Anthony's Computer Forensics

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Wow - I had thought she killed Caylee BEFORE she talked to Jesse. She was telling Jesse that she had to get out of the house, that her mom was staying & her dad was leaving. She never said we have to get out so I assumed Caylee was gone & she was starting to run. Now I wonder if she had not murdered her & was setting it up at the time Jesse called.

OR could she have been setting it up to look like Cindy had done it? Hmmmm...........
I don't know- I have forgotten so much about this case.
Valhall's archives show her making a computer search on 6/12 about Zenaida Gonzalez age 25, on , and on for Zenaida Fernandez, Jacksonsville, so it seemed logical to me she would be setting up an account to show Cindy, just like her fake emails from her 'boss' .
Thanks. I only remember the searches after Caylee was reported "missing". I never heard of this...just that other phoney "MySpace" page. Was this info about the searches you're speaking of in the docs somewhere?
Thanks. I only remember the searches after Caylee was reported "missing". I never heard of this...just that other phoney "MySpace" page. Was this info about the searches you're speaking of in the docs somewhere?

It is listed in the Valhall (Hinky Meter) account of Casey's activities that day-
it is in date order- for the 12th June.
It is listed in the Valhall (Hinky Meter) account of Casey's activities that day-
it is in date order- for the 12th June.

You know what is really hinky to me. Just reading back through those days of ZG22 comments regarding not being able to produce a valid driver's license and that she was represented by counsel but there was none listed. I know this has come up before but what if it were KC and she had asked JB to represent her as ZG and this is why he was so fast on the draw when she was arrested (and could explain why their versions of how KC came to hire JB differ). Could it be he already knew who she was? Seems strange that this person has disappeared off the face of the earth and never finished paying their fine. jmo
I don't know- I have forgotten so much about this case.
Valhall's archives show her making a computer search on 6/12 about Zenaida Gonzalez age 25, on , and on for Zenaida Fernandez, Jacksonsville, so it seemed logical to me she would be setting up an account to show Cindy, just like her fake emails from her 'boss' .

That was a mistake. The searches were not done until July 16.
To add to this picture, it seems that July 14 was indeed a significant day, besides being the day before Caylee was finally reported missing.

From Valhall's old timeline:

Timeline for July 14 to July 15 2008

[July] 14 - GA starts a new job.
7:35 am CA sends KC a text message that reads "Remember me?"
8:21 am GA attempts to call KC.
2:43 pm to 4:32 pm KC has IM conversation with ID. KC tells ID she is going to get a puppy when she gets her own place.
3:33 pm KC attempts to call Anthony home.
5:30 pm KC makes $15.40 purchase at Blockbuster (7702 University)
5:49 pm attempt to call KC from Anthony home.
8:30 pm CA sends KC a text message that reads "Can u call me soon? i ll b going 2 bed soon."
CA speaks with KC on phone, doesn't recall conversation or what KC's excuse was for not being back in Orlando yet.
10:57 to 11:01 pm KC has IM conversation with ID.
11:33 pm attempt to call KC from Anthony home.

[July] 15 - 12:12 am CA leaves a message on KC's myspace.

My guess is that when Cindy and FCA spoke that day, Cindy wanted an explanation about evidence she'd found that someone had been in the house that day. Remember, FCA was supposedly still in J'ville with Caylee, playing family with Jeff Hopkins. FCA must have (surprise surprise) blamed it on GEORGE.

Grandma Cece was starting to get the idea maybe? She decided to call FCA's bluff, letting her know she checked with George, and nope, he was at work all day.

And just a few short hours later, GA arrived at the tow yard and all h*ll broke loose...

Is this when caylee's teddy bear that Cindy had been sleeping with disappeared from the house?
Wait a minute, there's no activity from 2:20 - 2:50. I think she did it at that time because of her conversation with Jesse. She seemed in a hurry to get out.

Edited to add - something doesn't feel right with this. After thinking about why she would look up foolproof suffocation AFTER Caylee was already gone I could only come to one conclusion.
I wonder if she was trying to make this murder look like an accident somehow.

