AP: Casey Anthony Speaks in 1st Interview Since Daughter's Murder Case - 7 March 2017

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Nailed it!

Narcissist FCA didn't fall far from the tree.

And for a number of reasons, Cindy's own narcissism fueled FCA's insecurities, immaturity, narcissism, and jealousy.

Cindy created this monster, enabling and never requiring FCA to step up to the plate as a mother; and then rubbing FCA's face in it when she(Cindy) took over as Caylee's pseudo-mom.

Those two were a deadly duo for poor Caylee.

This is the saddest about this case. NO ONE in Caylee's family ever took her side, or cared more abt her than themselves.
I pray all of this clan is forever haunted by their actions.

Sure you say you sleep well at nite, and maybe you do in this world. Nite nite A-clan, sleep won't exist as your souls burn in the eternal flames of damnation.

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:wave: I never lost any sympathy for Cindy because I never had any sympathy to begin with for her as well as GA :gaah: !

Just something about those two from the get-go set off my radar, so I was NOT surprised how they defended their :liar: daughter.


If you want to know about the Anthony family dysfunction and how Cindy constantly enabled her daughter, I recommend reading "Mommy's Little Girl" by true crime writer Diane Fanning. It helps explain how Casey became the psychopath she is today.
Ew .. why is this horsey faced thot coming back in the media. Shhhooo go away, psycho.
I don't know if this was mentioned or not, but I was watching ID Discovery channel last night and they have an episode coming in April about Casey Anthony. I forget the name of the show though...

What I remember is, every day we had a routine, and whether it was the day I was working or not working, Caylee and I got up and had breakfast, we said goodbye to my mom, between 7 and 7:30."

She is still going with the fantasy that she had a job!

Yup my hubby was probably right, when he saw a snipped on the Today Show and said that girl is total nut case.

I see that she uses, and repeatedly, the psychologists evaluation showed this, or did not show something...she justifies things with 3rd party vagueness.
I was told she drowned, My dad said Caylee would be ok.

ANTHONY: "No. What I remember is, being in bed, and my mom coming in before she left for work, and saying goodbye to us. And then waking up several hours later not knowing where she was."

Reality Check!!!!
http://www.acandyrose.com/casey_anthony_31days-061608.htmThe Anthony home phone called Casey's cell at 07:45am. Casey checked her voicemail also at 07:45
At 08:03 she was IM'ing with a friend and stated she was moving into her own house at the end of the month.
At 08:46 she texted TonyL
At 09:27 she uploaded photos of Fusion to photo bucket

I don't think I need to continue, the cellphone and computer logs tell a different story than Ms Anthony

Bravo, Intermezzo!
Thank you for your enduring perserverence in revealing the truths of this horror. So many of us spent so much time and effort researching and analyzing the facts in this case ~ It appears you have kept a corporate memory for all of us.
Even after all these years I get a bitter taste in my mouth and my adrenaline kicks in when I hear anything about her.
If ANY of the Anthony family had clean hands, their only message would be a plea to keep a close watch on your children. But it appears, unfortunately, that they are once again, making money off of Caylee's murder.
Shame on them all and shame on the jury, too!
I feel Juror #2, who was the last hold out on the Aggravated Manslaughter verdict, finally succumbed to some kind of pressure and realized he wasn't going to change the minds of the other jurors.

I just read an article written by Marcia Clark on this jury.

Agree with you, Intermezzo, about Juror #2. Although I think the jury foreman was the most instrumental in shaping everyone's votes..Do you recall that we discovered that he even had one of the ladies from the jury doing all of his laundry for him? Disgusting!
Bravo, Intermezzo!
Thank you for your enduring perserverence in revealing the truths of this horror. So many of us spent so much time and effort researching and analyzing the facts in this case ~ It appears you have kept a corporate memory for all of us.
Even after all these years I get a bitter taste in my mouth and my adrenaline kicks in when I hear anything about her.
If ANY of the Anthony family had clean hands, their only message would be a plea to keep a close watch on your children. But it appears, unfortunately, that they are once again, making money off of Caylee's murder.
Shame on them all and shame on the jury, too!

Thank you, you are too kind EU. :loveyou:
We all persevered on this forum didn't we.

