Anthony's in Denial? Why Stand by Casey? POLL ADDED Part#2

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What Do You Think Are The Reason(s) The Anthony's Are Standing Beside Casey...

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I agree! They may have moments of 'How the H*l* did we get into this mess' but that is not denial. And the coverup is obvious from right after the 911 calls. (I almost said 'from day 1'! lol)
Again, in my opinion...the covering up started long before the Day 31 911 calls.
I agree--it is a possibilty the parents of this woman-child are not in denial but have been doing what they have apparently done all Casey's life and that is accepting whatever she tells them. Pity these parents of such a child--talk about a hellion! Geeze!
And if I hear Cindy say "red flag or from day one," one more time, I will lose the contents of my stomach. The only red flag is Casey herself and from day one she has played them and doesn't care whatsoever what she does to them. She must really hate her parents.
I agree! They may have moments of 'How the H*l* did we get into this mess' but that is not denial. And the coverup is obvious from right after the 911 calls. (I almost said 'from day 1'! lol)
You have to watch that! Lol. I think that you're right. In fact, I think that LA's narrative of the events is missing a piece. According to him, CA first states "What have you done?" and then quickly moves to "Who took her?". I think that something was revealed in between there and that by the time LE arrived, they were already in cover-up mode!

I don't ever recall thinking they were in denial. In my opinion, they knew and have been covering all this only question has been covering exactly what and for whom?

SS...I am totally with you on this Page..I also wonder who they are covering up for..I have 2 in mind.
Now that you mention it, I've wondered if there is a deep, dark secret in the Anthony family. Attempts to keep the world from finding out what it is could possibly explain some of their bizarre behavior. My only problem with that theory is that I just can't come up with anything that would be so secret and so horrible that they would be willing to let their daughter get away with anything, even murder, in order to keep it covered up. Maybe I just don't have a vivid enough imagination?

The donations angle is still what makes the most sense to me... although I'm not sure if they would have been thinking about that from the very beginning, would they? So maybe it doesn't explain their weird behavior early on, I don't know.

I have also wondered about some family secret. They always seemed to push everyone away from the family home from what we have seen. No family or friends seem to run in & out. Why?

Surely they couldn't have immediatly jumped in with the idea that this would solve the financial problems? Later maybe but not so soon
I agree--it is a possibilty the parents of this woman-child are not in denial but have been doing what they have apparently done all Casey's life and that is accepting whatever she tells them. Pity these parents of such a child--talk about a hellion! Geeze!
And if I hear Cindy say "red flag or from day one," one more time, I will lose the contents of my stomach. The only red flag is Casey herself and from day one she has played them and doesn't care whatsoever what she does to them. She must really hate her parents.
George even admits, when he's talking about KC not graduating, that when they went to discuss the situation with the school, it came out that there had been problems since the Junior level. She's been "snowing" them for a long time - I do not believe for a second that this started happening a few months ago. She's certainly been lying to and stealing from them since High School! (It's quite clear that she had not informed them of her missing 1/2 credit until 3-4 days before the graduation ceremony itself. I have my doubts in fact that she informed them at all. It sounds like the school did!)


ETA - Just consider how the whole JG paternity issue is discussed as though it were nothing. She basically tried to tell someone he was the father of her child, with all of its implications, until she was proven wrong. Her parents don't seem to be in the least embarassed by this event. As if it were nothing! She tried to "dupe" someone in a manner that could have had (and now has had) an incredible impact on his life! They don't even express a minimum of humility over this...They overlook it completely as an indicator of her lying and deceitful behavior!

I don't think they're in denial, and I don't think they're trying to save Casey. I think it's as simple as the fact that they can continue to solicit donations to "look for a live Caylee," whereas if they admit that they know she is dead, there wouldn't be any reason to ask for donations. And I think that the reason they're not actually doing anything to look for a live Caylee is because there's just nothing to go on. No live Caylee to look for, and no real kidnapper to try to track down. It's hard to look for something that doesn't exist. So I guess their PIs are spending their time taking pictures of little girls in malls, instead.

