Anthony's admit to Conflicting Statements Seek Full Immunity

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Should George and Cindy be granted full immunity in exchange for truth?

  • Yes

    Votes: 200 26.9%
  • No

    Votes: 123 16.5%
  • No and go after them for obstruction of justice!

    Votes: 421 56.6%

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I would like to add that I think this type of thing goes on all the time in our court system, we are just not aware of it because it does not generate the attention this case has been given.

If the people who Couey stayed with during the time Jessica Lundsford was missing
didn’t get charges pressed against them then I do not think the Anthony’s should!
IMO the Anthony’s didn’t do anything NEAR as upsetting as the Couey clan!
What bothers me about this is the idea that they didn't think it necessary to tell the truth to help find their granddaughter! Didn't that seem important at the time?? I can understand the need to circle the wagons around Casey, but to what extent?????
Like it or not the Anthonys are victims in this whole tragedy and will continue to be irregardless of our opinions. Calling for their prosecution is about as far from compassion as could reasonably be imagined. Posturing that your compassion can only go so far is equally disingenuous. There either is compassion or there isn't. Compassion is demonstrated, not alluded to.

If the A's broke the law, then they don't get a pass. Justice can be tempered with mercy, but it doesn't mean someone gets a pass.
Like it or not the Anthonys are victims in this whole tragedy and will continue to be irregardless of our opinions. Calling for their prosecution is about as far from compassion as could reasonably be imagined. Posturing that your compassion can only go so far is equally disingenuous. There either is compassion or there isn't. Compassion is demonstrated, not alluded to.

From what the A's have demonstrated and what (in my opinion) I think they've done, I have ZERO compassion for them! I only have sadness for the senseless death of this deceased child!
I voted yes. I dont believe they know where the body was, or anything like that. I definately dont think KC ever told them the truth.
I think we will hear things like that kc wasnt the perfect mom. she was struggling.And there was alot of hositility in the house at the time. Maybe they had noticed bags missing, tape missing, and a pillowcase or sheet missing/replaced.

I dont think that there will be anything shocking in their testimony. Probably just lots of little things that when added together are rather like a flashing neon sign of Kc's guilt, that they just werent able to bring themselves to believe at the time. Hindsight, and all that......jmo

ETA: If it turns out that GA or CA played a bigger role I would definately say throw the book at them- I just dont believe this is the case, though.
If the people who Couey stayed with during the time Jessica Lundsford was missing
didn’t get charges pressed against them then I do not think the Anthony’s should!
IMO the Anthony’s didn’t do anything NEAR as upsetting as the Couey clan!

thats why they created Jessicas law....this is NEW---just becuase you are a parent doesn't give you right to just give LE any information that YOU think is good---then give the good stuff to the defense....
I could easily be wrong, but I had the impression the A's getting their new attorney was more a part of an overall plan that was set in motion behind the scenes earlier, and came to fruition at the time of the hearing when the new attorneys for Casey were revealed. Casey's new team appeared, and the A's got someone new who could work with the defense team with less restrictions than MN had, and get a grip on their statements and activities. It was fortuitous that the remains were discovered at virtually the same time. If he gives them wise counsel, all the better.

I know a number of people think that what, if anything, the A's did was caused by grief, shock, etc. and that it should be overlooked. If that is someone's opinion, I'm fine with that -- they're entitled. At the same time, the law in theory does not excuse the commission of crimes (if any) on that basis, and it isn't heartless or evil to discuss it, or have a contrary opinion.
One more thought/question.

<<Conway admits the Anthonys have made conflicting statements in the past. They will be re-interviewed by investigators. He said, for the next interview they give to authorities, there will not be any conflicting statements. >>

So now that they "admit" they have made conflicting statements, and their lawyer has made it public knowledge, aren't they obligated to tell the truth anyway, if investigators did "re-interview" them. What are they going to say, no I'm not telling you the truth, b/c you aren't giving me immunity? It doesn't work that way with LE & the FBI.

I think CA might have admitted that she didn't tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth in one of her earlier LE interviews. At the end of the interview, they asked her if what she had told them was the truth (the statement that do at the end of the interviews) and she replied that she didn't she was given a sworn statement (or something to that affect).

Why oh why would anyone not tell the whole truth throughout this entire thing, unless they have something to hide themself? I understand covering for Casey, but she is an adult who made an adult decision. It's time they let Casey fend for herself. Had they done that earlier, perhaps she wouldn't be the way she is today.
I still say, only people who have done something wrong need immunity.


Well said.

Even with all of the finger pointing, blaming, bashing etc-- I still feel that LE has been EXTREMELY gentle and compassionate with the A's.

Have the A's committed a crime that requires immunity? :waitasec:

I do not believe the A's will be charged. This belief is based on the evidence/information that has been released.

If LE has uncovered more evidence- my opinion could change.

This is just what I'm feeling, in my gut, ya know?

I could easily be wrong, but I had the impression the A's getting their new attorney was more a part of an overall plan that was set in motion behind the scenes earlier, and came to fruition at the time of the hearing when the new attorneys for Casey were revealed. Casey's new team appeared, and the A's got someone new who could work with the defense team with less restrictions than MN had, and get a grip on their statements and activities. It was fortuitous that the remains were discovered at virtually the same time. If he gives them wise counsel, all the better.