The Caylee Forum, spent so many hours reading the transcripts from police interviews to official depositions, to watching every video taped interview, jailhouse tapes etc, every televised pre-trial hearing, all those motions!!! ..we did not miss a thing.
Changing of Judges, the comings and goings of Defense Attorneys, Bounty Hunters, PI's..it was a circus indeed at times.

We analyzed everything that the State Attorneys Office had to make public via the Sunshine Laws, at times there were heating discussions about the evidence, about differing viewpoints, and the WS Admin and Mods are great! they kept up in check when things got heated.

The moment I heard some of her "story telling" in these latest interviews my mind went back to that time and all the facts came pouring back.

Well, the felon spoke again.

"Casey Anthony, the Florida mom who was acquitted of murdering her two-year-old daughter in 2011, could join OJ Simpson in a controversial new reality show, it has emerged."

The article goes on to say....that Felon OJ has still to get out of jail....but he is putting felon anthony on his visitors list.

felon anthony texted the magazine 'IN TOUCH' and said that her past will always be there and that she might do a reality show. Note that "HOLLYWOOD LIFE" said that felon anthony gave "mixed signals to IN TOUCH....that figures IMO

Then she said "'kidding' about the show, adding: 'Who would watch it anyway, I know the ones that say they wouldn't.'"

"However the Florida woman - named 'America's most-hated mom' in the media - said that 'Eventually people will be seeing more of me.'
She added: 'I am not hiding from something I did not do... just to appease others.' "

TMZ said they talked to agents, production companies and others that wanted to sign felon OJ up but tht special called "If I Did It" by felon OJ in 2006 with FOX was canned and some book was not released. However since that time and the fact felon OJ served his time, along with the popularity of "the People vs OJ Simpson"...is causing some to rethink some things.

TMZ said that felon OJ's money from anything he did would go towards the 'wrongful death judgement'' against OJ to the families that sued him.

Felon anthony she was 'not trying to cash in on Calylee's death' 'but why would I do an interview for nothing? No one would believe anything I had to say anyway....so there is no point".

Felon anthony told Associated Press that she was 'fascinated with Simpson's acquittal in the 1990's and she 'empathizes with his situation" "there were a lot of parallels between their cases.

So.....there it is...felon spoke again....I read somewhere that felon OJ having his residence in Florida, means no one can touch his NFL retirement....so he is still a rich man IF he gets out of jail....maybe "some felon' realizes there is money down the road for 'her' hooking up with money bags.....JMO...but can two felons meet and be friends? Is there any rule on that?
Hi everyone :) Does anyone know if CaseyA ever took a lie detector test, also why is she a felon. My daughter has moved in with us and she is interested in watching the show and she has a million questions, I just can't remember some of the answers, Thanks for your help :)
Ugh. I'm torn between watching it just to see how their stories have changed and watching that dude that paints on PBS.

I would find it a great match with CA and OJ. I hope she forgets how his story with his wife ended. Maybe there will be justice in our time.
Neither cared for their children. OJ killed Nicole and Ron and left the kids alone inside to possibly find their mother and Ron brutally slain. And well CA killed her baby. So perfect match. They can go to hell hand in hand.

You really don't want to know my REAL feelings about them two. But I know one thing, that will be a match made in hell.
May they both get what they deserve.

Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk

Well, the felon spoke again.

"Casey Anthony, the Florida mom who was acquitted of murdering her two-year-old daughter in 2011, could join OJ Simpson in a controversial new reality show, it has emerged."

The article goes on to say....that Felon OJ has still to get out of jail....but he is putting felon anthony on his visitors list.

felon anthony texted the magazine 'IN TOUCH' and said that her past will always be there and that she might do a reality show. Note that "HOLLYWOOD LIFE" said that felon anthony gave "mixed signals to IN TOUCH....that figures IMO

Then she said "'kidding' about the show, adding: 'Who would watch it anyway, I know the ones that say they wouldn't.'"

"However the Florida woman - named 'America's most-hated mom' in the media - said that 'Eventually people will be seeing more of me.'
She added: 'I am not hiding from something I did not do... just to appease others.' "

TMZ said they talked to agents, production companies and others that wanted to sign felon OJ up but tht special called "If I Did It" by felon OJ in 2006 with FOX was canned and some book was not released. However since that time and the fact felon OJ served his time, along with the popularity of "the People vs OJ Simpson"...is causing some to rethink some things.

