Anthony's Paid Fees For Video, Pictures Used In Interviews

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How funny Zsa Zsa, that is a very common thing that does go on, personal assistants, hairdressers, favorite waiters are paid small fees for the work the person hires them to do, but how they really make their money is that they true employer is the Star, Enquirer, and sadly even some more mainstream news organizations that pay obscene amounts for the inside stories and exclusive photos. It would have been no shock at all had a undercover reporter accepted one of these jobs and laughed all the way to the bank. Even Hoover admitted, often that his entire interest in "volunteering" was that his photos would be worth money one day. I spit my pop all over my computer when I read the post that joked since they likely got no takers, Mallory and Dominick became the official assistants. That is hysterical! Now that we know all that Tracey and Rob observed in in only nine days, it would be very interesting to hear from any "assistant" fly on the wall in that home over months.

You may get your wish one day. The Enquirer empire has been known to unofficially "embed" reporters and detectives in situations (like the guy who wrote the Jon Benet Ramsey book), either openly or under cover. Personally, I always wondered if Hoover was one of them; he used a lot of time and gas money to "protect" the Anthonys from protestors and supposed harm. He was also pretty nervous about explaining his exact involvement (or lack thereof) contractually with the situation. It will be interesting to see what voices pop up later in this case, as well as the associations they have.
Have you looked at the website lately? Yesterday there were over 250 comments posted, they are going to have some VERY irate (ex) viewers if it airs by the looks of it..:cool:

IMOO - I think CBS could care less - you know that old Hollywood saying "there IS no bad publicity"
IMOO - I think CBS could care less - you know that old Hollywood saying "there IS no bad publicity"

CBS is on the list of 10 companies that are veering towards bankruptcy in the near future.

"7. CBS
Weak advertising and falling license fees have sent CBS's earnings off a cliff in 2009.

If they remain depressed for too long, the company could have trouble refinancing $3.2 billion of debt coming due over the next five years.",LVS,S,M,GT,MYL,HTZ

So, there's a desperate attempt by CBS to boost their ratings and generate income in the short term. So, they purposely selected the most controversial people for 48-Hours.
WESH article from today:
"Also on Friday, Cindy Anthony's attorney Brad Conway said no interview has ever been paid for during his representation of the Anthonys."

Yes Brad, we know interviews aren't paid for. It's the pictures and video! :furious:

Has anyone else noticed that it seems that ALL various counsel involved with the A family have a problem with semantics. Perhaps, given the A's fondness for mistruths and word salad, they looked for that particular quality in the counsel they retained?? Just a thought.
WESH article from today:
"Also on Friday, Cindy Anthony's attorney Brad Conway said no interview has ever been paid for during his representation of the Anthonys."

Yes Brad, we know interviews aren't paid for. It's the pictures and video! :furious:

Anthony Family Fires Spokesman
Caylee Anthony Last Seen In June

POSTED: Wednesday, November 12, 2008
UPDATED: 5:23 pm EST November 12, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- The Anthony family fired its spokesman on Wednesday, accusing him of accepting payments for booking Caylee Anthony's grandparents on TV shows.

Mark NeJame, the attorney representing George and Cindy Anthony, provided an invoice to Local 6 News, which showed Larry Garrison's purported signature on a bill to NBC for $6,500.

NeJame said his clients did not know that Garrison was being compensated and the Anthonys were not paid any of the money.

"He was basically being a pimp," NeJame said.

Garrison released a statement, saying he was not fired but resigned his position.

"Due to the erratic behavior over the last several months exhibited by the Anthony family, Larry Garrison is resigning as their spokesperson. It is my opinion that others have manipulated them into situations, that would not dignify the family. I can no longer be part of that behavior. I wish them all the peace and resolution they so deserve. The truth always comes out in the end, and in this case 'The truth is better than the spin,'" the statement said.

Remember when this all went down? Cindy was livid!!! It is around this time, I believe, that Cindy realized how to cut out the middle man and keep the money for the "licensing" of all things Caylee!!:furious:
Regarding licensing all things "Caylee", I actually looked up whether of not the A clan had trademarked their owns names, address, statements, etc.... in an effort to thwart writers from cashing in on THEIR likeness. None yet.... any takers??
Regarding licensing all things "Caylee", I actually looked up whether of not the A clan had trademarked their owns names, address, statements, etc.... in an effort to thwart writers from cashing in on THEIR likeness. None yet.... any takers??

I can think of one!!!
Anthony Family Fires Spokesman
Caylee Anthony Last Seen In June

POSTED: Wednesday, November 12, 2008
UPDATED: 5:23 pm EST November 12, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- The Anthony family fired its spokesman on Wednesday, accusing him of accepting payments for booking Caylee Anthony's grandparents on TV shows.

Mark NeJame, the attorney representing George and Cindy Anthony, provided an invoice to Local 6 News, which showed Larry Garrison's purported signature on a bill to NBC for $6,500.

NeJame said his clients did not know that Garrison was being compensated and the Anthonys were not paid any of the money.

"He was basically being a pimp," NeJame said.

Garrison released a statement, saying he was not fired but resigned his position.

