Anthony's Computer Forensics

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The original, raw files have not been released. We have only seen comma-delimited files, In the case of the file recovered from unallocated space, that file was further filtered to only include entries with the term "google" in them. The "sci-spot" entry, for example, is not in that file and was new news to me.

Yes, I agree. Not all the computer forensics have been released. The unallocated data has not been released. It may contain private information, bank access, *advertiser censored* searching, who knows.
The Sci-spot page is a how-to and the sci-spot page was not a search. John Bradley said it was a direct link either typed in, pasted in or from a bookmark. There was no REFERER or any prior request (search results) that contained that link. Everyone keeps saying search, search, not every HTTP request is a search.

A search for "how to make chloroform" would yield a stack of results any of which could be visited by the person at the keyboard. But you are saying that the Sci-Spot site was not in the stack of results that would have been shown on the monitor?

The direct link to Sci-Spot didn't come out of nowhere. Bradley says it was either typed, pasted or bookmarked. This suggests that it was visible somewhere on the screen. The exception might be that the direct link (URL) came from somewhere other than that computer.

Do you have any speculative ideas about what may have happened, or a sequence of events?
A search for "how to make chloroform" would yield a stack of results any of which could be visited by the person at the keyboard. But you are saying that the Sci-Spot site was not in the stack of results that would have been shown on the monitor?

The direct link to Sci-Spot didn't come out of nowhere. Bradley says it was either typed, pasted or bookmarked. This suggests that it was visible somewhere on the screen. The exception might be that the direct link (URL) came from somewhere other than that computer.

Do you have any speculative ideas about what may have happened, or a sequence of events?

Assuming she was making chloroform, one of two things happened in my mind.

1. She was making chloroform previously and had a bookmark that she used. She may have searched it anyway, then referenced the page she had saved. She may have actually made a joke or told Ricardo about it prompting him to post on Myspace. Seeing his post prompted her to then look it up again. The unallocated data maybe missing past searches or she used another computer.

2. March was the first time she figured out how to make chloroform. Ricardo prompted her to think about it from his Myspace joke and she considered it for Caylee or killing her parents. She may have had the link in her clipboard from reading it on another site visited that is not showing up since this is not telling us the content of all the pages. She may have seen the Sci-spot page link on Myspace and copied to her clipboard, it may have been messaged to her in a Myspace message or posted in a comment. Who knows.

We're missing a lot of the content she was actually viewing during this time, just having the urls. With the exception of the Sci-spot which is on the wayback machine.

I wonder if LE attempted to get the HTTP IP logs of the Sci-spot website for 2008, or if they exist. They would potentially contain additional hits from their home IP address with REFERER information from Myspace or other sites that Casey could have clicked on.

Frankly, any site that has "how to make chloroform" including youtube should be saving their http logs! Phosgene is extremely dangerous and hard to detect.

Btw, Caylee died from Phosgene. Not chloroform.

It would have taken 30,000-40,000 ppm of chloroform and there's no way Casey made that much. She failed to stabilize chloroform, left it in a container that didn't block the light totally and probably in the heat which over the course or 3-4 days or more was enough phosgene to be converted from chloroform to collect in gas form such that when it was opened in the car that was enough to kill Caylee in 2-4hr from fluid in the lungs. It would have only taken a very small concentration of phosgene to kill the 2yr old. The pinkish fluid is what caused the stain, it's also why she duck taped her face. It would have caused skin and burning of the eyes.

My only question is if Casey saw Caylee in distress (after watching the first movie on the 16th with Tony or late at night) and left her to die because she knew she was going to go to jail. Or if she died while unattended and it was unintentional. We're never going to know this based on the evidence, other than maybe her behavior being an indicator.

However, I think that she could have possibly mourned for that week. And also staying with Tony all day on the 17th could have been a form of mourning in her whacked out brain. She couldn't have gone home so she was forced to keep up an act and lie to Tony. She couldn't have stayed depressed for no reason, Tony would have been upset and she probably wanted to marry the guy or get pregnant. Was it the 17th she texted Amy to be cheered up?

She got over it quick and moved on. Normal? No. Possible? Yea.
This one point makes absolutely no sense to me. Cindy Anthony is a nurse. She knows about biology. We all learn in basic biology that chlorophyll makes plants greens, allowing them to make energy from sunlight. If it was deadly then we would eat less green beans, lettuce and broccoli. How can a registered nurse think chlorophyll is dangerous?
Assuming she was making chloroform, one of two things happened in my mind.

1. She was making chloroform previously and had a bookmark that she used. She may have searched it anyway, then referenced the page she had saved. She may have actually made a joke or told Ricardo about it prompting him to post on Myspace. Seeing his post prompted her to then look it up again. The unallocated data maybe missing past searches or she used another computer.

2. March was the first time she figured out how to make chloroform. Ricardo prompted her to think about it from his Myspace joke and she considered it for Caylee or killing her parents. She may have had the link in her clipboard from reading it on another site visited that is not showing up since this is not telling us the content of all the pages. She may have seen the Sci-spot page link on Myspace and copied to her clipboard, it may have been messaged to her in a Myspace message or posted in a comment. Who knows.

