Anthony's in Denial? Why Stand by Casey? POLL ADDED Part#2

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What Do You Think Are The Reason(s) The Anthony's Are Standing Beside Casey...

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Jun 2, 2004
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What if much of GA and CA's behaviors ARE based on them knowing "from day one" (actually Day 31 when they both smelled the car) that Caylee was most likely dead and that Casey most likely was the cause of the death.

That sure would explain a lot of their subsequent behaviors, wouldn't it?

Things that bother me a lot:
1.) Why was Casey's car placed inside the garage rathr than outside in the driveway when it stunk so badly? (So someone could clean the trunk interior without being seen?)

2.) Why was Cindy washing Casey's clothing that was in the car?

And so much more. But these TWO actions are extremely suspect IMO.
What if much of GA and CA's behaviors ARE based on them knowing "from day one" (actually Day 31 when they both smelled the car) that Caylee was most likely dead and that Casey most likely was the cause of the death.

That sure would explain a lot of their subsequent behaviors, wouldn't it?

Things that bother me a lot:
1.) Why was Casey's car placed inside the garage rathr than outside in the driveway when it stunk so badly? (So someone could clean the trunk interior without being seen?)

2.) Why was Cindy washing Casey's clothing that was in the car?

And so much more. But these TWO actions are extremely suspect IMO.

1. Since they had not found Casey they put it in the garage to keep her from re taking the car they had just paid almost $500 to get back. Cindy was out looking for her and picking up Amy and George went to work. They did not want to leave it unattended. (From statements from GA and CA.)

2. Cindy says LE knew about the clothes in the car and passed on needing them or wanting them so she washed them. It does raise the question when that load of wash was done.
There are too many eyewitnesses to their denial. Not one of the people who have met them personally has said they feel they are involved in any way.

Truly, I believe they are in deep deep denial. My ex is the same with his kids, and so maybe it is easier for me to understand? I don't know.
There are too many eyewitnesses to their denial. Not one of the people who have met them personally has said they feel they are involved in any way.

Truly, I believe they are in deep deep denial. My ex is the same with his kids, and so maybe it is easier for me to understand? I don't know.
"Not one of the people who have met them personally has said they feel they are involved in any way"...Forgive me, I mean no disrespect, but how would you know this?
I just posted this in another thread. Since I was specifically saying that I don't believe George and Cindy are in denial at all, I thought it fit right in with this topic.

I truly don't think "denial" is the right word here. They are very defensive, and highly combative. They don't seem to care who they destroy in this silly game they continue to play day in and day out. They know their daughter is the culprit and they know she is the only one that can give them the answers and closure they need, but all others be damned. It's all about Casey for them. Poor Caylee never had a chance, IMO.

The public can only sympathize for so long. No, we wouldn't want to be in a similar situation, but that does not give them the right to attack, LE, TM, LP, MN, and on, and on, and on..... ad nauseam. Nor does it give them the right to put out pictures all over the Internet and TV (because they know reporters will run with it) of innocent children who are getting caught up in the game that this family wants to continue playing. My children are getting older now (16 will be 17 the day after Christmas, and my son just turned 18 this week), but I have NEVER put a single picture of them on the Internet and I would be more than PO'd if the Anthony family took it upon themselves to post ANY photos of them. I truly think I would be speaking to an attorney if I were the family of these little ones. IMO, this is just something that they cannot and should not get away with. It's NOT their right. What's even sadder is, George and Cindy are whining that LE won't allow them the ability to look at different video to ID Caylee. Well, we see what they do with this type of information when they have that luxury. IMO, they shouldn't be shown ANY of this video because they don't know where to draw the line.

Shame on you both, George and Cindy, if you read here.
FWIW, I have never thought them to be in denial. I have always felt George, Cindy, and Lee were in coverup mode.
"Not one of the people who have met them personally has said they feel they are involved in any way"...Forgive me, I mean no disrespect, but how would you know this?

I should have been more specific! I meant, not one of them who have met them personally have PUBLICALLY stated anything different. LE, LP, MN, and the list goes on. Not one has stated they were involved that I have seen. Even LP has stated that they are in denial, even though they "know" Caylee is dead.

There are too many eyewitnesses to their denial. Not one of the people who have met them personally has said they feel they are involved in any way.

Truly, I believe they are in deep deep denial. My ex is the same with his kids, and so maybe it is easier for me to understand? I don't know.

I don't think you have to believe they are involved to believe that they know full well that their daughter killed their grandchild. I don't believe they are in denial at all. I think they are out there trying to raise ANY kind of doubt so that their daughter is not convicted. That certainly doesn't mean that I believe they played any part in killing the child.
I don't ever recall thinking they were in denial. In my opinion, they knew and have been covering all this only question has been covering exactly what and for whom?
I don't mean that I don't think they are genuinely grieving. I think they are grieving. But from George's interview, he knew from the day he picked up the car. And Cindy saying "we've lost her" combined with Cindy's words about the dead body smell in the car leads me to believe she also knew.