"Due to the erratic behavior over the last several months exhibited by the Anthony family, Larry Garrison is resigning as their spokesperson. It is my opinion that others have manipulated them into situations, that would not dignify the family. I can no longer be part of that behavior. I wish them all the peace and resolution they so deserve. The truth always comes out in the end, and in this case 'The truth is better than the spin,'" the statement said.

Remember when this all went down? Cindy was livid!!! It is around this time, I believe, that Cindy realized how to cut out the middle man and keep the money for the "licensing" of all things Caylee!!:furious:

I don't think Brad is like Baez, just misguided. Since he offices with Nejame I am hoping Nejame can be of some influence and mentor him regarding ethical dilemmas with clients. I do not mean this in an offensive way at all. Good people like Mr. Miller and Mr, Nejame having to separate themselves from the Anthonys is very compelling to me. I do not think it is beyond the Anthonys to lie to Brad, or one another, to Lee for example. It is his job to present them in the best possible light, so of course he is going to split hairs and say they weren't paid for the interview (they were paid for the photos, etc.). At the depos he seemed so green and inexperienced I felt a little sorry for him. Even now, I have this poor Brad feeling when he comes to their defense publicly. I just don't see him the way I do Baez as lying, I see him as naive. Maybe it is I who is naiive and searching high and low for a good guy in this cast of characters.
Regarding licensing all things "Caylee", I actually looked up whether of not the A clan had trademarked their owns names, address, statements, etc.... in an effort to thwart writers from cashing in on THEIR likeness. None yet.... any takers??

Not sure if we are supposed to discuss the "money" aspect of this (I seem to remember some off limits stuff way back when), but I think that is why they formed the Caylee corporation or whatever it is, so that the money generated from the trademark can go through that (as well as the "licensing fees"), thus reducing the income liability for the Ants. They are officers of the corp and take $ that way, a small income, and most likely all of their bills are funneled through the corp.

Mods if we can't talk about this, please delete and I'm sorry.
I don't think Brad is like Baez, just misguided. Since he offices with Nejame I am hoping Nejame can be of some influence and mentor him regarding ethical dilemmas with clients. I do not mean this in an offensive way at all. Good people like Mr. Miller and Mr, Nejame having to separate themselves from the Anthonys is very compelling to me. I do not think it is beyond the Anthonys to lie to Brad, or one another, to Lee for example. It is his job to present them in the best possible light, so of course he is going to split hairs and say they weren't paid for the interview (they were paid for the photos, etc.). At the depos he seemed so green and inexperienced I felt a little sorry for him. Even now, I have this poor Brad feeling when he comes to their defense publicly. I just don't see him the way I do Baez as lying, I see him as naive. Maybe it is I who is naiive and searching high and low for a good guy in this cast of characters.

If you watch Brad in early interviews, when he first came into the case, he was being truthful and I thought he was going to be a good influence on the Anthonys. Seemed to be a pretty good guy.

As time went on however, it seems to be that instead, the Anthony's have been a bad influence on him. I still think he's a good guy at heart, but it's obvious that he covers for the Anthony's, and being around them has changed him and the way he deals with the media.

I'll have to look and see if I can find some of those early interviews to compare with later ones.

He doesn't office with Nejame, their offices are just on the same floor of a high-rise office building.
If you watch Brad in early interviews, when he first came into the case, he was being truthful and I thought he was going to be a good influence on the Anthonys. Seemed to be a pretty good guy.

As time went on however, it seems to be that instead, the Anthony's have been a bad influence on him. I still think he's a good guy at heart, but it's obvious that he covers for the Anthony's, and being around them has changed him and the way he deals with the media.

I'll have to look and see if I can find some of those early interviews to compare with later ones.

He doesn't office with Nejame, their offices are just on the floor of the same high-rise office building.

You are so right about BC, and it's almost as if the Anthony's condition of telling mistruths is contagious to those around them.
I still remember BC telling the media that Caylee's remains had not yet been released to C&G (but the truth was) that she had already been cremated.
I agree that BC seemed an honest man in the very beginning, but since then he's lied looking straight into the camera at us often enough that I no longer believe anything he says. The lies irritate me, but when he plays word-games with us to fool us, it disgusts me. I should give examples, but i don't want to review all his statements and ruin my day. His "word-games" are the kind the networks use when they announce the Anthony's weren't paid for their interview (while leaving out that they were paid licensing fees for photographs instead). To deal with people like BC, questions have to be broad, i.e., "Did the Anthony's receive any money from the network?" Of course, if the check was made out to Caylee's foundation, or a corporation started up and owned by the A's, that question could be answered no." More word games. Hate them. Hmmm... Suppose instead of paying money to the A's, the network bought them a couple of cars. In that case, BC could state the Anythonys have received no money from any network. Suppose the A's had the network write the check directly to BC (to cover costs he's incurring defending them). If so, then BC could, again, answer the question no.

In that case, the only way to avoid being waltzed down the garden path into a convenient loophole by BC and his ilk, the question would have to be phrased something like this: "Have--or will--the Anthonys or their representatives receive compensation in any form, either directly or indirectly, from the network now or in the future?"
I do agree now that all of you help me recall, there has been a significant change in him over these months, drinking the kool-aide . So many lives ruined in this mess is staggering. At least it can be used against them if they get up on the stand and start giving the DA a hard time, most good people are going to be repulsed by the idea that they have made money off of that little Angel's story, and find them incredible.
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