase and how it was stolen. I didn't hear any sign of trauma or tears in her voice knowing it became Sandra's coffin. Her voice didn't crack or break. She didn't give it a second thought.
Today's display doesn't fit her words when she is talking to the reporter via phone. She seems so casual when stating it was her suitcase and how it was stolen. I didn't hear any sign of trauma or tears in her voice knowing it became Sandra's coffin. Her voice didn't crack or break. She didn't give it a second thought.

Isn't that the truth?!! Next we'll be hearing she has a split personality and the "bad Melissa" did this.
I think that 'julio' is just a troll in that chat room and I'm taking what he said to mean that if MH confesses there is a hit on MH's daughter and family. But again, I think he is a troll just starting rumors and stirring up the posters in the News10 chatroom.

There's always these types coming out of the woodwork in these cases. part of the problem is there are always those who just refuse to believe that a woman like this could commit such a disgusting crime. I tend to trust LE. They have no reason in general to go after the wrong person and tons of reasons to catch the real culprit. Sgt. Sheneman seems wonderful. Very professional, very determined and super intelligent. I don't see why anyone would doubt LE at this point. She did it and she did it on her own.
Today's display doesn't fit her words when she is talking to the reporter via phone. She seems so casual when stating it was her suitcase and how it was stolen. I didn't hear any sign of trauma or tears in her voice knowing it became Sandra's coffin. Her voice didn't crack or break. She didn't give it a second thought.

Yeah, she wasn't caught yet!
What does everyone think of as motive? I'm honestly leaning towards "snuff film"...could MH have been paid for abducting/drugging/filming? Just a thought...

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