Anne Heche in critical condition following fiery car crash, 5 August 2022

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Wonder if the coma is induced? I think it would give us a bit better picture of the situation to know that.

And, again we get verbiage from friends/family that is being mingled with professional opinions in these news articles. Very unfortunate.

My take is that her situation hasn’t changed; that it’s always been grave, but that friends/family are just now realizing how very serious it is.
I did see liquid cocaine in a hospital pharmacy approx 40 years ago, I was told it had very rare use on occasion for nose jobs. Jme
Our military hospital still holds liquid cocaine; it is used as pain-relief for those suffering from white phosphorus burns. It can also get an addititve and then be administered by spraying it on the affected area. White phosphorus is normally a military injury (munitions), but considered 'chemical' burns those also seen in indutry/industrial accidents/fireworks etc and, sometimes, farming.

They are nasty. We have (a few) WW2 Vets here still suffering the burning from their WP Burns all these years later. I do think it is being phased out in favour of fentanyl.

Edit to add this link from the DEA which kind of hits on these points:
I don't know... I can't imagine your foot pressing down on the gas pedal as hard as it had to be to reach ~100 MPH if she was nodding off or asleep. Your body would relax and your foot would likely slip off the pedal. All MOO.
Agree. Jme/jmo if cocaine was actually involved one would likely be feeling "speedy" and feel literally high as in risky, busy, brave, fearless, reckless, invincible etc. With possible fentanyl laced coke, and possibly nodding out similar to what happens with heroin, I just can't see it. Jmo

I feel so sad for her children and family, friends and loved ones. I hope they will be given privacy.

Despite the speed of the smash and the intensity of the ensuing blaze, Heche was still conscious and able to speak as she was pulled from the wreckage, Los Angeles Fire Department Captain Erik Scott told ABC 7 in the aftermath of the devastating crash.

'When we arrived on the scene, we had a solo vehicle that appeared to be driving at a high rate of speed on a perpendicular street and launched through the front yard into the home,'

Scott said Heche, a mom-of-two, was trapped in her car as the flames began to spread, but noted: 'She was talking to us at the time that we were able to pull her out, so that's a good sign.'

The actress, who once dated Ellen DeGeneres, was spotted on doorbell footage hammering down a residential street before she took out a hedge, slammed through a building, causing her car to explode on impact.

She is understood to have battled scorching heat in the burning vehicle for up to 30 minutes before 59 firefighters arrived to drag her to safety.
I don’t think she will survive. Just imo
I don't think a bottle of vodka would fit in the cup holder, so I didn't think so either. Also, the witness who tried to get her out of the car after the first accident didn't mention seeing or smelling alcohol.

Those plastic 375ml bottles may fit in a cupholder. Smirnoff has plastic bottles with red lids. I usually see those behind the counter/cashier at stores like Walgreens or Rite Aid. Likely to prevent shoplifting as they would be easy to conceal.
In an emergent situation, the life and health of the patient is their only concern. A similar case went to trial about 3 years back. The nurse was found innocent of all charges. She refused to do the draw until the patient was stabilized. She was actually arrested. The medical facility backed the nurse 100%.
My niece passed away 2 years ago. She was 25. I’ll be heartbroken the rest of my life. She fell 75 ft while hiking. They couldn’t do blood tests/toxicology because she needed blood transfusions.
Yeah unfortunately it's as I said, she did a bump of blow and her brain went "WEEEEEEEEEEE!"

It's really sad that so many celebrities can't find the strength to say no to hard drugs. I'm glad she didn't kill anyone and I hope she recovers.

To me, it seemed that even her mini-Cooper’s brain went “WEEEEEEEEEE”!

As to the rest, drugs and Hollywood mixed surprisingly early. The first high-power heroin-related death was Olive Thomas, in Paris hotel, in 1920. (mercury dichloride, or not, but the fact that she was high on heroin was an open secret. Mabel Normand was another big-time user). And the saga never stopped. Actors and actresses have money, and histrionic personalities are somewhat easily believing, so, not to exculpate their behavior, but they are also targeted by the dealers, being rich and vulnerable. (It is the same as schoolkids and marijuana these days.)
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Just caught up with this latest info. - wow, this is incredibly $#%#%@-up. It's extremely lucky that AH didn't kill anyone - given what she was on. Sad.

FWIW, I was talking with someone earlier this past week (before I saw this latest revelation), and it was suggested that AH may have had a stroke/heart attack while driving - which caused her to lose control of the car. However, I mentioned that I didn't think this happened, for two reasons:

1) This didn't come out in the official investigation, and we would have been told something like this by now.

