Anthony's in hiding due to death threats per WFTV

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Since when does someone that is really out to harm you notify you by making death threats first. So you can take evasive measures, lol? If people were out to get them, they would just DO IT!!! They're still inserting themselves in the news as usual. I hate them all.
I just want all of you to take notice and spread the word...DO NOT BUY OR SPEND ONE DIME ON ANY BOOK THOSE <modsnip> JURORS WRITE OR ANY MAGAZINE THEY MAY GIVE AN INTERVIEW TO.....hopefully, if all the publishers and magazines are boycotted they will just drop it and KC and the jurors and Baez will not profit from this. But it will only happen if nobody purchases any of their publications.

Don't watch the shows either. They track viewer watching.....this is so insane. For instance if 20/20 or those other big new shows advertise this Friday at 10, blah, blah, blah, just don't turn it on. I know it could be hard, but for me I have no interest in hearing what KC's 12 new BFF have to say regarding their decision of why they came to their decision, so it won't be hard for me!!!

How so? This can't possibly be true. Nobody knows what I have on my television at the moment. I'm not a Neilson family. Please don't perpetuate that myth.
OMG Now Lippman saying he got a fax of death threats from people who searched for Caylee. Really?
Oh my, HLN Jane V reporting A's Atty received an email warning of violence/threats by those who searched for Caylee....
What I find really sad is there is no one who will file a wrongful death civil charge against Casey like the Browns did to OJ - no one.

Could Rick Pleasea be eligible to do that? At least the real ZF-G has the Civil suit against them coming up!
OMG Now Lippman saying he got a fax of death threats from people who searched for Caylee. Really?

And who are the ones protecting them once again.

The very people they lied on. Orange County Law Enforcement.

I think the A's need to go ahead and get their own protection and pay for it. Florida tax payers are tired of this. At least I am.
I'm in the process of moving to Pinellas County, Fl and I am ashamed to admit it. I'm so afraid that I'll find out one of my neighbors would be one of the jurors. Like one afternoon they'd brag about it and I'd be forced to slap them and walk away.

back on track....

You know what scares me about this? Casey is going to be so emboldened by this...her narcissism is going to go through the roof, I mean she killed her baby and then got away with that! It's going to be such a boost to her ego...

at least until she realizes she won't ever be able to get a job....

I have this feeling she's going to party party party and will end up being on "Celebrity Rehab" in the near future.
I just don't care. Also don't believe anything they or their lawyer claim.
And who are the ones protecting them once again.

The very people they lied on. Orange County Law Enforcement.

I think the A's need to go ahead and get their own protection and pay for it. Florida tax payers are tired of this. At least I am.

As a former Floridian and a native...I concur.:rocker:
Could Rick Pleasea be eligible to do that? At least the real ZF-G has the Civili suit against them coming up!

If anyone GA should for all the BS ICA put him through.

He did not look too happy when verdict was read. And CA had a smirk. Unreal!
Hey A's, please don't ask for my help, dang I don't even think ws's will help you.
I could see death threats against ICA but not GA and CA. I thought CA wouldn't make any comments until she could get paid big bucks for them.

Think I'll wait for an official statement on this. Nothing personal. Just have a hard time taking anything from the Anthony family to heart without verification.
I just don't care. Also don't believe anything they or their lawyer claim.
Can you just imagine OCSO believing them if they do have to call them.:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
I'm in the process of moving to Pinellas County, Fl and I am ashamed to admit it. I'm so afraid that I'll find out one of my neighbors would be one of the jurors. Like one afternoon they'd brag about it and I'd be forced to slap them and walk away.

back on track....

You know what scares me about this? Casey is going to be so emboldened by this...her narcissism is going to go through the roof, I mean she killed her baby and then got away with that! It's going to be such a boost to her ego...

at least until she realizes she won't ever be able to get a job....

I have this feeling she's going to party party party and will end up being on "Celebrity Rehab" in the near future.

She never wanted a job!!
Well, they may be getting death threats, IDK, but they will magically come out of hiding in the next couple of days and appear in New York or California for news interviews. Whomever has the most money to offer will get them for first 'exclusive' interviews. Just sayin....................
I am FOREVER done with this sick, twisted, evil, greedy family and Esp. Casey.

I hope Casey gets what's coming to her. I believe People hate her more than they did Karla H. I hope Casey lives in Hell for the rest of her life on earth and I hope she is in fear everyday for her life.
Here's my take....let them live a long, long life unharmed. For all of you that supported LWOP vs. the DP, it is the same concept:

They will never enjoy a night out with their daughter without hearing chants of "baby killer"
They will never be given a break if they so much as go over the speed limit by 1 MPH and are caught
They will never have an argument about the most mundane matters without this rearing its head emotionally
Their extended families will not want them around, they already don't
All of KC's friends will be on par with her as far as integrity and morality
If KC has a child, it will never cease to frighten them when they don't hear the child's voice, or make them think of what happened to Caylee
The stress has taken its physical toll
They'll always look over their shoulders
Zenaida will get the last well as the IRS for every penny she ever makes (this last evasion is not the only time she will owe them)
Recidivism is alive and well-Especially considering the murdress is a 6 time convicted felon who already had 911 called on her several times prior to the murder

And on and on. They will always suffer and they will always know what KC did.They cannot cleanse it with money, with fame, with this ridiculous verdict.

I cried through the verdict this morning. Thank you so much for writing this, it really helped me see things more clearly.

I have to step away and avoid all mention of the Anthonys for the time being...I've been following it for 3 years like so many of you and this verdict was really personal to me.

WS was and is the best place to get unfiltered news though :)
Oh well...guess they should've have thought about that beforehand! Thanks to the lies from them and their daughter...if something does happen to them the perp's will know exactly what to say and do to make sure they get away with murder! IMO
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