100% agree with you about the donations and I think that's why they will continue on with Kid Finders even after the bad press. And about their PIs taking pictures of little girls in malls, I read someone else mentioning how would we know that it's actually not LA out taking pictures and sending back to them to help plant doubt? After I thought about that for a minute, you know, I wouldn't put it past them.
Now that you mention it, I've wondered if there is a deep, dark secret in the Anthony family. Attempts to keep the world from finding out what it is could possibly explain some of their bizarre behavior. My only problem with that theory is that I just can't come up with anything that would be so secret and so horrible that they would be willing to let their daughter get away with anything, even murder, in order to keep it covered up. Maybe I just don't have a vivid enough imagination?

The donations angle is still what makes the most sense to me... although I'm not sure if they would have been thinking about that from the very beginning, would they? So maybe it doesn't explain their weird behavior early on, I don't know.

People are generous, I bet the family began receiving checks immediately. We have had instances in my own family when a loved one died and people gave us money in a sympathy card. To some people it is a custom, and this case was so touching I can see a lot of people wanting to help and sending money was the only thing they could think of. I bet it started right away.
I have to disagree on one thing here & that is the photos.
First- the photos had to come from someone whether it be security camera or whatever. I highly doubt it was the Anthony's personally.
Second- The person/company that puts it into the media is the next responsible.
Can't blame the Anthony's for everything.
George even admits, when he's talking about KC not graduating, that when they went to discuss the situation with the school, it came out that there had been problems since the Junior level. She's been "snowing" them for a long time - I do not believe for a second that this started happening a few months ago. She's certainly been lying to and stealing from them since High School! (It's quite clear that she had not informed them of her missing 1/2 credit until 3-4 days before the graduation ceremony itself. I have my doubts in fact that she informed them at all. It sounds like the school did!)


ETA - Just consider how the whole JG paternity issue is discussed as though it were nothing. She basically tried to tell someone he was the father of her child, with all of its implications, until she was proven wrong. Her parents don't seem to be in the least embarassed by this event. As if it were nothing! She tried to "dupe" someone in a manner that could have had (and now has had) an incredible impact on his life! They don't even express a minimum of humility over this...They overlook it completely as an indicator of her lying and deceitful behavior!


Yes, that is interesting--as a father of two wonderful girls (young women now) and two boys, we knew who our children were with, where they were going, exactly what was happening in school and beyond--and took them to church all their lives. It wasn't that we were overly protective or nosey--it was because it was our job.
We are very fortunate in how all have grown and what they are doing but it was not an accident.
I would have said "maybe" previously but after listening to GA's FBI testimony yesterday I now believe that they are not in denial mode at all. Too much of this, like GA following her with his car, proves that they had a feeling or outright KNEW Casey was up to something. He states that she was in that car alone, but that she lost him. Something about that doesn't seem right to me.
I feel that some of us have been "had" so to speak by believing that GA is the good guy and CA is all bad.
It's beginning to look more like a "good cop/ bad cop" duo. IMO
If LE got George, Cindy and Lee's cell phone records - which I would think they did - they could see on the records whether or not he made the calls he claims to have made from work.

I am glad you brought this up, AlwaysShocked. I think that LE has looked at ALL of the Anthony's phone records as a whole and compared them. I think also that LE has looked at all of the Anthony's statements since the beginning to them and to the FBI and have found inconsistances. I do not feel that any of the statements are 100% true.

I personally would like to know if there was a time from the beginning that all of the Anthony's cell phone records show them out of town and in the same place at the same time. (sorry for the run on sentence) I personally believe that if Caylee is not buried DEEP under her playhouse, or DEEP under that hibiscus bush, she is buried out of town at a location known only to the Anthony's. I just have a VERY strong gut feeling about this. I think that the Anthony's privately feel confident that Caylee's body will not be found. When Casey stated, (talking about either LE or searchers), "They have not EVEN found Caylee's clothes." That is a damaging statement in and of itself that Caylee's clothes are in one place and she in another. JMO

So. I say back yard or out of town! MOO
Shotzie, are you thinking of the two I'm thinking of? Their adult children? I have always thought they are too close for brother not to know some of his sisters behavoirs since breaking off of her engagement to JG.
I have not read any of the comments. I do not believe the A's are in denial. Not once, in this whole sad and ugly saga.