I know a number of people think that what, if anything, the A's did was caused by grief, shock, etc. and that it should be overlooked. If that is someone's opinion, I'm fine with that -- they're entitled. At the same time, the law in theory does not excuse the commission of crimes (if any) on that basis, and it isn't heartless or evil to discuss it, or have a contrary opinion.

Every time someone gets a warning rather than the ticket they expected from a traffic cop, they've been 'excused' and their actions have been 'overlooked.' Not all crimes are prosecuted, sometimes because it's simply not worth the bother and sometimes because of compassion on the part of LE or the prosecutor's office. The law is not as black and white as it appears to be.
If the people who Couey stayed with during the time Jessica Lundsford was missing
didn’t get charges pressed against them then I do not think the Anthony’s should!
IMO the Anthony’s didn’t do anything NEAR as upsetting as the Couey clan!

Should we stick with the Coueys of the world or shall we progress? I call for progress, myself.
I am afraid this pops my bubble..I had visions of Ca and Ga admitting YES,SHE played us like a fiddle. Just once I want them to realize how she has strung them along KNOWING baby Caylle was dead. They bent over backwards,walked on eggshell around her , even denying the possibility of Caylee being harmed on the belief of this monster they raised.
They knew Caylee was gone, and were doing everything they could to "create reasonable doubt" They threw anyone under the bus that tried to search, unless their searching would help Casey. They didn't even take a walk to look for their granddaughter, but have the nerve to criticize ,LE>LP>TM.People that did all they could to help.
To love your child , is the right thing to do.,but when a parent aids,harbors and enables them to do wrong they should be held accountable.
There is no benefit to giving the A's immunity nor do I believe they will start cooperating and "undoing" the lies previously told. They're looking down the road at financing a murder trial for their daughter. They won't give the prosecution the sweat off their brow. No deal. Nail em. They cannot "undo" the irrational statements and actions over the last 6 months.

If they can provide info that will seal KC's fate in exchange for immunity, KC would be consulting with the Public Defender's office now, not the Dream Team slew of BDTL's that she has backing her up.

It's a conflict of interest for them to work "with" LE. They have a vested interest in getting their daughter acquitted. After all, they raised the little monster.
I think giving them immunity would let them get around the slayer statutes - laws that prevent you from profiting from your "wrong." If they were convicted of obstruction, they could never write a book, etc. Immunity would ensure they could do what they wanted... arg.
Oh yeah, hardened criminals get immunity. Drug dealers get immunity. It's frustrating but sometimes it's necessary for the greater good. If immunity can be offered to a drug pusher, why not to a bereaved grandma who failed to give LE the preferred hairbrush?

Yes, it's sick. But it is what the LE uses to get evidence to convict someone. They don't give it, if they don't need it.

It doesn't sound like they need the A's in this situation. They have tons of evidence.
Is there a list somewhere of all the conflicting statements? I know some of them, but I am sure there are others I forgot.

As far as immunity goes, I think I would enjoy having C&G admit they have been lying and to then tell the truth. Especially if the truth helps put the pieces together and keep KC locked up. (You know, FL Sunshine laws, we would probably see that admission sooner or later!)

I can't help but notice that CA, GA, nor LA have been to visit KC since the last major doc dump. In that doc dump, KC accuses LA of trying to have sex with her and GA of abusing her. I would think this would be a difficult accusation to forgive her for, especially if it isn't true. I wonder if they have come to the conclusion that they are no longer going to lie and cover for her, when she is accusing the members of her family of molestation and abuse?

This is where my thinking is. Deep down did they know the truth from the beginning, I think so. But I notice the no visits and they are being rather silent on the 'she's still alive, or Casey didn't do it' stories. It could be because of the document dump or it's because the lawyer told them, 'Look, this is the deal, you need to pull your heads out of your you-know-whats and face what's going on, or else.'

Personally, George's interview about 'not wanting to believe someone you brought into this world could do something like this', something to that effect, told me he knows what the truth is. He might not have wanted to face it at that time, but he knows.
There is no benefit to giving the A's immunity nor do I believe they will start cooperating and "undoing" the lies previously told. They're looking down the road at financing a murder trial for their daughter. They won't give the prosecution the sweat off their brow. No deal. Nail em. They cannot "undo" the irrational statements and actions over the last 6 months.

If they can provide info that will seal KC's fate in exchange for immunity, KC would be consulting with the Public Defender's office now, not the Dream Team slew of BDTL's that she has backing her up.

It's a conflict of interest for them to work "with" LE. They have a vested interest in getting their daughter acquitted. After all, they raised the little monster.

I wish they'd give up the nanny story too but I don't think it has any bearing on the truth. They can tell all they know and still believe in the nanny, it won't change anything.

As always a good point. Their beliefs do not change the truth.
:rolleyes:If I were the prosecutor, I would like to see a proposed statement of what is going to be presented as the full truth and nothing but the truth.

When a prosecutor doesn't know whether or not to offer full or limited immunity, the prosecutor will ask the attorney for the other side to proffer the expected testimony. The attorney for the one seeking the immunity interviews them, writes it up and presents it to the prosecutor. It isn't signed or anything, so it is not yet the statement or testimony of the person who needs the immunity.

Its purpose is to give the prosecutor an unofficial statement to review to see if the truthful testimony is worth giving the immunity.

So, I'd like to see the proffer first. :deal:

I didn't know this Themis, thanks for posting. Yes, I would like for LE to see the candy before they give them the money for it.
IMo, the A's need to appolize for their lies and actions to LE............for hindering the finding Caylee
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