Anthony's admit to Conflicting Statements Seek Full Immunity

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Should George and Cindy be granted full immunity in exchange for truth?

  • Yes

    Votes: 200 26.9%
  • No

    Votes: 123 16.5%
  • No and go after them for obstruction of justice!

    Votes: 421 56.6%

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Perhaps. Then again, the old pics and vids indicate the Anthonys truly loved Caylee and they truly love KC. Even so, I think there has been a power struggle between CA & KC that predated Caylee's death and more than likely predated her birth. And each kept upping the ante, to the point that, in the final months of Caylee's life, she moved from being the cherished grand/daughter, to being a weapon these two women could wield against each other. You know... the old, "I'm willing to take this to the next level. Are you?" Imho, we saw this play out to some degree in both the 911 calls and the jail convo.

Speaking of... one thing that still bothers me is CA's 911 claim that the car was stolen on the 30th (we know it was impounded on the 27th) along with KC's comment to CA during the jail convo, "what do you mean you don't know what happened to Caylee?" These, together, have long had me :waitasec:

Now that the Anthony's have played the immunity card, I am inclined to wonder if CA did far more than obstructing justice where Caylee's murder is concerned.
you know what come to think of it ive ofter wondered this as well ... she truely sounded like wtf are you talking about when she questioned cindy on that ... almost like wtf are you pulling on me mom ?
No immunity deal and charge them with obstruction and any other crime that LE deems appropriate. As much as I long to know the truth, I do not believe it will ever fall from the lips of anyone in this family. The new lawyer has already made it clear they will all continue to stick with the Nanny story. They just want to use the opportunity to bring together one single story that may seem more plausible at trial. The moment for truth passed a long time ago. Caylee's body has already been found. She was tossed aside like garbage and left out there to be strewn about by animals. Where is the love, respect and dignity in that? IMO, they can just save their new and improved version of the story. I don't want to hear it.
I took sometime off the board to read up on parents who lie for adult chidren who murder. Parents who li create children who deny!!! Go figure, haven't we seen this over & over. Maybe if CA & GA talk so will KC. The immunity deal with peramiters set in stone might afford all of us a path to truth. Isn't it what we all want for Caylee? Tar & feathering isn't going to get us closer to answers. I must admit the rightouse girl in me wants the A's to pay in some way for dangleing carrots in front of everyone.
My personal thought is that they did obstruct justice BUT ONLY because KC lied even more than we know. I think that perhaps she did admit that she killed someone that hurt Klee and she moved Klee to a safer location. I think she told them that to explain the smell and the disappearence of the pair of them for the past 31 days.

Maybe GA and CA went in to their protection mode for that purpose. Somebody hurt their grandaughter, therefore, KC was "justified". With as much as GA and CA love that grandbaby of theirs, I just could not imagine them protecting ANYONE family or not for murder of a grandaughter. I have a gut feeling that they are devestated that what everyone has been saying is true.

So.. yes, I think they lied, covered and moved stuff around to keep people from discovering that KC is a murderer only they did not believe who the victim was.
That's a great point.If it helps convict KC maybe yes to immunity.....and your avitar is freaking me out!:eek:

HLN just reported on an interesting change in the A's public stand. Apparently the A's lawyer has made a statement that G and C are now realizing and admitting that Caylee is dead.

As far as an imunity deal. It will depend on what is offered. Before any imunity deal is agreed to the lawyer offers a profer, which lays out what his clients will say and testify to in open court. If there is something of value there, such as testimony by GA as to what he really saw in the trunk, or by CA as to what she really did in cleaning, then it might be worth it.
I feel deeply sorry for anyone who loses a family member to a criminal act. I also know that it is common for family members to lie to police to try to protect a family member in trouble with the police. But, I believe that there must be consequences for illegal actions. Justice must be tempered with compassion in these circumstances. I would not grant immunity, but I would give the Anthony's a chance to come clean. I would assess the penalty depending on how much their previous conflicting statements actually negatively impacted the investigation. This could be anything from a fine to time in jail. From what I can tell, nothing the Anthonys said or did stopped the searchers from finding Caylee. It did not put Caylee's life at further risk. However, they probably wasted quite a bit of police and FBI time with false statements which may have hindered the investigation. This could be fairly mediated by a penalty equal to the time or value of the time they wasted minus the value of the gaps in the story that they fill in when they actually tell the truth. How much they actually hindered the investigation remains to be seen. I suspect the police have known for a long time almost everything Cindy and George know and it will only be a matter of filling in minor parts of the story. While I dislike the way Cindy and George have behaved, I have great compassion for them in their sorrow. Their behavior in this case has been literally a textbook lesson on how NOT to behave and deal with this type of situation. It seems to me that this case would be an excellent lesson for civics classes in high schools across the USA - but only if the situation is fairly adjucated.
Casey didn't make this family lie for her. The A's are in the exact place they got themselves into.

What they A's have done is not a slap on the wrist offense. I don't think we should underestimate the seriousness of the situation.

Exactly. These people KNEW they were lying, oh excuse me, giving conflicting statements. They knew what they were doing was wrong, and I might add, against the law. Because they are grieving, they should get off scott-free? Don't think so. I have struggled back and forth with feeling grief for them, and being totally angered by their behavior. Anger has finally won out.