TMZ said that felon OJ's money from anything he did would go towards the 'wrongful death judgement'' against OJ to the families that sued him.

Felon anthony she was 'not trying to cash in on Calylee's death' 'but why would I do an interview for nothing? No one would believe anything I had to say anyway....so there is no point".

Felon anthony told Associated Press that she was 'fascinated with Simpson's acquittal in the 1990's and she 'empathizes with his situation" "there were a lot of parallels between their cases.

So.....there it is...felon spoke again....I read somewhere that felon OJ having his residence in Florida, means no one can touch his NFL retirement....so he is still a rich man IF he gets out of jail....maybe "some felon' realizes there is money down the road for 'her' hooking up with money bags.....JMO...but can two felons meet and be friends? Is there any rule on that?

Sounds like an article from the Onion. I don't buy this.

And if true, is Casey the main source for this? Because she lies...

As for two felons meeting and being friends, Casey is off probation, so I assume she can associate with anyone she wants. I imagine OJ will be on probation for a couple of years though if he manages to get out.
Hi everyone :) Does anyone know if CaseyA ever took a lie detector test, also why is she a felon. My daughter has moved in with us and she is interested in watching the show and she has a million questions, I just can't remember some of the answers, Thanks for your help :)

Casey never took a lie detector test.

Casey is a felon because she was convicted of felony check fraud. (She stole about a thousand dollars from her friend Amy Huizenga.)

Why would anyone want to watch this?I wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole.

If whoever dreams of airing this wants to ignore all the unanswered questions regarding the murders these two were charged with, what they would basically STILL be offering is exposure to an armed robber and a convicted felon/pathetic excuse for a mother who robbed everyone around her blind.

Even with how crazy our society is right now, I don't believe that anyone would promote a reality show showcasing two of the most disgusting people in our country from two of the most high profile cases in our country and not realize that they are going to get overwhelming amounts of backlash.
Ugh. I'm torn between watching it just to see how their stories have changed and watching that dude that paints on PBS.

I would find it a great match with CA and OJ. I hope she forgets how his story with his wife ended. Maybe there will be justice in our time.
Neither cared for their children. OJ killed Nicole and Ron and left the kids alone inside to possibly find their mother and Ron brutally slain. And well CA killed her baby. So perfect match. They can go to hell hand in hand.

You really don't want to know my REAL feelings about them two. But I know one thing, that will be a match made in hell.
May they both get what they deserve.

Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk

I would be interested in watching it, but only if they throw Zimmerman in there too...

And only if the concept of their reality show was locking all three of them in a cage for six months with limited food. and mandatory shock collars that are programmed to go off whenever they start to fall asleep...

Didn't OJ already try something like this and didn't it not go well for him the first time?
I could totally see CA and OJ getting married.:facepalm: That is the sad part of all of this.

Well, the felon spoke again.

"Casey Anthony, the Florida mom who was acquitted of murdering her two-year-old daughter in 2011, could join OJ Simpson in a controversial new reality show, it has emerged."

The article goes on to say....that Felon OJ has still to get out of jail....but he is putting felon anthony on his visitors list.

felon anthony texted the magazine 'IN TOUCH' and said that her past will always be there and that she might do a reality show. Note that "HOLLYWOOD LIFE" said that felon anthony gave "mixed signals to IN TOUCH....that figures IMO

Then she said "'kidding' about the show, adding: 'Who would watch it anyway, I know the ones that say they wouldn't.'"

"However the Florida woman - named 'America's most-hated mom' in the media - said that 'Eventually people will be seeing more of me.'
She added: 'I am not hiding from something I did not do... just to appease others.' "

TMZ said they talked to agents, production companies and others that wanted to sign felon OJ up but tht special called "If I Did It" by felon OJ in 2006 with FOX was canned and some book was not released. However since that time and the fact felon OJ served his time, along with the popularity of "the People vs OJ Simpson"...is causing some to rethink some things.

TMZ said that felon OJ's money from anything he did would go towards the 'wrongful death judgement'' against OJ to the families that sued him.

Felon anthony she was 'not trying to cash in on Calylee's death' 'but why would I do an interview for nothing? No one would believe anything I had to say anyway....so there is no point".

Felon anthony told Associated Press that she was 'fascinated with Simpson's acquittal in the 1990's and she 'empathizes with his situation" "there were a lot of parallels between their cases.

