Anthony's expected to release statement UPDATE PRESSER CANCELLED

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MaryAnn, I just posted the reason they believe Caylee is still alive on the Nancy Grace thread.
In her home tour, Cindy gave today, she said people are beginning to send Christmas gifts for Caylee. In Cindyland, that's proof enough - you don't send gifts to people who are no longer alive.

Wait! Is THAT the "new information" they've been promising to reveal?? For real?
Magic Cat I do agree with many things you said. I agree that there is justified anger but I seriously think people would stone this family if they could get away with it. I was sickened by the mobs outside the home screaming and purposely trying to push Cindy & George's buttons. That's NOT justified anger, that's mob mentality.

As I stated earlier in my post I have no clue why Cindy & George are acting the way they are acting or saying the things they have. I myself have been just as dumbfounded as you and other's when she mentioned the "Mother of the Year Award." I agree Casey is guilty, I agree the family is dysfunction and screwed up. It seems sometimes there is more focus on Cindy & George than on Caylee at times online and on TV.

The Anthony's really have lost more than a granddaughter and daughter. It's obvious they know the truth, compassion comes with realizing they have lost it and cannot deal with it.

I believe Casey is Guilty, I believe Cindy, George & Lee KNOW she's guilty, I believe they know Caylee is dead. I believe they are out of their minds, I believe they loved their granddaughter very much and I believe it should be okay that other people feel some compassion for them as human beings and don't feel the need to bash them non-stop.

What really has had me bothered lately is the fact that if anyone, says anything even remotely compassionate towards the Anthony's people pounce. I have seen it over and over again.

I believe people should be equally allowed to state something in the ways of compassion towards the family without being jumped on and being called "Cindy" like I saw in this particular thread.

That is what made me speak up today.

Also, extremely well said! :clap::clap::clap::clap: Time to turn a page. A new chapter.
How is it that CA and GA can come forward on national TV on a date of their chosing to make a statement regarding their own proof that Caylee is alive? Wouldn't that be considered withholding evidence or tampering with an investigation? Can somebody explain the legalities regarding this? As much as I wish Caylee was alive, I believe that she is no longer with us, and hasn't been since June 16. I feel certain that Fridays statement is going to be a waste, HUGE waste!!!
How is it that CA and GA can come forward on national TV on a date of their chosing to make a statement regarding their own proof that Caylee is alive? Wouldn't that be considered withholding evidence or tampering with an investigation? Can somebody explain the legalities regarding this? As much as I wish Caylee was alive, I believe that she is no longer with us, and hasn't been since June 16. I feel certain that Fridays statement is going to be a waste, HUGE waste!!!
I think LE has already written them off. They're like an annoying gnat that needs to be swatted...hence their request for a gag order. I feel for LE. In the end, they are ultimately Caylee's voice.
The parents of Casey Anthony, the 22-year-old Orlando mother accused of killing her three-year-old daughter Caylee Anthony, are expected to release a statement later this week that will explain why they have continued to search for the young girl.

DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY IDEA OF WHAT THIS COULD BE? I'm sure it's something ridiculous, but I'm a little curious as to what they have to say.

Well, I know that it will be a pack of lies...that has been evident since her first time on TV.

I thought she was a kook right away.

I the the A's are ALL corrupt!
How is it that CA and GA can come forward on national TV on a date of their chosing to make a statement regarding their own proof that Caylee is alive? Wouldn't that be considered withholding evidence or tampering with an investigation? Can somebody explain the legalities regarding this? As much as I wish Caylee was alive, I believe that she is no longer with us, and hasn't been since June 16. I feel certain that Fridays statement is going to be a waste, HUGE waste!!!

I can understand why the A's cannot fathom the loss of Caylee.

1 - It's coming to terms with the death of a loved one. Caylee was a daughter to them.

2 - They would also have to accept that the daughter they raised is an evil human being. Not only because she killed her daughter (could have been an accident), but the lies, no emotion, and lack responsibility for it..etc. they've handled everything has only made KC and even themselves look guilty. Even if they aren't.
This "press conference" is just damage control (for them), and also a spin to create reasonable doubt in the future jury (JB's plan I suppose).
Someone mentioned before on here...If there were kidnappers, why no plea for Caylee's safe return? Really...a court case takes time, they have PLENTY of time to save KC (IF she were innocent). Time is of the essence when you have a child, with "dangerous" people.

