Anthony's admit to Conflicting Statements Seek Full Immunity

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Should George and Cindy be granted full immunity in exchange for truth?

  • Yes

    Votes: 200 26.9%
  • No

    Votes: 123 16.5%
  • No and go after them for obstruction of justice!

    Votes: 421 56.6%

  • Total voters
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It is not bashing to hold people accountable for what they do wrong. Asking for immunity is equal to saying "we have done something for which we want to avoid punishment." In the instance of the disappearance and likely death of a child, there is NO defense that suggests that people should be able to do whatever they feel they need to in order to protect themselves or someone else. When in the course of human events, a person or persons determine that "the baby is likely dead and so we're going to do whatever we have to" whatever it is they feel they need immunity from, in order to protect whatever or whomever they feel they need to protect, they have walked on the dark side of justice and no amount of compassion in me suggests they should avoid the consequences of their actions.

Everyone seems universal in having Casey face the consequences of her actions. Why for the love of all that is holy does there appear to be a sliding scale for the elder Anthony's? Is not consequence for wrong behavior meant to be handled the same? Shouldn't all who do what they want regardless of the law be held accountable?

To imagine that no one can speak of the grief the Anthony's may suffer is to be disingenuous. To assume that most parents would do what they have done is grotesque. To feel as though they have suffered enough is to ignore the fact that their suffering is SEPARATE from their actions in need of immunity. To assume that those who wish for the Anthony's to be held accountable for their actions which appear to have crossed over the line into illegality are gloating and wishing ill upon them is to misrepresent and blur the line between feeling sympathy for them and feeling they are making such horrific choices that the Anthony's would find themselves in the position that in fact, it appears by their own lawyer's words, they have found themselves.

You cannot continue to wring the sympathies of compassionate people and continue to behave in a fashion that will get you into legal trouble.

Debs, you're hired!
Marital or Spousal Privilege is the term and yes, it would apply to the A's. It's all or none. They won't do it.

Last night it was said on one of the news stations that George and Cindy heard rumors of charges being filed against them and that is when their attorney decided to go for the immunity. I don't think this would have ever come up if they hadn't heard that LE was getting prepared to charge them.
Normally, when a poll is posted, I have no problems making a decision and vote confidently. But, when I saw this poll this morning, I couldn't come to a quick decision. So I thought about this issue as I went about my errands.

Here's my thoughts..........what is George and Cindy's level of deception? We know they lied, and we know Cindy purposely gave the FBI the wrong hairbrush, and washed Casey's slacks that were in the car. She's admitted this.

Did their deception go beyond lies, withholding evidence and tampering with evidence?

On one hand, if their culpability is limited to lies and withholding/tampering with evidence, and if the truth will aid the prosecution in getting a conviction, I think giving George and Cindy immunity would be okay.

On the other hand, if George and Cindy had any sort of intimate knowledge of what happened (a confession from Casey that she killed Caylee and disposed of her body) and participated as accessories to a crime after the fact, then they shouldn't receive immunity and be charged with obstruction of justice, tampering with evidence, and withholding evidence.

I have mixed feelings on this and finally voted that George and Cindy should be granted immunity. If part of an immunity deal is that they tell the truth and if that truth helps get a conviction for the prosecution, it will be worth it. And, in the long run, no matter what happens, George and Cindy will forever be known for their lies and their behavior for the past five months.
I would like to know what the fight was about. were the Ants threatening to sue for custody. Do they think Casey is spiteful enough to commit this crime. Do they know of a motive. What is their real relationship with Casey like. Is Cindy going to act normal and, therefore, admit that she is suspicious of Casey.

Those are things I would like to see them get immunity from. those things would be helpful for the prosecution.

If they helped dispose of the body or hid evidence that there was a murder, then I dont think they should get immunity from that.

So I guess the judge will have to see how the Ants can help befofe he makes his decision. Do they really know enought to matter now that the body has been found.
Give them immunity? Excellent question. I'm just not sure at this point.... My first reaction is no, but not all of the evidence is in. Once we know what was at the crime scene, I might be able to decide.

I do think there should be some sort of consequences for their actions or lack of. Maybe if they're given immunity and when/if they finally do tell the truth and it gets KC life in jail, well maybe that's their consequence. That would be heartbreaking to them-all their efforts to save her down the drain. Not that their hearts weren't broke when Caylee died, I'm sure they were, but to lose their daughter now too and have to face the fact that she was responsible. Bitter pill to swallow. I don't know... it's a lot to think about for me.

Or maybe it's my pain killers I'm on tonight. I had surgery today and instead of resting, I"m on the computer talking about Caylee! I'm totally obsessed with this case. Although in my defense, I'm comfortable in my computer chair-it's getting up and down that is hard! The longer I sit, the better I feel!

ETA-I momentarily forgot they still think the nanny is the killer. If that is the case, my opinion changes entirely b/c it shows they aren't ready to tell the truth. And if the duct tape comes back with KC's or someone in the family's prints on it, immunity should not be given.
What difference would it make if they told the truth now? Would it bring Caylee back? What truths would they be telling? I don't get it!
Is it normal for people who have given statements to LE that were not totally truthful to ask for a do over and immunity?

I think what I am trying to say is this a thing that is encountered in LE on a regular basis?

Or is this do over thing just another Anthony thing?

If they are allowed their little do over how are we supposed to know if they are telling the truth this time?
Wow! GA and CinA are really running scared now that they know (or pretty much can make an educated guess minus the DNA answer) that their grandchild is likely dead, and that every bit of B/S that CA must have been panhandling them has been total fabrications and fantasy.