All of this has me wondering something else. Does anyone recall where to look up the date and time that Casey removed all of Caylee's picture from her facebook or myspace page? The date would help us to narrow down a timeline of when Caylee had already been dead. It would also help in understanding if she may have done so with the fore knownledge that she could sell the photos to pay for her defence. I still have the feeling that more was going on in those 31 days prior to Cindy bringing Casey home from Tony's.
I know that all is said and done, but would still like to maul over this info. IYKWIM
All of this has me wondering something else. Does anyone recall where to look up the date and time that Casey removed all of Caylee's picture from her facebook or myspace page? The date would help us to narrow down a timeline of when Caylee had already been dead. It would also help in understanding if she may have done so with the fore knownledge that she could sell the photos to pay for her defence. I still have the feeling that more was going on in those 31 days prior to Cindy bringing Casey home from Tony's.
I know that all is said and done, but would still like to maul over this info. IYKWIM
IIRC, it was afterward...either late on July 16th...or early on the 17th. Gonna check.

ETA: ok...haven't found when Jesse notices the pics missing...but did find that on in Lee's interview that Casey's yahoo account had been completely deleted prior to July 15th. And that her MySpace messages were deleted on July 4th (her answer to Cindy?).
I am not sure this is the best thread to post this on, but I am new here and hopefully will get a break.
I believe that Casey did leave the house when George said she did on June 16th and hovered around the neighborhood for him to leave. That would explain why her calls at 1 pm, etc. were pinging in the area. I have read George left early that day since it was his second day on the job (approx. 1:27 pm, which would make the 1:50 pm search someone else).

As far as George calling the house phone at 3:02 there could be two plausible explanations to that. One, he did an accidental dial ( I do that all the time when I have multiple numbers stored in my phone for a person), or he thought he would give it a try b/c she was not answering her cell phone. Remember, George was pretty sure that Rot Mom was not working and the only thing stopping him from proving that was Cindy insisting he not investigate.

I also believe it is possible for George to remember what Caylee wore the last time he saw her. Once he knew it was the day after Father's Day that may have helped with recalling events, and if George were the one to help Caylee get dressed that morning he would remember. My daughter was very outspoken about what she wanted to wear at that age, and Caylee may have been dressing herself with Grandpa's help. My father lived with us when she was little and she would often ask him to help her. She said he brushed her hair softer than mommy did. :)
Was the "mini-stroke" story setting the stage for George's untimely death later on?
This is scary...I have NEVER considered that Casey was out to kill her parents...but with all the months of convos with friends about the house, the mini-stroke, etc...and the searches that we know SHE! Maybe there is something to what you're saying. Very scary!

Wow - haven't been on here in ages. When JWG and AZ enter the room the place starts to crackle with electricity! Thanks for all the energy - I just felt so deflated after the verdict I had to get away. It's nice to get all that suspense music back.

RR - I always entertained the thought that the original searches for violence were aimed at her parents (or more specifically GA, who was obviously not as malleable as CA when it came to letting her get by with stuff). I thought maybe her original stay with her friends a few months earlier had been because she was furious at GA, perhaps at his reaction (which may well have been physical given her abuse comments to JG and Tony) to her continuously draining CA's bank account for months, and was looking for ways to get him out of the picture permanently this time. CA didn't seem to be as effective in objecting to FCA's manipulation until she had another adult in the house encouraging her to suspect FCA. GA had her number and I think he was leaning on CA to confront her more which may have been why CA told everyone at work that FCA and her dad were fighting a lot. And I think we reached a consensus that the methods she searched were a bit unnecessary for dealing with toddlers (except for foolproof suffocation - that would indicate a victim was already subdued in some way). The stroke ruse was to get out of helping Amy, but I have to wonder if she was simply reaching for an excuse based on whatever was handy in her memory from past surfing or from future plans she was contemplating on how to create a fatal accident.