1.) Casey's car did not need to be placed into the garage to keep her from taking it. George stated that one other time he had disabled the car to keep her from taking it. Plus he stated in the FBI interview that the smell was going into the house. Why would you not move that car outdoors if it reeked so badly?

2.) If LE told Cindy they didn't need the clothes after they got a wiff of the car in the garage, then they screwed up bigtime.
I don't think they're in denial, and I don't think they're trying to save Casey. I think it's as simple as the fact that they can continue to solicit donations to "look for a live Caylee," whereas if they admit that they know she is dead, there wouldn't be any reason to ask for donations. And I think that the reason they're not actually doing anything to look for a live Caylee is because there's just nothing to go on. No live Caylee to look for, and no real kidnapper to try to track down. It's hard to look for something that doesn't exist. So I guess their PIs are spending their time taking pictures of little girls in malls, instead.
Respectfully snipped....
1. Since they had not found Casey they put it in the garage to keep her from re taking the car they had just paid almost $500 to get back. Cindy was out looking for her and picking up Amy and George went to work. They did not want to leave it unattended. (From statements from GA and CA.)

2. Cindy says LE knew about the clothes in the car and passed on needing them or wanting them so she washed them. It does raise the question when that load of wash was done.

Very good and valid point, but remember...

1. In CA also told LE in one interview that they rmoved the battery just in case anyone tried to get the car. She went on to one in particular. (hmph right). Both CA and GA contend that Casey had open access to the house at any / all times; so, I can't see them parking the car in the garage (with or without battery-if battery was in garage too) as a method to keep "anybody"; specifically Casey from taking the car.

2. Although Cindy says LE knew about the clothes...I find that one hard to believe. Aside from the fact that she lies, or often tells mistruths; I think her emphatically stating all of the things that LE "didn't want / didn't take" were intentionally mentioned during interviews, because she was trying to cover her tracks.

I personally think that they started the clean up as soon as they got the car home. I can't imagine and don't believe that GA went to work after picking up the car. Remember the car smell was so bad, that just the thought of it made him physically sick during his interviews. IMO, NO WAY did he just drop the car and go to work.
To me, The A's do not have the look of someone not in denial.
I should have been more specific! I meant, not one of them who have met them personally have PUBLICALLY stated anything different. LE, LP, MN, and the list goes on. Not one has stated they were involved that I have seen. Even LP has stated that they are in denial, even though they "know" Caylee is dead.


Thanks for clarifying Kimster...You had my hinky meter honking with a flashing blue light. :rolleyes:

Agreed, no one that has met them has publicly stated that they are involved. It would have tremendous repercussions for anyone to do! Potentially false accusations do not go over well from a legal standpoint and I think many would be hard-pressed even if they do believe that there is some involvement to state so through the media. This doesn't mean that no one has considered the possibility...Just browsing through the top crime forum boards makes it quite clear that many do think that they have been complicit in, at the very least, covering up and that their "current state", five months since Caylee went missing, may no longer be a question of "denial".

I don't ever recall thinking they were in denial. In my opinion, they knew and have been covering all this only question has been covering exactly what and for whom?

I agree! They may have moments of 'How the H*l* did we get into this mess' but that is not denial. And the coverup is obvious from right after the 911 calls. (I almost said 'from day 1'! lol)
If LE got George, Cindy and Lee's cell phone records - which I would think they did - they could see on the records whether or not he made the calls he claims to have made from work.
I don't mean that I don't think they are genuinely grieving. I think they are grieving. But from George's interview, he knew from the day he picked up the car. And Cindy saying "we've lost her" combined with Cindy's words about the dead body smell in the car leads me to believe she also knew.

1.) Casey's car did not need to be placed into the garage to keep her from taking it. George stated that one other time he had disabled the car to keep her from taking it. Plus he stated in the FBI interview that the smell was going into the house. Why would you not move that car outdoors if it reeked so badly?

2.) If LE told Cindy they didn't need the clothes after they got a wiff of the car in the garage, then they screwed up bigtime.
They initially had the car in the garage but by the next day, when LE came to pick it up, it was in the roadway (per LE documents). So, they did what they needed to do and when they couldn't stand the stench any longer, they moved it.

In my opinion, they knew and have been covering all this only question has been covering exactly what and for whom?

Now that you mention it, I've wondered if there is a deep, dark secret in the Anthony family. Attempts to keep the world from finding out what it is could possibly explain some of their bizarre behavior. My only problem with that theory is that I just can't come up with anything that would be so secret and so horrible that they would be willing to let their daughter get away with anything, even murder, in order to keep it covered up. Maybe I just don't have a vivid enough imagination?

The donations angle is still what makes the most sense to me... although I'm not sure if they would have been thinking about that from the very beginning, would they? So maybe it doesn't explain their weird behavior early on, I don't know.
They just do not want to help put their daughter in prison, that's all. They know she is going to go, but they will not assist in getting her there.

Their whole world collapsed. I may not agree with what they say and do, but I feel so sorry for them all, except of course, KC.
They are not in denial.
Their number one priority from the moment that they realized what really happened has been Casey.
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