2) The extreme speed she was going before the crash. I.e., if she had lost consciousness or semi-lost consciousness due to a severe medical issue like this - she wouldn't have sped up....but would probably have slowed down, lost control of the car, and crashed into something. I.e., I don't believe it's physically possible for her foot to have been bearing down on the accelerator - if she were passed out.
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Just caught up with this latest info. - wow, this is incredibly $#%#%@-up. It's extremely lucky that AH didn't kill anyone - given what she was on. Sad.

FWIW, I was talking with someone earlier this past week (before I saw this latest revelation), and it was suggested that AH may have had a stroke/heart attack while driving - which caused her to lose control of the car. However, I mentioned that I didn't think this happened, for two reasons:

1) This didn't come out in the official investigation, and we would have been told something like this by now.

2) The extreme speed she was going before the crash. I.e., if she had lost consciousness or semi-lost consciousness due to a severe medical issue like this - she wouldn't have sped up....but would probably have slowed down, lost control of the car, and crashed into something. I.e., I don't believe it's physically possible for her foot to have been bearing down on the accelerator - if she were passed out.

People don't always pass out during medical emergencies, even stroke or heart attack. Cocaine puts people at high risk of both. Seizure is another possibility. I just don't think we know yet, but with the latest news coming out, it's looking more and more like maybe it was just plain drug intoxication.
I did see liquid cocaine in a hospital pharmacy approx 40 years ago, I was told it had very rare use on occasion for nose jobs. Jme
I handled that 4% cocaine solution as a hospital pharmacist quite a few times. It was used for eye, ear, nose, and throat procedures, especially if somebody was experiencing heavy bleeding, and less dangerous drugs weren't doing the job. Not the same as using it recreationally, that's for sure.
I do not think she will survive either.
Based on the minimal information we've received, I have felt this way from the first moment I heard the news.

I have very minimal experience with burn patients, but my observation is that if a burn is fatal, it will either be that way immediately, or complications will arise after a few WEEKS that the patient cannot overcome.
I can tell you a few things about PTSD. There is no doubt in my mind that the survivor has it and became traumatized immediately. When her neighbor found her, she was standing there in the shell of her damaged home. Just standing there. She asked him for help in rescuing her beloved pets.

I was diagnosed with PTSD in 2001. I've had continued therapy to this very day. In the beginning, I had therapy 3 times a week from 3 different counselors: my priest, a Christian counselor and a Psychiatrist whose specialty was in treating patients with PTSD. It took several years before I could work again. I remain hypervigilant. It is so fatiguing when coupled with insomnia.

Our survivor will require years of constant assurances that everything is alright. She'll need to remain in the quiet as loud noises could trigger a debilitating panic attack. One must learn how to come out of a panic attack. I had an unprovoked panic attack during Christmas that lasted almost 3 terrifying hours.

In the Johnny Depp trial, his friend, Mr Baruch, testified that he had been so upset over the adverse effects from the lies Amber told over the past 6 years that he had not been able to paint. Reciting his experience brought the grown man to tears while on the witness stand.

This tragic accident has changed the survivor's life forever. This lady may never be capable of working again. That's where Anne's insurance will become helpful. Traffic noises may upset her. Speeding vehicles may frighten her; thereby, preventing her from driving on the interstates. Sirens could provoke a panic attack. She may not be able to cook on a gas stove due to the flames. Any number of related things could continue to harm her psyche.

There is no amount of money that can restore her life as it was before but Anne's insurance company should be extremely generous with her settlement.

Me too @DeDee
Going on almost 10 years later, still in therapy. Any number of things can trigger me. PTSD is a real thing. A difficult part is most of the time people think you are fine. Some will doubt and question your diagnosis.
People don't always pass out during medical emergencies, even stroke or heart attack. Cocaine puts people at high risk of both. Seizure is another possibility. I just don't think we know yet, but with the latest news coming out, it's looking more and more like maybe it was just plain drug intoxication.

Just to clarify, I wasn't talking about a stroke/heart attack brought on by drug use. I was theorizing that if she had a stroke/heart attack when driving (without being under the influence of drugs), I doubted that would have resulted in what happened re: her driving the car extremely fast & hitting the residence.

Again, I was theorizing about this before the drug use revelation - that I'm sure wasn't that much of a surprise to anyone, unfortunately.
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