This is only another "spin" attempt. It will be as meaningless as all of their attempts before. BUT if people watch it...they (JB & the A's)will be able to gage what chance they have to create "reasonable doubt", that is all they need.
Well it is getting later and later in the week, and we still haven't seen a time for this statement. I'm thinking all of those who said, "It will never happen," may be right on the money. Sadly, though, I would like to hear what they plan on revealing, just out of curiosity.
Why wait? The A's had a reporter and camera crew IN THEIR HOUSE!! Why not invite ALL of the media and just release this proof Caylee is alive??:confused:
Why wait? The A's had a reporter and camera crew IN THEIR HOUSE!! Why not invite ALL of the media and just release this proof Caylee is alive??:confused:

The A's are puppets now. When this "new info" will serve KC's defense best, is when it will be released. It's only about creating "reasonable doubt". Maybe they know that the prosecution is planning to drop a bombshell, and this is to be used to neutralize that info. It's just strategy to them...this has NOTHING to do with poor Caylee.
When will they do this statement ?
I woulld think that it wwould be logical to
release it ASAP if they FEEL Caylee is out there.

It sounds like another fairy tale to me.
Well, today is Thursday and no news conference yet! Maybe a Friday cliffhanger for weekend fodder? :crazy:
The A's are puppets now. When this "new info" will serve KC's defense best, is when it will be released. It's only about creating "reasonable doubt". Maybe they know that the prosecution is planning to drop a bombshell, and this is to be used to neutralize that info. It's just strategy to them...this has NOTHING to do with poor Caylee.

Yes, I read a rumor that another document dump was coming soon.
Brought over from a now closed thread:

Here are two quotes from CA from clips on NG last night.

Cindy: "I know exactly where Caylee is at"

Cindy: "Until I know 100% where Caylee is at, I'm not gonna give up."

So, which statement is correct, Cindy?

Mine: And AS USUAL, the reporter just lets those totally conflicting statements just slide on by, without asking even one question about why Cindy said 2 completely different things! No wonder she continues to live in her fantasy world, no one ever calls her on it!!
Brought over from a now closed thread:

Here are two quotes from CA from clips on NG last night.

Cindy: "I know exactly where Caylee is at"

Cindy: "Until I know 100% where Caylee is at, I'm not gonna give up."

So, which statement is correct, Cindy?

Mine: And AS USUAL, the reporter just lets those totally conflicting statements just slide on by, without asking even one question about why Cindy said 2 completely different things! No wonder she continues to live in her fantasy world, no one ever calls her on it!!
Thank you for posting that Janis396,I caught that yesterday while reading the NG thread,but it was late and I was too tired to post it.I don't know why they didn't go further into those two statements.
I figured they would keep delaying the "announcement" while secretly hoping the
judge would put a gag order in place. That way they could whine around about
having big news but weren't allowed to broadcast what it was.

I doubt they have anything of great interest to say.
Wondering if the delay has anything to do with MN? Or vice versa...meaning did he quit because of what he knew they were going to be saying?
They have no new information and they know it. They also know Caylee is dead ... no doubt about it. One thing I am so sick of ... is hearing Nancy Grace say the grandparents are victims. Victims my you know what! How are they victims?? Victims of their own stupitdy?? The ONLY victim in this whole case is Caylee. :mad:

Actually they are victims too. Their precious granddaughter has been ripped from their lives *** POOF*** gone! They may think or know that she is dead, but be in deep denial. This may be the only way they know how to get through this.

Here is a terrific viewpoint:
Wondering if the delay has anything to do with MN? Or vice versa...meaning did he quit because of what he knew they were going to be saying?

Well, with MN gone, when will Bart announce no longer delaying the presser? Without MN there to field questions or do the lawyerly thing of "we have no comment about that", this presser is gonna turn into a free for all if the reporters have any gonads at all. I see it ending with a smackdown between DM & some poor hapless cameraman who gets in the way as DM lunges for a
I thought the update thread for today said that Milstead and his wife have disappeared. I wouldn't plan on them being at the press conference...I'd be surprised if there is one..everyone is either in hiding or quit...
brace yourself!! I think we have the Statement.

ORLANDO, Fla.(AP) Mark NeJame suggested in a statement Thursday some disagreements with George and Cindy Anthony and that there's little more he could do to help them in the search for their granddaughter Caylee.

Their daughter, Casey Anthony, is awaiting a January trial.
Caylee disappeared in June but her body has not been found.

Casey Anthony said she left the girl with a babysitter, who has
not been found.

Caylee's grandparents said she is still alive and will reveal
sightings later this week, a family spokeswoman said. NeJame
indicated he wished to follow all leads.

Calls to the Anthonys and NeJame were not immediately returned.

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