Anthony Home And Floor Plans

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I built the A's house in my Sims 2 game last night but was too tired to take the pictures and upload them all,etc. So, if anybody is still interested, I can do that now. I will just have to modify it a little with the changes that Steve2010 made. It's not perfect but I think it's pretty close. I can always go in game and make changes if necessary.

I am interested in 3D views. We need to try and get the details as accurate as possible. I am at the moment disscussing some details with Steve2010. His latest actually misses some little things. No point clogging up the thread with lots of pics that are not final yet, but I would like to see one shot to see how you are going, Say a shot with the roof off to see into some details?
That location does not match the photo of the bathroom - the one with KC and Caylee looking in the mirror. The photo shows that you walk straight thru the bathroom door and face the mirror. The one shown in your linked plan is not like that.

And - as I mentioned before - there is not enough room for the bathroom to go between the two bedrooms. The overall length and width of the Anthony house in shown on their tax map - and that is what my computer drawing is based on.

Also- keep in mind that builders offer homes with alternate floor plans. They will still look the same on the outside - but the inside can vary by quite a bit.

OK ... thanks
Nope, not joking as the bathroom is in-between the two bedroom. The kitchen is OK according to the real estate person that I wrote to and he said the kitchen is at the back of the right side of the house.

What ever one has done so far is TERRIFIC, I just added where the bathroom belongs. Eventually it will be perfect.

I cut and pasted the plan I found and the one produced here and I will try ans scan it to see how it comes out.
Patty G you really need to go back and follow the thread!

To say the bath is between the rooms is plain nuts. Take a re look at Greta walking thru.
Back to the serious business of Property Plan.
I'll post the latest version here. I am open to suggestions on changes or new details.
Aparently the SIM stuff is ok if you are genuinely trying to create an accurate 3D model to help us all visualise the house and property.

Anthony Property Plan (Ver. 1.5):


This is going to be very crude since I'm just typing notes no special program:

------------------------------------------[door to house]------
XXXXXXll xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[Freezer]xx[WH?]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[WH?]xxxxxxx
XXwaterll Washer
XXvalvell xx
XD/ventll Dryer
Servicex \
XXDoorx \
XXXXXXll Ironing
XXXXXXll Board
XXXXXXll xxxx
XXXXXXll Storage
XXXXXXll bins w/draws

XXXXX= Outdoors

xxxxxx=space holder so everything didn't run together
in similar house we saw tour of the water heater was near the door
I just don't remember which side of the door.

ll is the (R) wall ---------- is the back wall
hope this isn't too confusing!!!

ETA PS The :cat: just keeps getting better. Don't forget the:beagle::beagle:!
Patty G you really need to go back and follow the thread!

To say the bath is between the rooms is plain nuts. Take a re look at Greta walking thru.

Well based on the floor plan I originally found showed it that way, just was trying to see if it would work that way. I will back out and just lurk.
Patty G you really need to go back and follow the thread!

To say the bath is between the rooms is plain nuts. Take a re look at Greta walking thru.

One reason that would not work is that it would mean that the room now marked bathroom would then have to be a bedroom and that would be and interior room leaving no window. For it to be legal it would have to have a window to escape from in case of fire ect. The bath in that location would not require a window just a fan. Hope it helps.
Well based on the floor plan I originally found showed it that way, just was trying to see if it would work that way. I will back out and just lurk.

Don't back out and just lurk, any input is useful even if it may not work that way. The next idea might.
This is going to be very crude since I'm just typing notes no special program:

------------------------------------------[door to house]------
XXXXXXll xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[Freezer]xx[WH?]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[WH?]xxxxxxx
XXwaterll Washer
XXvalvell xx
XD/ventll Dryer
Servicex \
XXDoorx \
XXXXXXll Ironing
XXXXXXll Board
XXXXXXll xxxx
XXXXXXll Storage
XXXXXXll bins w/draws

XXXXX= Outdoors

xxxxxx=space holder so everything didn't run together
in similar house we saw tour of the water heater was near the door
I just don't remember which side of the door.

ll is the (R) wall ---------- is the back wall
hope this isn't too confusing!!!

ETA PS The :cat: just keeps getting better. Don't forget the:beagle::beagle:!