Going to read the other comments now.
I agree--it is a possibilty the parents of this woman-child are not in denial but have been doing what they have apparently done all Casey's life and that is accepting whatever she tells them. Pity these parents of such a child--talk about a hellion! Geeze!
And if I hear Cindy say "red flag or from day one," one more time, I will lose the contents of my stomach. The only red flag is Casey herself and from day one she has played them and doesn't care whatsoever what she does to them. She must really hate her parents.


When I hear the phrase 'from day one', my eyes cross, my head twirls around, and yes, pea soup pours out! I am so very sick of it!

Day one began when Cindy got back from the nursing home on Father's Day and she and Casey had their 'confrontation'!
My thought also is WHY do they want their daughter home? I understand unconditional love, BUT it seems like much more to me. The FBI investigator was trying to tell GA in a round about way "Look, it's your daughter or your granddaughter here." This almost feels like KC has something on them. I know it sounds funny, but why would they not just face the facts and come to terms and say "Our daughter, needs help?"
Would anyone of us feel "warm and fuzzy" about having someone who is capable of the things she has done under our roof? I don't think so.
I am glad you brought this up, AlwaysShocked. I think that LE has looked at ALL of the Anthony's phone records as a whole and compared them. I think also that LE has looked at all of the Anthony's statements since the beginning to them and to the FBI and have found inconsistances. I do not feel that any of the statements are 100% true.

I personally would like to know if there was a time from the beginning that all of the Anthony's cell phone records show them out of town and in the same place at the same time. (sorry for the run on sentence) I personally believe that if Caylee is not buried DEEP under her playhouse, or DEEP under that hibiscus bush, she is buried out of town at a location known only to the Anthony's. I just have a VERY strong gut feeling about this. I think that the Anthony's privately feel confident that Caylee's body will not be found. When Casey stated, (talking about either LE or searchers), "They have not EVEN found Caylee's clothes." That is a damaging statement in and of itself that Caylee's clothes are in one place and she in another. JMO

So. I say back yard or out of town! MOO
Don't forget CA's response, when questioned at the Bond Hearing as to why she believed that daughter hadn't done anything to her grand-daughter...Because "there is no evidence"!
My thought also is WHY do they want their daughter home? I understand unconditional love, BUT it seems like much more to me. The FBI investigator was trying to tell GA in a round about way "Look, it's your daughter or your granddaughter here." This almost feels like KC has something on them. I know it sounds funny, but why would they not just face the facts and come to terms and say "Our daughter, needs help?"
Would anyone of us feel "warm and fuzzy" about having someone who is capable of the things she has done under our roof? I don't think so.

I agree, while I don't think KC is protecting anyone but herself with her silence, I think she has some sort of hold over the family. I think it might be something completely unrelated to Caylee's death, but shameful nonetheless, something that would threaten the artifice of normalcy that the As have tried to maintain.
I believe LE screwed up big time in several areas of this investigation, to tell you the truth.When Lee bropught Casey's "stuff" back from TL's and they dumped the contents of a bag out right in front of LE, asked the officer if she wanted to go through the things, then proceeded to sort through and actually retrieve $$ from a wallet, the police said nothing, did nothing.

The actual interviews of Casey were amateurish and completely nonproductive, in terms of anything relevant to Caylee. Then they compunded their error by charging her with "child neglect" and "economic crimes", assuring that she would "lawyer up", thereby preventing further interrogation without a lawyer's permission and presence. Sloppy police work.

None of that excuses Casey's lies and defiant refusal to supply accurate information.

The biggest mistake was Cindy's, who should have beaten the **** out of her mercilessly until she told where to find the baby. If she were mine, she'd have been stomped into a bloody pulp before the police were even called.

People are generous, I bet the family began receiving checks immediately. We have had instances in my own family when a loved one died and people gave us money in a sympathy card. To some people it is a custom, and this case was so touching I can see a lot of people wanting to help and sending money was the only thing they could think of. I bet it started right away.

I bet you're right. Remember the lady who picked up the bag of trash at the curb in front of the A's on trash day and then took it to her house and looked through it? Well when you look at that interview on local news archives when they went through the bag they showed all kinds of cards and letters, and I wonder how many of those had contained $$.

If link doesn't work, it's under "Woman Takes Trash From Anthony Home For Own Investigation"

(BTW, have another look at that torn ballcap in that trash bag too!)
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