Any psychic sleuthers? Would like opinions (visions,feelings,PSYCHIC dreams)Part2

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In this one I clearly see a butterfly.
At the top I see in the middle a baby bird with two maybe baby bunnies on either side.


This one I see the devil. It actually made me very uneasy.

That second one actually took my was so frightening to me. I don't see a devil, but mutilation, like a head destroyed.
here is the ink blot I did this morning....I tried nail polish this time & pink construction paper...the colors of polish were not chosen for any other reason than they were the only two I own!!! lol--im not a real girlie girl!! lol

anyhow--the blot took some time to speak to me...actually it took form (for me -anyhow) when I took the picture with my camera of the blot

-I was waiting for it to dry-to scan it & I was too I took a photo of it...once- on the kitchen table- where I 'made' it & then in the window with the natural light behind it , as to allow others to see the 'more metallic' paint clearer.

The Question I was focused on was : "Caylee ,Did someone hurt you ? Or did some one take you away somewhere?"

I felt the need to re-assure with prayer & energy that it was "ok" for Caylee to 'show me'...and I told her 'repeatedly-that I love her!'and that I was proud of her for all her help!' I felt calm & decided it was time to 'blot'!:woohoo:

so-what do you think?/See?/feel? if anything??????

any thoughts...Im holding onto mine till after a few of yours..:blushing: smile!

Thanks in advance!~ sister



In the one that is up against the window. I see the back of a girl with a ponytail with arms crossed. She has on a hooded sweatshirt. (I see the small hood below the ponytail.) The girls image stops at the waist and butt. She is looking at a "bundle" in the middle of the page. I also see turtles at the bottom of the page. It is mirror image.
that is interesting, cuz i thought that at first also-and then leaned towards'turtle'..but just looking somethings up about the meaning of OAK TRESS-WHICH PRODUCE ACORNS...I FOUND THIS:

In Celtic mythology it is the tree of doors, believed to be a gateway between worlds, or a place where portals could be erected.THINGS THAT MAKE YOU GO HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM:waitasec:?

Yes, lots of acorns in Florida - the SQUIRRELS love them!!! Only on very large, old oak trees though. If you have one of those trees in your yard, you have probably dinged your car when the lawnmower hits them!! As a kid we used to have fights with them - they can hurt! But they are only on the really big and really old oaks - East Orlando (Oviedo, Chuluots, etc) , Sanford, downtown Winter Park are about the only places I remember ever seeing them. I have one in my backyard here on the East Coast.
that is interesting, cuz i thought that at first also-and then leaned towards'turtle'..but just looking somethings up about the meaning of OAK TRESS-WHICH PRODUCE ACORNS...I FOUND THIS:

In Celtic mythology it is the tree of doors, believed to be a gateway between worlds, or a place where portals could be erected.THINGS THAT MAKE YOU GO HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM:waitasec:?

Like the elephant many see............Elephants cry and moan when they lose another elephant. They even cry real tears.


....apperas immediatly-as someone else mentioned-as the DEVIL...., after examining it flipped upsdide down-I can still see a DEVIL-yet I get the feeling of just a gruesome 'bloody mess' -tissue-flesh-very vivid!


That second one actually took my was so frightening to me. I don't see a devil, but mutilation, like a head destroyed.
I have the original in front of me. I used a little too much paint and it was old and lumpy. I just looked at it again and you can see a bird, like a parakeet, on the top of the "head" with its wings spread. I agree with what you said, not a devil. It reminds me of when a friend of mine was in a really bad accident and her femur bone came through her leg. Her leg was split open and looked like Jaws took a bite out of her leg. It was really bad to look at and had similar dark spots throughout.

As to my other one - the brown butterfly one, I just studied that a little more too. On the butterfly, I see a mummy child climbing up each side. I also see an animal, possiblly an elephant on each side of the head of the baby chick or whatever that figure is. I also see a turtle's head and leg, mostly on the right, lower part of the "chick". I have come back to say that looking further into the belly of the chick, I see a girl's body, maybe headless, with white underwear on and now maybe that chick is an alligator. I also see some sort of wild cats in the turtles part of the legs. The more you look the more you find.
Yes, lots of acorns in Florida - the SQUIRRELS love them!!! Only on very large, old oak trees though. If you have one of those trees in your yard, you have probably dinged your car when the lawnmower hits them!! As a kid we used to have fights with them - they can hurt! But they are only on the really big and really old oaks - East Orlando (Oviedo, Chuluots, etc) , Sanford, downtown Winter Park are about the only places I remember ever seeing them. I have one in my backyard here on the East Coast.