What I never understood was why, even if FCA told Amy the house deal fell through that she was still acting like it was sort of imminent that they could live there, to the point she had Amy forward her mail. As much as she prided herself on being a gold medal liar, I got the feeling she wouldn't have told Amy something like that if she didn't have a current plan (however amorphous) to bring it to fruition. It would be too embarrassing to brag about something like that if it turned out to be a total fabrication, even if she was always confident she could cover it up with another lie. Of course FCA was texting and surfing too much each day to ever follow through with anything that big. As fantastical as some of her lies were, many show signs of being based in web searches if nothing else. Sometimes I wonder if she and her mom would "reminisce" about how pleasant it had been before GA came back - in the old days when FCA could snow her mom about going to work each day and get her to babysit without objection and that FCA's first idea was to get rid of the detective who was goading CA to make her life miserable. You don't need to look up "self-defense" to ward off a toddler. Given how disrespectful CA's kids were to their father I also wonder if she joined in any fantasy conversations about how nice it would be if GA would drop off the face of the earth and CA was worried that FCA would throw her under the bus if that ever got mentioned.

I got the sense the state felt hamstrung after they had to spend all that time in court proving CA couldn't have been home at the time the google searches occurred - that they knew they were already losing a prematurely checked-out jury and it would just look like they were badgering a grieving grandparent. I just wish they would have deconstructed JB's account of the 16th by saying it was physically impossible for FCA's story to be true because she was literally texting, on the phone, or on the computer the entire time any of this could have gone down.

I think Valhall, JWG and AZ should use their info to write the book that Ashton apparently couldn't and that JB wouldn't. Debunking the BS. It would be a total best seller (hint hint)
I'm also wondering why George really bought the gun, and had it at the house when Casey was out on bond. I did not buy his, “I was going to use it to make her friends talk and tell me where Caylee was” story. Or however he worded it. He knew what the smell in the trunk was. He knew what happened to Caylee and he knew who did it. AJMO
I'm also wondering why George really bought the gun, and had it at the house when Casey was out on bond. I did not buy his, “I was going to use it to make her friends talk and tell me where Caylee was” story. Or however he worded it. He knew what the smell in the trunk was. He knew what happened to Caylee and he knew who did it. AJMO

I think he was planning on using it to find out the truth about Caylee. Unfortunately Cindy never left him alone with Casey.
Wow - haven't been on here in ages. When JWG and AZ enter the room the place starts to crackle with electricity! Thanks for all the energy - I just felt so deflated after the verdict I had to get away. It's nice to get all that suspense music back.

RR - I always entertained the thought that the original searches for violence were aimed at her parents (or more specifically GA, who was obviously not as malleable as CA when it came to letting her get by with stuff). I thought maybe her original stay with her friends a few months earlier had been because she was furious at GA, perhaps at his reaction (which may well have been physical given her abuse comments to JG and Tony) to her continuously draining CA's bank account for months, and was looking for ways to get him out of the picture permanently this time. CA didn't seem to be as effective in objecting to FCA's manipulation until she had another adult in the house encouraging her to suspect FCA. GA had her number and I think he was leaning on CA to confront her more which may have been why CA told everyone at work that FCA and her dad were fighting a lot. And I think we reached a consensus that the methods she searched were a bit unnecessary for dealing with toddlers (except for foolproof suffocation - that would indicate a victim was already subdued in some way). The stroke ruse was to get out of helping Amy, but I have to wonder if she was simply reaching for an excuse based on whatever was handy in her memory from past surfing or from future plans she was contemplating on how to create a fatal accident.