So.....there it is...felon spoke again....I read somewhere that felon OJ having his residence in Florida, means no one can touch his NFL retirement....so he is still a rich man IF he gets out of jail....maybe "some felon' realizes there is money down the road for 'her' hooking up with money bags.....JMO...but can two felons meet and be friends? Is there any rule on that?

The funny thing is that those supposed quotes from Casey Anthony in the article are actually from a Twitter user named Kisssykiss who pretends to be Casey. I can explain, 2 or 3 weeks ago Alexander Hitchen (editor of InTouch) and Kisssykiss started following each other on Twitter briefly. I guess after the AP article this Hitchen guy got interested in doing a story on Casey, stumbled across Kisssykiss and started DMing them. Shortly thereafter they stopped following each other.

Then this week this article comes out: http://hollywoodlife.com/2017/03/20/casey-anthony-reality-show-tv-people-will-be-seeing-more-me/

With accompanying tweet from Hitchen: [video=twitter;843918852757110787]https://twitter.com/AlexHitchen/status/843918852757110787[/video]

This article and tweet confirm that the convo was with Hitchen and through DM. Subsequently, KisssyKiss has confirmed on her or his twitter that they were the one that had the convo with Hitchen. As far as how this turned into a story about OJ and Casey having a show together, all Intouch did was combine the TMZ story about OJ possibly getting a show and this previously discussed story and made themselves a brand new rumor.

Now, there may be some of you who actually believe that Kisssykiss is Casey. But there are many common sense reasons why Kisssykiss is not Casey Anthony: 1) Kisssykiss has tweeted nothing that proves they are Casey. No photos that didn't already exist on the internet, no selfie w/ username, nothing like "hey I just did a interview w/ AP" or "gonna go to the anti-trump rally tonight". Nothing. 2) Kisssykiss is Not being followed by anyone that could verify their identity. No Baez. No major reporters. No one of note. 3) Likewise, kisssykiss is not following anyone that could verify their identity either. 4) Kisssykiss is a Trump supporter, Casey clearly is not. 5) Rule of thumb: If you have to ask whether an Twitter is legit, it probably isn't.

There are more reasons that are more opinion based but I'll leave it at this for now. Anyways, don't believe everything you read in gossip magazines even if you don't like the person they are talking about.
The funny thing is that those supposed quotes from Casey Anthony in the article are actually from a Twitter user named Kisssykiss who pretends to be Casey. I can explain, 2 or 3 weeks ago Alexander Hitchen (editor of InTouch) and Kisssykiss started following each other on Twitter briefly. I guess after the AP article this Hitchen guy got interested in doing a story on Casey, stumbled across Kisssykiss and started DMing them. Shortly thereafter they stopped following each other.

Then this week this article comes out: http://hollywoodlife.com/2017/03/20/casey-anthony-reality-show-tv-people-will-be-seeing-more-me/

With accompanying tweet from Hitchen: [video=twitter;843918852757110787]https://twitter.com/AlexHitchen/status/843918852757110787[/video]

This article and tweet confirm that the convo was with Hitchen and through DM. Subsequently, KisssyKiss has confirmed on her or his twitter that they were the one that had the convo with Hitchen. As far as how this turned into a story about OJ and Casey having a show together, all Intouch did was combine the TMZ story about OJ possibly getting a show and this previously discussed story and made themselves a brand new rumor.

Now, there may be some of you who actually believe that Kisssykiss is Casey. But there are many common sense reasons why Kisssykiss is not Casey Anthony: 1) Kisssykiss has tweeted nothing that proves they are Casey. No photos that didn't already exist on the internet, no selfie w/ username, nothing like "hey I just did a interview w/ AP" or "gonna go to the anti-trump rally tonight". Nothing. 2) Kisssykiss is Not being followed by anyone that could verify their identity. No Baez. No major reporters. No one of note. 3) Likewise, kisssykiss is not following anyone that could verify their identity either. 4) Kisssykiss is a Trump supporter, Casey clearly is not. 5) Rule of thumb: If you have to ask whether an Twitter is legit, it probably isn't.

There are more reasons that are more opinion based but I'll leave it at this for now. Anyways, don't believe everything you read in gossip magazines even if you don't like the person they are talking about.

Very interesting!

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