I'm born and raised in Florida, been here 48 years, and I have yet to see an acorn.

I have seen a pecker tree though.
Check this out - my daughter just turned seven and is VERY spiritual. When she was three we had to annoint her room and pray over it because she said that a black monster would sit on her chest and whisper things to her that were bad. We told her to tell it to go away in the name of Jesus and she did... when she did that she said that the monster used to be nice and now he is mean and outside her door. I know. Crazy, right?? Well she doesn't know ANYTHING about this case AT ALL. This morning she told me that she had a bad dream that I took her to go swimming. She said the water was yucky looking and I told her it was okay - that I'd watch her swim. Then she said an alligator came up out of the water and grabbed her leg and she couldn't swim and I just stood there watching. Then she woke up. Make of it what you will... but I found it totally disturbing. She also had a dream once that she went into the bathroom and saw a baby in the toilet - her brother. That she wanted him to be okay but he was dead. I had lost a baby and hadn't told them. Anyway. Just thought I'd share.
Check this out - my daughter just turned seven and is VERY spiritual. When she was three we had to annoint her room and pray over it because she said that a black monster would sit on her chest and whisper things to her that were bad. We told her to tell it to go away in the name of Jesus and she did... when she did that she said that the monster used to be nice and now he is mean and outside her door. I know. Crazy, right?? Well she doesn't know ANYTHING about this case AT ALL. This morning she told me that she had a bad dream that I took her to go swimming. She said the water was yucky looking and I told her it was okay - that I'd watch her swim. Then she said an alligator came up out of the water and grabbed her leg and she couldn't swim and I just stood there watching. Then she woke up. Make of it what you will... but I found it totally disturbing. She also had a dream once that she went into the bathroom and saw a baby in the toilet - her brother. That she wanted him to be okay but he was dead. I had lost a baby and hadn't told them. Anyway. Just thought I'd share.
Alligators are playing a huge part of the theme of these inkblots too. Look at my post just above, about my brown butterfly inkblot. In fact, here is the inkblot and a picture of a stuffed animal alligator:

Check this out - my daughter just turned seven and is VERY spiritual. When she was three we had to annoint her room and pray over it because she said that a black monster would sit on her chest and whisper things to her that were bad. We told her to tell it to go away in the name of Jesus and she did... when she did that she said that the monster used to be nice and now he is mean and outside her door. I know. Crazy, right?? Well she doesn't know ANYTHING about this case AT ALL. This morning she told me that she had a bad dream that I took her to go swimming. She said the water was yucky looking and I told her it was okay - that I'd watch her swim. Then she said an alligator came up out of the water and grabbed her leg and she couldn't swim and I just stood there watching. Then she woke up. Make of it what you will... but I found it totally disturbing. She also had a dream once that she went into the bathroom and saw a baby in the toilet - her brother. That she wanted him to be okay but he was dead. I had lost a baby and hadn't told them. Anyway. Just thought I'd share.
Her dream made me think of this inkblot I did about Caylee a few days ago.
( down towards the bottom I see a girl with her arms raised, in the water, like she wants rescued)
Her dream made me think of this inkblot I did about Caylee a few days ago.
( down towards the bottom I see a girl with her arms raised, in the water, like she wants rescued)
Alyzabeth strikes again! I definitely see the little girl with her arms up. It looks like she has a striped shirt on. If you look to each side of her, there are big birds. I see some other figures . . . kinda like the first one that you did. The totem pole/guru type. This is very fascinating.
Yes, lots of acorns in Florida - the SQUIRRELS love them!!! Only on very large, old oak trees though. If you have one of those trees in your yard, you have probably dinged your car when the lawnmower hits them!! As a kid we used to have fights with them - they can hurt! But they are only on the really big and really old oaks - East Orlando (Oviedo, Chuluots, etc) , Sanford, downtown Winter Park are about the only places I remember ever seeing them. I have one in my backyard here on the East Coast.
I believe that we have also seen acorns in at least one, maybe two inkblots, as well as at least one squirrel.
Alyzabeth strikes again! I definitely see the little girl with her arms up. It looks like she has a striped shirt on. If you look to each side of her, there are big birds. I see some other figures . . . kinda like the first one that you did. The totem pole/guru type. This is very fascinating.
For some odd reason, all my inkblots have all their activity right up the middle with a few
here is the ink blot I did this morning....I tried nail polish this time & pink construction paper...the colors of polish were not chosen for any other reason than they were the only two I own!!! lol--im not a real girlie girl!! lol

