Anthony's in Denial? Why Stand by Casey? POLL ADDED Part#2

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What Do You Think Are The Reason(s) The Anthony's Are Standing Beside Casey...

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The hearing for the Gag Order is Tuesday, November 25th. I do hope the judge grants it and the Anthony's are made to shut up. Maybe then Cindy will get rested and can pull herself together before we witness a big meltdown on national TV.
IMO, Cindy needs time to practice keeping her mouth shut before trial because she has been so out of control that she will probably be held in contempt of court the moment the prosecutor begins to question her.

IMO, it is time for all of the key players in this to be quiet and wait for trial.
Just curious here... hasn't OSCO been able to block certain things from being released? It seems so, as several interviews are still under lock and key, Sunshine Law notwithstanding. Aren't they able to green light or red light any release? So why would they be worried? Unless it's so explosive, as the Judge says, they can't take a chance of it being leaked?

You would have to ask this question of someone more knowledgeable than me, but from what I understand, anything that is released, will be released to the public if the gag is not imposed. I agree that so far the state has held back with releasing certain things, but I'm not sure once they are turned over to the defense via discovery, that we won't be privy to it all at that time too without a gag order.
I don't think they are in denial. I think they are liars and I think they are playing us for stupid the same way their daughter is.
I think we were given a hint of somethings to come in the interviews with the FBI and GA.
I am not so sure about getting a gag order in the State of Florida, because of the Sunshine Law.
I do have a feeling that they will get it. I do believe like Judge N. said it is because something is way to sensitive to be let out before the trial.
I think they have lived in a state of denial long before Caylee went missing! Look at the way they talk...using the word mis-truth instead of just calling it a lie. Who needs a euphimism in their household for lying. Stealing and partying, according to Cindy, just 22 yr old stuff! EVERYTHING was nothing and now it's way too much of something and they just don't know how to play for real. OH NO...Did I just to Anthony speak?

Yes you did, and it hurts so please don't do it anymore...:eek:
:blowkiss: I am kidding, sortof, but not really...but in a backward sort of way your comments raised red flags to me that are very important and I am absolutely positive that what I am really saying is that I was kidding, in a way and in another way I wasn't, but moreso than not, if you can understand on that level...
I think we were given a hint of somethings to come in the interviews with the FBI and GA.
I am not so sure about getting a gag order in the State of Florida, because of the Sunshine Law.
I do have a feeling that they will get it. I do believe like Judge N. said it is because something is way to sensitive to be let out before the trial.

Sensitive. I am not sure that I can understand what could be that sensitive...some evidence that they have uncovered that they feel would make things WORSE on Casey or ??? I am having a hard time understanding what kind of sensitive or inflammatory material this could be. Could someone give me an example like I am in elementary school please?:)
Denial, I don't believe is the correct term-their behavior has been unnatural-and very erratic-there has been no consistency-not in statements or in actions. I feel that if the truly believed Caylee to be alive and held captive- they would promote her safe return instead of promoting funds for this or that. I have yet to hear either one of them ask that she be safely returned home- nor have they spoke out directly to her. I believe that CA knows exactly what happened from that very 1st 911 call- and is simply trying to camouflage the truth whether it be to protect her daughter or herself-I believe GA is definately more in the dark as to the truth- to what degree, I have no idea-
Sensitive. I am not sure that I can understand what could be that sensitive...some evidence that they have uncovered that they feel would make things WORSE on Casey or ??? I am having a hard time understanding what kind of sensitive or inflammatory material this could be. Could someone give me an example like I am in elementary school please?:)

I would guess it's something damaging to an a person other than Casey?
FWIW, I have never thought them to be in denial. I have always felt George, Cindy, and Lee were in coverup mode.

:clap: 100% agree LaLAw...and they are covering up for themselves as well...
no not in denial. At their core they know the truth. They just can't allow anybody else knowing the truth because of how bad it would reflect on them personally, thus the insatiable amount of energy expended to control the message. It's the height of selfishness. I also don't see any grieving.
I think they are covering BIG time and after watching these interviews, I have no compassion for them at all. They are boldly lying to LE and FBI and I am so surprised that they can get away with that.

I think these interviews were the straw that broke the camel's back for MN and that he wanted far, far away from these nut job/cons.
Sensitive. I am not sure that I can understand what could be that sensitive...some evidence that they have uncovered that they feel would make things WORSE on Casey or ??? I am having a hard time understanding what kind of sensitive or inflammatory material this could be. Could someone give me an example like I am in elementary school please?:)
Maybe KC took a picture of her after she'd killed her? As cold hearted as she is I swear I wouldn't put anything past her :shakehead: Or maybe they found her remains (although I think it would have been hard to slip that past the media)??
I find what I'm about to post to be the most distasteful words anyone on this board has ever uttered, but I'm going there anyway.

