Andrew Tate detained in Romania over rape & human trafficking case.


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Mar 2, 2019
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Andrew Tate, a popular YouTuber with teenage boys and young men, who gave heart failure to parents who want their sons to one day have healthy relationships with women, has been arrested, along with his brother, for kidnapping and human trafficking. Sources vary as to the number of women held captive, but even one is too many.

And the story gets even better.

He was busted as a result of a tweet from one Greta Thunberg! o_O (Adult content in the link) She did more to clean up the worldwide environment by doing this than she probably ever could have through her environmental activism.

Is he still in jail or not? There was a tweet on his account saying “the matrix sent their agents”. I think they are only allowed to keep him for 24 hours without bringing charges.
Andrew Tate, a popular YouTuber with teenage boys and young men, who gave heart failure to parents who want their sons to one day have healthy relationships with women, has been arrested, along with his brother, for kidnapping and human trafficking. Sources vary as to the number of women held captive, but even one is too many.

And the story gets even better.

He was busted as a result of a tweet from one Greta Thunberg! o_O (Adult content in the link) She did more to clean up the worldwide environment by doing this than she probably ever could have through her environmental activism.

Personally, I can't stand either one of them but I have to admit her comeback tweet was quite clever, and his stupidity for allowing the address on the pizza box to be seen on camera... truly award winning.
Romania’s Directorate for Investigating Organized Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT) said the four suspects had been detained for an initial 24 hours. It asked a Bucharest court on Friday for the detentions to be extended to 30 days, according to Reuters.

A lawyer for Andrew and his brother Tristan Tate confirmed to CNN that a court hearing was scheduled for Friday. He stressed that Andrew Tate was not under arrest. “He was not arrested. He was detained for 24 hours,” said the lawyer, Eugen Vidineac.
DIICOT alleged that the four unnamed suspects formed an organized criminal group that stretched from Romania to Britain and the United States, for the purpose of committing the crime of human trafficking.

The authorities allege that two of the suspects misled the victims “into believing that they intended to enter into a marriage/cohabitation relationship” while transporting victims to Romania and later sexually exploiting them with physical violence and coercion.
Controversial internet personality Andrew Tate and his brother detained in Romania | CNN

Prosecutors said they had found six women who had been sexually exploited by the suspects.
Ex-kickboxer Andrew Tate detained by Romania in rape, human trafficking case
Well, if the allegations are true, I guess that's the end of his short-lived career as a shock jock and internet celebrity.

Prior to that, he was just a no-name MMA fighter with no notable wins to his record.
If this is true, then that further makes me think he's guilty:

Andrew Tate would have fled to Dubai to escape rape and sex trafficking charges if freed from jail, say judges​

Prosecutors decided to extend their remand as they believed the brothers take off from Romania, according to Digi24.

The outlet reports interceptions made by Court of Appeal judges suggested the pair were planning to flee to Dubai.

Tate's doctors, in both Romania and Dubai, reportedly wrote in medical documents that the influencer has a lesion of his upper right lung - a condition that has been described as a 'serious health condition'. His doctor said the lesion could be a sign of a carinoid tumour - a rare type of slow-growing cancer.

As a result, his doctors have requested that Tate, who has been held at a Romanian prison since late December on sex trafficking charges, be released from prison so he can receive treatment in Dubai.

However, Romanian officials have said Tate will receive any medical treatment in Romania.

What a coincidence that he wants treatment in Dubai. And of course his beloved brother would need to accompany him for support, right?
Siccing people on an accuser and coordinating SM propaganda does not square with actions of an innocent man, imo.

Also, I know beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but does this guy photograph really badly or was his line that great?
Neither IMO but I doubt I am his target demographic of female.

Wednesday’s ruling came after a Bucharest court last week rejected a bail request from Andrew Tate, who is expected to appeal against Wednesday’s extension, as he has done against the three previous 30-day extensions, all of which he lost. If they lose an appeal against Wednesday’s ruling, all four will remain in detention until late April.
A masculinity activist has warned schools that they are partially responsible for the popularity of misogynistic 'influencer' Andrew Tate.

Speaking to The Times, Mark Brooks, a co-founder of the Men and Boys Coalition, said Tate's toxic masculinity was popular because boys are 'unfairly treated by society' and warned schools are not addressing problems adequately.

Mr Brooks, who campaigns for boys' wellbeing, told The Times that the reason why 'people like Andrew Tate take hold' is because boys feel schools are not 'taking the problems they face seriously enough'.

He said: 'The emphasis has to be on schools to take more care of boys. Boys are behind girls at school. There's a lack of male teachers, which has an effect. Boys have eating disorders, are bullied and have depression.'
Male charity boss says schools must share blame for Tate's popularity

I'm sorry, what?!?
A masculinity activist has warned schools that they are partially responsible for the popularity of misogynistic 'influencer' Andrew Tate.

Speaking to The Times, Mark Brooks, a co-founder of the Men and Boys Coalition, said Tate's toxic masculinity was popular because boys are 'unfairly treated by society' and warned schools are not addressing problems adequately.

Mr Brooks, who campaigns for boys' wellbeing, told The Times that the reason why 'people like Andrew Tate take hold' is because boys feel schools are not 'taking the problems they face seriously enough'.

He said: 'The emphasis has to be on schools to take more care of boys. Boys are behind girls at school. There's a lack of male teachers, which has an effect. Boys have eating disorders, are bullied and have depression.'
Male charity boss says schools must share blame for Tate's popularity

I'm sorry, what?!?
If the issue is that people (boys specifically here) who lack good role models may be drawn to shady characters like Andrew Tate, that's an issue worth pursuing. Maybe particularly so in households with absent fathers.

(Such as how some have suggested a correlation between high rates of violent crime among African-American youth and a lack of fathers in the household or positive male role models).

I'm not sure why he thinks that "schools specifically are to blame", or that they even have the resources to address such issues to begin with.

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