anyhow--the blot took some time to speak to me...actually it took form (for me -anyhow) when I took the picture with my camera of the blot

-I was waiting for it to dry-to scan it & I was too I took a photo of it...once- on the kitchen table- where I 'made' it & then in the window with the natural light behind it , as to allow others to see the 'more metallic' paint clearer.

The Question I was focused on was : "Caylee ,Did someone hurt you ? Or did some one take you away somewhere?"

I felt the need to re-assure with prayer & energy that it was "ok" for Caylee to 'show me'...and I told her 'repeatedly-that I love her!'and that I was proud of her for all her help!' I felt calm & decided it was time to 'blot'!:woohoo:

so-what do you think?/See?/feel? if anything??????

any thoughts...Im holding onto mine till after a few of yours..:blushing: smile!

Thanks in advance!~ sister


I definately see the acorns.
Check out all the animals in this one, especially the parrots at the top corners. There are lots of dolphin, sharks, whales, and other aquatic animals in this one too.
The paint wasn't completely dry in some spots when I scanned this one so it smeared a wee bit at the top, but you can see the animals I am talking about.
When I made this one, I asked where Caylee is.
Check out all the animals in this one, especially the parrots at the top corners. There are lots of dolphin, sharks, whales, and other aquatic animals in this one too.
The paint wasn't completely dry in some spots when I scanned this one so it smeared a wee bit at the top, but you can see the animals I am talking about.
When I made this one, I asked where Caylee is.
Wow, I wouldn't have seen the parrots at the top but now I do. I see the little girl again with the arms raised - in the middle, towards the top.
I see what looks like a bat over top of the girl, although I guess it could be marine life, mirrored. I see a black heart too.

By the way, I was taking a little break today at work and closed my eyes and decided to do a little reading. This is no lie. First I saw a bat. Then I saw a guy's had, making the very popular hand gesture with the pinky and point fingers sticking out and the middle and ring fingers folded in, pointing to my left. Then I thought of Mickey Mouse with his gloved hand. I quickly dismissed the Mickey reference, because it was so obvious. Then, I went on Cameron's MySpace tonight and he has some pics with friends and he has a purple girl's glove on, doing the gesture in my reading. Hmmmmmmm.
Re: Pink Inkblot

I see a child's arms covered with some kind of gauzy garment and her hands are reaching for the acorns. There are acorns all around.
I decided to do some research about Moss Park, the area that dejavu101 mentioned. This is a huge county park with abundant wildlife that is close to the airport and zoo from what I understand, minutes from Orlando.

Now, get this, there is another enormous area called Split Oak right near it--wildlife preserve. ACORNS. And it has many of the features hidden ponds, dried grassy flat areas, etc. that many have been mentioning.

I can get bird's eye maps of the terrain, and I want badly to post some links showing some of the plants, animals, etc.

I want to post some links. Can I do that?
I'm a "newbie"....I hope no one minds me chiming in here.

In the dream, I'm sitting on the ground in some type of field...its covered with tall grass. But not green grass, it was thin, somewhat brown...maybe with a type of fray or bloom at the top? And I'm near a body of water (though I couldnt tell you whether it was ocean, river, lake etc). The sky is overcast. Caylee is standing right next to me, wearing a light purple dress. She's talking to me...but I cant understand what she's saying. I can hear the tone of her voice, but its like shes talking into a tunnel or something....very muffled, tough to understand. Shes playing with something small between her fingers.
I have a site with pictures of the grass she speaks of, and the bodies of water--Split Oak.
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