We know that prosecutors are asking for a gag order. While it's simply speculation, Judge Napolitano has stated he believes something is going to be released that is so highly inflammatory against Casey that prosecutors don't want the information released till trial. You can see the video here:

Above video clip, re: gag order

When the judge was saying the gag order forbids anyone involved directly in the case to talk to anyone, other than "your priest in confession or your spouse on the pillow" it brought to mind the dream I had last night, that I posted in the Psychic thread. Weird. Here is the dream:

Casey was sitting in a bed, propped up by a pillow and the blanket was like a crazy-quilt, you know, with all of these squares of fabric, different patterns, colors. And sitting next to her, talking with her, was this man dressed in a priest's garb (black robe with the white notch in the collar). This "priest" was talking in a stereotypically flamboyant "gay" way--you know, the loud, lispy voice, the hand gestures, etc.

They were talking about how she could best convince the jury that she was insane, to get out of the charges. She said that she could say she was insane while she was commiting the crime. He said ohhhh noooo!...You can't say THAT! And they were both laughing.

Any comments? Interested to know what it could mean.
I find what I'm about to post to be the most distasteful words anyone on this board has ever uttered, but I'm going there anyway.

We know that prosecutors are asking for a gag order. While it's simply speculation, Judge Napolitano has stated he believes something is going to be released that is so highly inflammatory against Casey that prosecutors don't want the information released till trial. You can see the video here:

Again, I realize he is speculating, but I believe his speculation is based on experience and I imagine he knows a bit more than most people.

What could be so inflammatory that prosecutors wouldn't want it out there? Well, we know that LP has stated that Lee is Caylee's father. We also know that afterward, Lee has run behind the scenes and no one knows what's up with him anymore. Now, I'm not saying that this is what's going on, but, I am really starting to wonder if there isn't some truth to all this?

ITA. Maybe LP was onto something after all. This theory certainly would explain ALOT in regards to the behaviour of KC and the rest of the A's.

We already know so much about this case, a gag order would not be necessary unless whatever is coming next is INCREDIABLY sensitive and prejudicious.
I haven't seen Cindy's interview tapes yet, but it was clear from George's interview that both he and Cindy had seriously entertained the thought of Casey being guilty. At one point George tells the agent they wondered if Casey buried Caylee somewhere on their property.(I think they even did some digging themselves?IIRC)

At another point in the interview George starts talking about knowing Casey's fate. He knows she's going to be put away. He talks about gen pop and how people who are put in prison for hurting children are treated in jail. You can see that he's turning inside out at this point...never mentioning the death penalty...but it stands to reason his mind goes there. IMO, this is the true basis for George and Cindy's denial. It's as if they're standing on the train tracks waving their hands around--thinking this will stop the speeding train. Sadly it's not going to have a good outcome.
I don't think either one of them is in denial. I think Cindy has literally lost her mind. She has had a mental break somewhere along the way and she is officially C*R**advertiser censored*Z*Y. I think George knows full well what the score is but because of his wifes mental illness he can't bring himself to do anything more *publically* than support her and pretend he believes Caylee is alive. She's dead, he knows it and he knows his daughter killed her. You can see that in his interviews with LE. He may not come right out and say it, but the implication is there nonetheless. I think he has been as honest as he knows how to be with LE.

I agree that CA has totally lost it or is close to it, but GA needs to end this game. I am sorry they lost their granddaughter and know they are hurting, but enough is enough.
It would be interesting to know if Cindy asked about Caylee when she first called Amy. After smelling the dead smell in the car Cindy may have known she was looking for Casey only and therefore, did not even ask about Caylee.
I think they are covering BIG time and after watching these interviews, I have no compassion for them at all. They are boldly lying to LE and FBI and I am so surprised that they can get away with that.

I think these interviews were the straw that broke the camel's back for MN and that he wanted far, far away from these nut job/cons.

IF they are ALL are covering, why did CA call 911?
IF they are ALL are covering, why did CA call 911?

She thought she was just scaring Casey, thinking it would force her to come clean with what happened to the car and where Caylee was. It flew out of control once Lee got there and started pulling information out of Casey. Cindy truly panicked then, and it's probably the only time we've heard true words come out her mouth, were on those 911 calls.
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