Oh well, you reap what you sow, and I think that the A's have been doing an awful lot of sowing over the years. Im not so sure that they should be given immunity from anything. They should have just said - all those months ago - that they really had NO IDEA where the child was, or what the heck CA was on about when blurting on about babysitters etc, because they had obviously never met the nanny.

They bought into that whole load of goods and now its all hitting the fan.
Better put the umbrellas up, A's, because I think this is going to get a bit messy.
I want the A's held responsible and accountable for any unlawful act that they have done. Just the same that I would be held, or any other person on this forum would be. There should never be double standards for anyone, grieving grandparents or not, everyone has to follow the law. Period. No immunity.
I haven't seen a single post from anyone admitting to similar circumstances. You're right though, it doesn't mean they might not be reading here. And you're also correct that there are those that have had the strength to discuss their missing loved ones cases that have never been found or have been found dead.

If there are those here that found themselves in similar circumstances I would trust their opinion the most and would encourage them to speak up (if they so desire).

I'm looking for the truth and some understanding. We all may be here for different reasons.

There has been post after post after post from members who have not only been in the Anthony's shoes, they've gone through worse. They have posted their opinion and dont' get or agree with the A's behavior. Alot of these people are at WS because they started threads regarding tragedies that have affected them and their families. They've had children, nieces, nephews, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles and parents, kidnapped, raped, and murdered, just for starters. Again, tragedy and loss is not exclusive to the Anthony's. The law requires you tell the matter what.
And LE may be wondering why Bradley is even thinking about requesting immunity when they have no intentions of bringing charges. We don't know that yet.

The only thing I recall BC mentioning was conflicting statements. Which is perjury. While it does happen, and the Cops do catch folks in it.. they don't always charge folks. They can, but, well.. Being such.. If that is all it is, then LE might be suprised by the request for immunity by the Anthonys.

On the flip side, the LE generally points out that perjury is a crime, blah, blah, blah... All to hopefully help folks to recall more factually by the time they are witnesses in a trial. IF they do it then.. ouch!

If it is perjury, should they be charged for the crime of perjury that the committed?
The first thing the a's should do is apologize for the demeaning comments about LE.

I say NO on immunity.

No one in the a family, co-operated with LE.

How could GA go along with the "pranks" that CA did?

Is it normal for people who have given statements to LE that were not totally truthful to ask for a do over and immunity?

I think what I am trying to say is this a thing that is encountered in LE on a regular basis?

Or is this do over thing just another Anthony thing?

If they are allowed their little do over how are we supposed to know if they are telling the truth this time?
I think it is very common for people to reach agreements with prosecutors in exchange for immunity. Happens all the time. Big part of our justice system. Just have to weigh it out and see if it is in everyone's best interest.
If the A's are charged with obstruction it could be cathartic for them. It might be something they desperately need. Especially CA. Not to be in charge for once. To give over to some authority. To have a chance to sort of *pay* for their misdeeds. It might sound cruel but I don't mean it to be.

I feel badly for GA though. Because he's not a bad man, just weak. I'm slightly worried about him because I feel he has a conscience. He's not a good liar. To me he has been dragged into this mess by the CA train and he is just sick because he knows he was wrong. I hope he makes it through.
There has been post after post after post from members who have not only been in the Anthony's shoes, they've gone through worse. They have posted their opinion and dont' get or agree with the A's behavior. Alot of these people are at WS because they started threads regarding tragedies that have affected them and their families. They've had children, nieces, nephews, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles and parents, kidnapped, raped, and murdered, just for starters. Again, tragedy and loss is not exclusive to the Anthony's. The law requires you tell the matter what.

One name: Marc Klaas. He stated it openly on Nancy Grace some time ago and even answered questions here. If a guy like him can say that something is whack with these parents, I think I kinda believe him.
There has been post after post after post from members who have not only been in the Anthony's shoes, they've gone through worse. They have posted their opinion and dont' get or agree with the A's behavior. Alot of these people are at WS because they started threads regarding tragedies that have affected them and their families. They've had children, nieces, nephews, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles and parents, kidnapped, raped, and murdered, just for starters. Again, tragedy and loss is not exclusive to the Anthony's. The law requires you tell the matter what.

Thank you for correcting me on this SuziQ. I'm so sorry to read this and I applaud their honesty and admire their strength in sharing their stories in order to bring some understanding.
This is what floors me from the article:

"Conway said he plans to meet with the lead prosecutor and detectives later this week to ask for full immunity for the Anthonys.

Conway admits the Anthonys have made conflicting statements in the past. They will be re-interviewed by investigators. He said, for the next interview they give to authorities, there will not be any conflicting statements."

He's basically saying they lied but will stop lying if they are given full immunity. I say give it to them and let's see what they have to say!


Sounds like they're taking a clue from when Baez was trying for
immunity for Casey.
I voted yes, but really have mixed feelings and thoughts about this. I'm wondering if GA has suddenly decided to wear the pants in that relationship. I have more faith in him than in CA. Perhaps they suspected early on that KC had "done" something to Caylee and had nuggets of behavioral info and/or perhaps they heard something the night of the 15th that they've held back. WHO KNOWS? At any rate, I'd give them the chance, hear what they have to say first, and then decide on the immunity. Also, as far as their attorney saying the A's still believe the ZG story, maybe that was just to keep from opening yet another can of worms before he talks to prosecutors on their behalf. Really, imagine the fallout if he'd said No, they don't believe the ZFG story anymore.
It seems that many of you just don't approve of the entire concept of immunity;not just because it is the Athony's. Even though I think that immunity is a very useful tool for prosecutors I appreciate that many of you don't like it under any circumstances
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