What I never understood was why, even if FCA told Amy the house deal fell through that she was still acting like it was sort of imminent that they could live there, to the point she had Amy forward her mail. As much as she prided herself on being a gold medal liar, I got the feeling she wouldn't have told Amy something like that if she didn't have a current plan (however amorphous) to bring it to fruition. It would be too embarrassing to brag about something like that if it turned out to be a total fabrication, even if she was always confident she could cover it up with another lie. Of course FCA was texting and surfing too much each day to ever follow through with anything that big. As fantastical as some of her lies were, many show signs of being based in web searches if nothing else. Sometimes I wonder if she and her mom would "reminisce" about how pleasant it had been before GA came back - in the old days when FCA could snow her mom about going to work each day and get her to babysit without objection and that FCA's first idea was to get rid of the detective who was goading CA to make her life miserable. You don't need to look up "self-defense" to ward off a toddler. Given how disrespectful CA's kids were to their father I also wonder if she joined in any fantasy conversations about how nice it would be if GA would drop off the face of the earth and CA was worried that FCA would throw her under the bus if that ever got mentioned.

I got the sense the state felt hamstrung after they had to spend all that time in court proving CA couldn't have been home at the time the google searches occurred - that they knew they were already losing a prematurely checked-out jury and it would just look like they were badgering a grieving grandparent. I just wish they would have deconstructed JB's account of the 16th by saying it was physically impossible for FCA's story to be true because she was literally texting, on the phone, or on the computer the entire time any of this could have gone down.I think Valhall, JWG and AZ should use their info to write the book that Ashton apparently couldn't and that JB wouldn't. Debunking the BS. It would be a total best seller (hint hint)

Thank you. I wish they had done that too.
i think there was an hour break from the time she talked to jesse and when she tried to call her mom..
I think it happened in that hour
between like 3 -4

If this is true then she is more diablolical that I can ever comprehend.

I am stuck on why someone would need to look up how to suffocate a baby though? Saying that made my stomach roll - I kid you not.

There are many ways I can think of to suffocate a baby without looking up how & what to do...... Stomach rolling again.
I hate to type this but......perhaps Casey was driving around for a bit before she went to pick up Tony to make sure that no rolling around noises would/could be heard coming from the trunk. It wouldn't do to have Tony in the car and to hear a noise of something in the trunk and then him want to inspect the trunk to see why the car was making that noise.
i think there was an hour break from the time she talked to jesse and when she tried to call her mom..
I think it happened in that hour
between like 3 -4


The "flurry of phone calls" actually fit a pattern on other days during the first half of June, and they appear to be a frantic effort on Casey's part to dump Caylee into Cindy's lap. So my best guess is that the June 16th flurry was a repeat attempt to get Cindy to take Caylee.

However, Casey had a plan B, which she was clearly thinking about at 2:50 that afternoon. Why a plan B? Could it have been the mythical fight from the night before? " either take her or never see her again", without making the threat explicit.

See, there is the period of time after the "flurry" that lasts well over an hour where Casey's cell phone is silent. Perhaps a trip back to the Anthony home for some Benedryl and duct tape? :waitasec:
I think the calls to Cindy after 4 PM was to make sure that no one (Cindy or George) were coming home early or unexpected. Casey needed time to clean things up, get Caylee situated wherever she put her (in the trunk in my mind, or car seat first then drive down the road toward the school and put her in the trunk) and get stuff she wanted/needed to take with her for several days.


The "flurry of phone calls" actually fit a pattern on other days during the first half of June, and they appear to be a frantic effort on Casey's part to dump Caylee into Cindy's lap. So my best guess is that the June 16th flurry was a repeat attempt to get Cindy to take Caylee.

However, Casey had a plan B, which she was clearly thinking about at 2:50 that afternoon. Why a plan B? Could it have been the mythical fight from the night before? " either take her or never see her again", without making the threat explicit.

See, there is the period of time after the "flurry" that lasts well over an hour where Casey's cell phone is silent. Perhaps a trip back to the Anthony home for some Benedryl and duct tape? :waitasec:

I also think Caylee talked freely with her grandmother on that ride home and Cindy may not have been very happy with what she was hearing. We know from reports there was a fight regardless of what Cindy said, they were heard arguing. It could be the tape was placed on Caylee because KC thought Caylee talked to much to Cindy and the "Big problem" shirt was clearly a message to Cindy. Caylee had no shoes and socks because she would not need them where she was going. jmo

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