They did not lie, wash jeans, clean out the trunk, generally obstructing justice, and possibly be accessories after the fact, all because they were grieving. What, is this supposed to be some sort of mass family mind loss due to grief? I'm not buying anymore. Yes, I feel bad they lost their granddaughter, I wouldn't wish this situation on anyone. HOWEVER, they could have helped to bring her home MUCH sooner, if they had not made "conflicting statements", to say the least. Their granddaughter lay DEAD, in a flipping TRASH BAG on the side of the rode. Animals were picking at her tiny little bones. I'm sorry, but I am DONE with the Anthony's and all their carp. Just done.
I hardly ever post just lurk. I have always thought that CA was being blackmailed so to speak by KC. See mom if you hadn't have called the police she would have been home on her birthday, now see mom if the police weren't involved she would be alive. What a heavy burden to carry. They all have been manipulated by KC, I am sure when you are right in the middle of something so tragic you hold onto what ever you can or in this case whatever lie was spoken by KC. It is a hard pill to swallow to except that your only daughter possibly murdered your only grandchild.

MissJames said:
Either knowingly destroying evidence or lying in their sworn statements.For example :George saying he saw Casey and Caylee on the 16th if he didn't.At the end of her 1st interview when Cindy was asked to swear that what she told LE was the truth she said something about not realizing this would be sworn testimony. Big honking red flag.JMO

I caught that too and thought the same thing.
No! Hell no! No immunity!

I wouldn't charge them either. Let them have to live everyday with what they've said and done and what that monster of a daughter has done.

That's more than enough punishment then they deserve and will live it the rest of their lives.
I too am a grandparent and I do believe the Anthonys loved Caylee with all their heart, but there are conquensces for every action and I truly believed they impeded the investigation severly. It seems like from the information we have been given that their have never been any repurcutions for any of the family interactions. While one does love their child, they do not always love what actions their child takes. How they could give LE "mistruths" when trying to "help" find their granddaughter is beyond me!!! They have obstructed justice for Caylee every step of the way.
To give them just saying its ok to lie , and cover up go on your way, its OK. Its a little toooo late to do the right thing now! They just have got caught with their hand in the cookie jar, so to speak, and they want help. Well they should have helped with Caylee instead of protecting they person who killed her. I say NO NO NO NO NO
Immunity or not, Casey is the only one who knows the truth of exactly what happened to Caylee.
If the Anthony's had any involvement of a cover up, or of taking any part in this, they would already be in jail for it!
They may have had conflicting statements that could be used against them such as the last date seen of the 9th, instead of the 15th. It could be the failure to provide the statements from JCPenny's, but why would they need that when LE can obtain it themselves? The Anthony's probably asked for immunity in case Casey herself tries to blame them for anything!
LE is dedicated to this case, so dedicated in fact, if anyone other than Casey in the family broke the law in any way, they would not look at it as sympathy, they would be arrested because it is their jobs.
The "grieving grandparents" only goes so far. It doesn't extend to lying to LE. I certainly hope that LE doesn't buy this immunity request. I don't think the Anthony's have anything to offer LE that LE doesn't already know. It's my opinion they're just trying to save themselves from future charges. MOO

I would bet it would be a limited immunity - where they would grant it "IF" they have something significant to add to the investigation. Very rarely do they do a blanket immunity without a benefit to the prosecution.

And they are NOT going to grant them any immunity just to keep KC from turning on them and blaming one of them. This is a murder investigation.
And I believe with all my heart the day little Caylee's body was found they fell on their knees in despair... for THEMSELVES. Just like their worthless daughter in her jail cell.

If that body hadn't been found the a's were on their way to suing LE, shutting down every website they could, suing the world for slander, making Lifetime movies, writing books, continuing to collect money for the search for a LIVING Caylee until the day they died.

Suck on it.
Speaking of... one thing that still bothers me is CA's 911 claim that the car was stolen on the 30th (we know it was impounded on the 27th) along with KC's comment to CA during the jail convo, "what do you mean you don't know what happened to Caylee?" These, together, have long had me :waitasec:

Now that the Anthony's have played the immunity card, I am inclined to wonder if CA did far more than obstructing justice where Caylee's murder is concerned.

Interesting. Can you elaborate more? TIA.
Its a little toooo late to do the right thing now! They just have got caught with their hand in the cookie jar, so to speak, and they want help. Well they should have helped with Caylee instead of protecting they person who killed her. I say NO NO NO NO NO

I would have said "Caught with their hand in the garbage bag" myself, but that's only because I've had it up to here with liars and the lies they tell.
Hmmm... haven't heard about any Caylee sightings lately have we?

Wonder how Wanda whatshername is feeling today. Or that lovely attorney/couple in Southern CA who were positive they saw her. They all disgust me.
If this were really for Caylee, they would just say the truth anyway......they do not need immunity to speak the truth.

Let's hear them say they know kc did this. Let's hear them say they are sorry for lying to LE. speak the truth?? What a crock!
Remember that tape of CA saying something like "if anything happens to Caylee I will just die? Do you hear me? I'll die!" The genuine anguish in her voice and the panic in her voice during the first 911 call just don't square with her subsequent actions. I really felt for her originally as she was truly a grandparent suffering the loss of a beloved child. But what gives with the subterfuge with the hairbrush, the lack of actual looking for Caylee (did she ever go door-to-door, go to the park or Sawgrass and ask around, or, hey, provide something that belonged to Caylee to TES?) and the subsequent fame-whoring and finger-pointing make me think either she's one hell of an actress or something else is at play. From the "I'll just die" and "what did you do?" to "there was no odor" and "my daughter would never hurt Caylee" was quite a leap.
you know what come to think of it ive ofter wondered this as well ... she truely sounded like wtf are you talking about when she questioned cindy on that ... almost like wtf are you pulling on me mom ?

Nah, I saw it as she was appalled that her mother was questioning her involvement. Like "how dare you say you don't know what my involvement was. I already TOLD you Zanny kidnapped Caylee!!!"
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