Anyone about Canada?

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I loved Ottawa. I lived there for a year in the 80's. I loved that their road sign for merge is squeeze ! I can recognize a Canadian accent anywhere and since I was raised in Western North Carolina they loved to hear me say You all, Do what and Ceeeeement. The OHIP health program was wonderful however sometimes the Doctor would have a sign that said We charge $5 more than the OHIP charge which you would pay out of your pocket. Yes , it was snowing in October and they would laugh at me for wearing a sweater instead of a coat but it was so much fun. The houses seem to be very insulated . The cold was different than it is here. It is a dry cold and snow. I know that sounds strange but it did not seem as cold there as it does here in Western North Carolina. The first night I arrived it was -40 degrees when I got off the plane. Everyone was so nice and welcoming. The amazing thing to me was there were no drive in windows anywhere! Of course there may be now but that was hard to get used to. The transit system was great and I loved how you plugged your cars in at night or when you parked. :) While there that year I went to Montreal, Quebec Toronto and Calgary. I am just sorry I did not go more places and do more. I miss the great friends I made there and can't say enough good things about Ottawa. If I had no family here I'd go back in a heartbeat. When I went to get my Visa in Atlanta I met several senior citizens who were moving to Canada for health care. At that time ,in the 80s , the cost of living was not that high. It was a good experience. [/FONT]
Canadian real estate, but I would suggest renting first till you find a neighborhood you like then buy.

Hi wtsn5, When I was there in the 80s that was the only major shock I got....the prices of houses. This is just after I'd sold my house here in Asheville,which had 1800 sq ft for $27,000.00. The price of an 800 sq. ft. house in Canada was $180,000.00. Is it still like that?
Yes, the price of housing in BC is just ridiculous. I can imagine its the same all over Canada.

Even 3 years ago you could buy a house for $160,000. Today, that same home would be $340,000. Real Estate has gone nuts! (and thats in my small little town), Big cities are even higher.
Yes that was another question I had. I know most people speack French and English there. In the hospital do the doctors usually speak English or both for their reports?
Don't worry, it is absolutely not essential to speak or understand French, unless you plan to move to Quebec. In the public sphere, the rest of the country speaks strictly English. It can't hurt to learn French though. It's a beautiful language.
I can't help you much,except to say I love Canadians. Everytime I'm up there,they are friendly and welcoming. They also have good beer,and love hockey!
I love Canadians as well! I have a grandmother from Toronto and a grandfather from Newfoundland.
Canadians seem much more informed than many Americans. Except on this forum, of course.
I can't really answer imthemom's question, I suppose because I am American.:crazy:

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