We're missing a lot of the content she was actually viewing during this time, just having the urls. With the exception of the Sci-spot which is on the wayback machine.

I wonder if LE attempted to get the HTTP IP logs of the Sci-spot website for 2008, or if they exist. They would potentially contain additional hits from their home IP address with REFERER information from Myspace or other sites that Casey could have clicked on.

Frankly, any site that has "how to make chloroform" including youtube should be saving their http logs! Phosgene is extremely dangerous and hard to detect.

Btw, Caylee died from Phosgene. Not chloroform.

It would have taken 30,000-40,000 ppm of chloroform and there's no way Casey made that much. She failed to stabilize chloroform, left it in a container that didn't block the light totally and probably in the heat which over the course or 3-4 days or more was enough phosgene to be converted from chloroform to collect in gas form such that when it was opened in the car that was enough to kill Caylee in 2-4hr from fluid in the lungs. It would have only taken a very small concentration of phosgene to kill the 2yr old. The pinkish fluid is what caused the stain, it's also why she duck taped her face. It would have caused skin and burning of the eyes.

My only question is if Casey saw Caylee in distress (after watching the first movie on the 16th with Tony or late at night) and left her to die because she knew she was going to go to jail. Or if she died while unattended and it was unintentional. We're never going to know this based on the evidence, other than maybe her behavior being an indicator.

However, I think that she could have possibly mourned for that week. And also staying with Tony all day on the 17th could have been a form of mourning in her whacked out brain. She couldn't have gone home so she was forced to keep up an act and lie to Tony. She couldn't have stayed depressed for no reason, Tony would have been upset and she probably wanted to marry the guy or get pregnant. Was it the 17th she texted Amy to be cheered up?

She got over it quick and moved on. Normal? No. Possible? Yea.

Poor Caylee. As shown by the testimony during the state's CIC and more specifically, their rebuttal, Cindy's testimony on the issue of computer word searches was clearly not reflective of the truth. Why? How did not being truthful help Caylee?

"So help me God", indeed.
So I have some questions. We were told that Casey deleted a group of "searched words" just after Melich questioned her at the house. These were the things like chloroform, shovel, ruptured spleen, inhalation, etc. We were also told that this was the first time anything had been deleted in such a way on that computer.

1. If Casey had never done a deleting such as this before, how did she suddenly know how to do it? Did a period of time pass (after Melich) when she could have learned it or figured it out?

2. What was the nature of the deleted things? Were they "Favorites", saved links, visited sites that were just sitting in the History, or what?

3. Did she specifically delete just those suspicious things, picking them out from a group of many other non-suspicious things, or did she just delete a big batch of stuff wholesale and the suspicious things went out with everything else?
So I have some questions. We were told that Casey deleted a group of "searched words" just after Melich questioned her at the house. These were the things like chloroform, shovel, ruptured spleen, inhalation, etc. We were also told that this was the first time anything had been deleted in such a way on that computer.

1. If Casey had never done a deleting such as this before, how did she suddenly know how to do it? Did a period of time pass (after Melich) when she could have learned it or figured it out?

2. What was the nature of the deleted things? Were they "Favorites", saved links, visited sites that were just sitting in the History, or what?

3. Did she specifically delete just those suspicious things, picking them out from a group of many other non-suspicious things, or did she just delete a big batch of stuff wholesale and the suspicious things went out with everything else?

I don't know the answers to your question other than it was deleted Firefox browser file that was looked at. Maybe IE browser also. Not sure.
Frankly, any site that has "how to make chloroform" including youtube should be saving their http logs! Phosgene is extremely dangerous and hard to detect.

Btw, Caylee died from Phosgene. Not chloroform.

It would have taken 30,000-40,000 ppm of chloroform and there's no way Casey made that much. She failed to stabilize chloroform, left it in a container that didn't block the light totally and probably in the heat which over the course or 3-4 days or more was enough phosgene to be converted from chloroform to collect in gas form such that when it was opened in the car that was enough to kill Caylee in 2-4hr from fluid in the lungs. It would have only taken a very small concentration of phosgene to kill the 2yr old. The pinkish fluid is what caused the stain, it's also why she duck taped her face. It would have caused skin and burning of the eyes.

My only question is if Casey saw Caylee in distress (after watching the first movie on the 16th with Tony or late at night) and left her to die because she knew she was going to go to jail. Or if she died while unattended and it was unintentional. We're never going to know this based on the evidence, other than maybe her behavior being an indicator.

Oh...that sounds so very, very awful! I wish I had not read this.
This one point makes absolutely no sense to me. Cindy Anthony is a nurse. She knows about biology. We all learn in basic biology that chlorophyll makes plants greens, allowing them to make energy from sunlight. If it was deadly then we would eat less green beans, lettuce and broccoli. How can a registered nurse think chlorophyll is dangerous?

Considering there was no search found for chlorophyl, I think its safe to assume Cindy made the whole sick dog thing up. Likewise no hits were found for hand sanitizers and I thought it was established at trial that she perjured herself. :waitasec:
Oh...that sounds so very, very awful! I wish I had not read this.