It's not easy but I follow. Thanks for the input. As far as things in garage go; it is important to the case to note that there were things there like washer and freezer etc. Not absolutely critical we get everything in an inch perfect possition. Lots of WSers sent photos and it is clear there is something that looks like a washer on your left as you walk from garage to door to house. Its also clear that the dryer is to the right of the door that goes to the outside towards the back corner of the garage. I could put the freezer almost anywhere along the back, or where I show it. It doesn't really matter where Cindy stores her Ironing board. On a day when she is doing some ironing it might be in the bedroom. Now I can't show it everywhere can I?
Well based on the floor plan I originally found showed it that way, just was trying to see if it would work that way. I will back out and just lurk.
Patty G did you look at the realestate site you posted early on? It was great (thank you again) It was the seed that this plan grew from. Did you do the tour. Overwhelming evidence that it is almost identical. One exception is that the A's house does not have a lean-to shed attached to side of house behind garage. But in ALL respects the house is IDENTICAL. Same rooms, same windows. You can clearly see where most things are. The rest I have filled in from Greta tour and HUNDREDS of tips and clues from WSers. I'll still change anything that real (PHOTO) evidence disagrees with, but at the moment I think the plan is Dead Accurate!
One reason that would not work is that it would mean that the room now marked bathroom would then have to be a bedroom and that would be and interior room leaving no window. For it to be legal it would have to have a window to escape from in case of fire ect. The bath in that location would not require a window just a fan. Hope it helps.
Thanks Another good point. All the rooms in Realestate (Realtor) tour and Greta's tour have windows.
Here is a link to the pictures of the house in the Sims 2. It's not perfect and I just added some furniture but I wasn't too sure of how it is really laid out. I didn't make any changes so if they need to be made, just let me know and I will do so.

P.S. Sorry for the grid lines!
Here is a link to the pictures of the house in the Sims 2. It's not perfect and I just added some furniture but I wasn't too sure of how it is really laid out. I didn't make any changes so if they need to be made, just let me know and I will do so.

P.S. Sorry for the grid lines!
Its a good start. Are you going to keep working on it? There are some details that need correcting. I could pooint them out if you want, or you can probably see themyourself in the more recent plans. At the moment I am talking to Steve2010 to finalise a few things so fine details might change.
Its a good start. Are you going to keep working on it? There are some details that need correcting. I could pooint them out if you want, or you can probably see themyourself in the more recent plans. At the moment I am talking to Steve2010 to finalise a few things so fine details might change.

I was pretty sure that it wasn't spot on but I figured it was at least a start. As soon as the details are finalized and the final draft of the floor plans are made, I'll fix it up. :)
I finally found pictures of another house like the Anthony's.

This one makes it clear that there is not a hallway from the bedrooms to the kitched or dining room. Also shows the master bedroom a little better.
Thanks very much.

Yes the kitchen is clear. No hall!!!!

Back to the drawing board.
It's getting a bit silly having lots of different versions for every change, so Steve2010 and I will work in all we can before posting another version.
That realy is great work if you or anybody else finds good evidence please let me know. Now is a good time. No problem to change things We want to get it right.
I don't see what you are getting at in that picture.

It is looking at the East corner of the house. Outdside of kitchen and sunroom. You would have to walk the length of the sunroom from there to get to the pool near the West corner of the house. Along that sunroom wall is a door. All this shown in the plan.
I could accept that there might be access to heat pump etc from the outside. That might be sittuated where I have shown "storage" in the house, so would be accessed via the wall behind the garage. I have not seen any photos showing that area at all.

Oops, looks like I mistook a pull-down shade on the porch for a solid wall - mea culpa.
The following picture of a very similar house for sale on Hopespring Dr show differences from the plan, especially no hall from kitchen and a narrower kitchen.
There may be more than one variation on the lay out details for this house design.

I need help to firstly sort out how wide the A's kitchen is. In the realtor tour the kitchen is wider and there is a "desk" and kitchen bench surface opposite the sink. In this latest version there is just a blank wall opposite the sink. How wide is the A's kitchen. There may be clues in outside shots?



In the realtor link early in this thread, the kichen a bit different:
This picture too seems to show Caylee running from Dining into kitchen.
Note cabinets on the right indicate a bench running parallel to rear wall of th house.


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