Heh. That actually wasn't the question I meant to ask Benjamin...

Hot Dogs said:
Do you have any speculative ideas about what may have happened, or a sequence of events?

What I meant to ask was what happened at the keyboard... sequence of events at the keyboard.
So I have some questions. We were told that Casey deleted a group of "searched words" just after Melich questioned her at the house. These were the things like chloroform, shovel, ruptured spleen, inhalation, etc. We were also told that this was the first time anything had been deleted in such a way on that computer.

1. If Casey had never done a deleting such as this before, how did she suddenly know how to do it? Did a period of time pass (after Melich) when she could have learned it or figured it out?

2. What was the nature of the deleted things? Were they "Favorites", saved links, visited sites that were just sitting in the History, or what?

3. Did she specifically delete just those suspicious things, picking them out from a group of many other non-suspicious things, or did she just delete a big batch of stuff wholesale and the suspicious things went out with everything else?

I believe it was the entire history and was just deleted all at once.
Btw, Caylee died from Phosgene. Not chloroform.

It would have taken 30,000-40,000 ppm of chloroform and there's no way Casey made that much. She failed to stabilize chloroform, left it in a container that didn't block the light totally and probably in the heat which over the course or 3-4 days or more was enough phosgene to be converted from chloroform to collect in gas form such that when it was opened in the car that was enough to kill Caylee in 2-4hr from fluid in the lungs. It would have only taken a very small concentration of phosgene to kill the 2yr old. The pinkish fluid is what caused the stain, it's also why she duck taped her face. It would have caused skin and burning of the eyes.


respectfully snipped

I thought phosgene was a synthesised gas, what I needs specific ingredients and a catalyst to make it volatile. Granted its along time since I was at school but IIRC phosgene was manufactured as a corrosive gas and was used in chemical warfare. I just dont see Casey getting a hold of some chlorine gas and some carbon monoxide. And wouldn't either Dr Vass or Dr Rickenbach have detected these lethal compounds with their mass spectometry thingy. :waitasec:
I believe it was the entire history and was just deleted all at once.

Sounds good to me. I know I can do that easily on my Firefox browser that I use.
Could someone explain this to me in very simple terms? Am I understanding correctly that chloroform was only searched once, and the 84 times was that the same site was visited 84 times through myspace? Or she didn't even visit it 84 times, and it was just a computer glitch thing? Did the state's expert get it wrong?

Thanks! BTW This wouldn't change for me that I believe C murdered her daughter. I just want to have the facts straight.,0,4938442.story


Detectives obtained some of Anthony's e-mails and found one that appeared to be from a worker at Universal Studios, where Anthony said she worked as an event planner. The supposed sender of the e-mail, about an upcoming Universal event, does not work for the company and the e-mail domain of the sender's address was invalid.

I wonder if LE is investigating the origin of this email to determine who might have sent it, if not a worker from Universal Studios? Obviously they know WHEN it was sent but as far as I know, that information hasn't been released publically. (If I'm wrong - please let me know because I would love to know the date of the email)

Also, given that Casey was apparently using a computer for social networking (Myspace) I would imagine LE would want to examine all computers she might have used or had access to (e.g. parents, brother, boyfriend, girlfriend, blackberry, etc.) to gleen information helpful to the investigation and timeline.

Wasn't she sending emails to herself that were supposed to be from Universal Studios so that her parents would think she was still working there? It seems to me that is what I heard.
For example ,say I google "local man dies in accident " because I heard from work someone local died.

Then a few days later I google life insurance because mine is expensive or a make a double payment on my life insurance.

Then susposed my hubby was run off the road in a hit and run accident and died, and my friend went and saw my searches and called in a tip.

Well I better have an alibi ,because I dont have a cell phone so no pings to help me out.

To answer your question, yes, but only if you hide your husband's body, pretend like he's still alive, and a month later when someone finally calls you out on him not being seen, and then you claim he's missing, and 6 months later his body is found showing proof that he's been dead since the day you last saw him, then yes, you better have a good alibi.

This is the problem again with people trying to take the evidence in little pieces and trying to say there are innocent explanations, without realizing that all the evidence together is what makes those supposedly innocent explanations implausible.
Me too.

I'm a writer, and as of right now, glancing at my search history: poison, snake bites, death via IV drip, neck breaking, smothering, blood spatter, MPD, lethal poisons, inducing cardiac arrest, beating the polygraph.

Boy would I be in a world of trouble.

Here we go again.... just make sure you dont hide a dead body and lie about the person's whereabouts... and something tells me YOU'LL BE OK!
Wasn't she sending emails to herself that were supposed to be from Universal Studios so that her parents would think she was still working there? It seems to me that is what I heard.

Yes, I vaguely remember that they traced the email to Casey herself. Emailing herself to throw off her mother. According to some, the fact that she was evil prior to Caylee's death somehow proves that she was not evil when Caylee died and therefore didnt murder her. How you can logically conclude that, I really dont understand.

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